How to Raise a Child With Autism

How to Raise a Child With Autism

The joy of a parent to raise a healthy and decent child. But, what happens when the reverse becomes the case? This unprecedented change in a child leaves most parents confused. Subsequently, it results in fear and anxiety when the doctor’s report shows that their child is diagnosed with autism disorder. Unfortunately, no parents ever prepare beforehand to raise an autistic child. Therefore, it becomes devastating raising a child with autism for all parents.

Furthermore, you begin to wonder what’s next? As your life will undergo drastic alterations, likewise, that of your child. However, you’re not alone in this struggle. This article is written to provide you with the best tips you need when raising a child with autism.

What Is Autism?

Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a term that encompasses a group of neurodevelopmental disorders that disrupts the ability to communicate, socialize, coordinate emotions, and comprehend things.

This disability varies from person to person. Oftentimes, it becomes a complex, lifelong challenge. Meanwhile, research has shown that autism occurs more in male children than females.

Causes Of Autism

There isn’t a specific cause for autism yet, although there are various factors that can give rise to autism disorder. Interference with the function, structure, and development of the brain result in autism. Most especially, when pregnant women indulge in unhealthy lifestyles during pregnancy like intake of hard drugs, alcohol, and anti-seizure medication— it affects the unborn child.

Also, metabolic conditions alter the function of the brain, for instance, diabetes, epilepsy, sleep disorder, obesity, or untreated phenylketonuria.

Other factors include heredity, gene mutation, exposure to harmful chemicals, viral infections, and being born to aged parents.

What Are The Symptoms of Autism?

1. Behavioural Signs of Autism

Autistic kids are impulsive, clumsy, have poor eye contact, engage in self-harm, and display passive/aggressive/disruptive attitudes.

They enjoy repetitive patterns like rocking, spinning, hand flapping, or walking on toes.

 2. Social Signs of Autism

Perhaps you notice your child prefers being alone instead of associating with their peers, it’s a sign of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Subsequently, they become indifferent to caregivers, having restricted Interests.

Oftentimes, they struggle to express themselves. Some infants hardly respond to their names and lack joyous engaging expressions.

3. Development Signs of Autism

Delay in speech can be traced to ASD. Victims of autism have abnormal speech patterns like babbling or robot-like speech. These categories of children can be seen repeating a single word or phrase which is often meaningless.

4. Cognitive Signs of Autism

The simple litmus test for autism is through cognitive signs. Children with ASD have low intelligence, creativity, memory retention ability, and emotional coordination. They lack concentration and can’t understand easy questions or directions.

5. Psychological Signs of Autism

This includes being unconscious of their emotions and those around them. They are also victims of depression and being

sensitive to touch, light, sound, smell, taste, color, and texture.

Practical Tips for Raising a Child With Autism

1. Incorporate Patient While Raising a Kid With Autism

It’s exhausting bringing up a child who forgets everything that has been learned. Unfortunately, this is the state autistic kids belong to. In other words, they keep repeating wrong behaviors after being corrected countless times— slow at adapting to normal behavior. However, instead of getting angry with their lack of improvement, chose to be patient and supportive.

Learn how to be patient with that child, looking beyond their disabilities. Don’t permit your anger to dictate how to nurture an artistic child nor should you employ violent methods of disciplining a child when correcting them.

2. Non-verbal Communication Helps You Relate Better With an Autistic Child

Autistic children find it difficult to communicate and express themselves verbally—speech defaults. Therefore, to connect with them you must learn how to communicate using nonverbal methods such as communication using gestures, facial expressions, and touch.

This may sound ridiculous. However, raising a child with autism demands you learn them. It enables you to relate to their needs and provides for them. It further helps that child associate with others instead of being left behind.

3. Create A Safe Haven for an Autistic Child

A hostile environment stirs up autism spectrum disorder—it hinders improvement. Perhaps, you’re raising a child with autism, you need to make your home a haven. It isn’t the time for nagging, quarreling, or violence in the family. Rather a time to practice activities that increase love bonds with a child.

A healthy relationship communicates the message of love and value to an autistic child. Oftentimes, victims of autism give in to self-harm. Therefore, ensure you keep out all harmful objects, substances, and appliances from their reach. Always monitor their movements.

4. Study Your Child as a Parent

As a parent or caregiver, you must watch out for the signs of autism in your kids beginning from infancy. This enables you to seek the right treatment early. The outcome from your study will give an accurate knowledge of the things that upset your child, so you can avoid them. Similarly, the thing that cheers them up.

Don’t hesitate to do more of what makes them happy as it boosts their learning process of increasing normal behavior.

5. Reward Their Behaviors

To boost the retention ability of children with ASD you need to reward their good behavior often. Since they easily forget what’s learned, getting rewarded will help them familiarize themselves with normal behaviors.

Subsequently, they begin to adapt to what’s learned to obtain the rewards. Meanwhile, don’t hesitate to show disapproval for wrong behaviors by not awarding rewards.

6. Build Your Child’s Interest

You must learn how to discover your child’s passion irrespective of their disability. Autism hinders a child’s cognitive ability and academic performance, however, it doesn’t terminate their interest in other activities. You also need to step beyond discovering their passion by giving them your support and encouragement.  Developing their interest strengthens them to communicate and socialize faster.

Don’t be quick to conclude they aren’t good at anything—keep trying. I have met with an autistic child who is an awesome artist. Therefore give your child a chance!

7. Watch Your Words as You Speak With an Autistic Child

Raising a child with autism requires the use of gracious words. I know it hurts to see your child with disabilities but that shouldn’t alter your words used in communicating to them. It’s disastrous to use insulting words at them. This implies that your words can either become a healing or destructive balm. Depending on how you utilize them. 

Using words like you’re worthless, you would never learn or why don’t you ever fit in like other kids tears down their self-esteem and worsens their condition. In contrast, use supportive and loving words; I believe in you, you can do it, you’re a genius, you’re unique among others.

8. Disallow Self–isolation for an Autistic Child

Oftentimes parents encourage the attitude of loneliness in autistic children by restricting their movement. Due to fear of being embarrassed when they misbehave while among their peers.

Unfortunately, this act doesn’t solve the problem. If you must succeed at raising a child with autism, you must realize that they are also entitled to the privilege and rights of a normal child— not less. 

Therefore, give them your support by allowing them to associate with their peers. Perhaps, you feel their peers will laugh at them, ensure they hang out with a few friends, preferably one or two is healthy for a start. They adapt faster to normal behavior through positive peer group influence.

9. Involve Others 

To prevent breaking down with depression, involve others in your quest to help your child overcome autism. In other words, you need the help of other household members. It’s one of your responsibilities to inform and educate them on how to relate to an autistic child. Therefore, instead of insulting or rejecting such children, they give their love, support, and acceptance. It further creates a conducive atmosphere to learn new skills.

10. A Private Tutor is Needed for an Autistic Child

Furthermore, it’s a waste of time and effort to assume that an autistic child will cope along with their peers. Therefore, you need to employ the assistance of a private tutor to simplify what’s taught, which aids their comprehension ability.

They also tend to forget easily. However, a private tutor will help in revising what is taught many more times until it’s adapted.

11. Commitment to Treatment

There are numerous treatments for autism spectrum disorder depending on the disability of a child. As a parent raising a child with autism you need to understand that these treatments work in a progressive pattern—not instantaneous. This treatment process calls for commitment and patience. There will be a time when you feel the treatment isn’t working, however, don’t quit! Continue sooner than later you will see improvement in that child’s life.

Autism spectrum disorder treatment includes speech therapy, occupational therapy( Enhance daily activities), physical therapy, educational therapy, family therapy and applied behavioral analysis.

In addition, certain medications may be recommended like antipsychotics for behavioral problems or antidepressants (for anxiety and depression).

12. Self-Care is Needed

You need to be healthy and fit to provide your child with the best support needed to walk through autism. Taking proper care of yourself is needed to avert a nervous breakdown. In essence, you need to be emotionally stable. Avoid engaging in self-pity or worrying, this often results in depression. Likewise, give your body enough rest, proper diets, and seek medical care when sick. Also, discard the use of hard drugs to forget about your pain.


Early recognition of autism spectrum disorder makes treatment achievable. Therefore, be an observant parent. Nonetheless, your support is highly required to enhance normal behavior, although you would have to make decisions for them for a long time before they attain independence.

Meanwhile, as a pregnant mother be careful of the things you take into your body system. These substances affect the unborn child.

In addition, share your views regarding raising a child with autism in the comment section.

Check Out These 8 Weight Loss Exercises You Can Do At Home

Check Out These 8 Weight Loss Exercises You Can Do At Home

Over time, I have come to realize that you don’t necessarily have to register at a gym or join a weight loss community to lose weight. You can achieve your goal in the comfort of your home. I know it’s hard to do it alone, sometimes you just say “I have tried for 2 weeks I deserve a break” or “I woke up too late and I feel tired” or you might even use my favourite line “I will work out after this movie”. But you have to push yourself to work out at home before going to a gym. “Charity begins at home”. There are tons of weight loss exercises you can do at home, without any equipment and you would still get the results you want. Making that choice to lose body fat, to be fit and healthy is all the motivation you need.

So, let’s get straight into it.

Easy Weight Loss Exercises You Can Do at Home

1. Walking

Walking is one of the weight loss exercises you can do at home

This is by far the most interesting weight loss exercise you can do at home because you need to constantly be on the move. You shouldn’t be sitting in one place for a long time, you should get up to drop your plates in the kitchen, get up to get the remote, take a stroll.

In doing all of these walkings around the house, you would realize that you would burn more calories than just sitting on your couch all day.

Walking not only helps you burn calories to lose weight, but it also reduces pain, improves mood, reduces stress, improves overall body posture, the list goes on and on.

2. Dancing

Dancing is an important weight loss exercises you can do at home

I wonder why people wait till there is an occasion before dancing. Truth be told, dancing is an exercise we tend to neglect and put in the “pointless section”.

What you do not know is that dancing works the whole body, you don’t need a step guide, all you need is a rhythm and you are good to go.

So, whether you are on your desk trying to write like me, or in the kitchen doing the dishes, you can move your body.

3. Jump Ropes

Jumping ropes is one of the weight loss exercises you can do at home

Jump roping takes us back to when we were little, but this time we are not doing it just for fun but also to lose weight.

This is roping is a cardiovascular weight loss exercise you can do at home to burn lots of calories, strengthen the feet, reduce injury risks and also keep the entire body fit.

Personally, I find jump roping to be very effective not just for the body but also for the brain because as you jump and swing your arms simultaneously, your brain improves its coordination ability.

4. Jumping Jacks

Jumping jack aids in weight loss, it balances heart rate

This is another exercise you can do for your body to thank you. Jumping jack aids in weight loss, balances heart rate improves stamina and flexibility.

5. Squats

Just like most people, when I hear squats, I think bigger butt. But the truth is, squats not only helps to get a bigger butt, but it also helps strengthen the muscles of your upper and lower body, strengthens the thighs, cores and back.

6. Planks

Plank is one of the easy anaerobic exercises at home

This is one of the most common anaerobic weight loss exercises you can do at home. planking strengthens the arms, the neck, back, it tightens the belly and also strengthens the entire muscle.

7. Jogging

Running is one of the weight loss exercises you can do at home

This is another really effective weight loss exercise you can do at home, yes you heard right, you can jog right in your sitting room or your room. You don’t have to go outside to jog, you can do it on the spot without moving an inch.

Jogging is a cardio exercise that helps you burn more calories depending on how much effort you put into it, it helps you cover more steps, which in turn aids in keeping you healthy and fit.

8. Mountain Climbers


The first time I came across this exercise, my mind went straight to climbing mount Dimilang. I became really fascinated when I realized that I can climb the mountain right in my home, I don’t have to travel to Adamawa or Plateau to work out.

Mountain climbers boost up your heart rate, improve your balance and also makes you agile. Mountain climbers not only work the lower body, but they also engage the upper arms and cores too.


Everything and anything count as an exercise, trust me, you don’t have to start big, you can start by doing 10 squats and increase depending on how strong you get.

You can also create challenges for yourself, challenge yourself to walk 3000 steps in the house, thank God for technology as we have apps to help you count your steps, like pedometer-step counter. I challenged myself to complete 200 jump ropes a day until I graduated to 1000 a day.

Let me share with you, two more weight loss exercises you can do at home; stay hydrated and get enough sleep. I don’t know how else to stress these two, but no matter how many seconds or minutes you spend planning or the time you spend working your entire body, if you don’t stay hydrated and get your required beauty sleep, you will not see results.

This is because your body wouldn’t have time to repair after every rigorous workout you do. Whatever you do, always remember to drink water and get enough rest. These are all part of what I learned when I was trying to lose weight, and they have proved effective.

So, if you haven’t worked out in a long while and you would like to try the above, feel free to, or you are a workaholic and you would like to share with us what type of weight loss exercises you do at home, feel free to do so in the comment section.

The Best Ways to Prepare for Retirement in Nigeria

The Best Ways to Prepare for Retirement in Nigeria

The majority of Nigerian workers both in the public and private sector have rooted phobias for the word ‘retirement’. This can be pictured as a result of the status of past retirees. While some died in the process of trying to get their entitlement, some live in abject poverty.

It is important to remember that retirement can either be desirable, terrible or as the case may be. Depending on the preparation plopped before you embark on it.

What is Retirement?

Retirement is the withdrawal from one’s position, occupation, or from one’s active working life. Retirement is cessation from active working life and can either be voluntary, compulsory, or forced, and mandatory.

Why Do You Need To Plan Ahead For Retirement?

It is the responsibility of the government all over the world including Nigeria to see that its people are well taken care of, And enjoy the basic needs a citizen should enjoy irrespective of whether rich or poor, working, unemployed, or retired.

This is why you need to consider planning ahead of retirement so that fending for these needs after retirement will not have negative turns in your life, and as well as being caught off guard.

What is Retirement Planning?

Retirement planning connote financial, physical, and psychological preparation reserved against retirement.

How Do You Plan For Retirement In Nigeria 

1. Finacial Planning

Financial planning is one of the major retirement plans in Nigeria which entails: earning, saving, investing, and ultimately the distribution of money which is meant to be used in other to sustain one’s self during retirement.

To be financially independent today in Nigeria, importantly after retirement, you need to plan financially. 

Three main factors are considered when financial planning is a concern;


This Is the first stage to sustainable income in finance. But in Nigeria today,  before an aspired retiree can think of plopping plans against retirement, he must at least be receiving money either on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Hence, it is through this, adequate plan/s will be put in place for retirement.


Savings for retirement or upon retirement is never too late or too early. But it is advisable that you start saving for retirement the day you start receiving your salaries, or wages. 

In Nigeria then, most retirees depend on relatives or their children to cater to their needs after retirement. This often occurs because such a person had no savings before leaving office. But thanks to the Federal Government of Nigeria, in 2004, they put in place a pension system known as The Pension Reform Act 2004 that would address the issue of pension administration.

This gave rise to what is now known as Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS), instead of the then Defined Benefits Scheme (DBS). The scheme provides retirement saving options geared at putting a retiree on monthly income even after he or she must have retired from active service. 

Furthermore, in spite of the pension, it will be of great advantage to put aside some percentage from the monthly earning.  Because past research has made us understand that before a retiree can be considered to be financially independent and okay, they must have saved about 15 per cent of their preretirement income.

Now consider if you save 15 per cent of your salaries for 65 years. It will surely go a long way together with your pension in sustaining your long-term goals such as children’s education, acquisition of property, children’s marriage, holidays, unforeseen circumstances (uncertainties), etc.

This is one of the highly advised retirement plans in Nigeria today. 


investment is the outlay of money usually for income or profit. Furthermore, it is also regarded as the application of funds in other to hold assets for a longer time in the hope of achieving gains and/or receiving income from those assets. To double the income, investment is a nice option to give a shot.

Although investment in Nigeria comes with great risk, that is why it has been advised to start savings at an early stage so as to go into an investment at an early stage irrespective of the risk of loss, or the risk of getting scammed, or any other form of risk.  Because you can probably make back another money over the years.

Besides, as regards retirement plans in Nigeria, the real state is an area in which a prospective retiree can invest. This has been confirmed by the national bureau of statistics which has contributed up to 9.22% to the GDP in 2020.

Others include cryptocurrency, stocks, buying of shares, life insurance policies, small scale business, oil wells, equities and bonds, acquisition of landed properties, education, and so many other business opportunities of their kind are also considered as considerable retirement plans in Nigeria. 

2. Physical Preparation

Another retirement plan all Nigerian workers are to pay attention to is physical health.  If adequate care and attention are not given to the body while in service, you might end up spending all your life savings at the end of your retirement on the same health you failed to give attention to. Therefore, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eat well and exercise regularly.

Take adequate rest and try to get at least 8 hours of sleep. This is very beneficial to good health. Avoid drug abuse and self-medication. Take out time to visit your doctor and have regular medical checks.

Following this advice will help you health-wise, enabling you to enjoy your retirement when you finally retire.

3. Psychological Planning

All workers must consider how to avoid any form of psychological trauma before they withdraw from service as average Nigerian retirees have died as a result.

You need to get used to the fact that there is a reduced or no income (having a pension as the only means of income), economic hardship (inflation), work under load which brings in boredom, the monotonous pattern of life, loss of status and authority within the society, social isolation resulting from reduced mobility, lack of information on community and national health issues, among others.


It is necessary to make hay while the sun shines. So while in service, adequate preparation is to be put in place to live up to standard after retirement.

Most employees today seem to forget their employers when they retire from work leaving lots of retirees in shabby condition because they rely only on the stipends from their employers.

Therefore, the best time in avoiding such is now and make use of these retirement plans in Nigeria now.

12 Effective Tips That Helped Me Lose Fat Quickly

12 Effective Tips That Helped Me Lose Fat Quickly

When it comes to how to lose body fat quickly, there are so many steps on the internet, some would tell you to go on a high protein diet, some would tell you to work out regularly, a lot of steps to follow. But, trust me, nothing will work when you don’t put your mind to it.

Some months ago, I weighed 115kg, I was comfortable, I could do things my slim friends couldn’t do, I was happy and all. But little did I know that the excess body fat around my organs was affecting me in a negative way, I had high blood pressure, I couldn’t sleep well at night. My breathing was unusual and my organs were hurting. I had to make that decision to either be overweight and unhealthy or be fit and healthy. 

Losing body fat is hard, it doesn’t just happen overnight, you have to put in a lot of work, sometimes you just want to lay in bed and do nothing. It took a lot of effort for me to lose 15kg, and right now I feel more comfortable and happier with my progress. 

So I’ll be sharing with you some of the tips that helped me lose my body fat quickly. I hope you’ll find them helpful!

Steps That Really Helped Me to Lose Body Fat

1. Consistency is Key!

This is an important aspect when trying to lose body fat, you need to be consistent in whatever you decide to do, you have to be committed to staying consistent. I created challenges to help me out.

For instance, you can say from 15th to 31st of every month, you want to do 1000 skips every morning. That would help you stay consistent because you know you have a daily target.

You can’t just start working out and take a break for months, and expect to see results. 

2. Sleep More

Trust me if you are not getting up to at least 6 hours of sleep, your body fat isn’t going anywhere. As an adult, you need between 6-8 hours of sleep.

This would help your body repair itself and also help prevent obesity. 

3. Stay Away From Soda

I don’t know how else to stress this, but you have to stay away from carbonated drinks to lose body fat quickly. Not only is soda associated with obesity but it also can lead to high blood pressure, heart diseases, and diabetes.

4. Reduce Your Food Portion

Do you know that waina that was so delicious you had to eat 15 pieces or that mountain of rice you just ate or the 4 wraps of tuwo you just had? What if I told you that all the extras turned into bad fat, and all the bad fat clogs around your organs, which in turn leads to obesity?

Don’t get scared, I am not saying you shouldn’t eat, of course, you have to. All I am saying is, when you reduce your food portion, to the size that even your stomach will thank you, you are one step closer to losing your body fat.

5. Eat More Fruits And Vegetables

Eating more fruits and vegetables provides you with vitamins, minerals, fat, potassium, and fibre that aids digestion and also helps to lose body fat quickly. 

6. Love Yourself

I know a lot of people that want to lose weight because they get insulted every day. Believe me no matter how much weight you lost, if you don’t love yourself, you would still feel overweight. You need to say to yourself “I look good”, “I have an awesome body”, “there is no me anywhere else”. “I am fat, so?

When you love yourself and you say positive things to yourself, only then can you get the results you want.

7. Do it Now

Some of us are still stuck in the “someday island”, we keep saying “I will start tomorrow, I will start on Monday or next week”.

Why not start today, why not start right now? You don’t need to wait till January 1st to make your new years’ resolution about living a healthy life.

Every day should be your new year, you have to get up and do it now.

8. Exercise Regularly

If you noticed, I didn’t start with exercises, I started with a bunch of things you need to do for yourself. That’s because you need to be strong mentally, to have the physical strength to work out. 

You just need the motivation to work out daily.


There is no limit to what you can do to lose body fat quickly, the most important thing is that you have made that choice to be healthy and fit and you must stay true to yourself. As I said earlier, it is hard but you can do it. Remember to always get enough sleep, try as much as possible to sleep stress-free, and always drink water.

I have given you my tips and a bit of how I lost 15kg out of my body fat, I would love to hear yours in the comment section.

10 Ways You Can Become a Better Cook Today

10 Ways You Can Become a Better Cook Today

Through time, I discovered that cooking is an art and an adventure. It requires skills, yes! But even more: passion, trust, and a message—what you want to communicate. As a child, playing around with ingredients and creating wonders was what I loved doing the most, and though they weren’t always that wonderful, thankfully, they were edible sometimes! I’m going to be sharing with you the tips I learned through the 10 ways you can become a better cook today and be the best version of yourself when it entails kitchen and creativity.

Let’s dive right in.

How to Become a Better Cook

1. Learn to Explore a Variety of Herbs and Spices

Cooking requires practice and diligent study. When it comes to herbs and spices, just a tint could go a long way in making your foods taste even better than they used to, but knowing the right spice to use for different cooking and the right amount is very important. A little glance through recipe books and a little study would also help.

2. Timing

This is one of the 10 ways you can become a better cook today. There are so many ingredients we use when cooking and different times to use them. For example, when cooking with acids, it’s important to add them at the end of your cooking, as if earlier, too much heat could reduce the effects of the acid. And this applies to diverse ingredients.

3. A Clean Environment Equals a Clear Head

The organization is very important while working to reduce stress and improve a very nice energy flow. It’s important to chop the onions before it’s time to use them, wash the vegetables, and defrost your proteins. More so, have a well-sharpened knife close and bring out every tool you’ll need before you need it to avoid confusion and maintain a perfect working environment.

4. Take It Calm and Slow

It’s never too bad to take a peek online or into a recipe book when you find yourself stuck at some point. Don’t be too pressured to finish fast; it’s also important that you finish well. So if it’s getting too stressful and you’re confused about the next step, it’s advisable to get a glass of water and just relax, or better yet, take a deep breath in and have a little peek, just to be sure.

5. Master Your Taste Buds

As a chef and even before I became one, each time I cook, I try to study the food with my taste buds, noting every ingredient and spice, feeling the flavor from within, and studying the effect every ingredient has on the food. With this, I know how to balance each flavor the next time I cook. And not just with your foods; each time you eat, study the food with your taste buds and try a little ‘guess game’.

This is surely one of the 10 ways you can become a better cook today.

6. Taste and Tone

As you cook, the flavor of your food changes and develops. It’s important to taste and balance.

7. Measurements and Quantity

While you want to try a little freestyle, don’t forget that measurements play a huge role in cooking. From your ingredients to your spices, make sure they’re all in the right proportion.

8. Reinvent Yourself

Even while practicing and becoming better daily, a little more study and questions from friends and mentors wouldn’t hurt. Add to your knowledge by increasing what you already know. Also, study more, improve where it needs to be, and do a little touch of research.

9. Practice

Practice is one of the 10 ways you can become a better cook today. No great chef was born in a day. It’s important to keep practicing and improving daily; growth is of the essence.

10. Be Creatively Adventurous

Don’t be scared to try something new. Different methods produce different results, remember!


I have mentioned above 10 ways you can become a better cook today. Try it out! I hope this helps you, and I look forward to your comments on tips you’ve tried, how they worked for you, and questions you have when it comes to cooking and baking. I’ll be here for you.