How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking

Updated: Feb 7, 2022
By Munirah Hashim
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The fear of public speaking in its severe form is known as glossophobia. It is a common form of fear among a number of people. The thought of standing and speaking in front of a crowd rips some people apart. Are you one of such persons?  If yes, then there is a need to know how to overcome the fear of public speaking. So, read on.

As much as the fear of public speaking is valid, public speaking skills are one of the most important skills one needs in life. This is because, at one point or the other, you would need to speak to a crowd. You want neither yourself nor others to notice you fidget, sweat, or stammer while making your presentation out of fear. As such, overcoming the fear of public speaking is super important.

Common Causes of Fear of Public Speaking

  • Negative mindset.
  • Being self-conscious.
  • Inadequate preparation.
  • Fear of ridicule.
  • Little or no knowledge about the topic to speak on.

10 Tips for Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking

1. Have a Positive Mindset

This point is always my number when it comes to overcoming the fear of almost anything. Being positive should not be mistaken for being in denial. Here, you acknowledge that you have this fear but you have a belief that you can work on it. You strongly believe you can be a good public speaker.

You can work on your mindset by having positive self-talk. Tell yourself that you can do it. Encourage yourself. Use positive affirmations like:

“I am a good public speaker “,

“My audience is happy with my message “,

“I can make a good presentation”,

“I love public speaking”, etc.

You can as well visualise yourself giving an excellent speech. Work on this step first before proceeding to the next.

2. Start by Speaking on Areas of Interest

Overcoming the fear of public speaking is not a day’s job. It’s a journey that should begin from somewhere. If you are glossophobic, you can start building your confidence by speaking on topics that interest you.

As you read this, think about an area that sparks your interest. Select some topics that you would love to talk about. Stand in front of your friends and speak on such interesting topics. Get used to talking about those things. When you are used to this, you can easily progress to speaking based on requests which might not be on familiar topics.

I guess you love those who can give impromptu speeches. They started somewhere. So, start talking!

The remaining points are needed as you improve.

3. Know Your Topic

Do you want to know how to overcome the fear of public speaking? Master your topic. The importance of this cannot be overemphasized. Before you can confidently give a speech as you would love to, it’s important to have a good grasp of your topic. What are the expectations? How deep should you discuss the topic? etc. The more you know your topic, the lesser your fear and the more your confidence.

Another importance of knowing your topic is that it helps you anticipate possible questions. Having a firm grasp of your topic makes answering questions after your presentation easy.

4. Know Your Audience

This is as important as knowing your topic. Having prior knowledge of your audience guides your preparations. It enables you to know the kind of persons you would speak to. Also, it gives you clarity on the terms to use in addressing them.

In addition, it helps you anticipate likely questions and attitudes to expect.

5. Adequate Preparation

Prior preparation prevents poor performance. Your confidence is in direct proportion with how much you prepare. In essence, the more prepared you are, the less anxiety you develop.

Write out your presentation and prepare beforehand. Get all the necessary information and resources you need to make a wonderful presentation. Stay organized.

6. Practice and Get Feedback before the D-Day

If you’re on the journey of overcoming the fear of public speaking, your ideal audience shouldn’t be the first to listen to your presentation.

Get used to making your presentation beforehand to a familiar audience. You can do this a day or two before the main event. This audience could be your siblings, friends, spouse, your kids, etc. Ask for honest feedback from them and work on areas of concern. You can do this more than once until you are confident about it.

In the absence of a familiar audience, you can practice before your mirror. You can as well make a video of yourself as you practice. Then listen to yourself. Observe the tone of your voice and the pace at which you speak, and then adjust where necessary.

7. Have a Structure or Outline

This is important in overcoming your fear of public speaking. You might wonder how.

With an outline, you have a guide that would see you through your presentation. Great public speakers also use guides for their presentations. You shouldn’t be an exception. With an excellent structure, you can calmly make your presentation and easily flow from one point to another without difficulty.

You don’t want to just memorize your presentations and get stuck along the line.

8. Breath Mindfully

The fear of public speaking manifests in breathing fast. This affects the pace at which you speak and sends a negative message to your audience. To prevent this, take deep breaths before the presentation of your speech. While presenting, stay conscious of your breath and ensure you’re breathing calmly. You can use deep breaths as your break in between your speech. This helps you maintain a steady composure.

9. Know That Your Audience Trusts You

Maybe no one has told you this. The truth is your audience is there to listen to you. They trust you and your message. This means you should focus on the message you’re passing across. Don’t give too much attention to the audience’s appearance. Some might appear uninterested or distracted; this shouldn’t affect you or make you disappointed.

10. Ask for Feedback as You Progress

Here, you are asking for feedback from your ideal audience. This is one area I don’t joke with. Whenever I give a public speech, I ask at least two persons from my audience to give me feedback.

It takes courage to ask for feedback. And the whole essence is to help you improve. The more you do this, the better and more confident you get.

Additionally, you should consider joining public speaking clubs where you meet like-minded individuals. You can also buy online courses on public speaking or hire a speech coach.


Having known how to overcome the fear of public speaking, you know it is important and can be achieved. However, it should be noted that it wouldn’t happen automatically. You should apply the tips I shared with you above.

Do you have an idea worth sharing with us? The comments section is open.

You could also read on: 10 Tips to Improve Your Presentation Skills.

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