100 Interesting Facts About Power

100 Interesting Facts About Power

Political governance and influence on its subjects are referred to as power. The ruling power over a particular country influences how the country will function, either positively or negatively. It’s disheartening that most citizens are fond of complaining about those in authority, but fail to understand that it’s within their ability to decide who comes to power or not. This is because the essence of power is lost when there are no subjects to rule or exercise that authority over. 

However, most people don’t know what exactly power is, how it functions, and how they as citizens can influence their country’s political power. In response to this, we have compiled 100 facts about power in general, most especially the Nigerian government power system.

Fascinating Facts About Power

1. Politics is derived from a Greek word that means affairs of the cities.

2. Generally, politics encompasses all the activities involving decisions making in groups, or other forms of power relations between individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status.

3. The study of politics and government is known as political sciences.

4. Did you know that the Federal Government of Nigeria is composed of three distinct branches: legislative, executive, and judicial?

5. In modern times, people often form political parties to represent their ideas— Those within the same party are said to uphold the same ideologies and belief system.

6. The competition between two political parties to decide who comes to power is called an election.

7. The Constitution of Nigeria provides separation and balance of power among the legislative, executive, and judicial.

8. According to Hannah Arendt, the view of Aristotle was that “to be political…meant that everything was decided through words and persuasion and not through violence;”

9.  Politics came into existence due to the growing human population across the globe without any sense of organization.

10. Up to the 12th century, many people lived in non-state societies— These range from relatively egalitarian bands and tribes to complex and highly stratified chiefdoms.

11. Legislative power is held by the federal government of Nigeria and the two chambers of the legislature are the house of representatives and the senate.

12. Conflict theories of state formation regard conflict and dominance of some population over another population as key to the formation of states.

13. The national assembly is the combination of the house of representatives and the senate— Together, the two chambers make up the law-making body in Nigeria.

14. The judicial branch of the Nigerian government is the only one of the three branches of government in which its members are not elected but are appointed.

15.  Political philosophy of the state was formulated by the Ancient Greek Empire.

16. Before the 4th century in Athens, Greece, citizens were granted citizenship rights, alongside the directly democratic form of government that was to have a long afterlife in political thought and history.

17. The law of Nigeria is based on the rule of law, the independence of the judiciary, and British common law.

18. The ruling political system of society will inevitably shape society through public policy and law enforcement.

19. Government based on the structure of power is broadly classified Into monarchies and republic governments.

20. Power can be divided between the legislature, the executive, the judiciary, and other independent institutions.

21. Democracy is the government of the direct or the representative rule of the people of its jurisdiction. Its forms include representative democracy, direct democracy, and demarchy.

22.  Did you know that oligarchy is a power structure where a minority rules? The term minority in this context refers to the few wealthy among the society.

23. A form of government in which unlimited power is held by a single individual is called autocracy.

24. The Nigerian legislature has other sources of law and they are called the criminal and penal codes of Nigeria.

25. The proceeding culture over a society influences its political system— The study of this aspect of politics is called political culture.

Mind-Blowing Facts About Power

26. Nigeria is a member of the African Union and sits on the organization’s Peace and Security Council.

27. Political corruption is the use of powers for illegitimate private gain, conducted by government officials or their network contacts.

28. Kleptocracy is a corrupt and dishonest form of government characterized by greed.

29. Nigerian legislation may be classified as follows. The colonial era until 1960, post-independence legislation 1960-1966, the military era 1966-1999.

30. The peaceful existence between two nations is achieved through diplomacy— A negotiation through alliance, treaties, or agreement.

31. During the Military Regime in Nigeria, 1966-1999, This Nation experienced 8 coups generally, five were successful and 3 were unsuccessful.

32. Nigeria has the largest population of Christians and Muslims cohabitating in the world, introduced during the colonial period— These two religions have a great influence on the country’s political system.

33. The executive branch of Nigeria is divided into Federal Ministries, each headed by a minister appointed by the president— The president must include at least one member from each of the 36 states in his cabinet.

34. A political party is a political organization that typically seeks to attain and maintain political power within the government.

35. Political parties express their ideology or vision through political campaigns, educational outreach, or protest actions.

36. The House of Representatives is presided over by the speaker of the House of Representatives— It has 360 members, who are elected for four-year terms in single-seat constituencies.

37. In 2018, the British Commonwealth Secretariat taught numerous government officials and financial officers how to combat and condemn corruption within the nation.

38. The right standard of democracy is saddled upon voting, whereby the person or policy with the most vote gets implemented.

39. A bill drafted by the legislators can only become national law once they are approved by the president of Nigeria who can choose to disapprove bills.

40. When citizens are allowed to vote directly, not through their representative it’s referred to as a direct democracy system.

41. Did you know that most of Nigeria’s foreign affairs, both during the colonial era and post-independence have relied on oil production?

42. Did you know that the legislative arm of government is those who are vested with the power of law-making?

43. Under a democratic system of government, civic education and political sciences should be taught across educational institutions, this is to enlighten citizens more about their political rights.

44. To maintain a functioning state, all governmental decisions must be taken, considering the masses.

45. The system of government in which power is invested in multiple people is polyarchy.

46. The Supreme Court is chaired by the Chief Justice of Nigeria and has thirteen associate justices, who are appointed by the President based on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council

47. The power of the three arms of the Nigerian government is vested by the constitution of Nigeria, the national assembly, the president, and the federal courts.

48. Early dynastic Sumer was located in southern Mesopotamia with its borders extending from the Persian Gulf to parts of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers—Around approximately 3000 BCE.

49. Nigeria is a federal republic, with executive power exercised by the president. The president is the head of state, the head of government, and the head of a multi-party system.

50. Politics offers a person a platform of expression, what they believe, how it can change the system, and convince others into seeing from their perspectives.

Truths About Power You Should Know

51. Nigeria politics takes place within a framework of a federal, presidential, and representative democratic republic.

52. According to moralists, politics is closely linked to ethics and is at its extreme in utopian thinking.

53. Nigeria became a member of the British Commonwealth upon its independence from British colonial rule on October 1, 1960.

54. The political system of any state encompasses official decisions made by the government of that state.

55. Sharia law is a form of law used in some states in the northern region— Solely based on Islamic laws.

56. The two fundamental sources of Nigerian law through legislation are Acts of the British parliament and Local legislation.

57. A federation is a political entity characterized by a union of partially self-governing provinces, states, or other regions under a central federal government (federalism).

58. Generally, macropolitics either describes political issues that affect an entire political system or international relations between political systems.

59. Post-Independence Legislation was a milestone in the political history of Nigeria—This period witnessed the consolidation of political gains made during the colonial era.

60. States that can exert strong international influence are referred to as superpowers, whereas less-powerful ones may be called regional or middle powers.

61. One of the functions of the Nigerian president is to see that the Nigerian Constitution is enacted and that the legislation is applied to the people.

62. Politics inside the limits of political systems, which in contemporary context correspond to national borders, are referred to as domestic politics.

63. Did you know that each federal ministry of Nigeria has a permanent secretary, who is a senior civil servant.

64. The office of the presidency is responsible for the Independent National Electoral Commission, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, and the Federal Civil Service Commission.

65. The political system within a country is formed by the association of political parties, which can be multiparty, two-party, or even one party.

66. The Senate has 109 members, is presided over by the president of the Senate— 108 members are elected for four-year terms in 36 three-seat constituencies, which correspond to the country’s 36 states.

67. The theory of aggregative democracy claims that the democratic processes aim to solicit the preferences of citizens, and aggregate them together to determine what social policies the society should adopt.

68. Under the democratic system no president of Nigeria can serve more than the elected two four-year terms.

69. According to minimalism, democracy is a system of government in which citizens have given teams of political leaders the right to rule in periodic elections.

70. The judicial branch of Nigeria consists of the Supreme Court of Nigeria, the Court of Appeals, the High Courts, and other trial courts.

71. The field of politics is broad and involved a variety of methods, which includes promoting one’s political views among people, negotiating with other political subjects, making laws, and exercising force.

72. Early dynastic Egypt was based around the Nile River in the northeast of Africa, the kingdom’s boundaries being based around the Nile and stretching to areas where oases existed— Around approximately 3000 BCE.

73. Did you know that it’s the responsibility of the judiciary and the Supreme Court to protect the basic rights of the citizens?

74. Considering the friction between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria, the government has taken on a hybrid of English Common Law and Islamic Law when dealing with legal issues to appease the diverse national population.

75. A State that’s powerful enough to influence world affairs is called a world power, while the international system of power is called the world order.

Important Facts About Governance

76. Did you know that politics among most family and friends are tagged as a  “do not discuss” topic? It’s believed to be a risky and corrupt path to journey on.

77. Currently, in northern Nigeria, about 12 states now live under Sharia law.

78. The two major parties in Nigeria are the Peoples Democratic Party and the All Progressives Congress— Both parties have held the presidency and seats in the National Assembly for extended periods.

79. Being aware of politics and understanding the role of politics in everyday life is important to developing your character and valuing important issues.

80. Nigeria’s membership in the British Commonwealth began in 1960 till date, although it was suspended from 1995 to 1999 when the country became a state under military rule.

81. Politics helps us to understand our nation’s parties— Democracy system, our rights, ideology, party politics, the Constitution, and Parliament

82. The initial concept of democracy is political participation under the dictatorship of the subject without violence or force.

83. The British Commonwealth Secretariat has helped Nigeria in its natural resource fields such as oil and mining—But, can you testify to the positive effect of this?

84. The military of Nigeria has played a major role in the country’s history, often seizing control of the country— Its last period of rule ended in 1999, following the death of the leader of the previous military Junta Sani Abacha in 1998.

85. The active-duty personnel in the three Nigerian armed services totals approximately 76,000 personnel; The Nigeria Army(60,000), The Nigeria Navy(7,000), and The Nigeria Air Force (9,000).

86. Nigeria currently has better foreign relations with its neighbours, due to its current state of democracy.

87. The deep concern about human rights and environmentalism are referred to as postmaterialism.

88. Eventually, most citizens don’t participate in political affairs because they aren’t literate about their political rights.

89. Since the change of power from a military regime to a democratic state, Nigeria’s relationships with both its continental neighbours in Africa and throughout the world have improved greatly.

90. The study of politics is an eye-opener that enables citizens to know their rights and get to see how their little political participation can change the world.

91. The voluntary theories of state formation depict that diverse groups of people came together to form states as a result of some shared rational interest.

92. Did you know that politics is a living, breathing subject? This is because it’s liable to continuous change.

93. One of the major goals of the British Commonwealth Secretariat is to assist Nigeria to detect and deter corruption within its federal government.

94. Interestingly, in most political systems once a person is up to age eighteen, they are allowed to participate fully in all political activities.

95. A standard government system is expected to boost peace, progress, development, and unity among the citizens and must be reflected in every aspect of the country.

96. Unfortunately, political parties in Nigeria aren’t upholding a positive ideology as expected. In contrast, it serves as a means through which prominent figures can gain power and influence. Hence, they often switch parties to find the one to give them the best chance of achieving authority.

97. It’s within the framework of politics, that power can be won or lost, leveraged, or squandered, either toward illuminated ends or corruptive impulses.

98. Politicians will advance themselves by understanding and navigating relations between people. However, many of them prefer to use force to get their way.

99. Sadly, religious friction between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria has often been used by politicians to incite violence and create fear and chaos among Nigerians.

100. The basic rights and freedom all humans are entitled to are called human rights. This includes the right to life, liberty, freedom of thoughts, and expression among others.

100 Fascinating Facts About Music

100 Fascinating Facts About Music

Music is a sound that is pleasant to hear—meaningful. This set of sounds has the power to influence the way we view life, either positive or negative, depending on the lyrics of the music. Furthermore, music comes in various forms and is composed for various reasons. Unfortunately, one person’s choice of music varies from that of another. However, irrespective of our different choice about music it’s important we know about those things that make music essential to humanity. Check out these 100 facts about music.

Fun Facts About Music

1. Music triggers the release of feel-good hormones called dopamine in the brain too. There are several dopamine pathways in the brain, one of them is responsible for the motivational component of feel-good reactions.

2. Did you know that they are people who don’t feel any emotional connection with music? They derive pleasure from other things like food or sex.

3. Listening to music enhances physical performance— Stress and anxiety decrease physical performance. However, music helps the body exhale stress and anxiety by creating a state of mindfulness.

4. Singing together in and as a group improves mood. Yes because humans are social beings by nature and need to associate to stay active. So, music creates an atmosphere for the association.

5. Individual perception of the world is influenced by the type of music they listen to. In essence, love inclined lyrics makes you care about the world and vice versa.

6. Music is a relaxing tool that helps the body exhale stress. Although this depends on the type of music, like a calm slow song. 

7. Eventually all musicians have high self-confidence and are prone to taking risks. The reason is that they normally address a large number of people frequently. 

8. The part of the brain responsible for motor actions, emotions, and creativity are all activated while listening to music.

9.  Music promotes a healthy cardiovascular system— Faster music increases heart rate and speeds up breathing. This in turn moves more oxygen and blood to your muscles.

10. Listening to loud music causes one to drink a lot, this is the secret behind loud music at bars and their high sales of drinks.

11. Catchy music that continuously repeats itself in your mind, even after you stop listening to the song is called “Earworm”.

12. Easy listening and new age music lead to high milk production in cows. When a cow is stressed, the release of oxytocin is slow, this hormone controls milk production. But, music helps them ease stress. 

13. Music is an effective tool for recalling personal memories, even with a brain injury— music serves as an effective stimulus for provoking autobiographical memories. 

14.  Listening to music motivates you to exercise more by increasing your stamina and improving your mood. 

15. Sadly, pop musicians have shorter life spans due to excessive hard drugs consumption.

16. Research shows that unborn babies react to music by moving their mouth and tongue as if they want to sing.

17. Music helps reduce anxiety— Through the reduction of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol.

18. Music aids quick recovery after an illness as it brightens up your mood.

19. Drummers are great at problem-solving—due to the complexity involved in playing the drums.

20. To some extent music helps you study well— It improves mindfulness. 

21. The world’s longest concert by multiple artists lasted for 453 hours, 54 minutes, and 40 seconds.

22. Musical instruments are broadly classified into percussion, strings, woodwind, brass and keyboard instruments.

23. During the peak of women’s menstrual cycle, they find men who are composers of songs more attractive.

24. Jazz music has a positive effect on creative thinking and general health since it increases your body energy and excitement level.

25.  Active music therapy allows patients to perform music, this is helpful for people with weak lungs or reduced physical ability.

Scientific Facts About Music

26. Receptive music therapy allows patients to listen to music, this is helpful to people with mood and anxiety problems.

27. The average song length is 3 minutes, 42 seconds.

28. It takes 15 hours to make Grammy Award trophies.

29. Radio play can be a much more effective sales tool than print reviews for a song or artist.

30. 70% of musicians suffer from mental health conditions— All musicians are emotionally attached to their music, hence, slight failure results in mental health conditions.

31. Streaming music on smartphones is big business because more people have access to smartphones.

32. Chill-inducing music makes people more generous. It triggers a nerve response causing calmness.

33. Oftentimes, goosebumps are caused by music— Goosebumps appear on the body when we experience strong emotions like when listening to music.

34. Recent research shows that plants grow faster when music is played around them— Still a controversial topic. 

35. Enticing music is an effective advertising strategy, it makes people buy business products.

36. Classical music fans and heavy metal fans are somewhat alike— They are both dramatic and unpredictable. 

37. Interestingly, about 40% of musicians hear music in their sleep.

38. A study shows that calming, slower, simpler music always trends before volatility occurs in the stock market.

39. MTV, was the first TV channel dedicated to playing music videos 24/7 launched August 1, 1981.

40. Listening to your best music helps relax tense muscles— You can try it out when you’re stressed.

41. Approximately, 90% of social media users engage in some kind of music-related activity through their apps or profile.

42. Listening to music at bedtime helps people fall asleep faster, especially children— Lullaby.

43. Listening to music while you work increases your productivity. Sadly, it’s tagged as a distraction in most work firms.

44. Cats enjoy music that uses similar frequencies to those with alternating frequencies.

45. The human heartbeat always mimics the beat of the music a person is listening to.

46. You prefer the original version of a song because it’s the one you first listen to and not because it’s the best.

47. People chose their favourite songs based on how it relates to an emotional event in their life.

48. Unfortunately, the original lyrics of the “Happy birthday to you” was a “Good morning to you”.

49. Babies are calmer when listening to a song compared to listening to speech.

50. Research has found that the ability to choose rhythm allows musicians to learn a language more easily than others.

Random Music Facts

51. Sady, only about 1 in every 10,000 people has a perfect pitch—the ability to identify a musical note by just hearing it with no reference note.

52. The most expensive musical instrument in the world is a Stradivarius violin, with one being sold for $15.9 million.

53. The part of the brain responsible for self-expression flow is activated when musicians improvise—the medial prefrontal cortex and the medial posterior parietal cortex.

54. The biological irritations for music are called music anhedonia.

55. The word music is from Greek mythology called muses which means goddesses of the arts.

56. Historically, music was once considered an Olympic Games.

57. About 20% of metal musicians die by suicide.

58. Babies who listen to lullabies have an enhanced mood and sense of comfort.

59. Music always strikes something in the heart that’s why it is sometimes called heartfelt music.

60. Learning an instrument improves memorization, pattern recognition and emotional development.

61. Regular music alters the brain structure physically— The brain becomes synchronized when listening to music, this results in a permanent change in the brain over time. 

62.  Music triggers networks of neurons into organized movement, hence, improving motor skills.

63. Learning musical instruments increases reasoning skills— The methods required in learning those instruments are often complex and technical.

64. A violin consists of 70 different types of wood—spruce, willow, maple, ebony, rosewood and more.

65. Music helps coordinate speech network in the brain and improves speech difficulties

66. Musicians can remember information about auditory signals better than anyone else— They are actively involved with sounds.

67. Listening to music helps strengthen working memory. Music boosts productivity by reducing stress and anxiety. 

68. Listening to music reduces a child’s risk of developing ADHD(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), especially calm music.

69. Musicians develop a better long-term memory, because they create lyrics and retain them for years. 

70.  In 2015, Astronaut Chris Hadfield released the first album of songs recorded entirely in space.

71. Listening to music helps athletes run faster— Music increases body stamina.

72. Listening to music makes musicians less prone to hearing disorders— They deal with detecting different notes and tones.

73. Research found out that people make more mistakes while listening to a familiar song compared to a song they are listening to for the first time.

74. Music training enhances more executive functioning in children, especially when learning a musical instrument.

75. Music boosts the growth of grey matters found in the brain which translates into better academic performance.

Surprising Music Facts

76. Did you know that Classical music helps in improving the IQ of the listener? This is because classical music is formed through a formal educational process, following strict rules.

77. Music lovers will excel better at Geometry because of their talents in spatial reasoning— Music helps relax the mind and brain which aids spatial reasoning.

78. The world’s oldest song was sung about 3,400 years ago.

79. A flute in the form of bird bone and mammoth ivory flutes is the oldest musical instrument on earth dating back to 42,000 and 43,000 years ago.

80. Music therapy is an accredited healthcare profession.

81. Most musicians enjoy listening to their songs more.

82. Oftentimes, musicians are prone to frustration due to the pressure of maintaining their standard.

83. Musicians are highly sensitive— everything seems to give them some sort of inspiration.

84. Musicians strangely derive their inspiration. In essence, everything makes sense to them. 

85. Musicians never stop learning. All musicians want to remain top-notch, hence, the quest for more knowledge.

86. Fortunately, every noise makes sense to musicians.

87. Most music producers who play live still get nervous about shows, even after their hundredth time.

88. Did you know that the national anthem connects crowds at sporting events?

89. Protest songs stir a sense of purpose while they march. This set of songs unifies the protesters with one goal.

90. Hymns build group identity in houses of worship.

91. Love songs help prospective partners bond during courtship.

92. Lullabies enable parents and infants to develop secure attachments— Lullabies are soothing songs.

93. Did you know that listening to good music improves your personality? Songs with positive lyrics influence your thinking and vice versa. 

94. Music is an expression of emotions and ideas. Oftentimes, feelings and ideas are best communicated through music.

95. Music is the basis of all electronic entertainment such as movies, video games, television serials, and its likes.

96. Soft instrumental music helps in soothing the mind. It is often used by service companies such as airlines and restaurants.

97. Music is an integral part of celebrations like weddings, birthday parties, or festivals.

98. Music is an effective means of communication—All music wordings have their various meanings and are sung for a purpose. 

99. Music relaxes patients before and after surgery.

100. Music is a source of motivation. Through inspiring lyrics and sounds, you get the zest to chase your goals again. 

100 Fascinating Facts About Culture

100 Fascinating Facts About Culture

Our present society is built upon the foundation of culture, which has influenced the lifestyle of people inhabiting that particular society. Culture is viewed generally as the way of life attributed to certain people. However, it varies from one group of people to another giving birth to a cultural dynamic. Similarly, as civilization takes roots, many aspects of culture are forgotten while others get modified.  But how well do you know about culture? its benefits, it’s a negative influence, the culture of other tribes and your own culture. Therefore, we have compiled 100 facts about culture in general and the culture of a few tribes within Nigeria.

Interesting Facts About Culture

1. Culture encompasses the laws, morals, beliefs, knowledge, art, customs, and distinct attributes of a group of persons.

2. Africa is the only continent with the highest ethnic nationalities with various qualities like language, dishes, greetings, dressing, and dances.

3. To a great extent African people’s cultures are similar in terms of social values, religion, political value, economic and aesthetic value. All this put together differentiate African culture from the rest of the world.

4. Did you know that the attribute of respect is a core culture in African society? Especially for the aged and those who occupy traditional offices like chiefs and kings.

5. African arts and crafts include but aren’t limited to sculpture, paintings, pottery, ceremonial and religious headgear, and dress.

6. Interestingly, there are more than 250 ethnic tribes in current-day Nigeria. The three most dominant ethnic groups are the Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo.

7. Previously, all ethnic tribes in Nigeria existed as separate kingdoms having their cultural values. However, British colonization has unified them as one entity leading to the loss and modifications of a certain culture.

8. The name “Benin” has a Portuguese origin, which came into use during the reign of Oba (ruler) Ewuare the Great, c. 1440.

9. In ancient times Benin was known as “Ubin”, a word that means beautiful people. It was used to describe the royal administrative city of Edo.

10. Edo people’s fashion accessories hold royalty in their make-up. This includes red beads, body marks, bangles, anklets, and raffia work.

11. In the traditional religion of the Edo, there exists, besides the human world, an invisible world of supernatural beings acting as interceders for the human world.

12. The word Osanobua in Edo encompasses a large number of divine principles – including the divine state of being merciful, timeless, goodness, justice, sublimity, and supreme.

13. Traditional Edo art is crafted in ways that reflect various spiritual and historical aspects of their cultural traditions. There are sculptures, plaques, and masks.

14. The vast collection of historical Edo art pieces is called the Benin Bronzes. In recent times it can be found in different parts of the globe.

Facts About Igbo Culture

15.  Igbo tribe archaic practices have been subjected to evolution and outside influences, leading to the addition of new concepts and modifications.

16. Igbo culture is reflected in their visual art, language dialects, music, dance, attire, and cuisine.

17.  The Igbo language was used by John Goldsmith as an example to justify deviating from the classical linear model of phonology as laid out in The Sound Pattern of English.

18. Igbo language is often considered to be one of the difficult languages to learn. This is due to its huge number of dialects, its richness in prefixes and suffixes, and its heavy intonation.

19. Nsibidi ideography existed among the Igbo before the 16th century but died out after it became popular among secret societies, which made Nsibidi a secret form of communication.

20. Igbo is a tonal language, and there are hundreds of different Igbo dialects and Igbo languages. However, there exists a central Igbo dialect generally used by most Igbo’s.

21. In 1789, the interesting narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano was published in London, England, written by Olaudah Equiano, a former slave—The book features 79 Igbo words.

22. The most popular and renowned novel that deals with the Igbo and their traditional life was the 1959 book by Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart.

23. The novel “Things Fall Apart” illustrates the influence of British colonial rule and Christian missionaries on the traditional Igbo community— During the late nineteenth or early 20th century.

24. The Igbo traditional musical instruments are mainly percussion instruments, there are udu, ekwe, and ogene.

25. One of the popular musical forms among the Igbo is highlife— A fusion of jazz and traditional music.

26. Did you know that masking is one of the most common art styles in Igboland? It’s linked strongly with Igbo traditional music.

27. In the Igbo tradition, once a child is born, he or she is believed to give signs of who they have reincarnated from— This can be through behaviour, physical traits, and statements by the child.

28. In the Igbo culture, children are not allowed to call elders by their names without using honorifics like Mazi or Dede— It’s considered disrespectful.

Facts About Hausa Culture

29. Did you know that due to Islamic food restrictions, most Hausa people don’t eat pork?

30. Hausa people enjoy eating Suya— Small pieces of meat made with or without vegetables, which are skewered on a wooden or metal stick roasted over an open fire.

31. One of Hausa culture’s traditional sports events is Dambe (boxing)— It’s a brutal form of traditional martial art.

32. Did you know that Hausa leather was erroneously known to medieval Europe as Moroccan leather?

33. The tie-dye techniques have been used in the Hausa region of West Africa for centuries, with renowned indigo dye pits in Kano, Nigeria.

34. Did you know that the traditional dress of the Hausa consists of loose flowing gowns and trousers? This style is adapted to allow proper ventilation.

35. Hausa men are easily recognized because of the large flowing gowns known as Babban Riga— Usually feature elaborate embroidery designs around the neck and chest area.

36. Hausa women can be identified by wrappers called Zani, made with a colourful cloth known as Ankara. Accompanied by a matching blouse, head tie (kallabi), and shawl (Gyale).

37. Hausa women who are Muslims traditionally use Henna (lalle) designs painted onto the hand instead of nail polish. This practice signifies various uses like beautification and it’s believed to keep off evil spirits.

38. As a form of beautification Berber, Bedouin, Zarma, and Fulani women traditionally use Kohl (kwalli) to accentuate facial symmetry.

39. Eventually all Hausa dishes consist of grains such as sorghum, millet, rice, or maize.

40. Most Hausa breakfast comes in the form of cakes and dumplings made from ground beans and fried, known as kosai. Also, from wheat flour, fried and served with sugar or chili, known as Fankaso.

Fun Facts About Culture

41. Studying your culture is a way of enlarging your knowledge scope as culture is said to have evolved.

42. Every culture has its own do’s and don’ts aimed at instilling moral values, which make us better human beings.

43. Cultural tradition has helped in grooming a disciplined society, by making everyone aware that disobedience to certain cultural laws has its consequences attached.

44. Culture may have evolved through time but its detailed information about that practice is still kept alive in various cultural materials.

45. Cultural teaching always aims for peace— Teaching its members to co-exist with all other cultures irrespective of cultural differences.

46. To a large extent, many individuals have come to drive the meaning of life from their respective cultures.

47. Culture can light up the pathway into the future. Since, it enlightens us about what has been in existence previously, from which we can deduce the future.

48. Culture reveals our responsibility to us; This includes to divine beings, to ourselves, to our families, and the larger society.

49. Culture gives us a gateway to study about our ancestors— Ancestral beliefs and practices over time are embedded into the culture and preserved for ages.

50. Culture brings about self-realization, the knowledge that one belongs to a particular kind of group.

51. Culture provides stability by ensuring the continuity of cities, states and regions.

52. Culture boosts some sort of love bond among individuals, since there seems to be a common entity unifying them together.

53. Sadly, a culture that doesn’t embrace diversity by accepting other cultures into its fold becomes ingrown.

54. Strict cultural practices that fail to evolve may become stagnant. This stage isn’t healthy for its members because it becomes forceful on them.

55. When a cultural practice becomes imposed on its members, it’s likely to hinder their discernment or critical thinking between what’s right or wrong.

56. Cultural influences the lifestyle of its members like career choice, dressing, and food choices.

57. Culture influences how a person relates with others, views life, and the type of value they uphold.

58. Cultural gaps can be bridged between societies through intentional understanding and acceptance of different cultures.

59. The attitude of valuing other people’s culture allows one to grow, experience new ideas and ways of doing things.

60. Cultural diversity is one of the greatest sources of inspiration. Getting to know about what others think about life and other things in general.

61. A culture is said to be healthy if it can discard harmful traditional practices and adapt to the trend of positive change.

Facts About Yoruba Culture

62. The Yoruba religion comprises the traditional religious and spiritual concepts and practices of the Yoruba people.

63. The cultural concept of Yoruba society is preserved through songs and storytelling.

64. Orisa or Orisha in Yoruba refers to various godly forms that reflect one of the various manifestations of God in the Yoruba religious system.

65. One of the commonly known Yoruba gods is called Shango— A god of thunder, lightning, fire, and justice who manifests as a king and who always wields a double-edged axe that conveys his divine authority and power.

66. According to the Yoruba culture, Eshu, one of their esteemed Gods, has two avatar forms, which are manifestations of his dual nature – positive and negative energy.

67. The God who reveals the past gives solutions to problems in the present and influences the future in Yoruba culture is called Orunmila.

68.  The Yoruba oracle priests that practice the divination system are called Babalawos.

69. The Orisa community and lineages of the Yoruba tribe can be found in parts of current-day Europe and Asia.

70. Medieval Yoruba settlements were surrounded by massive mud walls— The wall materials comprised puddled mud and palm oil, while the roofing materials ranged from thatches to aluminium and corrugated iron sheets.

71. The famous Yoruba fortification, the Sungbo’s Eredo, was the second-largest wall edifice in Africa— The structure was built in the 9th, 10th, and 11th centuries in honour of a traditional aristocrat, the Oloye Bilikisu Sungbo.

72. Sungbo’s Eredo is in present-day Ogun State and It’s the largest pre-colonial monument in Africa, larger than the Great Pyramid or Great Zimbabwe.

73.  The Yoruba royal courts are in charge of commissioning numerous architectural objects such as veranda posts, gates, and doors that are embellished with carvings.

74. The Yoruba palaces are built with thicker walls, dedicated to the gods, and play significant spiritual roles.

75. The majority of Yoruba artwork is associated with palaces and the royal court, this includes, staff, court dress, and beadwork for crowns.

Culture Facts Everyone Should Know

76. Did you know that the Igala kingdom is ruled by an “Attah”?

77. Sadly, Nigeria’s culture was greatly affected by British colonial rule. This brought about the merging of different cultures and the modernization of the rest.

78. The British spread Christian missionaries throughout southern Nigeria to assist in the establishment of a western-style educational system— This resulted in the teaching of the English language.

79. Historically,  lands was viewed as a cultural entity that can’t be bought or sold. However, colonization brought the notion of individuals owning land, and commercialization of land began.

80. Ekpe translates to Leopard in the Efik language and is believed to be a spirit that resides in the forest.

81.  The Efik-speaking tribes concentrated in Calabar and are ruled by an “Obong”.

82. Historically, the Efik wore clothing made of Raffia— The fiber of the leaf-stalk of a palm made into a thread and woven to make clothes and bags.

83. Ikpaya is a royal type of gown also made from raffia— Worn by an Obong-elect during the traditional coronation ceremony.

84. The missionaries who arrived in 1846 contributed to the changes in women’s attire in Efik society— Several types of English dresses were introduced to Efik women such as the Victorian dresses known in Efik as Ọnyọnyọ.

85. Oral tradition holds that a type of clothing known as “Itu ita” was the earliest fabric imported into Old Calabar— This material is believed to have been imported by the Portuguese.

86. The traditional attire for Efik men usually consists of a white long-sleeved shirt, a long broad soft neckerchief or scarf of costly material, and a wrapper tied around the waist.

87. The masks and accoutrements of the Ekpo society make up the greatest works of art in Ibibio society.

88. The Ibibio feminine masks are decorated with light colours such as white— Their features are delicate to emphasize their femininity.

89. The Ibibio masculine masks are decorated with dark colours to represent the mystic forces of the forest.

90. The Ibibio masks often have distorted features in unnatural manners such as having bulging eyes or misplaced mouths— Created to be intentionally ugly and come from naturally occurring human diseases and illnesses.

91. The Ibibio people use signs of baldness and walking sticks to portray symbols of karma and old age.

92. The majority of the Ijaw tribes are now primarily Christians, about 65% of their population.

93. Ijaw religious beliefs hold that water spirits are like humans, having personal strengths and shortcomings and that humans dwell among the water spirits before being born.

94. In the Ijaw tribe, spectacular masqueraders are taken to be possessed of the particular spirits on whose behalf they are dancing.

95. The Urhobos people are known to live very close to Rivers and sometimes in boats on the Niger River.

96. Most of the Urhobos people’s histories, mythologies, and philosophies are water-related.

97. Marriage ritual in Urhobos, known as Udi Arhovwaje, takes place in the ancestral home of the bride or a patrilineal relation of the bride.

98. Marriage in Urhobo culture requires prayers to the ancestors known as Erivwin and God addressed as Oghene.

99. In Urhobo, after the marriage rite the husband can claim a refund of the money (bride price) should the marriage fail.

100.  According to Urhobo culture, If a wife later becomes unfaithful, it is believed that she will be punished by the Erivwin – this could be the reason Urhobo women have an enduring reputation as loyal and faithful wives.

8 Interesting Facts About Growing Kids You Should Know

8 Interesting Facts About Growing Kids You Should Know

Oftentimes, parenting is a complex task to achieve, when as a parent or caregiver you assume kids are just tiny humans, who are dumb and only need to be feed enough to grow. This mentality only sets your parenting life for disaster as you commit all kinds of parenting mistakes that should be avoided. In contrast, there are more interesting facts about kids than you could ever imagine. Kids aren’t just tiny humans—there is more to them.

Therefore, to achieve success in growing the child of your dreams you need to become open-hearted to learn more about growing kids.

Curious Facts About Growing Kids

1. Kids are Imitators

Kids are somewhat spies. They take notes of your activities unknowing to you—either good or bad. In other words, they learn from you without you uttering a word. Parents are the first contact of a child that’s why learning how to be a good role model for your child will guide your parenting journey.

Parents need to be mindful of the things they do in the presence of their kids and how they relate to others— it influences them. Therefore, portray a positive character. You’ll be amazed how your kids can display your exact tone, walking steps, dressing sense down to your attitudes—kids are smart imitators.

2. Kids are Inquisitive

Hadiza had thought something was wrong with her three years old daughter due to the way she asked tons of questions each hour. Questions she couldn’t provide an answer to till I came visiting. Immediately I stepped into the house, her daughter embraced me with a loving hug, before I could have my seat she asked; why do humans have black hair? About to answer, she asked again; what’s the meaning of the writings on your purse? She was about to ask another before her mom interrupted.

I don’t know what to do about my daughter’s indiscipline, it’s getting out of control, her mom lamented to me. However, her complaints weren’t new to me as I have heard that severally from different parents. I replied to her; welcome to the world of parenting. Get set for an unveiling of interesting facts about kids every day you wake up to see your three-year-old daughter grow.

She was puzzled by my response. By the time we had gone talking she became aware that kids between the age of 3–5 ask an average of 200–300 questions in a day. Hence,  don’t get annoyed by their inherent attitudes. Rather appreciate their inquisitiveness as it helps their brain development—it shows they are healthy. Instead of tagging them mannerless, choose to learn from their outstanding questions and provide answers to those you can.

3. Kids are Enthusiastic Learners

Kids aren’t dumb beings, but quick learners. They are new to their environment and want to know more about it. This stage comes with high memory retention ability and creativity. That’s why they are inquisitive. Kids are great explorers, always eager to try new things—multitalented.

Therefore, it’s detrimental to the well-being of your kids if you choose to restrict their need to explore their environment. I advise you to learn more about how to discover your child’s passion. Nonetheless, select the right school for them where their academic performance can be enhanced. Education broadens their scope of learning.

4. Kids are Superheroes

Ever wonder why kids don’t seem to lose the zest for adventures? This is because at childhood they are filled with so much energy— a stable immune system. Alongside the inability to coordinate their emotions. This makes them see possibility in whatever they engage in.

Meanwhile, the outburst of energy often makes them noisy and do wild stuff most especially male kids. Therefore, it’s your responsibility to help them channel their exuberance towards the positive like sports, soft skills, or home chores.

5. Kids are Demanding

One of the ingredients for growing a child is being there for that child. Unfortunately, most parents find it difficult to spend quality time with their kids. This is because they’re occupied with their pursuit of money. They need to remind themselves that their kids crave more for their love and attention compared to paying for their bills. Don’t get me twisted, I’m not against earning a living, it’s vital especially for a single parent raising a child.

However, learn to balance your schedule and create time for your kids — focus on the activities that increase your love bond with your kids. Children with supportive parents thrive better than those abandoned.

Sad looks is one of the interesting facts about kids that shows they feel abandoned. Therefore, whenever you notice your kids are sad, it’s a call for you to hear them out and know more about their needs.

6. Kids are Childish

Growing kids requires a truckload of patients with kids to cope. Kids are controlled by their impulses—how they feel at the moment. Therefore, they carry out decisions and behavior without thinking of the impact of such decisions. Due to this they always want to have their way and make you as a parent dance to their tune. Oftentimes, this attitude is tagged rude since they are disrespectful when you go against their decision or when you force them to obey your instructions.

Subsequently, their mood begins to fluctuate from happy to sad to anger and somewhat in between. Meanwhile, to effectively detect what’s bothering them at the moment, learn how to recognize emotions. Therefore, don’t blame them for going against your set rules— they are simply being childish, of course, they are still children. What were you expecting? However, to control these childish acts apply the next interesting facts about kids when relating with your Kids.

7. Kids Need Positive Discipline

Erase the thought of applying the violent method of disciplining a child when it comes to positive discipline. Mind you, they are children and are prone to acting childish. Their behaviors can be annoying and prompt you to act in anger. However, be in control of your emotions. In contrast, exercise positive discipline. Among the interesting facts about kids comes their ability to improve their behaviors when rewarded for acting right.

In other words, positive discipline means playing the kid’s games—rewarding their good behaviors. This way, they discard wrong behaviors and embrace positive behaviors to gain your approval.

8. Kids are Extremely Social

Humans by nature are social beings, the same applies to kids. Social connection is vital for the growth of kids. Hence, they are longing to connect with their peers to share their ideologies and learn more. Peer group association is a medium for kids to learn more about their world. Kids begin to adapt to the lifestyle of their peers, either good or bad, depending on the peer association.

In addition Kids feel free among their peers to express their passion, they also feel inspired when they see their peers doing awesome stuff— stop restricting your child.


To sum, your life isn’t going to be the same while raising kids— that’s the fact. You will need to adjust to the ever-changing childhood stage of your kids. However, the best way to scale through is by learning and applying the interesting facts about kids outlined above. These facts make you see meaning to your kid’s behavior instead of tagging them weird. The least you can do is provide them with your support and encouragement.

Perhaps, you know about other curious facts about kids, do well to share in the comment section.