How to Avoid Mouth Odour During Ramadan

How to Avoid Mouth Odour During Ramadan

Ramadan, the best month of the year is just a few days away and perhaps you are already thinking about how to do away with the unpleasant mouth odour that usually accompanies the fast. Well, you’re in the right place, as this article seeks to tell you how to prevent mouth odour during fasting.

First of all, what causes mouth odour while fasting?

Causes of Mouth Odour

Mouth odour is much more common while a person is fasting rather than when he is at liberty to eat and drink at intervals. This is because the mouth easily becomes dry due to reduced saliva production.

Apart from keeping the mouth moist, saliva also contains substances that are toxic to bacteria in the mouth, thus a decrease in saliva will provide a more comfortable environment for the bacteria to wine and dine.

Other causes of mouth odour include eating food containing onion and garlic during sahur (the predawn meal) and iftar (the meal taken after breaking the fast), consumption of sugary food, and most importantly, poor teeth hygiene.

Now that you know the causes, here’s

How You Can Avoid Mouth Odour During Fasting

1. Keep Hydrated

Dryness of the mouth promotes the survival and growth of bacteria in your mouth. By drinking enough water and avoiding diuretics (substances e.g. coffee, that increases urine production) during sahur and iftar, you help to reduce the bacteria, thereby, preventing the unwanted odour they produce.

You can also stimulate saliva production by chewing gum at night.

A person drinking water

2. Brush Twice a Day

Brushing one’s teeth is one of the ways to prevent mouth odour during fasting. Fasting does not prevent you from brushing your teeth. Ensure that you brush thoroughly with fluoride toothpaste before going to bed at night and after eating your sahur meal. And hey! Don’t forget to floss the hard-to-reach areas of your teeth. Here’s a quick guide on how to floss.

3. Use a Miswak (Chewing Stick)

“Although chewing sticks can be made from many commonly occurring plants, such as olive trees, Miswak is most generally associated with the Salvadora persica tree, commonly known as ‘arak’ in Arabic”. It has so many health benefits aside from just getting your mouth clean.

According to a study, the miswak, due to its many mouth-cleaning benefits is said to be superior to toothbrushes. An added advantage is that it can be used round the clock without fear of swallowing toothpaste in the process.

4. Don’t Forget the Tongue

Several people tend to rush while brushing their teeth, usually ending up not cleaning their tongue. Well, it will interest you to know that the tongue is a good breeding place for bacteria due to the food remnants that remain attached to it eat after eating. To prevent this, use your toothbrush, tongue scraper, or floss to clean it thoroughly.

5. Watch What You Eat

Ramadan is a month where many families get to prepare a variety of meals for iftar. It is important to be cautious not to eat food that will lead to one having an unpleasant mouth odour during the day. Avoid fresh onions and garlic and also cut down on foods that are too spicy, salty, or sticky.


Avoiding mouth odour is a good habit worth inculcating, not only during Ramadan or when you are fasting. Whenever your mouth oozes, it makes people around you uncomfortable, thus, making it necessary for you to ensure its cleanliness. Well, the above ways will go a long way in guiding you on how to prevent mouth odour during fasting or the month of Ramadan or any other time.

If you find this article of help, kindly leave a comment in the comments section. You could also tell if there are other ways one can ensure they don’t have mouth odour in the comments section as well. Thank you.

6 Easy Ways of Getting Rid of Pimples without Popping it

6 Easy Ways of Getting Rid of Pimples without Popping it

It’s the eve of your job interview, your first meeting with your in-laws, or that important event that you have been looking forward to, then you feel some mild pain on your forehead or the tip of your nose, and on checking the mirror, a huge red pimple is staring right at you! Now, it’s too late to visit a dermatologist, and you wouldn’t want people staring at the blemish on your face. If this is you, worry less, because in this article, I will be sharing with you tips on how to get rid of pimples fast. But first, what is a pimple?

Pimple is among the symptoms of acne, so it is sometimes wrongly used to refer to it. It is an inflamed area of the skin with hair pores clogged with sebum (oil from sebaceous glands) and dead cells due to blockage of the pores. It is a very common skin condition, so it is expected that there will be several claims of DIY (Do it yourself) treatments that can be used to treat it.

While research is still ongoing on the treatment options currently available, several have proven to be helpful in taking out these unwanted bumps out of your face. Get ready, as I share these methods with you.

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6 Ways to Get Rid of Pimples Fast

Before you go ahead and read on several ways on how to get rid of pimples fast that I’ll be sharing with you, it is important to know that there are different treatments for different skin types, so once you notice unwanted side effects, it is advisable that you discontinue use of that method.

Now, let’s look at the methods!

1. Apply Some Ice to the Pimple

This is useful, especially when the pimple is painful, red and swollen, these are signs of inflammation. By wrapping some ice in a clean cloth and applying it on the inflamed pimple(s), for a few minutes, the inflammation is reduced. However, this is usually a temporary measure of alleviating the discomfort. For better results, ice is used alongside other treatment methods.

2. A Paste of Crushed Aspirin Can Remove Excess Oil from Pimples

The active ingredient in aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid. It is similar to salicylic acid, which is an anti-inflammatory ingredient used in making many skin care products. While this removes excess oil and dries the skin around the pimple, there’s yet to be strong evidence of how it actually treats acne.

To do this, form a thick paste by crushing a tablet or two of aspirin then mix with water. Apply the paste on the pimple, leave it to stay for some minutes, and then wash with lukewarm water.

3. Cortisone Injection Gives Quick Results

Some home remedies might not give you the quick results you need, especially when the pimples are very painful and large. Injection into the pimples with cortisone helps to reduce the inflammation and also the size of the pimples. Cortisone is a steroid, and thus inappropriate use can result in unwanted side effects. Therefore, your dermatologist is in the best position to do this for you.

4. Use an Over-the-Counter Pimple Treatment

There are many over-the-counter pimple treatments available as gels, ointments, creams and even soaps. It is not unexpected that there will be fake products too, so to get the best out of it, it is wise to buy only the ones prescribed by your dermatologist.

Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are the active anti-pimple ingredients in those products so you might want to check whether the product you want to buy contains them.

The result obtained from the usage of such products is usually a reduction of excess skin oil and dead skin removal. A mixture containing benzoyl peroxide can also kill the bacteria responsible for causing acne.

A common side effect of over-the-counter treatment for acne is skin irritation, and sometimes, skin dryness. If you notice any, please discontinue usage of the product and consult your dermatologist.

5. Apply Some Toothpaste on the Pimple Overnight

While toothpaste was not made for treating pimples, its use for this purpose isn’t new to most of us. Apply some toothpaste on your pimples and allow it to stay overnight. Continue as necessary, but discontinue use if it causes skin irritation. However, toothpaste that contain gel, are not recommended to be applied to the face

6. Spot-Treat with Tea Tree Oil

An advantage of tea tree oil is that it does not cause unwanted side effects like skin irritation and drying, as seen with most over-the-counter pimple removers containing salicylic acid and/or benzoyl peroxide. It reduces inflammation as well as fights pimple-causing bacteria.

Mix tree oil with water, and apply directly on the pimples, using a cotton swab. Repeat it as necessary.

Other Fast ways to Get Rid of Pimples

  1. Use non-comedogenic makeup with salicylic acid to conceal pimples
  2. Apply exfoliating and antiinflammatory face mask for acne
  3. Use aloe vera gel etc.

When to See a Dermatologist

Sudden eruptions of a few pimples can be treated at home with the basic tips provided in this article, but when the pimples are recurring or not responding to treatment, it is best to see a dermatologist for proper evaluation and treatment.

How Not to Get Rid of Pimples?

Knowing how to get rid of pimples fast is important, but knowing how not to do it is relevant as well.

I know how tempting it is to pop a pimple, I have been there before. You should always resist the urge to do that, because it can worsen the condition by making the pimples redder and bigger. Not just that, it can also leave ugly scars on your face.


Now that you know how to get rid of pimples fast, you should also be mindful of the several causes of pimples, so that you will be able to maintain a smooth face.

Have you tried any of these methods or others not mentioned here? We would love to hear about your experience in the comments section below.

Thanks for reading.


How to get rid of pimples overnight?

Applying tea tree oil, over-the-counter anti pimple creams, toothpaste or benzoyl peroxide at night, can improve the condition of your face by morning, but there is no guarantee that the pimple will completely disappear by morning.

Can ice remove pimples?

Ice is a good option when trying to get rid of pimples fast. It helps to soothe the skin and lessen the inflammation that resulted from the pimple. Do this by wrapping some ice in a cloth and gently press it on the pimple.

How to remove pimples naturally and permanently in one day?

One-day appropriate pimple treatment is enough to see significant results, but not necessarily permanently. To get lasting results, you need to take extra precautions like changing your pillowcases, avoiding unnecessary contact between your hand and face etc.

7 Proven Ways That Will Help You Get Rid of Acne Forever

7 Proven Ways That Will Help You Get Rid of Acne Forever

Your face is usually the first thing most people notice about you, and this can result in them having bad perceptions of you when the first thing they see is a face full of acne. Acne can negatively affect one’s chances of employment, especially for jobs where physical appearance is considered important. Asides from these, the general quality of life is usually affected as well.

Acne vulgaris, commonly called acne, is a chronic skin condition that occurs when sebum, a thick oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands of the skin and dead skin cells accumulate and clog hair follicles. The block inflow of this oily secretion will provide a good breeding place for some bacteria, eventually causing some of the features of acne (redness, pain).

There are several possible causes of acne. This includes Smoking, diets with high-glycemic-load such as white bread, cakes, doughnuts, and candies; hormones, and heredity. While there are several studies done and ongoing on the above causes, hormones and heredity are considered to be the major causes of acne.

 A lot of times, acne is wrongly called pimples, but pimples are just one of the features of acne — others are whiteheads, blackheads, and oily skin.

Since it is formed by the accumulation of secretions of oily glands, it most commonly affects the skin in parts of the body with high numbers of oil glands. This includes the back, face, and chest.

Generally, acne in itself does not have any significant effect on your health but in many people, it can lead to reduced self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts in some cases. So, if this is your concern, or all you want to do is to get a spotless and smooth face, you are at the right place. Now, let’s dive right into it.

How to Get Rid of Acne on the Face

If you have acne, it is very likely that you will be getting a lot of treatment suggestions from people you come across. In fact, this is usually the next thing said to you after greetings. Well, our aim in this article is to provide you with tested practical ways how to get rid of acne on the face. And the good news is that most of the things we mentioned here are easily accessible to you.

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1. Stop Popping Pimples

As simple as it sounds, this can go a long way in ensuring you get faster treatment for acne. It is always tempting to squeeze or pop the pimples on your face whenever you look into the mirror but don’t. While your dermatologist can safely do this for you, doing it yourself would likely result in redder and bumpier pimples. The chances of infection should not be taken lightly as well.

2. Toothpaste Can Treat Your Acne Too

Toothpaste has been used for some time to treat acne. Rubbing some amount of it on your pimples and allowing it to stay overnight can help to clear them, especially when continued for some days. Nevertheless, it is not recommended to use toothpaste that contains gels for this purpose.

3. Apply Tea Tree Oil on the Spots

Tea tree oil has been reported to be effective in fighting bacteria on the skin as well as reducing skin inflammation. If you have used some pharmaceutical creams and suffered from their unwanted side effects of irritation and dry skin, you should probably try tea tree oil.

To use tea tree oil, mix it with water, and use a cotton ball or swab to apply it on the affected spots. Repeat as necessary.

4. Apply Green Tea to Your Face

Apparently, the green tea you take in the morning before you begin the day’s work or later in the day after a hard day’s work has other uses apart from relieving you of stress. Green tea is rich in antioxidants as well as other ingredients that help fight bacteria.

Applying green tea extract, or skincare products containing it on your skin will help to reduce inflammation and inhibit the growth of bacteria that can cause or worsen your acne. Additionally, drinking green tea is said to be important in reducing sebum production and general body fat.

5. Use Aloe Vera to Moisturize Your Face

Aloe vera is a plant that grows in tropical parts of the world e.g Africa. A clear gel is produced from the leaves of the plant which is used as an important ingredient in many skincare products. This includes body ointments, creams, lotions, and soaps.

Aloe vera comes in handy to treat your acne because it contains sulphur and salicylic acid. Both are important ingredients in many over-the-counter lotions and creams used to treat acne.

When you apply it to your skin, it will encourage wound healing, treat rashes, abrasions, burns, redness, itching, and pain. Interestingly, it is also used to treat stomach aches.

For best results, you should combine it with tea tree oil.

Using it is easy, just take some leaves from the plant and scrape the gel out into a clean container. Use it as a moisturiser once or twice daily. You can also buy pure aloe vera gel from a pharmacy or beauty products store.

6. Take Fish Oil Supplement

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids which have several health benefits, including acne treatment. It might not be very effective when used alone, but people who have used it have attested to its effectiveness in reducing inflammatory symptoms of acne such as redness and pain as well as general risk for developing acne.

The omega-3 fatty acids mentioned above can be obtained from a balanced diet containing foods like sardines, salmon, chia seeds, flax seeds, and walnuts, nevertheless, supplements are available in pharmacies for those whose diet is poor in fatty acids.

7. Exercise Regularly

The benefits of exercise are diverse. This includes the prevention and treatment of a lot of diseases. Since exercise improves blood circulation and hormonal regulation, frequenting it also helps to treat acne by providing adequate nourishment for the skin cells.

In addition, exercise helps to relieve stress, which is suspected to be among the causes of acne. Research is still ongoing to find out how exactly stress causes acne and how exercise helps in treatment.

There are several options available; you can start with light exercises like walking, and then eventually move to other ones if you are considered fit.

How to Prevent Pimples

Knowing how to get rid of acne on the face is not as important as knowing how to prevent it from occurring or reoccurring after treatment. Good thing is that you won’t have to spend a dime to do most of them.

  1. Keep your face clean but avoid harsh scrubbing, as this can cause and worsen acne.
  2. Avoid or reduce intake of foods linked with acne such as high-glycemic foods like whitebread and donuts
  3. Wear sunscreen when going outdoors
  4. Apply topical treatments for mild skin conditions before they get severe
  5. Be mindful of the skincare products you use. Always consult with a dermatologist or a skin care expert before you buy new products.
  6. Reduce stress
  7. Exercise regularly
  8. Maintain a healthy weight, as being overweight is sometimes linked to acne.
  9. Avoid excessive skin exfoliation
  10. Discuss with a dermatologist on other preventive measures you should take especially if you are at risk of developing acne.


Acne has a variety of causes and thus the treatments might differ accordingly too. The methods of how to get rid of acne on the face mentioned in this article, in no way represent an exhaustive list, there is several other methods available and ongoing research on them.

Have you tried any of the methods above or other ones not mentioned in this article, we would love to hear about your experience. Thanks for reading through.


How can I clear up acne fast?

You can use over-the-counter treatments containing salicylate and benzoyl peroxide.

How can I clear my acne naturally?

There are several options available; this includes spot-treating with tea tree oil, aloe vera, and adopting a good diet control habit.

What causes acne on the face?

Acne is linked to several causes. Two of the most important are genetics and hormonal imbalance. Others are personal hygiene, poor skin care, and diet.

What kills acne on the face?

To kill acne on the face, you can apply some gel-free toothpaste, or paste of crushed aspirin and allow it overnight. You can also use the several natural methods available.

Should I see a doctor for acne treatment?

You can easily treat mild to moderate acne with natural home remedies or over-the-counter drugs. However, a dermatologist is in the best position to evaluate and treat you, especially in recurring or severe cases.

Two of my older siblings currently have acne on their faces; my mum said she suffered from it as a teenager, does it mean acne can be inherited?

Yes. According to a study, acne is highly heritable, so if you are not affected by it, at the moment, it is very important for you to observe the preventive measures mentioned in this article

Can I buy over-the-counter drugs for my acne?

There are several over-the-counter ointments, gels, and lotions available for acne treatment. Some are highly affected but might be associated with unwanted effects such as irritation, redness, and dryness. To avoid or at least, minimise this, meet a dermatologist to recommend the most suitable one(s) for you.

11 Surprising Facts about Toothpaste

11 Surprising Facts about Toothpaste

The use of toothpaste for maintaining the fresh breath, preventing tooth decay, tooth stains, and gum disease (gingivitis) has been practised for a very long time now.

It will interest you to know that apart from the above uses, there are several other amazing facts about toothpaste that you have probably never heard of before. Are you ready to know those facts? Strap on your seatbelts and we will journey with you all through.

11 Surprising Facts About Toothpaste

1. Do Colour Codes On The Tube of Toothpastes Mean Anything?

For quite some time, there has been a false claim about toothpaste colour codes in circulation. According to the claim, consumers can decide on which toothpaste to buy by studying the colour code to know which ingredients were used to make the toothpaste.

The colour code is a small coloured square at the bottom of your toothpaste. It is usually green, blue, red, or black – some of the most common colours used by toothpaste brands. The colours are used to claim that the formulation of the toothpaste is as follows:

Green: Contains only natural ingredients

Blue: Natural ingredients with some additional medicine

Red: natural ingredients and chemicals

Black: purely made of chemicals

This is entirely false! The colours are nothing but marks deliberately put on the toothpaste tubes during production to show light beam sensors the exact place to cut, seal or fold during the automated process.

To know the formulation of the toothpaste you intend to buy, just read through the pack and you will see the ingredients it contains.

2. Toothpaste Contain Seaweed!

Do you know that most toothpaste contains seaweeds?

Seaweeds are a group of plants and algae that survive on water bodies. Most toothpaste brands use seaweeds as part of their ingredients.

Also, seaweed is a thickening agent, so it stabilizes toothpaste, thereby making it consistent on your toothbrush whenever you squeeze it out of the tube.

3. Toothpaste Used To Be In Powder Form

The toothpaste we know today was not always like this. Before it was turned into a paste, the evolution began from the Egyptian toothpowder made from powdered ashes of Ox hooves and burnt eggshells; and the Greek toothpowder containing crushed bones and oyster shells.

This continued to the 19th century with additional ingredients like chalk, salt, and charcoal.

4. Most Toothpastes Contain the Same Set of Active Ingredients

While there are a lot of different toothpaste brands today, each advertising to try and convince you to buy their product, it will interest you to know that most toothpaste contains the same set of ingredients.

The ingredients in most toothpaste are as follows:

Abrasives e.g. hydrated silica, calcium carbonate
Detergents e.g. sodium lauryl sulfate
Fluoride compound e.g. sodium fluoride, stannous fluoride

Abrasives help to remove stains and deposits on the surfaces of teeth; detergents break up and wash the stains; fluoride helps in tooth decay prevention; preservatives increase the lifespan of the toothpaste while binders increase consistency.

Specially formulated toothpaste contain additional ingredients. Your dentist will recommend one for you if you have sensitive teeth or tartar on your teeth.

5. Toothpastes Can Clean Surfaces Other Than Your Mouth

These are some of the most interesting facts about toothpaste. After reading this, you will realize how useful toothpaste can be in your house and even at work.

You can clean glass surfaces, wooden items and more with your toothpaste.

6. Toothpastes Can Relieve You from Skin Irritation and Acne

Rubbing a small amount of toothpaste on your skin after an insect bite or sting can bring you immediate relief from the irritation before you can get a definitive treatment – if needed.

Toothpaste has been used for some time to treat acne. Some amount of it dabbed on your pimples and allowed overnight can help clear your pimples, especially when you continue for some days. For this purpose, it is recommended to use toothpaste that does not contain gels.

Dirty fingernails can also be cleaned using toothpaste. There are reports that it is effective for this purpose.

7. Toothpastes Can Remove Offensive Odors from Your Skin

Sometimes, coming in contact with fish, garlic, and onions in the kitchen can leave your hands with an offensive smell that is difficult to remove by just washing with soap.

Here is what you can do.

Wash your hands first with soap or detergent, then rub some toothpaste on your hands, allow it for some time, and then rinse. You can also try it for other offensive smells on your skin.

8. Toothpaste Can Make Your Jewellery to Sparkle

It is a Saturday or Sunday morning, you have an important event to attend and you are already running late, then you realise that your jewellery has lost its sparkle but there is no time to take it to the jeweller for cleaning. Well, toothpaste to the rescue.

When you add some toothpaste to a soft-bristled brush or cloth and use it to polish your silver or even diamond jewellery, in no time, you will have sparkling clean jewellery right in front of you. Amazing right?

However, you should exercise caution while polishing your pearls, as this might scratch or even damage them.

In addition to polishing your jewellery, you can also polish your silver kitchen utensils and ornaments, using the same procedure above.

9. Toothpaste Can Polish Your Bathroom Too

Just as you can use toothpaste to clean your kitchen utensils, jewellery, and ornaments, you can do the same to the items in your bathroom.

It does an amazing job cleaning your bathroom sinks, mirrors, glass doors, faucets, etc. giving them the sparkling look.

Whenever any of the above is stained, you can squeeze some amount of toothpaste on the area, allow it for some time and scrub it off.

Toothpaste has the added advantage of deodorising your drain as well.

10. What Toothpaste Can Do To Your Fabric

When your clothes are stained with ‘tough’ stains from soup, coffee, juice, or other food and household items, you might no longer need to use expensive stain removers for that.

To do this, apply some toothpaste to the stained area, allow for some time and rub vigorously. By the time you wash the cloth, the stain is likely to disappear or at least, reduce by a large extent.

11. Toothpaste Can Help Clean You Walls

Regardless of the number of books you buy for your kids, some might still choose to use the walls of the house for their crayon arts. Toothpaste, therefore, serves to keep your walls clean.

To clean the crayon markings – as well as other stains, apply some amount of toothpaste (preferably white) using a wet cloth and then wash off the residue.

You can also use it to fill small holes on your walls, and as an adhesive to stick your posters to the wall. And when used for this, it has no damaging effect on your wall.


Q: How effective is herbal toothpaste?

A: A lot of the ingredients of herbal toothpaste are yet to be scientifically declared as effective in teeth cleaning, nevertheless, it has been used for quite a while, and people have attested to its effectiveness.

Q: Which toothpaste brand is the best for me?

A: Toothpaste basically contain the same active ingredients; also, there are different toothpaste formulations for different conditions (e.g whitening, tartar, tooth decay). Your dentist should help you choose the best one for you.


Now that you have read up to this point, we believe that you have learned amazing facts about toothpaste, and have realised that they can be used for several other purposes apart from teeth cleaning.

Do you know more of such facts about toothpaste? Please do not hesitate to share with us in the comments section below.

We would love to hear from you.