Easy Irish Potato Porridge Recipe

Easy Irish Potato Porridge Recipe

Irish potatoes (white potatoes) are a common food in many parts of the world. They are one of the most consumed and enjoyed vegetables worldwide, as they are very easy to prepare and pleasing to the eyes and stomach. Due to the versatility of Irish potatoes, they have become a primary ingredient in all types of cuisine, as they can easily be fried, boiled, mashed, baked, or cooked as porridge. It also serves as a complement to different dishes, and new recipes can be created from them, like our delicious Irish potato porridge recipe for today.

Irish potato porridge, also known as white potato porridge, is a simple and fast meal to prepare, just like sweet potato porridge and yam porridge. It is not only super mouth-watery but also naturally packaged with medicinal benefits. Interested? Let me guide you through.

Equipment for Making Irish Potato Porridge

Cooking potYesGet ItGet It
KnifeYesGet ItGet It
PeelerYesGet ItGet It
BowlYesGet ItGet It
GraterYesGet ItGet It

Ingredients for Making Irish Potato Porridge

To begin with, for this easy Irish potato recipe, we need:

Irish Potatoes
Vegetable oil or Palm oil
Red and Green Bell peppers (tatta sai)
Chilies (shombo)
Habanero Pepper(atarugu)
Seasoning cubes
Salt (to taste)
Carrots (optional)
Scent leaves (efirin)
Fresh Pumpkin leaves (Ugu) or Spinach (Alayaahu)
Stock (chicken meat or fish)—optional

Procedures for Preparing Irish Potato Porridge

The preparation of some Irish potato porridge is somewhat similar to that of yam and sweet potato porridge. However, I really love to get creative and spice things up a bit. So, if you’re curious about this special and easy recipe, keep reading!

STEP 1: Wash and season beef, chicken, or fish with enough garlic, ginger, curry, thyme, and seasoning cubes to your own taste (for this Irish potato porridge recipe, I will be using beef). Cook till almost tender.

STEP 2: Separate the beef from the stock once it is cooked and cut the beef into bits. Set aside.

STEP 3: Add a little water to the meat stock in order to have enough stock for the potato porridge and boil.

STEP 4: Peel the potatoes, wash them, and cut them into medium sizes. Stir in potatoes to the already boiling beef stock and cook for at least 5 minutes to absorb the flavor.

STEP 5: Taste for salt and add seasoning cubes if necessary. (It is necessary to cut down on salt since the beef stock is already well seasoned.)

STEP 6: Add in oil of choice (preferably vegetable oil), chopped bell peppers, chilies, and onions. Add beef bits as well, and leave the mixture on fire to cook on high heat till it becomes very soft.

NB: Unlike yam and sweet potato, Irish potato is waxy in nature. It does not have a high starch content as it still holds its form even after cooking, which is why it is less likely to be mashed and to take on a thick form on its own. So you can decide to remove and mash some of your potatoes and add them back to help thicken the porridge if you think it’s too watery.

STEP 7: While the porridge is still cooking, wash and cut the leaves and carrots.

STEP 8: Remove the lid and stir the potato porridge well, then add the carrots, pumpkin leaves, and scent leaves. Reduce heat and leave to simmer for about 3 minutes.

STEP 9: Put off the heat and serve steaming hot.

How to Serve Irish Potato Porridge

This Irish potato porridge can be served as a main dish or as a side dish; whichever way, it still tastes great. It can absolutely be enjoyed with bread or any desired pastry, and beverages of any kind, like zobo, are also welcome to complement this yummy dish.

Occasions Best to Serve Irish Potato Porridge

The serving of Irish potato porridge is up to you! It can be served for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, whichever way you prefer, and on any occasion. Serve this at any event, and I bet your guests will come asking for more.

How Irish Potato Porridge is Stored

Leftover Irish potato porridge should always be stored in the refrigerator to prevent it from being stale and to ensure proper preservation.

Nutritional Benefits of Irish Potato Porridge Recipe

Studies on Irish potatoes have shown that they have a higher level of dietary fibre and carbohydrate which improves digestion, optimizes body function, and regularizes bowel movements. The vitamin C content in Irish potatoes prevents scurvy and also serves as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent that repairs damaged cells within the body. also supports the immune system and gives relief to any form of inflammation, such as arthritis.

Consuming potatoes will give a good source of potassium to the body which is capable of lowering blood pressure and preventing heart attacks, it also works to reduce cramps, therefore, proving Irish potato porridge is a nutritious and medical dish.

Are there more benefits to eating Irish potato porridge? Oh yes! The dietary fiber and carbohydrates present in the potatoes help with both weight loss and weight gain, which lots of people work hard towards achieving. The nutrients obtained from eating a potato dish also help the skin regenerate and maintain healthy skin.

Is that all? Oh no! Because of the other ingredients present in the dish, it is loaded with carbohydrates, proteins, minerals vitamins, and even fat and oil—these are what I like to call the complete package.


And it’s a wrap for this luscious Irish potato recipe my dear comrades! It is indeed very simple, easy to prepare, and has a variety of impressive health benefits. I have no doubt that you can make this Irish potato porridge at home for your family and friends. Please make me proud by sharing their thoughts and yours in the comments section below. Let’s get cooking guys!