How to Avoid Mouth Odour During Ramadan

How to Avoid Mouth Odour During Ramadan

Ramadan, the best month of the year is just a few days away and perhaps you are already thinking about how to do away with the unpleasant mouth odour that usually accompanies the fast. Well, you’re in the right place, as this article seeks to tell you how to prevent mouth odour during fasting.

First of all, what causes mouth odour while fasting?

Causes of Mouth Odour

Mouth odour is much more common while a person is fasting rather than when he is at liberty to eat and drink at intervals. This is because the mouth easily becomes dry due to reduced saliva production.

Apart from keeping the mouth moist, saliva also contains substances that are toxic to bacteria in the mouth, thus a decrease in saliva will provide a more comfortable environment for the bacteria to wine and dine.

Other causes of mouth odour include eating food containing onion and garlic during sahur (the predawn meal) and iftar (the meal taken after breaking the fast), consumption of sugary food, and most importantly, poor teeth hygiene.

Now that you know the causes, here’s

How You Can Avoid Mouth Odour During Fasting

1. Keep Hydrated

Dryness of the mouth promotes the survival and growth of bacteria in your mouth. By drinking enough water and avoiding diuretics (substances e.g. coffee, that increases urine production) during sahur and iftar, you help to reduce the bacteria, thereby, preventing the unwanted odour they produce.

You can also stimulate saliva production by chewing gum at night.

A person drinking water

2. Brush Twice a Day

Brushing one’s teeth is one of the ways to prevent mouth odour during fasting. Fasting does not prevent you from brushing your teeth. Ensure that you brush thoroughly with fluoride toothpaste before going to bed at night and after eating your sahur meal. And hey! Don’t forget to floss the hard-to-reach areas of your teeth. Here’s a quick guide on how to floss.

3. Use a Miswak (Chewing Stick)

“Although chewing sticks can be made from many commonly occurring plants, such as olive trees, Miswak is most generally associated with the Salvadora persica tree, commonly known as ‘arak’ in Arabic”. It has so many health benefits aside from just getting your mouth clean.

According to a study, the miswak, due to its many mouth-cleaning benefits is said to be superior to toothbrushes. An added advantage is that it can be used round the clock without fear of swallowing toothpaste in the process.

4. Don’t Forget the Tongue

Several people tend to rush while brushing their teeth, usually ending up not cleaning their tongue. Well, it will interest you to know that the tongue is a good breeding place for bacteria due to the food remnants that remain attached to it eat after eating. To prevent this, use your toothbrush, tongue scraper, or floss to clean it thoroughly.

5. Watch What You Eat

Ramadan is a month where many families get to prepare a variety of meals for iftar. It is important to be cautious not to eat food that will lead to one having an unpleasant mouth odour during the day. Avoid fresh onions and garlic and also cut down on foods that are too spicy, salty, or sticky.


Avoiding mouth odour is a good habit worth inculcating, not only during Ramadan or when you are fasting. Whenever your mouth oozes, it makes people around you uncomfortable, thus, making it necessary for you to ensure its cleanliness. Well, the above ways will go a long way in guiding you on how to prevent mouth odour during fasting or the month of Ramadan or any other time.

If you find this article of help, kindly leave a comment in the comments section. You could also tell if there are other ways one can ensure they don’t have mouth odour in the comments section as well. Thank you.