You Won’t Believe How Waking Up Early Will Change Your Life

You Won’t Believe How Waking Up Early Will Change Your Life

Did you know that scores of the world’s top executives wake up very early?  It is not because they can’t sleep the whole night and day but they know waking up early has many benefits. They believe that the earlier you wake, the more time you have in the day, which also helps in planning yourself for that day effectively. 

Furthermore, it is also advantageous to wake up early because you will feel less stressed and feel this burst of glee that you are in control over your life and everything is in order. 

Though most people find it difficult to wake up early because their body is already used to waking up late irrespective of what time they sleep. But mind you, waking up early doesn’t have to be a one-day transformation, it requires a gradual process. 

A typical example of that is like a person who is visiting the gym for the first time and wanted to go for a heavyweight for start, maybe probably a 50kg bench press. More so, if the person is able to press one up, he won’t certainly be lucky to go for the second. Why?  because his body is new to the new development and needs a gradual familiarization to be able to adapt to it. Maybe you start with 5, then to 10, and later 15, etc, till you reach 50kg. The same method was applied to waking up early. You just introduce the new development to your body.

 Maybe you are a type that wakes up at 7: 30 Am every morning, you can adjust more effectively if you ease into it, and tackle it in bite-sized chunks. I recommend you start by trying 10min interval, I.e you try and adjust to 7: 20, then if your body is getting used to waking up at that time, then you keep adjusting till u finally succeed in making it down to 5: 00 Am. 

How Does Waking Up Early Change Your Life?

Early risers are onto something. From lowering stress levels to helping one to be in control of the day. Waking at the crack of the dawn has many advantages which can change one’s life.

1. It Boosts Your Productivity

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Benjamin Franklin

Your productivity is greatly influenced by your daily routine, and the latter is determined effectively by what time you wake up, and thus one of the benefits of waking up early.

This reminds me of when I got a freelancing job on a particular blog site, whereby a topic was always assigned to me in the middle of the night and to be submitted same time the following day. Good and fine. It was going on well since I have nothing else to do for the day than to wake, say few prayers, take my bath, scarf down some food and be ready to tackle the assignment given by the blog site. But the story changed when a brother of mine who owns fashion apparel called on to me to join him in the business because of the workload and agreed to pay me well if I can actually help. 

Well, who doesn’t want to earn more money in addition to the one he is making?  I took the job and always resume at exactly 9:00 am and close at 5: 00 pm in the evening as regarding our agreement.

With the coming of this new job, I had to strike a balance so as not to be a barrier for the other. In view of this, I woke early at 5 am in the morning to finish up with the freelancing job before setting out to the fashion house.  The two jobs were actually a burst of glee to my bank account at the end of the month. 

2. Waking Up Early Changes Your Life Medically

It has been medically proven that waking up early enables you to reap the benefits of good health which prompt an energetic and healthy you.

It will also give you the time to perform a bit of physical exercise and to meditate which will eventually help in getting you a sense of order in life, making you feel happier. 

3. You Get Quality Sleep

This gives room to have that better sleep quality. With this, your body tends to be relaxed before the crack of dawn. And mind you, when you retire to your bed early for instance 9: 00 pm, and wake up around 5:00 am, the quality of the sleep you will have can never be compared with when you sleep at around 12: 00 and wake up around 5 am.

While you will be having 8 hours sleep in the former, you will be having 6 hours in the latter. 

4. One of The Benefits of Waking Up Early Is You Get Higher Academic Scores

When the University of Texas in the United States of America conducted research on the categories of students who scored better grades, it was concluded that those who rise early fall in that category. 

The brain tends to assimilate so well early in the morning when reading than any other time both in the day and at night. The reason is that the brain is not under any form of pressure, it has already been relaxed. So, therefore, it will be easy to understand and assimilate whatever you read at that time which will definitely reflect in your scores. 

5. Rising Early Has An Effect on Your Hormones

Waking up early as can affect two of your body’s natural hormones which are cortisol and melatonin. 


Also known as hydrocortisone, this is produced by the adrenal cortex upon that mediates various metabolic processes (such as gluconeogenesis), has anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties, and whose levels in the blood may become elevated in response to physical or psychological stress.  


This is a vertebrate hormone that is derived from serotonin, is secreted by the pineal gland especially in response to darkness and has been linked to the regulation of circadian rhythms

6. Waking Up Early Enables You to Pray

As Muslims will say “prayer is the sword of Muslims”, the same goes with the Christian. One of the benefits of waking up early very early in the morning makes it possible to sit comfortably and ask God whatever you want and complain to him about the problem/s you are encountering begging him to grant you your wish.

Compare to when you wake up late and still have other things to do, you will hardly say a prayer before you leave your house. Waking up early to pray to your lord will actually go a long way in changing your life from that you don’t want to that which you want. 

In conclusion 

Go to bed early and wake up early. The morning hours are good.

Jeff Bezos