10 Interesting Facts About First Borns Should Know

10 Interesting Facts About First Borns Should Know

Individual birth position can influence one’s behavior and how one views life in general. These traits are noticeable even at a tender age – inherent. However, we’ll be focusing on those amazing facts about first borns that distinguish them from others.

Firstborns occupy significant positions in every family, irrespective of their gender. This is because they are the first child to open the womb of their mother before the couple expects other children. These sets of people possess a certain quality that makes them distinct and unique. I am going to mention some here.

Fascinating Facts About First Borns

1. First Borns are Independent

An increase in age and maturity indeed makes one independent. In contrast, by being a first child, you attain an independent attitude easily and from an early age. This is portrayed in their ability to take proper care of themselves and their younger siblings in the absence of their parents if need be.

Also, they have the ability to make certain decisions by themselves without worrying about making the wrong choice. 

2. First Borns Tend to Fend for Themselves Early in Life

As they grow up to maturity, it’s likely to see them established early with a means of earning a living. Of course, a vast number of them learned the act of skilful saving and engaging in little businesses. They have high chances of taking over their family business, if there are any, and fostering continuity.

Unsurprisingly, they do not have a lazy attitude to carry out their duty, rather they are diligent and committed.

3. First Borns are Leaders

Naturally, firstborns occupy a leadership position, saddled with the responsibility to lead their other siblings. This serves as a building ground that prepares them for effective leadership roles when appointed. This implies that they will give in their best to portray excellence since they already know what leadership is all about right from childhood.

Interestingly, the attitude of organization, management, care, and love comes alive in them without much effort; it’s one of the pivotal facts about firstborns.

4. Perfect Pace-Setters are First Borns

Every first child eventually becomes a role model to their younger siblings. Hence, they are the ones who pave the way for others to experience a smooth ride. Therefore, they are considered the most sacrificial, since they want to be seen as a good example and a pace-setter.

This is why they are mindful of the kind of life they live; to avoid having a bad influence on their younger ones who look up to them for directions.

5. Creativity is One of the Interesting Facts about First Borns

Indeed, first borns are purpose-driven and goal-oriented. This mindset fosters creative thinking within them unconsciously. Oftentimes, they are the first to see opportunity amidst disappointment. Subsequently, their creativity enables them to practice effective time management, financial budgeting as well balancing work and family.

Furthermore, firstborns are mostly engaged in one or two activities – innovation is their watchword. Sorting out ways to make life better and easier for themselves and those who look up to them. 

6. Bravery and Courage is Evident in First Borns

The vast majority of determined men and women are most likely firstborns. Due to the position they occupy as the first, they tend to be the first to try anything new before others. In order not to disappoint their younger ones who are confident in them, they clothe themselves with the armour of bravery and courage. They wouldn’t trade the trust bestowed on them from others for anything.  Hence, they are prone to risk-taking and going the extra mile to achieve success.

First borns rarely give up on their goals even if it seems the result isn’t forthcoming. They never take “No” for an answer, instead, they find a way of motivating themselves back on track. 

7. First Borns are Quick Adaptors

Among the fascinating facts about first borns is their ability to adapt to every situation they find themselves in. This implies that they have a high assimilating capability. In addition, are quick to improvise an alternative route when the previous isn’t working as expected.

They also enjoy engaging in vocational skills and often learn them within the stipulated time.

8. First Borns May Be a Bit Authoritative

Since firstborns are purpose-driven and goal-oriented they always want things to go as they have planned them to be – without entertaining other suggestions. Oftentimes, this makes their leadership position more authoritative and forceful.

However, they can adjust their attitude when they learn that leadership is all about teamwork. Although, behind that authoritativeness is a sacrificial, loving, and caring leader. In other words, they’re been authoritative to achieve a set goal and nothing more.

9. There is a Strong Love Connection Between First Borns and Their Parents

The love bond between parents and a first born is more compared to other siblings— it’s natural and not a form of discrimination. Their connection is fostered by the quality time they spend together. In other words, parents’ undivided attention is channelled towards their first child due to the absence of another for the time being. Therefore, first borns get to soar high as a result of the support, encouragement, and love received from their parents.

In addition, firstborns become morally built up because their parents do take out time to imbibe in them solid advice, morals, principles, religious beliefs, and culture—that’s expected of them as a member of that family and the society at large. 

10. Faithful Friends are Likely First Borns

Subsequently, try to take a survey of the birth position of your faithful friends, those you can count on to come to your rescue in time of need. It will amaze you that the majority of them occupy the first born position in their families.

This is to say, the probability of getting disappointed by a friend is thin when you associate with first borns. 


Furthermore, firstborns are hardworking, therefore, have higher chances of success. However, the above-listed facts about first borns are not restricted to only firstborns. But, it does mean that the majority of the firstborn portray that trait.

As first born, what are those unique traits peculiar to you alone?

10 Great Ways to Be a Role Model for Your Child

10 Great Ways to Be a Role Model for Your Child

If your child has never said to you; “I will love to be like you someday”, it’s an obvious sign you’re lagging in your parenting duty. Parents are the first contact of a child. In other words, children are configured to watch and learn from their parents. Perhaps, you’re still thinking about how to be a role model for your child? Relax, this post is for you. 

Being a role model is the most powerful form of educating.

John wooden

Hence, utilize your position as a parent in your child’s life. However, before we go into how to be a role model for your child. We should understand who is a role model.

Who is a Role Model?

A role model is someone worthy of imitation by others either in character, career, academic, relationship or financially. Also, one is said to be a role model when positive, commendable traits are evident in that person’s life.

10 Ways to Be a Role Model For Your Child

1. Self-Examination

Hey parents!

You know yourself better than anyone else. I’m sure that deep within you there are certain behavioural traits that you aren’t proud of. If that’s your struggle, it’s time to work on yourself. Start by making a list of all the negative traits you want to get rid of, next, a list of all the positive traits you love to develop. Your level of discipline determines your rate of change. Besides, don’t expect a 24hour instant transformation, because change is a progressive process.

2. Develop an Optimistic Attitude

People tend to repel those with pessimistic discouraging attitudes.

Likewise, your kids can tell when you’re optimistic about life and hoping for the best. This attitude imprints into their heart confidence and trust in you as their parents. They start believing that no matter how things get rough, you would always find a way out of it. Instead of giving in to self-pity, depression, and unhappiness.

3. Lead by Example

How often do you instruct your kids to do the right thing, then as a parent you find yourself doing the opposite? Your nonchalant attitude towards doing the right thing says a lot to your kids. They begin to question the instructions given to them. Kids love to see you take the first step then they follow.

Don’t advise your kids to live on a healthy diet whereas as a parent you eat junk food. They are watching you. Also, not leading by example is one of the biggest Parenting mistakes you should avoid. 

4. Avoid a Life of Pretence 

Do you want to be your child’s role model? If yes, quit living a fake life and be real. Why do all the good stuff in front of your kids than in their absence reverse is the case?. Certainly, when your kids find out you’re not who they thought you were, you’ve succeeded in tarnishing your reputation before them. 

Since they don’t know the real you, why should they imitate you? Also, always tell your kids about your past and things happening around you and within the family. Be open-minded, keep no secrets. Furthermore, as you begin to share your personal experiences with your kids, they also tell you things about themselves.

In addition, learn how to recognize your emotions, which helps you relate effectively with your kids.

5. Be the Best at What You Do

As a parent be the best version of yourself, strive to be the best you can be in all your endeavors. Your kids are watching you. And your excellent performance at work, sport, career, and other fields will speak for you. As your kids learn to know how successful you’re at so many things, they become proud of you and desire to become like you someday.

Always work hard to obtain that promotion, reward, recommendation, and applause. It pays off when others give positive testimonies concerning you in the presence of your kids.

6. Be Your Kid’s Hero

Ensure that your kids can count on you at all times. Learn to be there for your kids, pay attention to their complaints and provide solutions. Don’t abandon your kids because of your quest for possessions, spend quality time with them. Check out how to increase the love bond with your child.

Furthermore, listen to them, consider their opinion, support them, desire the best for your kids and help them grow into the best version of themselves. 

7. Discipline Your Kids in Love

In how to be a role model for your child, love is an important factor that should be given much consideration. It’s out of the love you have for your kids that you’re able to make sacrifices to ensure they grow. Indeed, the craving of every parent is to see their child succeed. To achieve this, your endless encouragement is required.

As your kids begin to feel the impact of your encouragement in their life, their response will be gratitude, respect, and honor to you as their parents. Also, when you discipline them for their wrongs let love influence your actions, not anger. Check out the correct way to discipline your child.

8. Maintain a Healthy Relationship

How is your relationship with your spouse and others? Do your interactions with them portray peace, unity, and understanding? The way you relate to other people in the presence of your kids matters.

Hence, be mindful of the way you relate with others.

Consider Ahmed’s story

Ahmad grew up in an unsettled home, every day he watches his parent’s exchange words and oftentimes result in physical violence. Little did they know their behaviors were gaining advanced effect on their son. Ahmad grew to view fighting and quarreling as a normal way of settling disputes when someone offenses you. One day at school, he had a misunderstanding with his fellow student. 

Ahmad felt he was right and deserved an apology. The other student felt the same way. But Ahmad chose to have his way through violence. This act got him into lots of trouble. In the counselor’s office, when his parents were called for their child’s actions. It became obvious he had learned such an act of violence from his parents. It dawns on his parents that they had influenced their child in the wrong way and need to make amends before things get out of control. In other words, as a parent, you either influence your child positively or negatively.

9. Teach Your Child Core Values of Life

Regularly sit with your child to advise them. Teach them about acceptable and unacceptable traits. Likewise, the rewards for each trait. Tell them stories about things that had happened in your life and how you overcame them.

This is necessary, it enables them to learn from your mistakes and avoid such.

10. Be committed to Making Your Kids Happy

Your kid’s happiness should bring you Joy. Therefore, discard behaviors that make them sad. Such behaviors include unnecessary yelling, showing less interest in their passion, restricting them, comparing them to their peers, and imposing your will on them.

In contrast, create a conducive atmosphere for your kids to express themselves, go shopping together, visit interesting places, buy them gifts on their birthdays, reward and commend them when they do things right.


Don’t engage in activities that will create hatred between you and your child. This is vital because if the atmosphere becomes hostile how to be a role model for your child becomes difficult and unachievable. Love your kids and desire the best for them. This will convince them that the perfect role model they can have is their parents.

Moreover, as a parent what are some of the ways you have influenced your kids?

7 Ways to Build Confidence in Children

7 Ways to Build Confidence in Children

Unlike most of my articles focusing on tips for adults can looking to improve their soft skills, this article is centered on building confidence in children. In my experience working with children, I have come to realize that children are very interesting beings and there is so much to learn from them than you can imagine. Unlike adults, children are free, adventurous, and confident to do what they want and how they want to. But due to lack of experience, they might require guidance from adults in their lives.

Children are recorders and they watch every move and action adults around them take then replicate that action perfectly. This stage is a very critical stage that determines the type of adult the child is going to become in the future.

As an adult or parent with children around, this sensitive stage in the lives of the children requires constant molding and mentoring. A confident child has more likelihood of being successful at handling life pressure, responsibilities, and negative emotions.

Tips on How to Grow Self-Confidence in Children

1. Be Their Role Model

Being their role model helps in building confidence in children. Be what you want your children to be. The easiest way to make children act a particular way is by being that person yourself. Show them by doing it. Don’t be afraid to show them that it is not easy, but teach them that it is normal to fail and also get up to try again. Walk the walk and see them imitate you.

 2. Practice More of Positive Self-Talk

You must be kind and use soft kind words with your children. They might test your patience most of the time and it is easy to use a hurtful word on them. These words can affect their self-confidence even till adulthood.

As an adult, you have to be patient with the children and use positive kind words to encourage them. This helps in building confidence in children.

3. Ensure They Know Your Love is Unconditional

This is a tricky one and the most misunderstood tip by most adults dealing with children. Some adults believe the best way to show a child you love them is by buying them all the gifts in the world or letting them get away with everything. But the best way you can show a child love is by being present, supportive, encouraging, kindly correcting their faults and mistakes, helping them discover their potentials, and molding them to be great adults.

Make sure you let them know you love them. This always builds their self-confidence.

4. Resist Comparing Them to Others

The best way to destroy your child’s confidence is by comparing them to their siblings or other children. This always leaves a scar on the child till adulthood, making them doubt themselves and see themselves as less than others. You should know that every child is unique and beautifully made different. Treat every child in their unique way and appreciate their uniqueness.

This surely helps in building confidence in children.

5. Learners are Leaders

Children are curious and are at a stage in their lives where they enjoy learning and trying out new things. As an adult, you should imbibe the culture of learning in your child. Teach them new skills or enroll them to learn new skills. Learners are naturally ahead of their peers.

6. Failure is a Temporary Block

Teach your children that failure is part of life and the growth journey is full of stumbling blocks. The world is full of adults who cannot accept failure. So, by teaching your children to accept failure, you are building them to be confident adults.

7. Encourage Them to Be Expressive

As an African child, respect is the number one moral attribute taught and encouraged. Teach your children to be expressive in a respectable manner. Decide on strategies to use to express their feelings given their moods and feelings. This will go a long way to build confidence in your children.


When dealing with children and how to build their self-confidence, there are tons and tons of strategies to help them get there. Children are in a delicate stage of their lives where they can be molded to be adults with certain traits. If this stage is gotten right, they can turn out to be great adults.

I hope this article was helpful. What other ways do you think you can boost a child’s self-confidence? Share with me in the comments section below. Thank you.