Why Flexibility is More Important than Consistency in Parenting

Why Flexibility is More Important than Consistency in Parenting

Setting rules helps everything go as planned. However, when it comes to parenting, flexible parenting plans should be adapted in place of rules. This is because rules have consequences attached to them and these consequences hurt children. Furthermore, consistency style in parenting views rules as the basis of the relationship between parents and their kids. Sadly, in such homes parents will unconsciously force their will on their children and their kids have nothing to say but to obey in silence. In contrast, learning how to be a flexible parent is all you need to inculcate both discipline and love as your parenting style. This in turn, boosts the love bond between you and your kids.

What is Flexible Parenting?

A flexible parenting style is a parenting approach that works based on teamwork between parents and their kids. In other words, parents aren’t rigid in their dealings with their kids but are open to new possibilities, considering the needs of everyone involved before a conclusion can be reached about a matter. Indeed there is no such thing as perfect parenting, similarly, being authoritative doesn’t make you a good parent, rather creates a separation between you and your kids.

Why is Flexibility More Important than Consistency in Parenting?

1. Flexible Parenting Enhances Effective Communication

Exchange of pleasantries with your kids every morning when you wake up and each time you return from work isn’t tagged effective communication. As a parent you need to know deep things about your kids; their challenges, fears, likes, dislikes, what’s bothering them and more.However, a flexible parenting plan will help you loosen up your rules by boosting effective communication between you and your kids.

2. Builds Self-confidence in Children

Being flexible means you’re open to the opinion of your kids regarding certain decisions. Interestingly, allowing your kids to make suggestions and decisions by themselves is one way of boosting self-confidence in children. In addition, they will feel valued and cared for because they now know you have their needs at heart and not just imposing your will on them.

3. Enhances a State of Mindfulness and Calmness

The state of being mindful isn’t restricted to meditative techniques of calmness, but a flexible parenting plan also guarantees calmness in your life as a parent. How? By bringing you into the consciousness that your kids will do the right thing even in your absence. Oftentimes, parents set rules to control the behavior of their children when away, but this shouldn’t be as it indirectly affects the self-esteem of your children.

4. Boost Self-discipline in Children

Rules aren’t what make children self-discipline rather it makes them feel controlled and may never grow up to be emotionally mature. But, as you begin to understand how to be a flexible parent it becomes easier for you to teach your children instead of controlling them. In essence, teach your kids about the rights and wrongs they deserve to know. This method helps kids feel empowered and take responsibility for their life even as they grow up.

5. Problem-Solving Skills

Kids learn how to be independent as they grow up through problem-solving. Yes, you’re their parents and are expected to provide solutions to all their problems, but spice things up by frequently letting them think through their problems and provide solutions. Their solutions may not be perfect but at least they have learned something tangible through that experience. Most importantly, problem-solving skills boost the intelligence quotient of children.

How Do I Become a Flexible Parent?

1. Choice Teamwork Over Self-centeredness

Oftentimes, parents feel they are fulfilling their parenting duty by doing everything as regards the family alone. This might sound great but it’s a form of self-centeredness. Sadly, some parents make family decisions without considering their spouses, not to mention their kids. If you must learn how to be a flexible parent you should willingly embrace teamwork.

For instance, don’t do the house chores alone while your kids stay back and watch you. In response to this, assigned household chores for kids to them, in addition, working together as a family boosts unity and strengthens the love bond.

2. Be Open to New Ideas

Everything is subjected to change even in parenting. Therefore, stop using the same parenting approach your parents use to bring you up on your kids. I’m not saying it’s wrong but those parenting styles that are outdated due to changes in times and environment should be modified. In essence, inculcating a flexible parenting plan involves accepting new ideas that work. Remember we learn every day, so, be open to learning from friends, family, experiences, situations, parenting books, and even from your children.

3. Involve Your Children in Making Decision

Don’t assume you know what’s best for your children, as you may not be correct at all times. Therefore, feel free to involve your children in making decisions, their contribution might be little but it can also be a pointer to the solution needed. The importance of children making decisions can’t be overemphasized because it helps them become independent, disciplined, responsible, emotional, and socially mature among other benefits.

4. Listen to Your Children More Often

As a parent when things go wrong or your kids make mistakes don’t be quick to act in anger by giving them tedious punishment. In contrast, hear them out, get to understand what led to the mistake, and see where you can help. This parenting approach makes your kids feel understood and secure to always run to you for help when things go wrong. Furthermore, to avoid acting out in anger you should learn how to identify and control your emotions, this will guide you on how to maintain your peace amidst unpleasant situations and take the best possible actions.

5. Teach Your Children

Most parents interchange teaching with controlling. Hence, they find them trapped in the web of using force to make their children obey them. This parenting approach only deprives you of having a healthy relationship with your children. Therefore, teaching your children the do’s and don’t of life is a basic requirement in the flexible parenting plan. The moment your children can differentiate between right and wrong and the results attached to both decisions, I assure you they will always go for the best option.

6. Prioritize Your Self Care 

Parents who are plagued with mental and emotional issues like anger, depression, emotional neglect, bipolar disorder, anxiety among other disorders tend to be authoritative— using force to make things go their way. This approach doesn’t make things better but seeking medical help will improve their condition. Perhaps, you desire to learn how to be a flexible parent amidst your mental and emotional issues, it’s great but the first step to begin is by seeking medical help to avoid hurting yourself and your kids any further.

7. Practice More of Acceptance

Acceptance in this context means accepting the feelings and emotions of your kids. In other words, learning to be more empathetic, by doing so you will be mindful of how you set rules and make decisions. This attitude guides you in taking into consideration what your kids will feel when you take that decision you’re about to take. Better still, put yourself in their shoes and analyze the outcome if you were to be at the receiving end of that decision.


There are no set rules and guidelines for parenting and this is what makes learning how to be a flexible parent of great necessity. It’s on the wings of flexibility you’re able to do things differently, adapt to the methods that work, say no to unprofitable rules. Most importantly, place the love you have for your kids above every parenting decision.

Therefore, as a parent what’s your experience with flexible parenting approach?


What are the 4 types of parenting styles?

Permissive parenting (lenient attitude from parents who only steps in when issues get serious), authoritarian parenting (Parents impose their will/authority on children without consideration), Neglectful parenting (nonchalant attitude from parents, having fewer rules, guidance and parenting attention) authoritative parenting (Uses rules with consequences, considering the children)

Why should parents be flexible?

Giving a child proper upbringing is only achieved when there is a healthy relationship between parents and their children. In other words, adopting a flexible parenting approach helps enhance the relationship with your children. Hence, your children become open to telling you things and run to you for solutions at any time.

What is soft parenting?

Soft parenting is a parenting style involving fewer rules and regulations and giving more attention to a child’s emotions. In essence, parents are more concerned about their children’s emotions and wouldn’t do anything to hurt them. This parenting approach is one way to make a child emotionally mature.

What parenting style is the best?

Research has revealed that an authoritative parenting style has great benefits to a child. This style still utilizes rules with consequences attached but involves positive discipline and welcomes a child’s opinion. This in turn makes a child self-disciplined and becomes more responsible.

How do I know if I’m a flexible parent?

Being flexible in parenting isn’t a day job but takes a series of processes. However, the main sign that shows you’re becoming a flexible parent is when your children become free to tell you everything about themselves without fear or constraints.

The Northy Letter Week 5 February 2022

The Northy Letter Week 5 February 2022

Perhaps you’ve had a tight schedule last week or weren’t able to keep up with our blog daily posts which cut across entertainment, culture, fashion, food, relationship, local news, and more. However, worry less, because there is good news for you. Sit back and relax as we got you covered in this Northy Letter.


The first working day of the week is often filled with responsibility and excitement for those who seem to be doing something worthwhile. On the other hand, it’s a day filled with pain, heartbreak, and frustration for the unemployed and those trying to optimize their job search.

If you belong to the second group, it’s about time you learn the top skills employers are looking for, to put an end to your fruitless job search.

Moreover, if you happen to be an employer at a company or own a business, revolving to meet a large range of audiences with your products and services easily, would effortlessly skyrocket your business growth. In response to this check out these 15 must-have apps for business owners.

Furthermore, irrespective of your status in life, it’s advisable to attain balance by sticking with the advice provided by Munirah Hashim in her recent article; After reading this, you will stop saying yes to everything.


Subsequently, have you heard about big data? There is more to big data than you can think of. Big data is a field that treats ways to analyze, systematically extract information from, or otherwise, deal with data sets that are too large or complex to be dealt with by traditional data-processing application software. Therefore, to learn more, continue reading about what you need to know about big data.

In addition, upgrade your knowledge base concerning financial services by reading about What is Fintech, an informative article compiled by Farouk Kabir.


Furthermore, to get yourself active while chasing your dreams and goals you need to pay quality attention to your health and wellness— Health is wealth. Therefore, 5 exercises that will help you improve your body posture is one of the wellness practices you need.

Also, if you experience frequent stomach upset, don’t hesitate to find out about those effective and natural remedies to stomach aches.


How well do you know about certain notable histories? That’s why you need to sit back and enjoy reading about how the Nigerian first Hausa newspaper came into existence. Gaskiya ta fi Kwabo, an ingenious northern newspaper, which arguably created the standard of contemporary Hausa writing, which mixed both the Hausa form of writing using Arabic letters known as Ajami and the Roman form of writing to carry along two kinds of literates in the colonial Hausa days— continue the read on the History of Gaskiya ta fi Kwabo, Nigeria’s first Hausa newspaper.


Oftentimes, the color of our clothing influences how others view and relate with us, either delightfully or with disdain. However, as a man, some colors aren’t appropriate for you and might tarnish your good intentions if worn. So, what are you waiting for to check out those colours men should stop wearing?


Besides, do you feel the one you’re in a relationship with isn’t the right one for you? If yes, clarify your doubt by checking out signs that show you are not compatible with your partner.


Interestingly, to stay alive we must eat. However, eating the same type of meal regularly isn’t enjoyable. Hence, spice up your diet by learning professional ways of preparing other meals such as How to Make Potato Porridge and How to make Tuwon Alabo.

That’s a wrap! See you again next week.

These Are the Top Skills Employers Are Looking For

These Are the Top Skills Employers Are Looking For

Landing your dream job depends not only on your college degree and your working experience. There are top skills employers are looking for when selecting the right candidate for the job.

Irrespective of the position you are applying for, employers are always on the lookout for these skills to make sure you are fit for the position. These skills are commonly referred to as soft skills.

Soft skills are those skills and attributes that are interpersonal in nature and influence how individuals relate to one another. On the flip side, hard skills are those technical skills required to function in the workplace such as computer literacy.

When applying for a job, you must show in your resume that you have these top skills employers are looking for. A combination of these skills with your technical ability makes you irresistible to employers.

The Top Skills Employers Are Looking For

1. Communication Skills

Communication takes place in the workplace every day and it is one of the top skills employers are looking for. In a world of technological advancement, employers are looking for individuals who can communicate effectively and pass messages across, verbally and written.

Effective communication is a very rare but essential skill needed in the workplace. Having strong communication skills makes you a valuable asset to your employers.

The key to communicating effectively is keeping your message simple and clear. You have to ensure your message can be understood immediately while passing information across. Compare these two scenarios:

Text A– “Good day, Agnes, can we go out later when you are done with work?”

Text B– “Good day, Agnes, I’m going to grab dinner at the Chicken Republic when we close from work. Would you like to join me? Bill’s on me.”

If you are the receiver, both sentences tell you that you would be going out in the evening after work. However, Text A does not give you much detail. Text B on the other hand tells you where you would be going, when you would be going, and what you would be doing. This way, you have more information and can either decline or accept the offer.

Improving your communication skills helps you become more efficient and effective in the workplace.

2. Teamwork

The ability to work well with a team is a top skill employers are looking for. Every organization is made up of individuals who need to work together to achieve maximum productivity. Irrespective of the position, it is always in the best interest of the organization when its employees can collaborate on tasks. Hence, employers are always looking for individuals who can work well in teams.

Some of the characteristics of a good team player include trust, honesty, accountability, and open communication. A good team player can be trusted with a task and can deliver at due time. He/she must be accountable and honest in the workplace as this goes a long way in strengthening team bonding.

3. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

In the workplace, situations arise that require in-depth analysis, evaluation, and the need to provide a solution to the problem at hand. Hence, employers are very particular about selecting candidates with the ability to think critically and solve problems.

Critical thinking goes hand in hand with problem-solving. It involves the ability to question assumptions, observe, analyze, and derive a conclusion from data. It also involves the step-by-step analysis of a problem to provide solutions.

Problems are bound to arise in the workplace, particularly work and people related. As an employee, it is expected that you should be able to deal with problems as they arise.

The good news is, like every other skill, you can develop your ability to think critically and solve problems. Actively paying attention to how experts, your colleagues, or experienced persons handle problems in the workplace can give you a blueprint to solving work-related problems.

Engage in internships, research, or field experience to collaborate with colleagues so you can develop these skills. If you shy away from tasks, you avoid the opportunity to put your skill into practice.

4. Interpersonal Skill

Interpersonal skills are skills that influence how you interact and work well with others. Because we interact with people every day, interpersonal skill is a top skill employers are looking for.

Also referred to as “people’s skill”, interpersonal skill refers to how well you can interact and engage with people. Even when you are not in a position that requires you to come in contact with customers, you would still need to interact with colleagues and managers at work.

Interpersonal skill is necessary for building relationships and networks. It involves how effective you are in communicating, your ability to maintain decorum and courtesy as well as having good emotional intelligence.

Employers are also looking for individuals who are flexible and can adapt to any given task to meet a particular objective.

5. Leadership Skill

Have you ever met a person with the ability to administrate and manage people while also bringing out the best in them? Northpad has one of the best editorial managers I have seen.

Employers are looking for individuals who can administer the affairs of the organization effectively. Whatever position you are applying for, having leadership skills gives you an edge over candidates.

Leadership is not limited to those applying for managerial positions. Nowadays, most organizations prefer to promote individuals from within who have exhibited strong leadership qualities.

A good leader listens and pays attention to complaints in the workplace, understands the strengths and weaknesses of each employee, and provides the opportunity for optimal productivity from each employee.

6. Digital Literacy

The world today is run by technology and having a basic understanding of the usage of computers and the internet is a requirement by most employers.

Most organizations make use of computers in their daily operations. Thus, having basic knowledge of how to use a computer is top skill employers are looking for.

Some positions require that you have in-depth knowledge of advanced computer skills. Furthermore, it’s only wise to ensure that you are learned in such a field. For example, a data scientist would need to have an understanding of the use of Excel.

However, some basic computer literacy skill includes knowing how to use word processors like Ms Word or Google docs, spreadsheets such as Excel or Google sheets, the use of the internet, and social media.

7. Flexibility and Adaptability

The ability to be flexible and adapt to changes in the workplace is an essential skill needed in an employee.

Innovations are constantly introduced in the working environment and employers expect you to be able to learn and adapt to these changes.

For example, you can be a social media manager and your employer may ask you to head the communications department. Your ability to adapt quickly to these changes is a skill you can develop.

Being flexible and able to adapt quickly is a quality that sets you apart from other candidates. It shows you’re eager to learn and change when needed.

8. Professional Work Ethics

When building yourself for job applications, you should consider learning the ethics required in a professional environment as it is a top skill employers are looking for.

Work ethics refers to the manner in which you conduct yourself in the workplace. It includes traits such as honesty, decency, respect, promptness to mention a few.

Having a strong work ethic enables you to manage your time and get things done promptly and properly. It also means you conduct yourself professionally in the workplace by respecting the privacy and boundaries of your colleagues.


Whatever position you are applying for, these top skills employers are looking for would give you an edge during the application process. You must begin developing these skills as they are the distinguishing factor when selecting candidates for a position.

In addition, make sure you highlight these skills and how you have applied them in the workplace on your resume and cover letter. You would also want to make sure you are being honest because that’s what interviews are meant for; verifying the contents of your resume.

Is there any skill you would want to develop or put more effort into developing? Let me know in the comment section and I would show you how!

Top 10 Free Photo Editing Softwares for Android

Top 10 Free Photo Editing Softwares for Android

It is quite apparent that people nowadays manage to use their smartphones to perform almost every task that is traditionally known to be done on a computer. For instance, photo editing which was normally done using computers has now been made easy and can be done using smartphones thanks to the tons of android photo editors, most especially the free android photo editors available on the net.

 An android photo editor is a mobile phone software specifically developed for the purpose of editing pictures on mobile devices. Tons of free android photo editors out there that offer varying astonishing editing features you can use to perform so many things like designing flyers for advert purposes. This will save you the cost of having to necessarily hire a professional graphic designer.

You might have been looking for a perfect application for your project but finding it difficult to get the one that best suits your needs. So many other people out there might be having issues similar to yours. In honour of that, we decided to compile a list of the top 10 android free photo editors to use in 2021.

10 Free Android Photo Editors

1. Fotor

Fotor Photo Editor is one of the most incredible free android photo editors to use in 2021.  The Powerful, user-friendly and globally accessible app Fotor, is widely known for its amazing photo collaging feature. It also has in addition, some basic photo editing tools such as red-eye removal, the use of stickers and overlays, cropping, photo deblurring, aperture addition and so on. Fotor has also a web and desktop version of the app.

Download Fotor from Playstore

2. Canva

Canva is a free android photo editor, used mostly in creating social media graphics, posters, Instagram stories, video collages, other visuals and lots more. There exist in the app, some predefined templates for users to use. The software is absolutely free to use.

Nevertheless, there is a paid version of the app like the Canva Pro and Canva for Enterprise for additional capabilities.

Download it here


VSCO is a free android photo editing software (with and in-app purchases if need be) and also a social networking app just like Instagram. It is best known for its unique and massive collection of preset filters. VSCO filters enhance your photos without distorting the quality or making the photo look too filtered.

It has many other features than just filters, many of the standard features that come in most editing apps, like tools to fix exposure, contrast, and straighten and crop pictures, and they’re all available for free without having to buy VSCO X.

You can get it from here.

4. Snapseed

Google-owned free android photo editor known as Snapseed is a free photo editing app that comes with so many extraordinary features and presets that are quite convenient to use. The app has some good photo editing features that are inherent to desktop photo editing software. You can adjust things like contrast, shadows, brightness, saturation, and many more.

Get Snapseed from Playstore.

5. PhotoDirector

PhotoDirector is a photo editing application designed specifically for the purpose of enhancing the look of your photos. It allows you to vivify your photos using some special effects built into the app. You can also easily remove undesirable objects, change the background of the photo, and many more outstanding features.

Download it here.

6. Photo Effects Pro

Photo Effects Pro is a remarkable free online photo editing app to use in 2021. This app is easy and fun to use with numerous elegant features. Some of the things you can do with this app include the addition of frames, texts, speech bubbles, fixing of photos, adjustment and application of filters to your photos in a web browser.

Photo Effects Pro download.

7. Pixel Lab

Pixel Lab is the most amazing free android photo editor with which you can practically do almost everything that has to do with photo editing and graphics design. It has several astounding features, some of which include; creation and customization of text, 3d text, different shapes, stickers, background removal, a wide selection of presets, fonts, stickers, backgrounds, you’ll be able to create stunning graphics and amaze your friends straight from your phone.

Pixel lab is absolutely free to use. Get pixel lab app on your phone.

8. PicsArt

PicsArt is a free android photo editor with so many promising features to give your edited photos a perfect look. Some of the best features this app is known for are the background erasing feature, background changing, unwanted objects removal, adding filters to images, customized texts with over 200 font styles and lots more.

Download the app from here.

9. LightX Photo Editor

LightX is one of the best free photo editors that has almost every feature a good photo editor should have. LightX app has some fascinating features such as photo background removal and changer feature, photo collaging, good stickers, frames for your pictures, cartoon making a feature, blurring of images, portrait photos making, changing of hair colour, splash effects, and many more.

With LightX photo editor, you can as well put text on your photos and can also create a customized text for your works. Get it from the store.

10. Adobe Photoshop Express

Adobe Photoshop Express is one of the best quick free android photo editors someone can have on his smartphone. It has a lot of classic features such as automatic correction of contrast, exposure, white balance, removal of red-eye effect, adding text, preset crop shapes as well as adding shadows and many more. Photoshop Express also has hundreds of filters within its library. Download Adobe Photoshop Express here.

The above-listed apps are the best free photo editors we deem everyone should have in his smartphone. Similarly, if you know or have an idea about any good photo editor which you think should be included in this article, please endeavour to let us know about it by dropping a piece in our comment box.

8 Things You Shouldn’t Do In An Interview and 8 You Should

8 Things You Shouldn’t Do In An Interview and 8 You Should

Wow, You’ve actually got the call and you’ve been invited for the job interview?  That’s great news. But hope you won’t mind if I get you acquainted with the interview do’s and don’ts. Nice decision then. It will be of great interest to share with you some interview do’s and don’ts which can land you the job you have hoped for. 

The Do’s of an Interview

1. Do Research About the Company

The more you know about the company or the employer before the interview, the better for you. This is because extensive research will surely widen your knowledge as regards the company or the employer.  

However, this will surely help you in providing answers to the questions dished from the interviewer.  

2. Do Turn Off Your Phone

To avoid distraction from your phone while the interview section is on, it is advised to have your phone switched off. 

3. Do Introduce Yourself

Among the things you should consider in doing in an interview is to let the interviewers know who you are by introducing yourself,  and other information which you think is of relevance for them to know. 

4. Smile, Be Friendly, and Maintain Eye Contact

Be friendly to anyone you’re in contact with from the moment you walk in the door to the moment you leave. Smiling will create a warm and positive impression of you. However,  maintaining eye contact will demonstrate your self-confidence, focus, and respect for others. 

5. Maintain a Proper Sitting Posture

Do sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor, hands on your lap or chair, and your back against the chair. This open posture will show that you are interested and engaged.

6. Do Take Your Time When Answering A Question

it’s vital you are aware of the interviewer’s body language to identify if your answers are going on too long. Are they looking at their watch or the clock to check the time?

Depending on the question, a one or two-minute response is typically appropriate, but assuming the interviewer knows nothing about you or the answers to the question, you can provide enough detail to answer the questions completely. 

7. Be Positive During Your Interview

They are looking for a candidate that displays positivity. A person who will fit well within their team. However, make sure to use positive and constructive language when discussing conflicts or difficult situations. 

8. Do Dress Properly

This can be achieved by wearing professional or business casual attire, choose a solid colour and subtle patterns and make sure that your clothes are clean, ironed, and not wrinkled. Ensure you are well groomed by having clean and neat hair. This is because your professional image and visual presentation weigh heavily on the employer’s impression of you. 

As a rule of thumb, focus on dressing one step above what they would wear to the workplace you applying to. This may involve researching the company before or asking the person who has called to schedule what the dress code is. 

A good first impression can spark the interviewer’s interest in you. Follow those tips to make a confident and professional first impression. 

Furthermore, don’t wear any clothing that is too tight, revealing, or uncomfortable. You should however avoid noisy or distracting jewellery or patterns, heavy watches, and loud makeup. Be aware of scent-free policies. 

The Don’ts of an Interview

1. Don’t Appear Unprepared

Don’t present yourself before the interviewer without knowing anything about the company or the employer, as that will make you look unserious when you start to fumble on questions you are expected to answer correctly but show no knowledge about.      

2. Don’t Show up Late  for the Interview

Showing up late to an interview tells the interviewer you’re unorganized and could ruin the chances of landing the job. So if you truly know you will be running late, call at least a few hours to the time of the interview to apologize for your unavailability, stating the genuine reason for that.

This will give them the opportunity to reschedule if it is more convenient. 

11. Don’t High Five Your Interviewer

One of the don’ts in an interview is to never extend your greetings to your interviewers in form of a high five or any other form of greetings that might seem improper. You should rather greet either by extending your hand for a not too weak or strong handshake or by a blossom  ‘good morning ‘ or the likes. 

You should learn how to properly shake hands too.

12. Don’t Slouch or Cross Your Arms

It’s wrong to angle yourself away from the interviewer. Poor posture or close body language might make you seem disinterested or defensive. 

13. Avoid Fidgeting

This could be achieved by holding your hands on your knees to be more aware of your leg movements or hold your hands together.

You can as well remove any objects from your vision that you might be tempted to play with. 

14. Make Use of the 7c’s of Communicating During an Interview

Speak clearly and articulate your words. The 7 C’s of communication will help you with that. Show enthusiasm in your tone of voice and maintain an appropriate volume for the size of the room and the number of people you’re meeting with. Mock interviews and practising out loud can help you improve your speech. 

In addition, Be mindful of the pace, clarity, tone, and volume of your speech. Don’t shout, whisper, speak super quickly, or be monotonous. Don’t give answers that are too short or very long. Also, don’t be rude or withdrawn.

Whether you are talking to the interviewer or the people at the reception, be well mannered as you relate.

15. Keep Your Emotions Under Control

Don’t get angry or blame others when talking about previous jobs. Past situations may be emotionally charged, therefore avoid blaming or negative language when discussing previous employers, colleagues, or work environments.

Don’t know how to check your emotions? You can learn to recognize and control them.

16. Don’t Tell Stories That Have Nothing to do With the Job

Do keep your answers straight and relevant. Stay on point and keep the content of your answers relevant to the requirements of the job. 


Remember, first impression matters. If you stick to the above interview do’s and don’ts,  certainly you would make a good impression at your interview. So go ahead and make a good impression in your interview by abiding by following the interview do’s and don’ts.  Don’t forget to share your comments on how the interview went. 

Remember to share this article with your friends, and you might also like to check out how you can nail down a job interview in 5 minutes