What Is E-Learning?

What Is E-Learning?

Anyone who has used eLearning will undoubtedly tell you how effective and handy it is. Both learners and companies benefit from eLearning in today’s “always-on” era. But what is eLearning precisely?

Whether you’re an expert or a novice when it comes to eLearning, there’s no doubting its popularity has soared in the last decade. It provides organizations with a cost-effective and time-efficient alternative to teaching their personnel. Employees receive easy training that improves their skills and knowledge in exchange. Organizations also use it to teach their partners and consumers in order to enhance adoption, retention, and revenue.

Let’s take a deeper look at what is eLearning, the many types and technologies available, and the benefits it may provide to your company.

What Is E-Learning All About?

Let’s begin by establishing an eLearning definition. What exactly is eLearning? The delivery of learning and training using digital resources is referred to as eLearning. Although eLearning is based on institutionalized learning, it is delivered via internet-connected electronic devices such as PCs, tablets, and even mobile phones.

This allows users to learn whenever and wherever they want, with few, if any, limitations. eLearning is a type of online training, learning, or education that is given via a computer or other digital device.

The Evolution of E-Learning

It’s essential to look back on the history of eLearning to better appreciate how it serves companies now. In 1999, Elliott Maisie invented the word “eLearning,” which was the first time it was used professionally. In the years afterward, the reputation of eLearning has become stronger.

But what reasons have aided eLearning’s rise to prominence as the most popular method of training delivery today?  These elements are:

Elements that Aided the Rise of E-Learning

1. The World Wide Web

Prior to the internet, many people depended on printed manuals, CD-ROMS, and other limited learning and training techniques. With the advent of the internet, businesses were able to move away from one-dimensional approaches and embrace the flexibility of eLearning.

2. Multimedia Development

As eLearning evolved, the ability to incorporate components like photos, videos, music, and graphics proved to be a more dependable technique for keeping learners interested than traditional learning.

3. Accessible Digital Devices

Given that the first IBM computer cost about $5000 in today’s dollars, it’s easy to see how eLearning’s popularity grew as digital devices got more affordable. Mobile learning has also aided the expansion of eLearning.

4. Learning Management Systems (LMS) that are well-built

LMSs have evolved, shifting from locally installed to cloud-based systems, and enterprises are increasingly using them to deliver a variety of training. There are several factors to consider when selecting an LMS; at the very least, be sure it offers the functionality and support you’ll need to accomplish your goals and those of your students.

Advantages of E-Learning

What is eLearning all about? We need to understand its advantages as well as its types. Unlike the conventional way of teaching using a board and chalk, E-learning allows students to study at their own pace and according to their preferences.

Let’s have a look at some of the benefits of E-Learning for students:

  1. You have unlimited access to the study materials.
  2. You may study your Courses whenever and wherever you choose.
  3. Students get access to the most recent material whenever they choose.
  4. Unlike traditional instructional methods, e-learning may be delivered quickly.
  5. This means that the amount of time spent studying has decreased.
  6. E-Learning allows for scalability, which aids in the delivery of instruction.
  7. Through E-Learning, all students may receive the same sort of curriculum, study materials, and training.
  8. You may save time, money, and travel costs by using E-Learning. As a result, E-Learning is more cost-effective than traditional classroom instruction.

Types of E-Learning

At the required places, digital and self-initiated learning may be obtained. E-learning education is diverse and well-equipped to accommodate various learning styles, so there’s no need to go looking for it.

Broadly, e-learning falls into two main categories: asynchronous and synchronous.

1. Asynchronous E-Learning:

Asynchronous eLearning encompasses more than just the online course. It also refers to any offline materials that a student could utilize in addition to the eLearning course.

What are the benefits of asynchronous eLearning? Because it is not reliant on place or time, it provides learners with a great lot of freedom. The material of the course may be accessed early in the morning, late at night, at the airport, or while lying in bed.

The focus of asynchronous eLearning is on content understanding rather than on how quickly the material is digested. Because the student sets the pace, they may devote as much (or as little) time to key subjects as they like.

2. Synchronous E-Learning

Synchronous learning is a broad phrase that refers to modes of education, instruction, and learning that take place at the same time but in different locations. The word is most generally used to describe different types of televisual, digital, and online learning in which students learn in real-time from instructors, coworkers, or peers but not in person. For example, synchronous learning includes instructional video conferences, interactive webinars, chat-based online conversations, and lectures that are aired at the same time they are delivered.


E-Learning will assist you in creating a user-friendly and understandable learning platform. It is well-known for providing the best of both worlds: lecture and hands-on training. You can certainly increase student happiness by using eLearning to provide more dynamic and interesting courses. Now that you know what eLearning is all about, let us know what you think about eLearning and the direction it’s going down in the comment section.


How can e-learning help students?

E-Learning allows for scalability, which aids in the delivery of instruction. Through E-Learning, all students may receive the same sort of curriculum, study materials, and training. You may save time, money, and travel costs by using E-Learning. As a result, E-Learning is more cost-effective than conventional learning.

What are the 3 main advantages of eLearning?

E-Learning saves time and money

            E-learning is consistent
            E-learning improves information retention is students

What are the disadvantages of E-Learning?

  • Social interaction is lacking.
  • Cheating is an inescapable part of life.
  • Self-motivation and time management abilities are required.
  • It focuses on theory rather than practice.

How might eLearning be made better?

Remove any unnecessary visuals, photos, and text from your online learning materials, reducing them to only a few elements that are well-structured, relevant, high-quality, and cleanly placed. When courses become difficult, visual aids like graphs and charts provide the opportunity to select more over less.

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