12 Healthy Ways to Keep Ulcer Patients Free From Attacks

12 Healthy Ways to Keep Ulcer Patients Free From Attacks

Ulcer medically means a wound that does not heal and becomes ulcerated. It is a sore that forms in the lining of the stomach or the first part of the small intestine and it is researched to be majorly caused by helicobacter pylori (H. pylori); a bacteria that attacks this lining. This bacteria however is not the only thing that can cause ulcer. Chronic use of NSAIDs is also an agent of ulcers. Forgetfulness and negligence can also lead to ulcer.


People tend to get so busy that they forget to respect their food on time. This forgetfulness gives birth to a habit of neglect for food or a balanced diet in general. The stomach has hydrochloric acid to enable digestion and it follows a chain pattern to get realized at some certain time. Now when there is no food in the stomach, it ends up burning the stomach lining, creating a path for ulcer.

Ulcers are classified into three categories:

Oesophageal ulcers are ulcers that develop in the oesophagus.

Peptic Ulcer develops in the stomach lining or small intestine.

Duodenal Ulcer is a type of peptic ulcer and it is formed in the upper small intestine.

The Best Way To Handle Living with Ulcer Patients

Almost every household (either nuclear or within the extended) have people who are victims of ulcer. As someone who grew up around these patients, a lot of adjusting and getting-used-to in our kitchen menu was something that was inculcated into me at quite a young age.

For instance, we could not be using pepper (attarugu) for soups or stew and even with other options. We had to ensure the meal prepared isn’t pepperish in any way. When it’s that time of the year (Ramadan), pap is the constant, “kunun tsamiya” was a limited variety. This is all because the body system of people with Ulcer does not react to situations the same way with ordinary people. They can’t wake up and decide they want to eat anything and everything thing out there. Even if they want to, their stomach would not grant them that liberty. Some food options are always a gamble for them.

Usually, this set of people come out surprisingly stubborn to their predicament because living with ulcer means given up on a lot of things that make eating food interesting (pepper for instance). So, you’ll find them bending and breaking all the necessary actions that are supposed to keep them off triggering their wounds.  

The most common symptom of ulcer is a burning or gnawing pain in the stomach (between the breastbone and belly button),then nausea and a lack of appetite.

Here are ways to keep people living with ulcer healthy and out of attacks

1. They Should Not Starve

One of the many reasons people end up with Ulcer is that they get so busy they forget about food. Naturally, if you go long hours without food, at some point you’ll hear your stomach growling, and the pangs joining later. You should always make sure they stay away from angering their predicament by making them eat three times daily; breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

This should also follow a healthy timing because some people will eat breakfast at 9 then lunch at 5. For ulcer patients, their eating timetable should be; breakfast by 7-9 am, lunch should be around 2 pm and dinner should follow at 7-8 pm.

Snacking can happen in between the mealtimes but it’s of importance you try to adhere to these timings especially when living with ulcer patients. You are sure to witness improvement.

2. Lots of Watermelons!

Fruit is naturally a good monitor to our health but when it comes to ulcer patients, nothing can beat a sweet ripened watermelon. So, if they end up staying too long in a meeting, the market, etc. and they miss the appointed time lunch, watermelon is a great thing to have before the main deal. It makes peace with the stomach first, then the main food can stomp in without causing any harm.

Also, if it’s time for fasting, the second thing they should eat immediately after breaking their fast is watermelon, water being the first. It’ll be healthier for them to make watermelon a daily habit. My momma never makes the mistake of breaking her fast without watermelon for she knows the kind of consequences that follows are things she does not enjoy.

3. They Should Eat Bananas

Sitoindosides in dried, unripe banana increases mucus in the digestive tract which provides a strong coating to help prevent and heal ulcer.

There was a time in my life I made the habit of getting my mom watermelon and banana each time I was out. You should totally do the same with your beloved patients.

4. Limit Spicy and Oily Food

Have you experienced what it is like to add salt to open wounds? Pepper has the same effect on ulcers which is why you’ll hear people living with ulcer complain of explicit pains each time they eat their food peppery. Always take out the inside of every agent of pepper before making their food.

This will in turn reduce the rate at which pepper becomes pronounced in the final meal. Fried food or food with too much ulcer should not be their average reality. Living with ulcer means no pepper and less vegetable oil.

5. Cut off Carbonated and Caffeinated Drinks

Sodas and Colas irritate the stomach, this is because of the phosphoric acids in them. Drinks like coca-cola, sprite, and caffeinated coffees should be kept out of their sight.

I’ve heard countless doctors tell their patients during consultations to stay away from soft drinks for it does more harm than good.

6. Avoid Alcohol and Smoking

Whether it’s weed or shisha or even cardboard, an ulcer patient should stay away from smoking completely. Smoking is naturally a harmful thing to our human bodies then imagine smoking when you’re already not 100% percent healthy.

Meanwhile, alcohol increases acid production and exacerbates symptoms in individuals.  Alcohol erodes the protective mucosal lining along the gastrointestinal tract which leads to further inflammation. So alcohol and smoking is a no-no for people living with ulcer.

7. Stay off NSAIDs

Ibuprofen, diclofenac amongst others can cause damage to gastroduodenal mucus, reduction to gastric mucosal blood flow and interferes with the repair of superficial injury. It also causes impairment of the barrier properties of the mucus.

NSAIDs translates to Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and you shouldn’t give it to an ulcer patient for temporal relief because it does more harm than good.

Doctors are to be consulted before any drug prescription.

8. Feed Them Vitamin A

Foods with vitamin A increases the production of mucus in the gastrointestinal tract. So, vitamin A carriers like broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes are a must for a diet rich in vitamin A reduces the development of ulcer.

9. Lots of Water and Honey

Warm water has a soothing effect on the wound this is why its consumption is encouraged, likewise honey.

My sister used to have this funny craving for honey. She uses it to butter her bread instead of normal butter/cheese, she fetches a spoonful and just throws it into her mouth, and sometimes, she dilutes honey into lukewarm water before drinking. For someone who doesn’t fancy honey, I find her actions weird but apparently, she knows what works well for her body and predicament.

10. Ulcer Patients Should Take Lots of Cabbage

Scientist thinks that it may be the amino acid gluten that gives cabbage it anti-ulcer punch because it does not just prevent healing, it speeds healing. So, get those cabbage and start making them salads and juices.

11. Avoid Them Taking Acidic Foods

Fruits like lemons and pineapple do more harm than they are beneficial to ulcer. Foods that have a sour taste should be regulated. For instance “kunun tsamiya”, you either break down the amount of tamarind to be used while making it or you don’t allow them to drink it.

12. Milk is Bad For Ulcer Patients

This only provides a temporal relief of symptoms because it coats the stomach lining temporarily also, its slight alkaline gives it antacid properties. In the long run, however, milk and milk products increase acid secretion, and digestive enzymes which aggravate ulcer, making symptoms worse. It is a rich source of protein after all so it’s best if its intake is kept on a low level (say once daily). Yoghurt however is believed to be good for ulcer.

Food like garri and yam causes heartburn and takes a longer time to digest due to their dryness. So it’s either you serve people living with ulcer really overcooked yam while refilling their glass of water every minute or, you don’t serve that to them at all.


Ulcer can heal but the rate at which its victims do not enjoy following doctor’s orders and the above tips on living with ulcer makes it healing process close to the impossible mission.

Ladies, This is How to Keep Your Man Happy

Ladies, This is How to Keep Your Man Happy

How to keep your man happy huh?! Just like men wonder what women want, women also do ponder on what would make men want them, focusing more on what will keep them happy and forever in one place. Some people do mention good food and crazy intimacy but is that enough? In today’s world, they can definitely get those two anywhere, any time of the day. Now, what exactly appeals to men enough to keep them happy, and satisfied? Here’s a draft of what I believe will keep him feeling fulfilled around you.

Tips to Keep Your Man Happy

1. Respect

I can’t think of anything more important than this when considering how to keep your man happy. Respect is supposed to be a mutual thing in whatever type of relationship you’re in. But, trust me, this gender needs the respect gushing in more than we do. They have an ego that needs feeding and the most satisfying fast meal is respect. What is respect in this context?

Respect equates to knowing where, when, and what to say, how to act, etc. When you respect people, there is a line you’ll try so hard not to cross no matter how riled up they get you. Respect creates stability, stability brings about peace of mind. How?

When you respect your man, you know things like cursing/cussing him even in private are wrong not to talk in the public. Not even during fights as a couple, respecting means adhering to their principles and boundaries even during peaceful moments.

When your man knows you respect him, he feels safe (stability) and doesn’t have to fear the possibility of you disgracing him in front of his friends/family/colleagues during misunderstandings so he becomes at peace with his surrounding (peace of mind). Respect really is an important venture in any form of relationship. Not to talk of long-term relationships.

2. Food

They say the fastest easiest way for a man is to get his stomach on your side/as an ally. Well, let’s just say men have a crazy appetite when they’re in the mood so make sure to learn, and grasp those kitchen ropes to the best of your abilities if you are really bent on learning how to keep your man happy. Make efforts to learn his favorite meals, perfect them and serve them to him each time you feel like giving him the royal treatment.

Even if you’re not in the mood for spending more than two hours in the kitchen, here’s a tip; the average man loves beans. He’ll eat anything that comes with beans in them. So, except if your man expressed allergies, keep those normal meals Incoming with beans in them. After beans, quite a handful of them loves yam.

Pounded yam is probably their best swallow, then maybe “tuwon shinkafa”. So if you feel like giving them a swallow, get yourself a yam pounder machine or reserve those energy to pound them yam once in a while. Okay, how about its month-end and you feel like giving him a treat from your payslip? Get those meat, and fish and start preparing those pepper soups, peppered chicken, etc. Men never go hungry for meat. I know quite a handful that can live on only meat if they’re changed.

Now, I know it’s the 21st century and we women have a lot on our plates to the extent a lot of us believe cooking is a luxury they don’t want to give to their men. Trust me, when you like him, you’ll genuinely want to take care of him. Men are so careless and carefree, sometimes, they have to be reminded it’s time to take care of themselves. And our mothers used cooking as a way to squeeze extra everything from our fathers because good food was a trusted point on their “how to keep your man happy” list, that trick of theirs is worth trying out.

3. Other Room Madness

Other room here simply means bedroom business. One of the easiest ways to vibe with your man is to be creative during bedroom escapades. Some people will believe this is an integral part when it comes to how to keep your man happy. If he’s the type who has got some serious hot energy, make efforts to match up to his madness. Be bold enough to take charge once in a while. Dominate him, you don’t have to wait until he comes for you. And even if he’s the low-key type, okay! How about you initiate trying out new things to spice up your escapades.

In a Universe dominated by the internet and technology, all you have to do is make research, take notes and implement them later. Surprise him by bringing something new to the drama once in a while. Another is you investing in that crazy lingerie you’ve seen being advertised online.

Get one, see if you can get some candles, and a little spring of flowers. And even if you can’t invest in flowers & candles to make your evening western romantic, just get that new sexy lingerie/nightwear. I’m positive your mind will come up with something cool, something enough to renew those vibes to send him into a frenzy.

4. Control Those Nags

One famous characteristic women are known for is being chatterboxes. It’s scary how we never get tired of talking, we never run out of topics when we get in the mood. So one thing we have to watch out for is unnecessary repetition. Most guys are not talkative so you really need to know the kind of conversing you do around them.

Nagging is just too much even for men who enjoy talking. So you complain to him about something he needs to do? Something of his you don’t like? A new thing you want him to get you? How about you give him time before you send in the second reminder. Unless of course, he’s the one who requests you remind him more often, try hard to hold in those constant reminders. It’s worse when you start adding sneaky remarks to those complaints. So keep those nags at a minimum.

Hearing you nag can get annoying and this, in turn, frustrate you, therefore tempering with peace of mind. When it comes down to you wondering how to keep your man happy, I want you to know Men love their peace of mind so keep off doing anything that’ll put a strain on it (Unless straining it becomes a necessity).

5. Let Him Have His own space

As much as we women enjoy the attention, those cute hugs, cuddles, etc we still have days we just want to be alone. On Moody days we are not in the mood to connect with anyone. Now men have it worse. When they land themselves in some sort of trouble, or business isn’t progressing as it should, they start spacing out, away from their environment. There are days when all is well with them but stress hit them so hard that they just want to be left alone for a while, get their head cleared straight up, or something like that.

Now I am not in any way implying you leave them completely alone. Things could get worse when they get too cut up in being alone. By all means, try to see if you can get what’s wrong out of them, it’ll make your whole work of cheering them up easier Just learn to ignore them when you pick up signs like less participating in conversations with them or worse, they start to annoy you with their words (not everyone enjoys taking when they’re moody). Remember how mothers let their toddlers loose but don’t allow them out of sight? How about you adopt those techniques!

Take care of them, communicate to them you are right there while allowing them the freedom to feel themselves. Females are wired clingy but you just have to try. Give him space while still reminding him you are available and you care. Another instance is during their football games. Sport and politics I’ve heard have a really special place in men’s hearts and lives. So if it’s time for his games, let him be. Giving him space will be of more benefit to you in this kind of situation. Let him enjoy the things he enjoys.

And please refrain from making fun of him if the game doesn’t go in his favor. Allow him to mourn for say 24hrs before you start with the tease/jokes. Things tend to get ugly when football is at stake. Lastly, allow him some boy time with his friends. Knowing when to drop the clingy gene is an important tip to how to keep your man happy. And I am positive your man will really appreciate your understanding of his needs.

6. Keep the Affection and Compliments Coming

Now, this may sound funny and out of place because we all know men are strong creatures who don’t need assuring/validating from anyone. But that is not entirely true.

While their need for compliments dwells on their need to feel capable and appreciated, ours dwells on the need for attention (we want to be noticed especially on days we go the extra mile). So if he goes out of his way to do something for you, get something for you, don’t forget to trade in those praises. He might show you it does not matter but trust me, deep down, he’ll be happy and would make efforts to do more next time.

Men have been programmed to portray these strong beings’ images in terms of emotions so you hardly see them being unnecessarily emotional. But hey! We are humans so we all have our rollercoaster of emotions always close to you so, make sure you show your man you’re really fond of him through praises likewise actions. Some of them like being ogled at openly (PDA). Either way, Baby your man!

I mean it when I say as much as men don’t fancy being controlled, they enjoy being babied. Babying is a swag of showing affection and when might be the perfect timing for this? How about you’ve noticed he’s stressed? Try massaging him while having silly flirty talks. Doing this amongst others during stressful moments will remind him of how much he is cherished. When he feels cherished, it’ll uplift his mood likewise relieve some of those stress.

So, once in a while, remind him how you appreciate everything he’s doing for you, the family, people, etc in words and actions. You don’t have to wait until he makes extra efforts, always appreciate the little moderate ones he put in. Where you feel appreciated is where you’ll likely want to linger around. Oh! At least I forgot, compliments are another way to get your man doing things your way.

So you like him wearing a kaftan and he just can’t seem to get obsessed with them to that degree, how about you overdose him with those sweet compliments and unnecessary affection each time he dons one! He’ll slowly but surely start yielding to that dress code you want. They have an ego after all. All you have to do is flatter and appeal to that ego. You can try this method with other errands or favours you want from him. So if you’re looking for how to keep your man happy, compliments and affection will undoubtedly score you points.

7. Have His Back

Be your man’s die-hard fan; always interested in what he’s up to. Remember, not everyone is comfortable with talking about their dreams/goals just like that thus, make inquiries. And if he starts spilling, engage him the best you can to keep the conversation flowing. Another bonus is him opening up more.

When he notices you’re interested and don’t want to be left behind, he’ll be so eager to share the latest with you (progress or problem) and likewise get your opinion. How to make your man happy! Knowing you’re very much interested in him is another way to make him feel important. So, be your man’s first supporter.

Being a backup requires you to be less judgmental in really crappy situations, it requires the right words and actions to lessen the burden, and make them feel better. Be that voice and action your man needs to calm his nerves down during heated/unpleasant situations and I’ll say he won’t be going anyway away from you.

Some people believe you can’t keep a man who does not want to be owned, not even marriage or children will do that for you. Everything you’ll do to him, for him will only keep him on a temporal stay. Eventually, he’ll find a reason to walk away, sometimes without you even realizing he’s gone. This does not in any way mean we should not try.

I mean sometimes, they probably leave because they don’t feel fulfilled enough. Meanwhile, we females can’t help but want to be extra to people we have some sort of attachment/feelings for. When we love our men, we always think of ways to make them happy. We are nurturers by instinct after all…


Before adopting all the points on how to keep your man happy, just make sure you know “your man” is all in for you or expect nothing in return (not even the barest minimum) when you decide to go all out with the affections. Do it because you want to do it.

That way, more fun less disappointment.

If you enjoyed this, check out 13 proven ways to make someone love you.

8 Amazing Dishes You Can Make with Yam

8 Amazing Dishes You Can Make with Yam

Yam has been a Nigerian food far back in the history of food and Nigeria itself. It has been a source of delicious meals, generation after generation. In addition, it is a tool of employment for its farmers and suppliers and an empowerment strategy for both genders across the food industry. It is a whole in which multiple varieties can be sourced. In this article, I will be sharing with you dishes you could make with yam.

Yams are perennial herbaceous vines cultivated for the consumption of their starchy tubers in many temperate and tropical regions, especially in Africa, South America, the Caribbean, Asia, and Oceania.

Yam is an edible tuber, and they are found primarily in Niger, Benue, Edo, Oyo, Taraba, Abia, and Sokoto states of Nigeria. In Nigeria, here are all the dishes you could make with yam.

Yam Recipes from Nigeria

1. White Yam

This is the second-easiest yam recipe for me. All one has to do is pill the yam, cut it into pieces, wash it, and boil it until it is soft. Why did I say it was easy? Because during the cooking, you don’t have to stand in front of the cooker dreading its burning; you just have to put in enough water. Then go about your other activities while checking on the pot from time to time.

White yam is mostly served for lunch, and it is enjoyed with stew, cabbage, onion, or egg sauce, and sometimes just oil and pepper. It depends on the mood and pocket of the eater.

2. Fried Yam

Fried yam is also one of the dishes you could make with yam. In most cases, this yam goes directly from cutting (slicing) and washing to being pushed into hot oil after sprinkling a little salt or maggi. Only a few people boil it before frying. Boiling usually makes it softer, even after being fried.

Fried yam is enjoyed as breakfast or dinner. It is preferably taken with pap, (kunu) or custard. In some cases, it is garnished with a little egg or onion sauce by the side of the plate. It is the easiest yam recipe for a few people.

Also, fried yam has been a source of livelihood for a lot of people. It is fried and sold to people side by side with Akara. I remember my secondary school days. We used to have women whose canteen consisted of this yam and akara. Then, we could eat something tangible during break periods for as little as 50 naira.

3. Golden Yam

Golden yam, laced yam, yam, and eggs are all names used to identify the recipe of yam dipped into eggs. It is a famous yam recipe within Northern Nigeria and Nigeria at large for different reasons:

First, it is a devotedly patronized recipe amongst the Nigerian Muslim communities during Ramadan for iftars.

Secondly, it is a variety that can be made out of leftovers. Throughout my life, each afternoon, we make white yam and it stays overnight. We preserve it, then wake up first thing in the morning to wash, slice, and fry eggs for breakfast.

Thirdly, it is an additional source of livelihood for a lot of people, especially men. In my life, I know some men who fry yam with eggs in the evening (7 p.m. to 10 p.m.), and they are making it. As a matter of fact, one already has it, not to mention restaurants with it on their menu.

Yam and egg are prepared by peeling off the skin of the yam. Instead of cutting into pieces, the yam is sliced into pieces, then washed and boiled. Note that the boiling doesn’t take time, like in the case of the white yam. After the boiling, it is sieved to drain out the water and cool it down a little.

Meanwhile, you break and beat your egg inside a bowl. Put a frying pan with oil on the fire. When it’s hot enough, you pick a slice of the yam and dip it inside the egg before throwing it into the oil for frying. Frying doesn’t take long; at least the egg around the yam crisps turns into something not desirable.

On an ordinary day, this yam recipe is a breakfast goal for most people.

4. Yam Porridge

Instead of just boiling in water, here it is chopped into medium-sized cubes, and the water is not crystal clear. It is a combination of onion, tomatoes, pepper, meat, palm oil, and maggi. In some cases, beans and spinach are added to the mix.

It is one of the afternoon dishes you could make with yam for lunch. As the name implies, this yam recipe comes out looking yummy.

5. Roasted Yam

This is the easiest dish you could make with yam. As roasting implies, locally, the whole tuber is placed atop a grill that has an open fire underneath. When it’s done, the yam is then sliced and peeled to be eaten with oil and pepper. It is a lunch menu.

Using today’s technology, however, it is sliced circularly before being soaked in salt water for some time. Then, it is placed in an oven and grilled at low heat. It is enjoyed with any sauce. This type of roasted yam recipe belongs to both the breakfast and lunch menus.

6. Pounded Yam

This is one of the dishes you could make with yam. Just like the name has a ring to it, the processing of this meal includes pounding. Yam is boiled to a serious level of softness, followed by a vigorous pounding session in the traditional pestle and mortar with as little water as possible. When it has been beaten into the desired finesse, it is molded into a medium ball-like shape and it is served with traditional soups like Egusi, Okro, bean soup, etc.

This process requires raw power, which is why women in this generation stay away from this yam recipe as much as possible. Though the machine has been invented for the pounding process, it is not popular among households. It should be noted that not every yam is a fine agent for this swallow. The specific types for a tasty swallow are the ones gotten from Niger State because of their powder-like capacity, not to mention the starchiness that is responsible for sticking.

It should be noted that this is one of the best dishes most men like. It is probably their best swallow.

7. Yam Balls

This is a yam recipe that is not funny to achieve at all. Why? This is because it has a lot of processes to go through before reaching perfection. First, the yam is boiled, then pounded inside a mixture of sauce (ground tomatoes, onion, and pepper with maggi fried in very little oil) while it is still hot. After the smoothening, it’s molded into small ball-like sizes. These ball-like, prepared yams are fried in oil after being dipped in a bowl of beaten egg. See! This is why I labeled it “the not easy recipe you could make with yam’.

Yam balls are an afternoon package that is sometimes used as snacks during events related to weddings.

8. Amala

Bakin (black) Amala just like pounded yam, is a swallow; it is a category of food taken with Nigerian soups such as Egusi, Okro, Ewedu, etc. This type of amala is made from the peels of yam. First, the sandy or brown part of the yam is stylishly scraped before the main peeling occurs. The peels are then washed and dried before being ground into powder. The ground powder is what is used to make this meal.

First, water is put on fire. When it boils, a handful of this powder is made into a paste and then poured into the boiling water. After a few minutes, another handful is fetched and added to the already boiling paste while being seriously turned with a spatula (“mucchiya in Hausa) into smoothness and desired thickness. Amala is ready for consumption. This is surely one of the dishes you could make with yam.


Yam is an important type of food in Nigerian societies, which is why it is enjoyed in different recipes. The above-mentioned are 8 dishes you could make with yam. A lot of festivals are centered around yam. It provides a healthy amount of potassium, metabolic B vitamins, fiber, etc. Not to mention, it is a good source of energy.