You Won’t Ever Skip Breakfast After Reading This!

You Won’t Ever Skip Breakfast After Reading This!

Breakfast amongst other meals of the day is considered the most important. It refers to the first meal of the day taken in the morning. Just like the name, this meal breaks the night-long fast. For example, if you had your dinner at 8 pm yesterday and you normally have your breakfast by 8 am, you have fasted for about 12 hours! This analysis is to help you see how long your body has gone without any food.

Foods rich in protein are known to be rich in energy and bodybuilding and they’re recommended to be taken for breakfast. The aim is not to only eat breakfast but to eat a healthy one.

Despite the importance attached to having breakfast, some people delay, others skip breakfast completely out of haste of getting late for work, not feeling hungry, or out of habit.

If skipping breakfast is your habit, then this article is for you as you shall discover the massive importance attached to having breakfast.

Read: 5 Minutes Snacks to Make for Breakfast

7 Reasons Why Breakfast Is Important

1. You Are Breaking A Fast!

As stated above, in the morning, your body has gone about 10 hours without food depending on what time you ate dinner and the time you woke up. This means you have fasted.

Metabolically, your body’s source of energy is glucose which is gotten from the breakdown of carbohydrates. The excesses of the carbohydrates are converted into glycogen which is stored in the liver.

During the night, the body continues to carry out metabolic processes that require energy. In the presence of a shortage of glucose supply, the glycogen store is broken down to ensure an adequate supply of glucose to the brain and other parts of the body for effective metabolism.

The implication of this is that by morning, you would be on low glucose and this should be replenished. This is an indication that breakfast is very important.

Hence, when you get up in the morning, breaking the night-long fast should be among your top priorities.

2. Breakfast Improves Your Body’s Metabolism

The body is constantly building up tissues (anabolism) or breaking down complex materials to provide energy (catabolism).

After waking up in the morning, your body would be on low glucose and low glycogen storage. This is as a result of their usage for repairs and detoxification actions throughout the night. For continuous metabolism during the day, the body’s glucose levels should be replenished to avoid the usage of fat stores. Having a good breakfast aid metabolism while skipping breakfast prevents the necessary supply of glucose.

This slows down metabolism which is unhealthy.

Check out these 12 foods that increase metabolism.

3. It Has a Positive Impact on Your Brain

Note that the only fuel your brain recognizes and utilizes is glucose hence the need to ensure maximum supply to it. Breakfast is important in boosting the brain’s activity and effectiveness. The absence of an adequate supply of fuel (glucose) to your brain dulls your brain activity.

Studies have shown that a dip in glucose availability can hurt attention, memory, and learning. Hence, taking breakfast can improve memory retention and makes you focus.

You would agree with me that you need the right functioning brain to go about your daily routine. Give it the necessary fuel it deserves!

4. Breakfast is Important because It Improves Concentration

Having a healthy breakfast is important in boosting concentration while skipping it does the opposite. I can attest to this and that is why I hardly go a day without my breakfast.

During my 100 level days, there was this day of the week that lectures start at 7 am. That’s quite early. I recalled not having my breakfast out of haste not to miss the lectures for the first few days. The sad part was, I would be present for the lectures but I could barely assimilate as I would love to. I couldn’t concentrate because I didn’t have enough energy to focus.

Ever since I made it a habit to wake up earlier and ensure I had my breakfast. Since then, I stopped having issues with concentration during that period.

Do you want to concentrate better in the mornings on brain-involving activities? Don’t skip the most important meal of the day.

5. It Boosts Productivity

Skipping breakfast is a productivity killer. A healthy breakfast prevents you from getting unnecessarily overwhelmed and stressed. It helps you stay alert and well-coordinated to achieve great results at the end of the day.

You would agree with me that you don’t expect a car to function effectively without adequate fuel. Don’t expect great results from yourself in the early hours of the day if you don’t supply the body with needed fuel.

6. It Helps to Control Your Weight

Studies have shown that people who skip breakfast tend to overeat and have cravings for excess sugary and fatty foods throughout the rest of the day. Being hungry makes you not be selective about the foods you consume later in the day. So, you easily grab on any nearby food without thinking twice about it.

The result of consuming unhealthy foods that have high sugar and fat content is being overweight or obese. However, having a regular breakfast helps you go about your day feeling full and not needing to eat unnecessarily.

This is important as it helps keep your weight in check. You can lose weight by entirely changing what you eat.

7. You Enjoy Good Health

Skipping breakfast may result in obesity, which means having excess body fat as a result of the reason stated above.

Being overweight or obese as a result of skipping breakfast puts you at a high risk of having certain diseases including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, high blood pressure, etc.

However, having a regular breakfast is important as it saves you from these life-threatening diseases.


Having known the importance of breakfast, you must try to make or maintain the habit of having a healthy breakfast every morning before leaving your home for work or school as the case may be.

It’s my hope that you found this article helpful. If you do, kindly leave a comment.

Check Out These Foods That Are Good for Asthmatic Patients

Check Out These Foods That Are Good for Asthmatic Patients

Have you ever wondered what could be the best foods for asthma patients? Or how your diet can help you to reduce or control asthma symptoms? If you thought of that I am sure it crossed your mind that there could be the worst foods for asthma patients too. You are not alone in this train of thoughts. Researchers believe eating a healthy balanced diet can help reduce asthma symptoms. It is believed that foods that increase inflammation worsen asthma symptoms while those that reduce inflammation reduce the symptoms. Your weight can also affect your asthma condition, if you are obese you may not respond to asthma dose treatment.

Want to lose weight? Read this.

The best foods for asthma patients are fruits, beans, ginger, turmeric or foods rich in Vitamins A and Vitamin D, magnesium and beta carotene-rich vegetables. Here is why I said so;

Read: You Won’t Believe the Benefits of These Common Spices

6 Foods That Are Good for Asthmatic Patients

1. Fruits

Fruits reduce inflammation because they contain beta carotene and vitamin C and E. Eating 1 apple a day help to reduce total cholesterol, promote healthy cellular function and proper blood flow and also reduce asthma symptoms while improving lung function due to its antioxidant and potassium content.

Eating fruits, in general, helps in asthma control

2. Ginger and Turmeric

Ginger’s main bioactive compound is Gingerol an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that can reduce oxidative stress and inhibit the growth of bacteria. Gingerol in ginger may also help relieve asthma symptoms due to its anti-inflammatory functions.

Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory compound that fights disease and helps in repairing damage in your body. It can increase the antioxidant capacity of the body by protecting your body from free can also boost brain-derived neurotrophic factors, lower the risk of heart disease, prevent cancer and reduce asthma symptoms as it is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

3. Foods Containing Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential in maintaining healthy bones as it is important in regulating calcium and maintaining the phosphorus levels in your body. It also reduces the risk of flu and can make infants healthy by improving the arterial walls of children. Vitamin D enhances the anti-inflammatory effects of Glucocorticoids thereby reducing asthma symptoms.

Vitamin D also has numerous other benefits. Foods containing Vitamin D include; salmon, sardines, herring, red meat, liver. eggs etc.

4. Foods Containing Vitamin A and Beta Carotene

Vitamin A is important in preserving your eyesight, it can lower the risk of certain cancers as it aids in the growth and development of body cells. It also supports a healthy immune system by maintaining your body’s natural defences. Vitamin A reduces the risk of asthma symptoms as it improves lung function.

Read: These 12 Foods Are Good for the Eyes

Beta carotene is a pro-vitamin A carotenoid that gives vegetables their vibrant colour. Beta Carotene serves as an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals in your body. Its importance is also found in the reduction of the body’s oxidative stress. Beta carotene helps the lungs work better and reduces the risk of cancer. Hence, reducing the risk of asthma attacks in patients.

5. Beans

Beans contain Amino acids that our body uses to heal or make new tissues. Moreover, beans have many health benefits as it serves as a source of protein. Because it contains folate that is essential in red blood cells formation. It also contains antioxidants that help in the removal of free radicals from the body thereby protecting the body from diseases.

Beans have fibre that can reduce the risk of heart disease. Lastly, it has anti-inflammatory agents which help in reducing the risk of cancer and also asthma symptoms which makes it one of the best foods for asthma patients.

Beans are also part of the foods that improve our metabolism

6. Magnesium Rich Foods

Magnesium helps convert food into energy, helps create new proteins from amino acids. It also helps create and repair DNA and RNA. It is important in muscle movements and in regulating neurotransmitters. Magnesium is known to fight depression, benefits against Type 2 diabetes. It can also lower blood pressure.


The best foods for asthma patients are foods that can increase your immunity, reduce inflammation, boost the overall health of your lungs or lung functions. As it will help you in reducing the number of Asthma attacks you will have as we have seen earlier.

It is important as an asthmatic patient you keep your body healthy, eat balanced foods and afford foods that can trigger your asthma symptoms. What are the bests or worst foods for you as an asthmatic person? Kindly leave your comments below or share with your loved ones let us know what foods that trigger your asthma symptoms.  

10 Benefits of Green Tea You Should Know About

10 Benefits of Green Tea You Should Know About

Why don’t you switch that morning cup of coffee with a nice cup of green tea? Why you may ask, well, it’s fairly simple. Green tea is a superfood!

Green tea has been around for centuries. Originating from China, it quickly gained popularity as its many benefits were discovered by the rest of the world.

Green tea is made from unoxidized Camellia sinensis leaves and is one of the least processed types of tea. This is why it contains the most antioxidants.

Those that already take this beverage, already know of its many benefits. For those who are new, allow me to enlighten you about the numerous benefits of green tea, you’ll surely be a regular consumer of this tea by the time you’re through reading this!

The 10 Benefits of Green Tea

Here, we shall discuss the major and scientifically proven benefits of regular green tea consumption.

1.  Green Tea Is Useful for Weight Loss

One of the most efficient and healthy ways to speed up your metabolism is through the consumption of green tea. When your metabolism is high, you break down calories from foods quite quickly. When the body burns calories fast, it inhibits weight gain.

Green tea helps in bumping up the speed at which food is broken and absorbed by the body. The more fat the body burns, the better the circulation of blood due to the reduced cholesterol levels. Enjoy a cup of tea and relish the fact that the pesky excess fat is being put to good use!

2.  It Helps with A Healthy Heart

One of the many benefits of green tea consumption is that it improves cardiovascular conditions. Through a high amount of consumption of some foods, one develops fatty deposits in the blood vessels, this is called cholesterol. This cholesterol is a waxy type of fat that tends to restrict blood flow in the system. When there is too much of this cholesterol, it builds upon the walls of the arteries thereby making it narrow and reducing blood flow to the heart; this is what causes coronary heart disease.

Green tea helps in reducing these cholesterol levels that play a part in several heart diseases. Consumption of green tea reduces the amount of LDL( low-density lipoprotein) which is sometimes called bad cholesterol.

Give your heart a fighting chance. Go get that green tea

3.  Green Tea Aids in The Prevention of Cancer

Another major benefit of green tea is that it contains some elements called flavonoids. These metabolites fight and to some extent kill off cancerous cells in the body.

Research has been conducted in countries where green tea consumption is high. In this research, it was discovered that some cancer rates tend to be lower in such countries.

Furthermore, the research showed some evidence of the benefits of green tea consumption for lowering the risk of cancerous cell generation within the body.

Some of the cancers green tea impacts positively include:

Breast cancer

Lung cancer

Prostate cancer

Skin cancer

Colon cancer

Ovarian cancer

Bladder cancer

Oesophagal cancer

Green tea has a lot of antioxidants majorly because it is unprocessed and unoxidized. Here’s a pro tip; avoid adding milk to your green tea as studies show that milk reduces the antioxidants properties.

4.  It Has Healthy Skin and Anti-Aging Properties

For those that are extra enthusiastic about skincare routines, this is great news. Green tea is a tasty and cheap way of maintaining that youthful and fresh look without having to rely heavily on expensive cosmetics.

The primary agent responsible for this is polyphenol. This agent found in green tea has been shown to slow and to some extent reverse skin ageing and repair skin damage. The ultraviolet rays that we expose ourselves to daily hurt the overall health of our skin.

The carcinogenic activity of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun and other man-made sources causes what is known as photoaging. Photoaging refers to those pesky wrinkles and spots that appear on our skin as we grow older.

A regular cup of healthy green tea is what you need to help you maintain a youthful and exuberant look.

5.  Green Tea Improves Brain Activity and Improves Mood

Another great benefit of green tea consumption is that it helps boost brain function and improves mood. A lot of tea drinkers look to their cups whenever they feel distressed and need a little ‘pick-me-up’. This isn’t just because of purely sentimental reasons. There is a genuinely scientific and logical reason behind that. One of the main components thought to be responsible for this is the caffeine content found in green tea.

Green tea goes as far as improving brain activity by increasing alertness, improving memory retention and even reducing anxiety. I’m sure now you really want to add green tea to that shopping list if you aren’t a fan already.

6.  Green tea Helps to Repair Cell Damage

The DNA in the body’s cells are destroyed by what are known as free radicals. Free radicals are basically oxygen-containing molecules that are naturally produced by the body as a byproduct of metabolism. These molecules are highly unstable and cause damage to the cells of the body.

Green tea contains micronutrients called polyphenols, which are antioxidants that help the body to eliminate these free radicals swimming in your system.

7.  Green Tea Fights Against Diabetes

The Benefits of green tea just keep getting better and better, don’t they?

You’ve learned how green tea fights cancerous cells and cholesterol levels, now, you’ll learn how it fights against diabetes.

Diabetes is a disease associated with high blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels may result in damage to several precious organs including the kidney.

Green tea helps to control and lower the blood sugar level of the body through polysaccharides and thermogenic properties consequently controlling and preventing type II diabetes in adults.

8.  Green Tea Helps Maintain Healthy Kidneys

Frequent consumption of green tea has been proven to be beneficial to the overall health of the Kidneys in several ways.

It protects the kidney from oxidative reactions of the free radicals in the body

Green tea improves blood supply to the kidney

It neutralizes the toxicity of heavy metals in the kidney

9.  One of The Benefits of Green Teas Is That It Improves Liver Health

Another great benefit of this amazing tea is that it improves liver health.

The antioxidants in green tea help the liver to function effectively in the eradication of toxins from the body.

Catechins found in green tea react with and neutralize the harmful effects of heavy metals freeing the liver from their adverse effects.

10.  It Helps Get Rid of Bad Breath

Let’s face it, nobody likes bad breath.

If you’re suffering from it or know someone who is, you’ll find this benefit of green tea especially interesting.

Green tea contains antimicrobial agents acting against bacteria and other microorganisms that cause bad breath. Catechins in green tea inhibit the growth of streptococcus mutans which is a common bacterium that causes mouth bad breath.


For the movie lovers, the avid readers of fiction, you all must have heard of the fictional substance called the elixir of life said to give eternal life and cure all diseases. That sounds amazing, doesn’t it? Well, it is not far-fetched to think of green tea as an elixir of life. While it does not give immortality, it does help in preventing and fighting a lot of diseases and generally improving the quality of one’s health.

Try adding green tea to your daily diet, you will be delightfully surprised by the positive effects and changes you’ll notice to your overall health.