How to Prepare Tuwon Alabo (Cassava Swallow)

How to Prepare Tuwon Alabo (Cassava Swallow)

Tuwon Alabo, or cassava swallow, as people like to call it, is a local dish made from cassava flour (Alabo), which is produced by fermenting peeled cassava in water, sun-drying the fermented cassava, and milling it into powdered form. This flour comes from a root vegetable called cassava. It is also a great substitute for wheat flour and yam flour in a variety of recipes, including tuwon masara. This article seeks to teach you how to prepare Tuwon Alabo.

In addition, Tuwon Alabo is widely consumed and enjoyed by most Nigerians, irrespective of tribe. It is popularly known as Lafun or White Amala in the western part of Nigeria.

Learn how to prepare Tuwon Alabo in a few steps!

Equipment for Making Tuwon Alabo

Cooking potYesGet ItGet It
Food warmerYesGet ItGet It
SieveYesGet ItGet ItGet It
Wooden spatulaYesGet ItGet It

Ingredients for Making Tuwon Alabo

The ingredients needed to make this delicacy are just cassava flour and water

Procedure for Preparing Tuwon Alabo

STEP1: Sieve the cassava flour (Alabo).

STEP 2: Place the cooking pot over medium heat, add water to the pot, and allow it to boil.

STEP 3: Once the water is boiled, remove it from the heat and stir in the sieved alabo with a wooden spatula into the boiled water. Stir continuously until it gets thick and smooth.

STEP 4: Add a little hot water to it and place it back on fire. Leave to cook on medium heat for at least 2 minutes or more to give a smooth-looking tuwo.

STEP 5: Stir again until it becomes smooth and lump-free.

STEP 7: Use the plastic fetcher or the calabash fetcher and pack the tuwo into a food warmer.

STEP 8: Serve hot with any soup of choice.

How to Serve Tuwon Alabo

Tuwon Alabo should be accompanied with Spinach Soup, Okro Soup, Bitterleaf Soup, or any soup of choice. Plain tuwo is somewhat neutral in terms of taste and would taste bland. It would also go perfectly well with any beverage you choose to use.

Occasions Best to Serve Tuwon Alabo

Tuwon Alabo can be served on any occasion whatsoever, as long as the dish is being enjoyed by its consumers. 

How to Store Tuwon Alabo

Tuwon Alabo can be stored in a refrigerator like any other dish, and it can last for a very long time, but to the detriment of its delicious taste.

Nutritional Benefits of Tuwon Alabo

Fermented foods offer certain health benefits, including anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-mutagenic activities. It reduces several health risks, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, GI disorders, and obesity.

Tuwon Alabo plays an immense role in the health and nutritional status of people, as cassava flour is said to be an option for those with high cholesterol or high blood pressure because it contains low sodium sugar, and fat.

More so, cassava flour (Alabo) contains resistant starches that have a variety of potential health benefits; this includes improved digestive and colon health, improved insulin sensitivity, and may also help with weight loss efforts.

Cassava is widely known for its richness in carbohydrates, which are the main source of energy for the body and contain important vitamins and minerals. Therefore, Cassava Flour Snack, or Tuwon Alabo, is very beneficial to the body.


Now that we’ve seen how easy it is to prepare Tuwon Alabo and its contribution to the body, I trust that I have been able to help someone here with dinner preparations.

If that person is you, please leave a comment in the comments section on how this piece has been helpful to you and the final outcome of your Tuwo.

How to Prepare Tuwon Shinkafa

How to Prepare Tuwon Shinkafa

Tuwon Shinkafa is a northern Nigerian recipe that is prepared with the soft rice variety. You could also use the other varieties of rice to prepare it, but they won’t give you the best experience. Personally, this is my favourite of all the classes of tuwos that we have. Do you want to know how to prepare Tuwon Shinkafa? Stay with me.

This type of delicacy is consumed by almost every tribe in the north and so, it is not specifically related to the Hausa people. More so, it is very delicious as it goes with almost every Nigerian soup that you know.

Now that you know what Tuwon Shinkafa is, let’s go straight into how this Northern Nigerian cuisine is been prepared. Kindly allow me to be your guide. Not to worry, it isn’t difficult to prepare.

How to Make Tuwon Shinkafa


Cooking Pot


Wooden spatula

Packer (mara)

Warmer (food flask)

Ingredients for Preparing Tuwon Shinkafa

You will need the following ingredients to make Tuwon Shinkafa, depending on the quantity you intend to make:

3 cups of short-grain rice or local rice

2 liters of water (more or less)

Procedure for Making of Tuwon Shinkafa

STEP 1: Place the cooking pot over medium heat.

STEP 2: Add the desired quantity of water to the pot and allow it to boil. You could add a little more than the quantity you need just in case the need arises. Keep the excess water separately in a bowl before the next step.

STEP 3: Wash the short grain of rice and pour it into the boiling water. Boil until it becomes very soft and sticky (if the rice isn’t done before the water dries up, you can add a little hot water to it, NOT cold water)

STEP 4: Use a wooding spoon to mash the soft rice thoroughly to form a soft dough. Then;

STEP 5: Wash your hand and mold the Tuwon Shinkafa into balls and put it inside a warmer.

STEP 6: Serve hot and enjoy your Tuwon Shinkafa.

How to Serve Tuwon Shinkafa

It is dished normally with Miyan Taushe, Miyan Alayyahu (Spinach Soup), and Egusi soup. Serving it with Egusi soup is my favorite. In addition, you could also serve it with other northern Nigerian soups such as Miyan Kuka, Miyan Wake, Miyan Kubewa (Okro soup), etc.

Occasions to Serve Best

This delicacy is best consumed on special occasions such as festivals or eids or any get-together. In addition, it could also be consumed any day, any time – breakfast (as leftover “dumame”), lunch, dinner – just anytime is fine. It is best when served hot.

How to Store Tuwon Shinkafa

This delicacy can be stored for many days provided it is in the refrigerator and constantly powered with electricity. However, inadequate cooling could result to its spoilage.

Nutritional Value of Tuwon Shinkafa

Does Tuwon Shinkafa have rich nutritional value? Yes. Because of the rice, it contains carbohydrates needed to give us the energy to cope with the daily struggles of life.


If you follow the above procedures strictly, getting a perfectly and deliciously made Tuwon Shinkafa will be right in front of you for consumption. Now that you know how to prepare Tuwon Shinkafa, it’s high time you tried it.

If you find this article helpful, please leave a comment in the comments section below. Thank you.

You are always welcome to northpad for more local northern Nigerian delicacies.