World Down Syndrome Day

Updated: Mar 21, 2022
By Abdulsalam Yunusa
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March 21st every year, is World Down Syndrome Day, a day set aside to celebrate people living with down syndrome, create advocacy and help improve living standards for them. But how much do you know about the syndrome and the day designated for its celebration? If you know just a little, you need not worry, for, In this article, I have compiled answers to the questions you’d likely have.

Now let’s go into it.

What is Down Syndrome?

Down’s syndrome or Down syndrome, medically known as trisomy 21, is one of the most commonest chromosomal abnormalities seen in humans, as it affects about 1 out of every 1000 live childbirth. The genetic disorder results from the triplication of chromosome 21. This means there is a third complete copy of the chromosome or a part of it.

Just like several other congenital conditions, down syndrome, could lead to delay in growth, reduced intellectual ability and facial features like flathead, flattened nose, the narrow roof of mouth etc. In addition, people with down syndrome are at a higher risk of having other congenital anomalies.

Regarding intellectual ability, a typical young adult with down syndrome is said to have the IQ of an 8 to a 9-year-old child, however, this isn’t the same for everybody.

When is World Down Syndrome Day?

National Down Syndrome Day, as acknowledged by the World Health Organization and recognized by the United Nations, is celebrated on the 21st day of March every year.

How the Down Syndrome Day Was Found

Because of the abovementioned symptoms, many of the people living with down syndrome suffer some stigmatization among peers, at work, school or other places. To fight this, March 21st as Down Syndrome Day was first acknowledged by the World Health Organization in 2007, a few years later, in 2011, the United Nations recognized the date as well, however, the day was officially celebrated for the first time in 2012.

How Do We Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day?

There are lots of things you can do on the day, however, here are some suggestions you should keep in mind:

  • Raise awareness on social media or in your neighborhood
  • Support people organizing awareness and advocacy campaigns
  • Send donations to associations and organizations for people living with down syndrome.
  • Visit persons living with down syndrome in your neighborhood and remind them that they are loved.
  • Get some training on how to effectively communicate with people living with it
  • Help facilitate genetic counselling sessions for intending couples
  • Wear odd-coloured socks on World Down Syndrome Day. The idea was created because chromosomes are shaped “like socks” and people with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome.

Down Syndrome Day Quotes

Here are some Down Syndrome quotes by people from different walks of life. You might want to share some on your social media.

Having Down syndrome means nothing to me, I’m special like everyone else. I do not let people judge me for having Down syndrome. The important thing is how I feel about myself. On the inside, I feel beautiful.

Edward Barbanell, Actor and Comedian

I have one more chromosome than you. So what? Karen Gaffney, Speaker and Advocate for People with Disabilities

Don’t limit us. Don’t limit me.

Jamie Brewer, Actress

I have Down’s Syndrome but that is not all I am.

Sarah Gordy, Actor

Concentrate on things your disability doesn’t prevent you from doing well and don’t regret the things it interferes with. Don’t be disabled in spirit as well as physically. Stephen Hawking

The only disability in life is a bad attitude.

Scott Hamilton


People living with down syndrome did not choose to be born that way and are therefore not at fault for being who they are, so we shouldn’t make them feel bad about it. Down Syndrome Day is a good reminder for us to show them that they’re special and instead of reminding them about their limitations, we should help them discover their abilities.

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Thanks for reading!


What day is National Down Syndrome Day?

National Down Syndrome Day, as acknowledged by the World Health Organization and recognized by the United Nations, is celebrated on the 21st of March every year.

Why is Down Syndrome Day on March 21?

It is celebrated to create public awareness on the congenital anomaly by signifying the uniqueness of chromosome 21 triplication (Trisomy 21). The day is for raising awareness, encouraging advocacy for people living with down syndrome and supporting their well-being. This year’s celebration will focus more on promoting inclusivity.

What is the theme for World Down Syndrome Day 2021?

To provide a particular area of focus on the day, each year comes with a different theme. The theme for 2022 is the #InclusionMeans. You can promote it by adding the hashtag to all your social media posts related to down syndrome.

How do you celebrate World Down Syndrome Day?

To celebrate this day, you can raise public awareness yourself or support those already doing that. Donations to associations that support people living with down syndrome is also a good way of celebrating the day.

What Causes Down Syndrome?

Down syndrome is caused by having three copies of the genes on chromosome 21 instead of two. Women who get pregnant at a late age and those who have been delivered of a child with down syndrome are at a higher risk of giving birth to children with chromosomal anomalies.

Can Down Syndrome Be Treated?

As with a lot of other genetic abnormalities, down syndrome cannot be permanently treated, nevertheless, it can be effectively managed by early detection, early childhood interventions, screening for common problems and treating them appropriately, as well as providing a safe and comfortable environment for them. Applying special teaching techniques at an early age can help to build up their intelligence.

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