10 Ways to Get People to Like You

10 Ways to Get People to Like You

There are various ways how to get people to like you, especially if you are not the outspoken or people-person type.

The truth is, that people are naturally drawn to others with likable characters or characters they wish to emulate.

Fun game, make a list of your friends and compare it to the list of traits I am about to show you. I bet you’d find one or more of these traits in them.

Let’s dive right in and find out 10 ways how to get people to like you.

10 Ways to Get People to Like You

1. Grow a Good Sense of Humour

I am deliberating putting this at the top of the list.

One tip on how to get people to like you is to have a good sense of humour. Now, I’m not saying you have to be a comedian or a circus clown to be likable. No!

It is in spotting the fun about a statement or an action that makes it funny. Be cool enough to spot the joke in something and laugh. Laughter is contagious.

You can be the reason people laugh because of a simple wordplay or trick. The goal is to make people find amusement by being with you.

A good laugh brightens up people’s moods. Life’s hard. Don’t be a source of boredom.

Pro tip- One of the traits a girl likes in a man is his sense of humor.

2. Be a Valuable Person

A person who has value to offer would generally be in everyone’s good books.

The big question here is, what value do you offer?

I had a tete-a-tete with a group of friends discussing what value means to them and someone gave an example. He said,

“If you want to cut your hair, you go to the barber. If you want to fix your car, you go to the mechanic. Everyone has a unique value they offer that is not necessarily tied to money”. And I felt that.

You could be a good listener or a very knowledgeable person and this could be the reason people want to be around you.

Find what value you have and cultivate it.

3. Be a Good Listener

Another tip on how to get people to like you is to be someone who listens.

I know we all love people who can spark up a room with their presence. There never seems to be a boring moment with them. Sometimes, though, all we need is someone who can sit and listen.

This is pretty true when you need someone to talk to, someone who would listen when you speak.

To be a good listener, you need to pay attention to who is talking, make facial expressions to show you are listening, and ask questions. These are simple traits you can build over time.

4. Compliment People

I believe that it’s just courtesy to see someone drip hard and compliment them, even if you don’t know them.

Someone once referred me to a gig all because I complimented their handwriting.

Complimenting people doesn’t just have to be about appearance. You can compliment them based on a noticeable feature you like about them.

“Hello, that was a nice speech you gave there. I totally love it”. Simple and short. And you are on your way to making a good relationship.

5. Keep a Smile on Your Face

” Have you seen the most beautiful of faces? It holds a smile in it” – Anonymous

If you are familiar with the Nigerian Twitter space, you’d know about an influencer called Onion Cider. Her face card never declines because she keeps a smiling face.

And that is one thing that endears people to her.

A smiling face is contagious, even if you are having a bad day. Keeping a smile on your face makes it easy for people to approach you.

6. Spend Time With People

A good way to get people to like you is by spending time with them. When you read this line, which of your friends came to your mind?

When you spend time with people, they get to see characters they like within you and vice versa. It also helps you build memories with them.

And we all love memories. It’s the reason why you take pictures, look back at them, and smile.

7. Be a Person of Positive Emotions

Another tip on how to get people to like you is to display positive emotions that people can relate to. If you can learn to see the good side of things, people would naturally want to be with you.

To constantly be positive, you need to learn how to control your emotions. You cannot always be happy or have a smile on your face.

But it is what you do when your emotions are tested that matters most!

I had finished writing an exam and the last question was after my life. After the papers, my circle gathered and it turned out, the last question was actually after all of our lives. In fact, it turned out, the last question was after the life of the whole class.  

For the first time in my life, I feared carryover. I would have gone home gloomy if not for my circle. On the day when I couldn’t be the glue of the group, they all made me see the positive side.

As I write this, I am grinning because I am glad for my circle.

8. Have an Open Mind to Learn

Accept it, you do not know everything. It was Socrates that said, “I am the wisest man on earth because I know nothing”.

Keeping an open mind helps you learn new things daily. You do not act like you know everything, even if you do. And you do not let your thoughts stop you from seeing the perspective of others.

Be open to learning from anyone, even little children. This is why conversations that end up with both parties leaving bitter do not sit right with me.

Being able to learn from others is a trait that makes people always want to be around you.

9. Show People That You Truly Care

Think of it. Would you keep being friends with someone who has constantly shown they do not care about you? I doubt it.

Showing people you genuinely care about them makes them like you. A genuine show of care can be as little as checking up on them to know how they are doing.

Sometimes, it’s the little things that matter.

10. Talk to Them Often

I like my personal space a lot! I can spend the whole day indoors and not talk to anybody, online or offline. Just me, my laptop, and my phone. I learned the hard way, that is not the right way to live.

For people to even know you, you have to interact with them. And how the conversation goes would determine if they like you or not.

Keep in contact with your friends, and family often. Have a conversation with your professional network. These actions are pretty simple in this age of social media.


It is easy to be in everyone’s good book. If you practice these 10 tips on how to get people to like you, you are one step close to being a people person.

I’d also recommend Dale Carnegie’s book, “How to win friends and influence people”. I got most of my tips there.

Do you have any tips you’d like to work on or add? Drop your opinions in the comment section. I’d definitely be reading through.


How do I get people to respect you?

Setting boundaries, expressing confident body language, and standing up for your beliefs are some ways to get respect from people.

How do I get someone to like me over a text?

Some of the ways to get someone like you over a text includes complimenting them, playfully teasing them, and keeping your text simple, casual, and consistent.

How do I get someone to like me back?

If you like someone and you want them to like you back, you have to constantly be in contact with them, spend time with them, find out what they like, and get it for them.

How do I get people to talk to me?

To get people to talk to you, you have to keep an approachable personality and smile, and learn to keep a conversation going.

Why Flexibility is More Important than Consistency in Parenting

Why Flexibility is More Important than Consistency in Parenting

Setting rules helps everything go as planned. However, when it comes to parenting, flexible parenting plans should be adapted in place of rules. This is because rules have consequences attached to them and these consequences hurt children. Furthermore, consistency style in parenting views rules as the basis of the relationship between parents and their kids. Sadly, in such homes parents will unconsciously force their will on their children and their kids have nothing to say but to obey in silence. In contrast, learning how to be a flexible parent is all you need to inculcate both discipline and love as your parenting style. This in turn, boosts the love bond between you and your kids.

What is Flexible Parenting?

A flexible parenting style is a parenting approach that works based on teamwork between parents and their kids. In other words, parents aren’t rigid in their dealings with their kids but are open to new possibilities, considering the needs of everyone involved before a conclusion can be reached about a matter. Indeed there is no such thing as perfect parenting, similarly, being authoritative doesn’t make you a good parent, rather creates a separation between you and your kids.

Why is Flexibility More Important than Consistency in Parenting?

1. Flexible Parenting Enhances Effective Communication

Exchange of pleasantries with your kids every morning when you wake up and each time you return from work isn’t tagged effective communication. As a parent you need to know deep things about your kids; their challenges, fears, likes, dislikes, what’s bothering them and more.However, a flexible parenting plan will help you loosen up your rules by boosting effective communication between you and your kids.

2. Builds Self-confidence in Children

Being flexible means you’re open to the opinion of your kids regarding certain decisions. Interestingly, allowing your kids to make suggestions and decisions by themselves is one way of boosting self-confidence in children. In addition, they will feel valued and cared for because they now know you have their needs at heart and not just imposing your will on them.

3. Enhances a State of Mindfulness and Calmness

The state of being mindful isn’t restricted to meditative techniques of calmness, but a flexible parenting plan also guarantees calmness in your life as a parent. How? By bringing you into the consciousness that your kids will do the right thing even in your absence. Oftentimes, parents set rules to control the behavior of their children when away, but this shouldn’t be as it indirectly affects the self-esteem of your children.

4. Boost Self-discipline in Children

Rules aren’t what make children self-discipline rather it makes them feel controlled and may never grow up to be emotionally mature. But, as you begin to understand how to be a flexible parent it becomes easier for you to teach your children instead of controlling them. In essence, teach your kids about the rights and wrongs they deserve to know. This method helps kids feel empowered and take responsibility for their life even as they grow up.

5. Problem-Solving Skills

Kids learn how to be independent as they grow up through problem-solving. Yes, you’re their parents and are expected to provide solutions to all their problems, but spice things up by frequently letting them think through their problems and provide solutions. Their solutions may not be perfect but at least they have learned something tangible through that experience. Most importantly, problem-solving skills boost the intelligence quotient of children.

How Do I Become a Flexible Parent?

1. Choice Teamwork Over Self-centeredness

Oftentimes, parents feel they are fulfilling their parenting duty by doing everything as regards the family alone. This might sound great but it’s a form of self-centeredness. Sadly, some parents make family decisions without considering their spouses, not to mention their kids. If you must learn how to be a flexible parent you should willingly embrace teamwork.

For instance, don’t do the house chores alone while your kids stay back and watch you. In response to this, assigned household chores for kids to them, in addition, working together as a family boosts unity and strengthens the love bond.

2. Be Open to New Ideas

Everything is subjected to change even in parenting. Therefore, stop using the same parenting approach your parents use to bring you up on your kids. I’m not saying it’s wrong but those parenting styles that are outdated due to changes in times and environment should be modified. In essence, inculcating a flexible parenting plan involves accepting new ideas that work. Remember we learn every day, so, be open to learning from friends, family, experiences, situations, parenting books, and even from your children.

3. Involve Your Children in Making Decision

Don’t assume you know what’s best for your children, as you may not be correct at all times. Therefore, feel free to involve your children in making decisions, their contribution might be little but it can also be a pointer to the solution needed. The importance of children making decisions can’t be overemphasized because it helps them become independent, disciplined, responsible, emotional, and socially mature among other benefits.

4. Listen to Your Children More Often

As a parent when things go wrong or your kids make mistakes don’t be quick to act in anger by giving them tedious punishment. In contrast, hear them out, get to understand what led to the mistake, and see where you can help. This parenting approach makes your kids feel understood and secure to always run to you for help when things go wrong. Furthermore, to avoid acting out in anger you should learn how to identify and control your emotions, this will guide you on how to maintain your peace amidst unpleasant situations and take the best possible actions.

5. Teach Your Children

Most parents interchange teaching with controlling. Hence, they find them trapped in the web of using force to make their children obey them. This parenting approach only deprives you of having a healthy relationship with your children. Therefore, teaching your children the do’s and don’t of life is a basic requirement in the flexible parenting plan. The moment your children can differentiate between right and wrong and the results attached to both decisions, I assure you they will always go for the best option.

6. Prioritize Your Self Care 

Parents who are plagued with mental and emotional issues like anger, depression, emotional neglect, bipolar disorder, anxiety among other disorders tend to be authoritative— using force to make things go their way. This approach doesn’t make things better but seeking medical help will improve their condition. Perhaps, you desire to learn how to be a flexible parent amidst your mental and emotional issues, it’s great but the first step to begin is by seeking medical help to avoid hurting yourself and your kids any further.

7. Practice More of Acceptance

Acceptance in this context means accepting the feelings and emotions of your kids. In other words, learning to be more empathetic, by doing so you will be mindful of how you set rules and make decisions. This attitude guides you in taking into consideration what your kids will feel when you take that decision you’re about to take. Better still, put yourself in their shoes and analyze the outcome if you were to be at the receiving end of that decision.


There are no set rules and guidelines for parenting and this is what makes learning how to be a flexible parent of great necessity. It’s on the wings of flexibility you’re able to do things differently, adapt to the methods that work, say no to unprofitable rules. Most importantly, place the love you have for your kids above every parenting decision.

Therefore, as a parent what’s your experience with flexible parenting approach?


What are the 4 types of parenting styles?

Permissive parenting (lenient attitude from parents who only steps in when issues get serious), authoritarian parenting (Parents impose their will/authority on children without consideration), Neglectful parenting (nonchalant attitude from parents, having fewer rules, guidance and parenting attention) authoritative parenting (Uses rules with consequences, considering the children)

Why should parents be flexible?

Giving a child proper upbringing is only achieved when there is a healthy relationship between parents and their children. In other words, adopting a flexible parenting approach helps enhance the relationship with your children. Hence, your children become open to telling you things and run to you for solutions at any time.

What is soft parenting?

Soft parenting is a parenting style involving fewer rules and regulations and giving more attention to a child’s emotions. In essence, parents are more concerned about their children’s emotions and wouldn’t do anything to hurt them. This parenting approach is one way to make a child emotionally mature.

What parenting style is the best?

Research has revealed that an authoritative parenting style has great benefits to a child. This style still utilizes rules with consequences attached but involves positive discipline and welcomes a child’s opinion. This in turn makes a child self-disciplined and becomes more responsible.

How do I know if I’m a flexible parent?

Being flexible in parenting isn’t a day job but takes a series of processes. However, the main sign that shows you’re becoming a flexible parent is when your children become free to tell you everything about themselves without fear or constraints.

These Are the Top Skills Employers Are Looking For

These Are the Top Skills Employers Are Looking For

Landing your dream job depends not only on your college degree and your working experience. There are top skills employers are looking for when selecting the right candidate for the job.

Irrespective of the position you are applying for, employers are always on the lookout for these skills to make sure you are fit for the position. These skills are commonly referred to as soft skills.

Soft skills are those skills and attributes that are interpersonal in nature and influence how individuals relate to one another. On the flip side, hard skills are those technical skills required to function in the workplace such as computer literacy.

When applying for a job, you must show in your resume that you have these top skills employers are looking for. A combination of these skills with your technical ability makes you irresistible to employers.

The Top Skills Employers Are Looking For

1. Communication Skills

Communication takes place in the workplace every day and it is one of the top skills employers are looking for. In a world of technological advancement, employers are looking for individuals who can communicate effectively and pass messages across, verbally and written.

Effective communication is a very rare but essential skill needed in the workplace. Having strong communication skills makes you a valuable asset to your employers.

The key to communicating effectively is keeping your message simple and clear. You have to ensure your message can be understood immediately while passing information across. Compare these two scenarios:

Text A– “Good day, Agnes, can we go out later when you are done with work?”

Text B– “Good day, Agnes, I’m going to grab dinner at the Chicken Republic when we close from work. Would you like to join me? Bill’s on me.”

If you are the receiver, both sentences tell you that you would be going out in the evening after work. However, Text A does not give you much detail. Text B on the other hand tells you where you would be going, when you would be going, and what you would be doing. This way, you have more information and can either decline or accept the offer.

Improving your communication skills helps you become more efficient and effective in the workplace.

2. Teamwork

The ability to work well with a team is a top skill employers are looking for. Every organization is made up of individuals who need to work together to achieve maximum productivity. Irrespective of the position, it is always in the best interest of the organization when its employees can collaborate on tasks. Hence, employers are always looking for individuals who can work well in teams.

Some of the characteristics of a good team player include trust, honesty, accountability, and open communication. A good team player can be trusted with a task and can deliver at due time. He/she must be accountable and honest in the workplace as this goes a long way in strengthening team bonding.

3. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

In the workplace, situations arise that require in-depth analysis, evaluation, and the need to provide a solution to the problem at hand. Hence, employers are very particular about selecting candidates with the ability to think critically and solve problems.

Critical thinking goes hand in hand with problem-solving. It involves the ability to question assumptions, observe, analyze, and derive a conclusion from data. It also involves the step-by-step analysis of a problem to provide solutions.

Problems are bound to arise in the workplace, particularly work and people related. As an employee, it is expected that you should be able to deal with problems as they arise.

The good news is, like every other skill, you can develop your ability to think critically and solve problems. Actively paying attention to how experts, your colleagues, or experienced persons handle problems in the workplace can give you a blueprint to solving work-related problems.

Engage in internships, research, or field experience to collaborate with colleagues so you can develop these skills. If you shy away from tasks, you avoid the opportunity to put your skill into practice.

4. Interpersonal Skill

Interpersonal skills are skills that influence how you interact and work well with others. Because we interact with people every day, interpersonal skill is a top skill employers are looking for.

Also referred to as “people’s skill”, interpersonal skill refers to how well you can interact and engage with people. Even when you are not in a position that requires you to come in contact with customers, you would still need to interact with colleagues and managers at work.

Interpersonal skill is necessary for building relationships and networks. It involves how effective you are in communicating, your ability to maintain decorum and courtesy as well as having good emotional intelligence.

Employers are also looking for individuals who are flexible and can adapt to any given task to meet a particular objective.

5. Leadership Skill

Have you ever met a person with the ability to administrate and manage people while also bringing out the best in them? Northpad has one of the best editorial managers I have seen.

Employers are looking for individuals who can administer the affairs of the organization effectively. Whatever position you are applying for, having leadership skills gives you an edge over candidates.

Leadership is not limited to those applying for managerial positions. Nowadays, most organizations prefer to promote individuals from within who have exhibited strong leadership qualities.

A good leader listens and pays attention to complaints in the workplace, understands the strengths and weaknesses of each employee, and provides the opportunity for optimal productivity from each employee.

6. Digital Literacy

The world today is run by technology and having a basic understanding of the usage of computers and the internet is a requirement by most employers.

Most organizations make use of computers in their daily operations. Thus, having basic knowledge of how to use a computer is top skill employers are looking for.

Some positions require that you have in-depth knowledge of advanced computer skills. Furthermore, it’s only wise to ensure that you are learned in such a field. For example, a data scientist would need to have an understanding of the use of Excel.

However, some basic computer literacy skill includes knowing how to use word processors like Ms Word or Google docs, spreadsheets such as Excel or Google sheets, the use of the internet, and social media.

7. Flexibility and Adaptability

The ability to be flexible and adapt to changes in the workplace is an essential skill needed in an employee.

Innovations are constantly introduced in the working environment and employers expect you to be able to learn and adapt to these changes.

For example, you can be a social media manager and your employer may ask you to head the communications department. Your ability to adapt quickly to these changes is a skill you can develop.

Being flexible and able to adapt quickly is a quality that sets you apart from other candidates. It shows you’re eager to learn and change when needed.

8. Professional Work Ethics

When building yourself for job applications, you should consider learning the ethics required in a professional environment as it is a top skill employers are looking for.

Work ethics refers to the manner in which you conduct yourself in the workplace. It includes traits such as honesty, decency, respect, promptness to mention a few.

Having a strong work ethic enables you to manage your time and get things done promptly and properly. It also means you conduct yourself professionally in the workplace by respecting the privacy and boundaries of your colleagues.


Whatever position you are applying for, these top skills employers are looking for would give you an edge during the application process. You must begin developing these skills as they are the distinguishing factor when selecting candidates for a position.

In addition, make sure you highlight these skills and how you have applied them in the workplace on your resume and cover letter. You would also want to make sure you are being honest because that’s what interviews are meant for; verifying the contents of your resume.

Is there any skill you would want to develop or put more effort into developing? Let me know in the comment section and I would show you how!

10 Tips to Work Better as a Team

10 Tips to Work Better as a Team

In life, living and working alone on your own is impossible. Be it a school science project, a working committee, or a recreational group, people have to work together to achieve a goal. With how different everyone is, working together can prove to be a difficult task. Here are 10 tips to ensure you work better as a team.

10 Tips That Will Help You Work Better As a Team

1. Make Sure to Set Clear Goals

When a team is created, it is usually to serve a certain purpose. This purpose might be clear to some but to others, it might just be a blur of words and activities. It is important for the goals of the group to be stated clearly for the benefit of everybody.

Also, in many cases, team members have personal goals that they look forward to fulfilling while in the group. It is important to bring these goals to light. That way not only will people help you achieve your goal; you will not be a hindrance to the work balance as your personal goals will be considered.

2. Assign Roles and Responsibilities

The role and responsibilities of each team member should be clearly defined at the beginning of the process. These responsibilities should be assigned based on the weaknesses and strengths of individuals. For instance, a person who likes to make comics could be given the role of advertising and a computer guru could handle technical issues. This way, your team runs as efficiently as possible.

Assigning responsibilities also severely reduce the rate of failure in groups. This is because tasks are easily doable bits that form a whole when put together. In an event of failure, it is easy to identify the responsible party and push him/her to improve next time.

3. Ensure There Is Good Communication

In any system, communication is key. Communication is an essential part of everyday life and a backbone of any successful team. Communication does not just mean that one party talks and the other hears; it is when one party speaks and the other listens. In good communication, information, suggestions, feelings, etc. are passed from one person to another.

Skilful communication ensures that the team runs smoothly. It creates awareness and understanding between teammates. It is the way by which roles, responsibilities, and goals are set. Without effective communication, the team is as well as doomed.

4. Create Trust within the Team

In a system where people have to trust each other with their collective success, it is important to build trust among each other. Trust is a solid block that will hold the team up and allow each person to focus on their part of the job. This is because they trust the others to also play their part in ensuring the success of the group.

In addition, this trust can be built by a group discussion where everyone talks about their personal lives. Some studies suggest trust-building exercises to boost the team while some others just suggest that the team spends a lot of time together.

5. Decisions Should Be Made Together

Making decisions for the group is not the responsibility of the group leader. Everyone’s ideas should matter in the process. In making a decision for the group, each and every individual opinion should be sought and respected.

It is important to remember that our environments and personalities differ. As such, our opinions might be vastly different. Do not let this drive a wedge between the group. If necessary, decisions can be put to a vote but only as a last resort. It is better to try to convince one party or even come to a compromise.

6. Reward Every Achievement

No matter how little the achievement is, it is essential to reward people for doing their work well. Whether this reward is in form of praise, award, or gifts, every act of diligence would be rewarded. It makes personnel feel appreciated and motivated to do more. In a company system, a teammate of the year award, people person of the year award, and other such seemingly meaningless awards will greatly improve teamwork.

The human brain loves to be praised. When appreciated, it does not want to lose the respect of others hence, individuals work even harder to maintain their status. Everyone else who has had to clap for a successful individual would also love to stand in the person’s shoes thus enhancing their work. Care should be taken, however, to not let these awards divide the team.

7. There Should Be Constant Check-Ins

Team members should constantly check up on each other and their works. A social media chat room could be created and regular meetings should be scheduled to discuss the ups and downs of teammates’ personal lives and team responsibilities. This promotes trust, enhances communication, builds understanding, trust and so much more.

Also, when a teammate is stuck on his/her part of the project, they can quickly call the attention of the rest of the team to the problem.

Hence, a solution can be found and the team will be more effective. Frequent communication also enables teammates to communicate their inability to fulfil their roles so the project will not be put in jeopardy.

8. Celebrate the Team’s Diversity

In a professional or school team, it is very unlikely that everybody is from a similar circumstance, social standing, and even city. These differences should not be seen as a weakness but as a strength.

A group with 7 people from 7 different cities with 7 different skills will usually have a more beautiful project than with 7 completely similar people. This is because the first group pulls 7 different experiences into its project. Instead of a monotone work, their project will have diversity and will usually be unique as compared to the project of the second group.

9. Create Regular Brainstorm Sessions

For a group to work better as a team, everyone must have a say in the matter of the type of project to do and how to go about it. This is where brainstorming comes in. Brainstorming is a group discussion aimed at producing ideas and ways for problem-solving.

When the entire group is part of the project, they will be excited to see their ideas put into the play and be more willing to help the project come to life thus, ensuring a responsive, happy, and efficient team.

10. Select the Right Team Leader

A leader is not an authoritative, dictatorial person but a person who values trust, hard work, team spirit, and people’s opinions. To be a leader is to be ready to succumb to the people’s wishes and to be able to hold steadfast unto decisions. It is to be kind yet firm, to be as soft as foam yet as solid as a rock. A team leader is a person in front of a tug of war game. He is at the forefront and bears the brawn but knows that he needs to support of every other member to actually win the game.

Choosing the right leader is the second most important tip to work better as a team after communication. The right team leader will act as a cement to maintain the group. Therefore, teammates should study each other thoroughly before deciding. It is important to note that leadership is dynamic.

The person who is most fit to lead might not be noted right away but later into the group project or the former leader might no longer function as effectively, therefore, need a replacement. In these situations, it is important to discuss the new developments and decide on the change of leadership.


Team works are not easy. Many people would rather work alone as they feel it is more flexible, assured of success, and overall easier on them. But with the tips above, working in a team will feel like a cool breeze on a hot day and all the teammates will be content, happy, and satisfied.

I hope you find this piece helpful. If you do, please leave a comment in the comments section.

15 Things That Make a Guy Instantly Attractive

15 Things That Make a Guy Instantly Attractive

Don’t believe the rumours that the sole thing women find attractive about guys is abs, a fair face an incredibly white smile. Most qualities women find attractive aren’t even all the way down to physical appearances, so don’t kill yourself in the gym. Attraction isn’t purely physical. Such a large amount of relationships that were based on physical looks then, have crumbled after a while. Now, what what makes a guy attractive?

Because there are so many other ways for men to be attractive. So, buckle up let’s take you through 15 things that make men instantly attractive.

15 Things That Make a Guy Instantly Attractive

1. A Nice Low Deep Voice

You don’t have to be like Morgan Freeman or even Vin Diezel, but a pleasant and rich baritone can make a guy’s less attractive traits vanish in a second. Ladies! You know what I mean. We associate a husky voice with testosterone.

2. When Men Look Into Our Eyes

Maintain that eye contact. Most ladies will look away but in spite of her appearance just went “pow pow pow”.

3. Personal Hygiene

For many girls, I do know, the primary thing they notice about a guy is his hygiene.  I was at the mall with my friend and an extremely attractive guy walked by, like Idris Elba attractive. My friend and I immediately gave each other that look. You know the one that says “Did you see that?”

As we were conveying this message to each other, he happened to walk right past me and… Oh My God!, he smelled! He smelled so bad, it took all my might not to gag right there. Every single little bit of attraction I had flown away. Whoosh. Gone. Nada. Finite.

In other words, being clean and well-kept makes a man instantly hot. Hygiene is superbly important. Keep your clothes clean, don’t forget to take care of your hair, beard (if you have any), nails, and everything else clean. We ladies adore very hygienic people. Even an average-looking person can go far on the attractiveness level just by looking clean!

4. Dressing Nicely

A man that can clean up nice and not look homeless is a major factor. A man who can have a sense of style, you don’t have to be dramatic about your outfit, but just wear some nice jeans, a shirt with a nice shoe or maybe a very beautiful kaftan. The goal is not to look homeless!

5. The Ability to Fix Things

There’s just something about a man who can get his hands dirty. It’s definitely attractive when a man knows his way around a toolbox if I need to have some shelves that require assembling or a malfunction around the house.

It’s not that we don’t want to be self-reliant, but a man which will sort things out for you is incredibly nice, not to mention economical.

6. A Guy With Sense of Purpose

Having a sense of purpose in life is very important. Women find it attractive when men have something to do and dedicate their time and energy to that. It may well be your career, volunteering work you’re very passionate about, and so on.

If you don’t have a purpose, it’s a turn-off because it will seem to be you’re looking to your partner to rely upon for all the answers.

7. Rolled-Up Sleeves

You got forearms? Baby, flaunt them! I’ve got no idea why just seeing it causes such a reaction, but I believe it has something of the sort to do with looking like a man is about to get some work done. Which is simply is attractive.

8. A Guy With Goals and Dreams

There’s nothing more attractive than a man who knows what he wants in life and does everything to get it. Let’s be honest, if you don’t have goals, then what are you looking forward to in this life?

9. A Man With Chivalry

Chivalry is not dead. A man that has class – not swag is totally stunning. Simply because women are being independent now doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate some old-fashioned chivalry.

Feel free to hold the door open for us, compliment us, give up your seat, wear your trouser at the waist and do anything that’s totally gentlemanly,

There’s just something very attractive about a guy who offers to assist women, with a smile on his face and not expecting any favours reciprocally.

10. A Man That Isn’t Afraid to Communicate How He Truly Feels

Women don’t really need the strong, silent type;  No one wants a man who is simply too afraid to open up and share what’s on their mind What women find attractive in a man can tell us exactly what he needs and wants, and the way he is feeling – A man who can be vulnerable and share their feelings with us.

11. A Man With Manners

Knowing a way to address the elderly and children, behave properly around our parents, eat without resembling a troll, saying please and thanks, is usually appealing for a lady.

Women really appreciate a man who knows his manners and remains polite even in frustrating situations. If he’s someone we would want to bring around our friends and family then the rude persona cannot work.

12. A Man That Is Confident, But Not Cocky

Confidence is sexy, but a man with a Kanye-sized ego is not – confidence that some guys possess once they walk into a space, their aura or energy is simply powerful and strong. The type that makes heads turn. The kind of confidence that shows you’re comfortable in your own element and doesn’t feel the need to point that you are better than anyone.

13. A Guy With Intelligence

My sapiosexuals know what I am talking about! A Ph.D. isn’t necessary, but a man that can be confident and eloquent in whatever topic he is passionate about is so attractive. A man that is well versatile in numerous niches, reads books, speaks eloquently. Ahhh! Just kill us.

14. A Man That Can Cook

I’m not going to lie but a man that can cook is just amazing! You don’t have to deliver Chef Gordon Ramsy dishes, but just know how to whoop up a meal or two. Being able to do that gives you higher points.

15. Money

Let’s not pretend here, but money does make a guy attractive. Money provides security and this is why it is closely linked to attraction.


The above-mentioned points are things that we ladies look out for in guys and the things that make a guy instantly attractive. Guys, try and attribute yourselves to these points or tips and you will woo any lady of your choice. All things being equal.

Let me know in the comments section if you think there’s any point that I missed out.

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