7 Easy Guides to Stop Being Disorganized

7 Easy Guides to Stop Being Disorganized

Everyone wants to achieve their goals, live their dreams, and be perfect in every way, forgetting that you can’t accomplish all these things if you aren’t organized and have a plan. Knowing how to stop being disorganized should be on everybody’s bucket list. You should know what causes one to be disorganized which are, perfectionism, lack of skills, our beliefs about things and indecision, and mental health and health-related conditions amongst others. If you fall into any of these reasons for being disorganized, then it means this article is for you.

Some people who don’t grapple with mental illness or perfectionism grapple with ADHD and the only way out of this mess is to look for ways how to stop being disorganized. Here are some tips on how to stop being disorganized…

7 Easy Guides to Stop Being Disorganized

1. Start Small

This means that you don’t necessarily have to do things all at once, you can start by taking baby steps. Knowing how to stop being disorganized has to do with prioritizing and scheduling.

You don’t always have to do everything all at once, doing that just makes your work feel all jumbled up and causes a mess, which leads to procrastination and disorderliness. As I’ve said before, starting small helps you stay on track, both on your time and in your life. Starting small also helps you prioritize your activities and also do well in everything worth doing. Looking, for a way how to stop being disorganized? Start small, it helps.

2. A Good Way to Stop Being Disorganized Is By Starting Smart

Starting small has to also do with being tactful, strategic, and smart. That’s why you have to be very skeptical and scrutinize what you prioritize to be organized.

Don’t waste time or stress out over random acts of tidiness. Instead, pick an area that will greatly impact your daily life. By doing this, you can start by getting a planner, like a book, calendar, or an app planner, whichever one works for you. List out all your routines and plans for the month or the week or for the day, whichever you want to do. To be honest, we all struggle with staying on top of our game by being organized and all, but starting small and smart will surely help you tackle a multitude of work that has been piled up for some time. By doing this, you are not only organizing your life you are also investing in yourself.

3.  Calculate How You Spend Your Time

We all have 24 hours in a day. It may be because your lifestyle is preventing you from properly managing your time. By lifestyle I mean, what you eat, how long you stay on social media, how long you sleep, how long you watch TV amongst others, if you are looking for ways how to stop being disorganized, you should be able to know some of your routines and see if there are habits you are holding on to that need to be let go.

Just by doing this, you are staying afloat in your game, and you’re trying to stay organized. Once you must have figured out what exactly is making you stay disorganized, you will know that your lifestyle could be preventing you from properly managing your time.

4. Organize Your Time Wisely

Time management is hard. To be successful at time management, start using a planner. I know I’ve spoken about using a planner and speaking about it now should let you know that writing down your plan and goals, helps you stay on track and also stops you from being disorganized, and helps you stay focused.

Knowing how to stop being disorganized should be a top priority for everyone and organizing and managing your time is a way to help you stay organized. In your planner, list every activity that involves scheduling. This includes appointments, project deadlines, exercise, and social events. Don’t schedule activities every hour of every day which leads to frustration. You also need to plan for the unexpected too, because anything can happen.

5. Plan, Prioritize, and Follow Through On Tasks

Chris Bailey, the author of the book “The Productivity Project,  writes that “having just three items to focus on throughout the day and week will help you stay centered and accomplish more, even on days when everything hits the fan’’.

Many people, including myself, fail at time management because we haven’t planned, prioritized, and followed through on tasks. The best way to correct this is by creating a routine.

You can do this by creating a weekly schedule inculcating essential tasks, such as writing articles, cooking, finishing assignments, or doing laundry. Next, you need to establish set blocks of time for these essential tasks. Because you know your essential tasks and also the times for them, now it’s time you evaluate the time spent on each task. Be consistent and keep these tasks and times up to date, try not to slack, and try doing this for 3 weeks.

For larger tasks, break them into smaller tasks and try working on them in chunks, that way you will be alright and by doing this, you are learning how to stop being disorganized!

6. Drop Your Bad Habits

You should know that multitasking is also a bad habit, that’s biting more than you can chew. One of the reasons you may be disorganized is because you must have developed bad habits that are preventing you from being organized.  If you want to get better at being organized and at time management, is by eliminating these bad habits. By eliminating bad habits, you can start by understanding your limits and knowing how to say no.

Another bad habit is relying on your memory. No matter how ‘sharp’ you claim to say your memory is, you have to know that you will always forget and you can’t always rely on your memory, whether it is on notes or anything else.

7. Decide What You Want To Achieve!

To stay organized, you should know what you want, your result, and how you want to achieve that.

Most people don’t know how to set and achieve their goals which is why they do whatever they like whenever they want to thereby making them disorganized.

Knowing how to stop being disorganized has to also do with deciding what you want to achieve, how you want to achieve it, and when you want to achieve it. For instance, you want an assignment is done which is due in the next 2 weeks that has to be printed. Now you have a goal of doing an assignment and finishing it up within a week and a half, all you have to do, is write at least one page of what you researched on as the assignment for the next 1 week and a half after you must have done all these, you will find out that you have ample time to correct your mistakes and put your assignment in check before the deadline.

By doing this task and accomplishing it, you haven’t also achieved a goal, you have mastered a principle which is time management.


Knowing how to stop being disorganized should be a task that everyone should know because, you can accomplish a lot with just being organized, I mean a whole lot! So why not dive into the concept of being organized in your life.

Try and develop the habit of writing down everything you want to accomplish in a day, and try meeting up to most of the deadlines on that day, you can achieve a whole lot, only if you want to be organized.


Why is it important to be organized?

It helps you to prioritize activities, set and achieve goals and reduce stress.

What makes you well organized?

Some of the things that make you well organized are, specific tools and technologies, general strategies, task management software, teamwork/communication, and more.

Can staying organized reduce stress?

Staying organized can reduce your stress levels because it can end the last-minute scrambling in various situations.

Can I stay organized without planning?

Without planning and organizing, there would be chaos. Nothing would be done.

Why is staying organized important to work?

Organizing and planning help you get your work done accurately, avoiding costly mistakes.

Successful People Have These 10 Daily Habits. You Should Too.

Successful People Have These 10 Daily Habits. You Should Too.

Habit is a behavioral pattern that is regularly repetitive. A habit might initially be triggered by a goal but, after some time the goal becomes less necessary and the habit becomes automatic. Making a habit of something takes commitment and diligence. Successful people have quite a number of habits that make them who they are. Those habits are what enhance their ability to succeed.

You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.

John C Maxwell

10 Daily Habits of Successful People You Should Imbibe

1. Early to Bed, Early to Rise

Sleeping and waking early breeds a healthy body. A productive adult should get 7-9hours of sleep.

This is one of the daily habits of successful people and it gives room for efficiency and good performance of other daily habits of successful people below.

2. They Start the Day With Calm Music

Music is precious, it has a soothing way of putting one into a productive mood for the day.

Do you have a playlist of calm songs that gets you in a good groove? Play it!

3. Successful People Have a Workout Routine

Successful people have a daily habit of breaking sweat early in the morning- most accompany it with calm music. Waking up the muscles of the body and activating the parts of the brain that makes it productive in the morning involves going through stretches or cardio, or even both.

Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple works out first thing in the morning. He uses Apple Watch to track his time and he describes himself as a “fitness nut”.

4. They Don’t Forget to Take Breakfast

The good news is that this is the best time to take large calories as you’ll need them to stay energized for the day. So, do not skip it. Remember, it is the vital meal of the day. Queen Elizabeth remembers knows this. She takes a cup of milk accompanied with fresh or dried fruit the next thing after she started her day with calm music.

5. Succesful People Take Care of Their Personal Hygiene

Successful people are high on personal care. This reminds me of Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla Motors, who made use of a concise word when asked what daily habit of his has had the largest positive impact. He went on to say “showering”, for some, that’s all it takes and for others, there are routines for body and skincare routine.

Book that face mask and the body massage appointment.

6. Meditation is Important To Them

As a detox, meditation is a practice of channelling the mind to the present and away from the noise and complexity of life. It is calming the mind and places focus on things that are peaceful, present or happy.

It prepares one to tackle the day with ease and calmness. This is one of the daily habits of successful people that sets them ready for the day. Consuming motivational podcasts enhances meditation also.

7. They Create a to-do-list

Setting up goals for oneself and creating a to-do list grows one into a successful person. Creating a list for the day or a time builds focus and thereby makes it easy to start the day with clarity.

8. They Have an Organized and Clean space

Asides from cleanliness being next to godliness, there is an ambiance that comes with having an organized and clean space to work at. It refreshes the mind and body and one is more likely to have a productive day with all clutters cleared out.

9. They Network A Lot

There is a huge value in networking and exchanging ideas with people. Recent research says that successful people spend at least 2hours a day networking.

Nurture your relationships, never take them for granted.

Tony Elumelu

In the same way, when you start your career, build your circle, seek to learn, don’t be afraid to understudy the experts and reach out to potential helpers and mentors and learn from them”

10. Create Time for Spontaneity

There are times things don’t go the way we want them to, it’s okay, they don’t always do. But what do you do when that happens to your plans?

Jeff Bezos recognizes the essentiality of having spontaneous time, he sees the need for unstructured time in his schedule. He understands how it affects every aspect of his life and he built it into his daily habit.

Sometimes, the best way to be productive is to schedule time for absolutely nothing at all.

Jeff Bezos

This is in its entirety a great show of emotional intelligence.

You want to imitate Jeff Bezos, know this.

Whatever your daily habits are, remember to create time for spontaneity.


If you are looking for ways to imbibe successful people, this is it. Get ready to experience a successful life as you cultivate these habits. Which other ones do you know? Share them in the comments box.

10 Indisputable Signs of an Emotionally Damaged Person

10 Indisputable Signs of an Emotionally Damaged Person

“I guess it’s part of my destiny to live in this state of despair” “I’ve always known I was the problem of myself, the reason why I don’t get along with others” “why does everything seem to be working against me?”. The above statement has become the norm of our society—people living with pains calling it fate. Perhaps, you’ve heard someone say those words or you have sounded them too. This kind of person is said to be an emotionally damaged person. Unfortunately, they may portray emotionally mature signs but deep down they are emotionally broken.

Being emotionally damaged is a state where one’s feelings have been seared by past happenings or emotional neglect from those they had presumed to have loved and trusted. These occurrences often leave the victim hurt, broken, pained, frustrated, and depressed. Such a state is harmful to the well-being of any person, hence, the majority believes hurting others in return would cure their emotional suffering. However, it only makes it grow worse.

Furthermore, it tends to affect other aspects of their lives like their social and academic life, emotional coordination, and their financial budget.

Signs That Shows You Are Emotionally Damaged

1. Emotionally Damaged People Have Love Disorder Problems

Emotionally damaged person

Over the years in the state of brokenness, many develop toxic ideology towards love and the opposite sex. Some feel there is no such thing as love and find it difficult to love again. Also, they can’t relate well with their fellow humans and have poor communication skills. Subsequently, they breed unhealthy relationships due to their fears of being hurt again, such as lack of trust and commitment, suspicious attitude, and carefree attitude.

2. Negative Thought Pattern is Normal to Emotionally Damaged Persons

An emotionally damaged person

It’s already registered in their subconscious mind that nothing good can happen to them. Hence, they are pessimistic in their thought patterns, expecting bad things to occur sooner or later. Most times, they struggle to accept pleasant things when given to them. They are the types that always doubt every good compliment said to them. In addition, they prefer reading books that encourage such behavior rather than reading self-improvement books.

3. Poor Self Care Habits

Emotionally damaged woman

An emotionally damaged person experiences a feeling of worthlessness. Hence, they believe they have nothing to live or hope for. Therefore, they don’t take proper care of themselves, have poor nutrition, live in an untidy environment, and look unkempt. Sadly, many of them engage in harmful habits like taking hard drugs to forget about their pains which gradually affects their memory retention ability.

Interestingly, they won’t encourage others to take hard drugs to showcase emotionally mature signs whereas they aren’t matured.

4. Those Who Are Brokenhearted Enjoy Being Alone

Emotionally damaged person

It’s likely to see an emotionally damaged person deserted from others, they don’t associate and have no one to talk with. Even if someone wants to associate with them, they quickly assume the person is there to cause them more pain. Their daily life schedule is built upon a pattern of boredom. One of their greatest fears is rejection, hence they rather don’t associate than suffer rejection.

5. An Emotionally Damaged Person Live with the Feeling of Guilt, Shame, and Regret

Heartbroken woman

A vast majority of those who have been hurt emotionally think that what happened to them was their fault to some extent. Therefore, they are caged in perpetual guilt, shame, and regret, wishing they could turn back the hands of the clock. This attitude deprives them of enjoying life, and they can’t stay happy at their workplace which reduces their productivity at work.

6. Unexplainable Anger Revolves Around Emotionally Damaged Persons

An angry Man

Being brokenhearted makes one naturally angry with themselves and life in general. This kind of anger can be destructive because it’s backed up by pain, hurt, and revenge. This set of people are yet to learn how to recognize their emotions. Hence, they experience mood swings, this minute they are sad, next they are angry, changing from one negative emotion to another.

7. Emotionally Damaged Persons Are Hunted by their Past

An emotionally damaged person haunted by her past

Emotionally matured signs include one’s ability to forget the past and move on to a better tomorrow. However, the case is different when it comes to those who are emotionally damaged, they are always seeing flashbacks from their past. This is because they have intentionally refused to let go of the past and are always reliving the past. Hence, they can’t enjoy the present or look forward to a better tomorrow.

8. They Suffer From Low Self-esteem

Emotionally damaged person

Oftentimes those who have been hurt emotionally develop low self-esteem. They think less of themselves and deprive themselves of the necessity of life. Unfortunately, we dictate how others should think or treat us by the way we treat ourselves. Hence, it appears as though everyone they come in contact with has a problem with them, and regards them with less or no value at all.

This mindset keeps them from trying something new or going after their goals due to fear of failure. Therefore, they enjoy living the life of a mediocre or an average person.

9. An Emotionally Damaged Persons Harbors Unforgiveness and Resentment

People who have experienced hurt and pain find it so difficult to forgive those who have caused them pain. Sadly, unforgiveness and resentment are dangerous to one’s mental health and well-being in general. It makes them resentful towards others who haven’t done them wrong but have a connection or similarity to those who have wronged them.

10. Emotionally Hurt Person Are Caged in the Web of Insomnia

sad man

A vast majority of those with shattered emotions may disguise and show emotionally mature signs in public, but one thing they can’t pretend with is their inability to have a sound sleep. The inability to sleep comfortably is term insomnia. For emotionally damaged persons they spend most of their night thinking of their past which can’t be changed or devising a means of revenge. Oftentimes, since they are hunted by their past life many of them do have nightmares.


The aim of this post isn’t to make you feel guilty but that you seek help to break free from the grip of emotional pains and regrets. You should associate with helpful friends, take your self-care seriously, allow yourself to be loved again, and stay away from things that remind you of your pains. Most importantly, endeavor to see a therapist who will guide you through complete recovery and help you develop emotionally mature signs.

Perhaps, you’ve been emotionally damaged before and have overcome, what was your experience like and how did you scale through?

8 Activities to Help Your Child Grow Emotionally

8 Activities to Help Your Child Grow Emotionally

Humans react differently to things and situations happening around them or to them. However, irrespective of the differences, it can be broadly classified into positive and negative reactions. For instance, when challenges occur with no hope of a solution, the vast majority will lose focus and give in to fear and tears. On the other hand, there are still a few individuals out there, who can cope fine despite their current situation. These categories have learned how to understand their emotions and choose the positive over the negative. This article seeks to tell you about activities to help your child grow emotionally.

Interestingly, growing to such a stage of emotional maturity doesn’t happen overnight or within a twinkle of an eye, in essence, it’s a process that requires time – It begins from childhood. Therefore, as a parent there are a series of activities to help your kids grow emotionally mature; this process eases their growth stage unto adulthood.

What is Emotional Maturity?

Emotional maturity is a state where a person has gained the ability to understand his/her emotions, and beyond understanding has the power to manage their emotions no matter their circumstances – either pleasant or unpleasant. As earlier established it doesn’t happen in a day, but it’s a skill that is developed through consistent work overtime. Furthermore, growing to the stage of emotional maturity begins with the development of one’s emotional intelligence by having vivid knowledge of one’s thoughts and behavior.

Subsequently, this lays the foundation for emotional maturity and helps one decide how best to approach a situation. Sadly, most parents don’t feel the need to help their kids grow emotionally, because they have experienced a series of emotional neglect in the past. However, instead of depriving your children, you can choose to learn how to overcome childhood emotional neglect.

What Are the Benefits of Emotional Maturity?

1. Emotional Maturity Helps One Provide Productive Solutions to Problems

Problems are certainly unavoidable in life, arising from people, situations, and things. But what matters most is how we can handle those problems by providing a productive solution. In response to this, being emotionally mature keeps one calm despite the turbulence around. Also, in a state of calmness, a person can think straight and provide constructive solutions.

2. It Helps Kids Associate Socially With Peers

As a parent don’t hesitate to learn about those activities to help your kids grow emotionally, this is because this activity enables them to associate with their peers positively. Kids who are damaged emotionally have poor self-esteem about themselves and feel left out among their peers. In contrast, when your child is matured emotionally they feel good about themselves and mingle with their peers to learn more.

3. Emotional Maturity Empowers One to Seek Help

Those who are mature emotionally know that life isn’t about themselves alone. Rather a connected network of valuable people, who serves as a propeller towards the actualization of their goals. Hence, when they are exhausted they don’t keep the pain to themselves or die in silence, on the contrary, they are quick to ask for help if need be. In essence, kids who are mature emotionally feel free to tell their parents things about themselves especially when they are suffering from bullying at school.

4. Emotional Maturity Enables a Person to Cope with Difficult Situations

Hard times are what make the journey of life worthwhile. They build us into becoming the best version of ourselves because the comfort zone slows down progress. However, those who are not yet mature emotionally easily get overwhelmed by their difficult times, but the reverse becomes the case when such a person is emotionally matured – they overcome difficult times. Therefore, you must be determined to learn about activities to help your kids grow emotionally which enables them to cope with difficult circumstances.

5. Control the Effects of Negative Emotions

The vast majority don’t know how to curtail their negative emotions and similarly don’t care about the aftermath of such emotions. Those who struggle with anger or other negative emotions must learn to excuse themselves from amidst people to avoid taking regrettable actions. This is why everyone must learn how to be emotionally mature to avoid hurting themselves and others by venting negative emotions wrongly.

Activities to Help Your Child Grow Emotionally

1. Spend Quality Time with Your Kids by Hanging Out Together

It’s wrong to abandon your kids all in the name of a quest for money, a career, or an accomplishment. When kids are left alone they begin to feel unwanted and think less of themselves. In contrast, learn how to balance work and family to be able to spend quality time with your kids. Hanging out with your kids helps them realize that survival is tired of social connection and they wouldn’t hesitate to seek help when needed instead of keeping the pain to themselves.

2. Practice More Relaxation and Meditation

Among those activities to help your child grow emotionally mature is the frequent practice of relaxation. Kids shouldn’t be exempted from this practice. This is because both of them are healthy practices that help bring the body to a state of calmness and focus. Interestingly, the more your kids give in to the act of meditation the more they can maintain a calm state when unpleasant things happen. Constructive solutions are birthed from the state of serenity and focus. Also, encourage them to cultivate the habit of listening to calm music.

3. Encourage Your Kids to Practice Healthy Habits

The practice of healthy habits is what enables kids to value themselves and learn to become more empathetic towards others. In essence, they become mindful of all their actions and decisions to avoid causing harm to themselves and others. Healthy practices include obedience to instructions, keeping good company, proper eating routine, dedication to academic work, and being truthful and honest among others. In addition, ensure you inculcate the right morals into your kids because kids who are morally unsound easily give in to negative emotions.

4. Decisions Making Helps Kids Grow Emotionally

Your kids begin to take responsibility for their actions when they are allowed to make decisions by themselves. Responsible kids will always manage their emotions irrespective of the situation. The importance of allowing kids to make their own decisions can’t be overemphasized as it helps them see the bigger picture of life. This way, they can choose what’s right over what’s wrong without feeling controlled or forced. At times, as a parent, you may feel they don’t know what’s best, however, feel free to tell them the pros and cons of every action they intend to take and allow them to decide.

5. Kids Who Engage in Worthwhile Activities Grow Emotionally

Productive activities are one of those activities to help your child grow emotionally. This is because these kinds of activities boost their creativity and brain coordination and; in turn influence their emotions positively, especially when done within a group like academic activities and participation in sports. In addition, be committed to discovering your kid’s talent and supporting them as much as possible. Furthermore, they should grow their talent by learning a skill that’s related to their talent.

It may interest you to check out fun things to do with your child at home during the holidays.

6. Allocate House Chores to Your Kids

Kids who get everything done for them by others find it difficult to coordinate themselves. In other words, they don’t know the value of things because they aren’t aware of the effort put together to achieve that thing. Therefore, you would do your kids lots more good by assigning them household chores for kids. Engaging in such activities teaches them about hard work and boosts their problem-solving skills when a task requiring their reasoning is assigned to them.

7. It’s Okay For Your Kids to Make Mistakes

Oftentimes, people get confused when they make mistakes or give in to depression when they fail because they have been taught that failure is the end of the tunnel for them. This mindset is often gotten from childhood as parents make their children feel bad when they make mistakes. However, this approach is wrong as it limits the growth of any child. Failures and mistakes are part of life and are stepping stones to greater heights. Hence, allow your kids to make mistakes so they can learn and avoid such occurrences in the future.

8. Reading Valuable Books Boost Emotional Growth

Reading books is one of those activities to help your child grow emotionally when applied currently. Kids can learn about different types of emotions and the effects of reading books related to emotional growth. Oftentimes, this book comes in children’s novel format telling stories about things, animals, and humans. However, within these storylines are moral lessons for kids to learn and apply to their own lives. So, instead of allowing your kids to play around or spend unnecessary time in front of the screen, buy them this set of books and watch them grow emotionally.


Growing emotionally isn’t a day job but rather a continuous process of growth beginning from childhood. Therefore, take all those activities to help your kids grow emotionally outlined above one at a time. In addition, encourage your kids to familiarize themselves with a positive affirmation attitude. In essence, they should learn how to always say something positive about themselves, as it influences their mindset and reactions towards situations that happen around them.

How to Know If Someone Is Married

How to Know If Someone Is Married

Have you ever met someone and instinctively knew that such person was married? Like judging from the vibes they give off and their actions? Or you’re entering into the dating scene and want to ensure you are not interested in someone who is married? In this article, I’d be showing signs to know if someone is married.

Now, how this article came to be is quite interesting. I was talking to one of my bosses at work and he told me he was married and I was partly shocked. I already suspected it was true because he was giving me “married man” vibes.

Turns out he was only pulling my legs, but he was curious to know what signs I was talking about to know if someone is married. And that was how this article was birthed.

Now that I have you curious also, here are some signs to know if someone is married.

Signs to Know If Someone is Married

1. Look Out For the Wedding Ring

Okay, this is probably the most visible feature of a married person. You can know if someone is married through the wedding finger- is it occupied or empty?Women are particular about this piece of jewelry. They see wedding rings as a sign of affection which is why women rarely take off their wedding rings in public. For men, the story is not the same.

While some men may have their wedding rings on, most men (unintentionally though) forget to wear their rings or just refuse to put them on. In this case, instead of a ring on the finger, what you’d most probably see, is the ring’s tagline + that circle tight rings leaves on the finger.

The ring finger is located between the middle finger and the little finger. Any tagline you see signifies that the person is either married or recently divorced. I know girls who wear rings on that finger to stop men from making advances.

When next you’re relating with someone and unsure of their marital status, keep an eye on the ring finger.

2. The Type of Car They Drive

In my life spent on earth (I lived on Mars once), I have never seen a single person want to buy a family car for personal use. I’m pretty sure when you saw this heading, you know the type of car associated with family people.

This is a hack. If you want to know if a person’s married, check the type of car they drive and how they drive it. Most family men drive family cars that can take the family conveniently.

I mean, why would you be single and need a Toyota Sienna or a Honda Odyssey? Who are you carrying about? Except such a person is a public transport driver, single people do not need family cars.

I had a friend that refused to learn how to drive using his father’s Sienna. He complained that it made him look older than he wanted.

If you see your crush that you think is single driving in a family car, you might want to do extra research, darling.

3. Their Mode of Dressing

I don’t know if it’s just me, but there’s something about how a person dresses that gives of either single vibes or marriage vibes. I remember growing up and seeing my dad and uncles’ clothing and knowing that this is not what I want to wear.

Today, the rate at which young people are getting married is very high. I am convinced that last year December, there were only three single people left in Nigeria- I am the first person, the last two are teenagers. Considering these statistics, it might be difficult to identify that young chap or lady as married.

Still, the following wears are pretty common to married people:

  • Baggy Clothing: Baggy clothing is slowly seeping into our fashion of today but never forget the people to whom this belongs -married people. Do you think a married man with a family to feed would want to go through the stress of pulling slim-fit trousers after closing from work 5 times a week?
  • Traditional Wears: My boss falls under this category. I have never seen him in English wear. He walks confidently in trads and I can’t help but imagine how he’d look in English. Married couples love trads a lot. There is nothing that gets to them like a matching traditional outfit.
  • Veils: In the northern part of Nigeria, it is common for married women to wear veils that cover their hair and neck and is usually long. On the other hand, single ladies prefer shorter veils that cover just their necks.

4. Married Couples Have Strict Socializing Habits

The freedom that comes with being single is not affordable to married ones. While you can stay out late and have drinks with friends, a married person has to think about family first.

Being single gives you time to socialize to your desire. You can decide to hang out late with friends or go for a swim in the middle of the night. For married people, they have to think about their significant other and family duties.

Rule one in a Nigerian home- As a married person, never stay out late without a solid reason.

Don’t get me wrong. Being married does not stop you from having a good time with your circle. Being married means that whatever way you choose to socialize, you must be accountable to your partner.

When next you’re out for a drink and someone keeps requesting to go home early, check the ring finger and the car they drive.

Bonus tip- if they pronounce WhatsApp as “whatsup”, that person is married and should be expecting grandchildren.

5. You Can Know If Someone is Married Through Their Behaviour

Naturally, married people tend to be reserved and are conscious of their behaviour in public. They tend to act maturely because they have a marriage to protect.

For example, in my first few years in the north, I realized that most married women turn down handshakes from men. Single ladies are freer with these advances from men.

A person who is married cannot be free with advances from any member of the opposite sex. Their behaviour towards such advances would be harsher than how a single person would react.


These signs may not apply to everyone. It is a general observable character I have noticed from married people. I feel more signs might have skipped my mind. Let me know in the comment section if you’ve observed one.

In case you’re unsure about a person’s status, all you need to do is ask. Jumping to conclusions will not answer your questions though.

You could also check: This is How You Find The Right Partner.