What Does It Mean When You Lose Your Hair?

What Does It Mean When You Lose Your Hair?

Apart from the aesthetic value of hair, it has other important functions as well. This includes protection of the skin from direct harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun, and together with the skin, serves the function of sensitivity, temperature regulation as well as other functions. Due to the many benefits of hair, losing it partially or completely can affect not just one’s physical appearance but the psychological state as well. Hair loss is more common in women than in men. This is perhaps why women tend to spend more money, time, and energy on hair care.

Types of Hair Loss

Hair loss, medically known as alopecia, is of several types. These can be generalised as total or partial, permanent or temporary, hereditary or hormonal, etc.

1. Patchy Hair Loss (Spot Baldness)

It is an autoimmune disease that causes the body’s immune system to consider the hair as a foreign body, therefore destroying it.

This can be temporary or it can result in total hair loss on the scalp or universal hair loss in all parts of the body.

2. Androgenic Hair Loss

It is named so because it is caused by excess androgens (male hormones also present in the body of females) and heredity. Males can begin to experience this type of hair loss from their early 20s while women, in their 40s or even 60s.

When it affects the upper and frontal part of the head of males, it is known in Arewa as “saiko” (also pronounced as “sanko“). For women who experience it, it occurs mostly on the crown (top) of the head as opposed to males.

3. Temporary Hair Thinning

This occurs due to changes in the growing circle of hair. These changes can be caused by some diseases and even pregnancy; this is why some pregnant women experience temporary hair loss after giving birth.

4. Involutional Hair Loss

As other organs of the body weaken in function, the hair also undergoes natural thinning with age. The hair becomes shorter and fewer as well.

5. Scarring Hair Loss

The use of hot combs, plaiting, or weaving the hair into very tight braids usually results in hair loss. This permanent loss of hair can also be caused by diseases that destroy the hair’s ability to regenerate (e.g. Acne, Lupus)

6. Trichotillomania

The psychological disorder that makes people pull out their own hair is known as Trichotillomania. This is most commonly seen in children.

Now that you know the types of hair loss, how will you know that you’re losing your hair?

Signs and Symptoms of Hair Loss

The signs that let you know you’re losing your hair include:

Gradual thinning of hair.

Circular (or patchy) bald spots.

Full loss of hair in all parts of the body.

Patches of scaling on the scalp (this is a sign of ringworm).

Sudden loosening of hair.

Now that you know the signs and symptoms, I am sure you are eager to know the cause(s) of those symptoms. 

Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss can be caused by several factors. These include the following:


Physical and emotional stress.



Deficiency of Vit-B12.

Low protein consumption.



Over styling.

Pain relievers, antidepressants, and anabolic steroids.

Treatment of Hair Loss

As mentioned earlier, some types of hair loss are irreversible (permanent) while some are reversible (temporary).

Some of the victims of irreversible hair loss simply chose to accept it and move on with their life, while others result in the use of wigs or tattooing the affected area. However, those affected with reversible hair loss can regrow the lost hair. The treatment method used depends on the cause of hair loss. Some of the available options are;

  • Use of Topical Creams and Lotions: These creams help to partially or completely restore the growth of hair. There are many creams available but it is best to meet qualified medical personnel for a prescription.
  • Surgery: It is mostly men that undergo this method of treatment. It involves the removal of some hairs from unaffected areas to affected areas and also the removal of bald skin which is replaced by stretching of the hairy skin over the area of the scalp.
  • Immunotherapy is Used for Those Affected by Total Hair Loss: This has not proven to be very effective yet but there’s hope that it will improve in the nearest future.

Prevention of Loss of Hair

Prevention is always easier and cheaper than cure. One should put considerable effort to avoid hair loss and the consequences that come with it. This can be done by;

Avoiding perming, bleaching, dying, heating, and excess pulling of hair. All these are causes of hair loss, therefore by not doing them, one stands a high chance of not experiencing hair loss.

Washing the hair is very important too. This should be done regularly with a good brush and mild shampoo or soap. This helps to keep the hair clean and protects it from infections that might likely lead to hair loss.

As mentioned above, consumption of food containing excess Vit-A, deficient Vit-B12, and low protein, causes hair loss. This can be avoided by regularly consuming a balanced diet rich in the nutrients needed for hair growth. Some of the required nutrients are Iron, Vit-B12, Biotin, and Vit-C.


Now that you know, I hope you’ll do as much as possible to protect your precious hair from balding and thinning.

Do you have questions? Kindly write them below in the comment box. Thanks for reading.

How to Marry a Hausa Lady in 4 Weeks

How to Marry a Hausa Lady in 4 Weeks

The Hausa language is the predominant language in the northern part of Nigeria, with a significant population of indigenous speakers in the Niger Republic, Ghana, Cameroon, Sudan as well as other African countries.

Hausa ladies are no doubt beautiful, soft-spoken and elegant. If you have been active on social media for the past few years, sights and sounds from the glamorous weddings of Hausa ladies are enough to make you wish to have one as a wife. Well, if you are curious and would like to know how to get married to a Hausa lady, you are at the right place. But before you start thinking of the numbers and colors of kaftan to sew, it is important for you to know these steps that I will share with you. Now, let’s go straight into it!

How to Get Married to a Hausa Lady

With a large percentage of Hausa people practicing the religion of Islam, marriage in Hausaland shares an intricate relationship with that of Islam. This involves laws that disallow any unnecessary communication and physical contact completely between prospective spouses until they become officially pronounced as husband and wife.

That being said, what will you do when you finally see the Hausa lady that captures your heart?

Formal Introduction

The first thing you need to do after seeing the lady of your dreams is to do a little background check, after which you will send your relatives or other respected members of the society to meet her parents, inform them of your intention and seek permission to initiate communication between you two. The lady will then be called upon by her parents – usually the mother – and be asked whether she loves you. If she does, then the proposal will be accepted and investigations regarding you and your family will begin almost immediately. Some families will only accept your proposal if they are satisfied with the results of the background check they have conducted. While a lot of youths now skip this step and go straight to letting the lady know of their intentions, it still remains the ideal.

Now that you have been accepted as a prospective son-in-law, you will be formally allowed to go see their daughter from time to time and discuss future plans. Don’t forget to be going along with gifts though — ladies love gifts.

READ ALSO: Why Hausa Societies Don’t Perform Anymore Baiko During Marriages

Hada Kayan Lefe

After fixing a date for the wedding, this is where your savings will play a part. You will start buying Kayan Lefe. This includes a set of boxes containing jewelry, cosmetics, shoes, bags, undies, and any other clothing material that your future wife will use in your house after marriage. These items are bought based on the list that the lady will provide; you sure wouldn’t want to spend your money buying things that she won’t need. The quantity and quality of items depend on your financial status and that of the lady’s family, so you should be mindful of the family you are planning to marry from.

READ ALSO: The Average Cost of Kayan Lefe

Na Gani Ina So

After seeking permission to start seeing their daughter, some female members of your family are to meet with the lady’s family to present them with gifts. The gifts can be in form of a box containing clothes, jewelry, shoes, bags, and even some cash, depending on your financial strength.

Gaisuwan Iyaye

A little later after being accepted as a prospective in-law, what comes next is to officially go and greet your in-laws-to-be. Here, you will go well-dressed along with your siblings, close friends, or relatives to greet the parents of your future bride as well as their close relatives and friends. You might want to carry some cash with you and give it out after every greeting.

Fixing of Wedding Date (Sa Rana)

As you start getting along with your future wife, you will be expected to start making more moves towards making it official. This is where kayan sa rana comes in; these are items your family will present to the lady’s family so as to fix a date for the wedding. The two families will negotiate and finally agree on a date that will be most convenient for both sides, nevertheless, the lady’s family usually has the upper hand in making the decision. Kayan sa rana usually includes packs or cartons of sweets, chewing gums and kolanut, and some money. For a Fulani lady, you will need to add some bags of salt too.

Shelter and Kayan Daki

Providing shelter is your sole responsibility as the prospective husband. If you cannot build a house, you should rent or get a comfortable apartment before the marriage. While getting the apartment is your responsibility, the lady usually will furnish the house with furniture, kitchen items, etc. Notwithstanding, there is nothing wrong with you doing it by yourself, especially if her family will find it difficult to do it. After all, you are interested in knowing how to get married to a Hausa lady and you want her to leave her parents’ house and move to yours.

Pre Wedding Events

Several pre-wedding events are sometimes held. While events like Kamu, Kunshi/Sa Lalle, and the likes have been practiced for quite a while in Hausaland, many events, earlier unknown to Hausas have been borrowed from other cultures. This includes bridal shower, mother’s eve, Arabian night, and lots more. So, depending on the family you are marrying from, you could end up with a wedding without a single pre- or post-wedding event, or one with several.

ALSO READ: The Evolution of Kamu Tradition in Hausa Land

Kai Kayan Lefe

Delegated female members of your family will take the kayan lefe you have bought to the lady’s family. This is usually done about a week before the wedding. The lady’s family will prepare a small feast that day, and your delegates will be given some tips, known as tukwuici.


A few days to the wedding, female members of both families will go to the house you have prepared for your bride and arrange the kayan daki brought by her family, and the lefe brought by you.

Kayan Gara

These are food items that the lady’s family will bring to you usually in large quantities. It is either brought during the jere, along with the amarya after the Wedding Fatiha or after the wedding celebrations. If you have spent all your savings and even borrowed additional money to meet up with the marriage expenses, this will help you to recover for a while, before you continue with your responsibility of providing food for the family.

Sadaki (Dowry)

Unlike in some foreign cultures e.g. in India, where the bride’s family is obliged to give out the bride alongside the bride price, it is not the same in Hausaland. Here, the man is expected to give this obligatory gift to his prospective wife, or at least make a promise to pay it at a later time if he cannot afford it at the moment.  This is an expression of the man’s desire to marry her and shoulder her responsibilities. It can be as little as agreed by the prospective couples or as much as they can afford, without however going to the extremes. Nevertheless, if the lady is of Fulani origin, you might be expected to give some cows as dowry or a mixture of cash and cows. It is advised that you consult people from the same community as your prospective wife, to know the range of amount in cash or its equivalence in-kind usually given there.

Daurin Aure

This is the day you have been waiting for. The Wedding Fatiha is officiated by Islamic scholars or other respected members of the society. The lady’s guardian, ‘waliyyi’ will formally announce to have given out his daughter in marriage to you, and your representative, ‘wakili’ will accept her on your behalf in the presence of witnesses. This is done to involve elders in the union, so that whenever the couples are facing a problem, they will be able to intervene and provide solutions. The amount of dowry paid before or on this day is also announced to the hearing of those present.

Conveyance of the Bride (Kai Amarya)

After the Wedding Fatiha, and all other events that will follow, the next thing is to convey the bride (amarya) to her new home. This is the time when most brides cry, not because they are not happy getting married, but because of how sad it is to finally leave the home they’ve known all their lives, for a completely new one. The bride is escorted by her friends and close relatives to the new house, and sometimes one or two might spend the night in the house.


Now that you know how to get married to a Hausa lady, we hope you will take the necessary steps and invite us to your wedding soon. Do you have more to tell us about Hausa weddings or how it differs with your tribe’s, please do tell us about it in the comments section below. We are eager to hear from you!


How do Hausa people marry?

This starts from seeking permission from the parents, followed by some pre-wedding rites and events, and officially concluded during the Wedding Fatiha with representatives from both families and witnesses.

How long will it take to marry a Hausa lady?

This depends on several factors, including financial readiness and parents from both sides being satisfied with their prospective in-law.

Can I marry a Hausa lady in four weeks?

Yes, you can. For some families, the whole wedding process can be concluded in much less time.

How much is Hausa Bride Price?

There is no fixed amount for bride price in Hausa land.  It can be as low or as high as the two families agree on. However, moderation is advised, so, always consult with people from the same community ad your prospective wife.

Is Hausa wedding expensive?

This depends on the family you are marrying from. You will definitely spend a lot if you are planning to marry someone from a rich family, but overall, Hausa weddings aren’t expensive.

Can a non-Hausa man marry a Hausa lady?

Yes. A significant example is the marriage of Idris Ajimobi, son of Oyo state governor, Abiola Ajimobi, and Fatima Ganduje, daughter of Kano State governor.

Couples in Northern are Facing Infertility Issues and Here is Why

Couples in Northern are Facing Infertility Issues and Here is Why

Infertility in couples is a global issue that often results in devastating psychological consequences and sometimes even breakup of marriages. If you have been trying so hard to conceive but unable to, you are not alone. According to the World Health Organization, 48 million couples and 186 million individuals live with infertility worldwide. These figures cut across both genders and result from a variety of causes.  

What is Infertility?

Infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to achieve a pregnancy after at least 12 consecutive months of regular unprotected sexual intercourse if the lady is below the age of 35, or 6 months for a lady above 35 because of the chances of getting pregnant in women decreases as they age.  Nevertheless, women experiencing miscarriages are not considered infertile.

What Causes Infertility?

There are numerous causes of infertility in couples, and this can be classified as follows:

  1. Infertility due to problems with the female reproductive system
  2. Infertility due to problems with the male reproductive system

Causes of Infertility in Females

  1. Problems with ovulation e.g due to hormonal imbalance, tumors, eating disorders, excessive exercise as seen in athletes.
  2. Uterine fibroids
  3. Polycystic ovarian syndrome
  4. Blockage of fallopian tube e.g. due to untreated or poorly treated sexually transmitted diseases
  5. Complications of unsafe abortion
  6. Early menopause (total cessation of menstruation)
  7. Endometriosis
  8. Cancer of the female reproductive organs, as well as cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy

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Causes of Infertility in Males

  1. Abnormal production and function of sperm
  2. Abnormality with sperm transportation
  3. Cancer of male reproductive organ and cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy
  4. Overexposure to industrial chemicals and toxins
  5. Depression
  6. High blood pressure
  7. Abuse of steroids
  8. Substance abuse
  9. Alcohol use
  10. Regular exposure of the testicles to heat e.g via hot baths in bathtubs, sitting in close proximity to bus engines in local public transports

Risk Factors for Infertility

If you have any of the following risk factors, you are at a greater chance of becoming infertile, so it is important to know them and seek expert advice and care as soon as possible. This includes the following:

  1. Age (increase in age decreases fertility, especially in females)
  2. Eating disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
  3. Excessive alcohol intake and drug use
  4. Exposure to toxins e.g. from industrial waste, household, and farm chemicals
  5. Obesity or underweight
  6. Untreated or poorly treated sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis.
  7. Stress and depression

How to Diagnose Infertility in Couples

After failing to conceive despite several attempts, a diagnosis of Infertility is made by fertility doctors. However, this is not until several investigations have been carried out.

Female Infertility is diagnosed by taking a detailed history, followed by conducting a physical examination of the pelvis, and a series of investigations such as blood tests, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, a transvaginal ultrasound, etc. The woman is also asked to record signs of ovulation at home

For males, history taking and physical examination are done as well, after which an ultrasound of the scrotum is performed to identify any testicular problem; blood hormonal tests are done to check hormone levels, while semen analysis is used to check the quantity and quality of the sperm.

Ways to Improve Fertility

Fertility can be improved by doing the following.

  1. Treatment of erectile dysfunction in males
  2. Maintaining normal weight
  3. Eating healthy food
  4. Use of fertility drugs to raise hormone levels necessary for conception
  5. Surgical opening of blocked fallopian tubes and removal of uterine fibroids in females
  6. Intrauterine insemination when sperm count of the man is low
  7. In vitro fertilization, I’m which the eggs and sperms are collected from the woman and man respectively, then fertilized before returning it to the uterus.

Fertility Clinics in Northern Nigeria

When having a strong suspicion of Infertility, or after getting diagnosed at a peripheral hospital, the next thing to do is visit a fertility clinic. Fertility clinics have a team of experts including urologists, gynecologists, chemical pathologists, radiologists, and other professionals that work together to help people trying to conceive.

Fortunately, the number of fertility clinics is now growing in northern Nigeria. You can get fertility treatment at teaching hospitals, some general hospitals, and several private fertility clinics.

Some fertility clinics in Northern Nigeria are:

  1. Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano, and other teaching hospitals in northern Nigeria.
  2. NISA Fertility Hospital, Kaduna
  3. GetWell Hospital Kano
  4. Bridge Clinic Abuja
  5. Hope Valley Fertility Clinic, Kaduna
  6. Royal Specialist Hospital, Maiduguri
  7. AVON Healthcare, Kano
  8. Hyelhara Fertility Clinic Gombe

Prevention of Infertility

Preventing yourself from experiencing the brunt of infertility is something you will definitely want to do, especially if you are at risk. Here is how you can do that:

  1. Avoid pre- and extra-marital sexual intercourse
  2. Treat all sexually transmitted diseases timely and appropriately
  3. Stay physically active by engaging in moderate exercises appropriate for you
  4. Ensure good blood sugar control if you are diabetic
  5. Avoid drug abuse, alcohol, and cigarette use
  6. Consult with your physician and fertility expert for evaluation and advice before using any pharmaceutical or surgical contraceptive method
  7. Keep a healthy weight
  8. Avoiding the acquired risk factors as much as possible


Infertility in couples is no doubt an issue of serious concern, especially to the newlywed. It can affect couples emotionally, strain them financially, and sometimes even result at the end of their relationship. Seeking help as soon as you notice the problem is very important, as this will increase your chances to conceive.

Do you have a personal story about infertility that you would love to share with us? Please use the comments section below. We would love to hear from you.

Thanks for reading!


What can cause Infertility in a couple?

The causes of infertility are numerous; this could be from structural abnormalities of either or both of the male and female reproductive systems, hormonal imbalance due to abnormalities of the endocrine system, diseases like diabetes and sexually transmitted diseases, excessive alcohol use, substance abuse, some medications, weight disorders, etc.

Can infertile couples conceive?

This depends on the cause of their infertility. With timely and appropriate evaluation and treatment, a good number of couples will be able to conceive. Some go ahead to conceive even without treatment. However, it is important to note that some causes are permanent, therefore such couples will not be able to conceive.

Can infertility break up a marriage?

Unfortunately, a lot of marriages break up due to infertility. While some break up after several failed attempts at treatment, other couples break up after putting in just a little effort to reverse the possible cause.

How can I help an infertile couple?

Do not rush to help infertile couples, until they are really interested in your help. This is a private matter, and some couples are okay despite their inability to conceive. However, when they are interested in your help, you can refer them to genuine fertility clinics with proven records of success.

World Down Syndrome Day

World Down Syndrome Day

March 21st every year, is World Down Syndrome Day, a day set aside to celebrate people living with down syndrome, create advocacy and help improve living standards for them. But how much do you know about the syndrome and the day designated for its celebration? If you know just a little, you need not worry, for, In this article, I have compiled answers to the questions you’d likely have.

Now let’s go into it.

What is Down Syndrome?

Down’s syndrome or Down syndrome, medically known as trisomy 21, is one of the most commonest chromosomal abnormalities seen in humans, as it affects about 1 out of every 1000 live childbirth. The genetic disorder results from the triplication of chromosome 21. This means there is a third complete copy of the chromosome or a part of it.

Just like several other congenital conditions, down syndrome, could lead to delay in growth, reduced intellectual ability and facial features like flathead, flattened nose, the narrow roof of mouth etc. In addition, people with down syndrome are at a higher risk of having other congenital anomalies.

Regarding intellectual ability, a typical young adult with down syndrome is said to have the IQ of an 8 to a 9-year-old child, however, this isn’t the same for everybody.

When is World Down Syndrome Day?

National Down Syndrome Day, as acknowledged by the World Health Organization and recognized by the United Nations, is celebrated on the 21st day of March every year.

How the Down Syndrome Day Was Found

Because of the abovementioned symptoms, many of the people living with down syndrome suffer some stigmatization among peers, at work, school or other places. To fight this, March 21st as Down Syndrome Day was first acknowledged by the World Health Organization in 2007, a few years later, in 2011, the United Nations recognized the date as well, however, the day was officially celebrated for the first time in 2012.

How Do We Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day?

There are lots of things you can do on the day, however, here are some suggestions you should keep in mind:

  • Raise awareness on social media or in your neighborhood
  • Support people organizing awareness and advocacy campaigns
  • Send donations to associations and organizations for people living with down syndrome.
  • Visit persons living with down syndrome in your neighborhood and remind them that they are loved.
  • Get some training on how to effectively communicate with people living with it
  • Help facilitate genetic counselling sessions for intending couples
  • Wear odd-coloured socks on World Down Syndrome Day. The idea was created because chromosomes are shaped “like socks” and people with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome.

Down Syndrome Day Quotes

Here are some Down Syndrome quotes by people from different walks of life. You might want to share some on your social media.

Having Down syndrome means nothing to me, I’m special like everyone else. I do not let people judge me for having Down syndrome. The important thing is how I feel about myself. On the inside, I feel beautiful.

Edward Barbanell, Actor and Comedian

I have one more chromosome than you. So what? Karen Gaffney, Speaker and Advocate for People with Disabilities

Don’t limit us. Don’t limit me.

Jamie Brewer, Actress

I have Down’s Syndrome but that is not all I am.

Sarah Gordy, Actor

Concentrate on things your disability doesn’t prevent you from doing well and don’t regret the things it interferes with. Don’t be disabled in spirit as well as physically. Stephen Hawking

The only disability in life is a bad attitude.

Scott Hamilton


People living with down syndrome did not choose to be born that way and are therefore not at fault for being who they are, so we shouldn’t make them feel bad about it. Down Syndrome Day is a good reminder for us to show them that they’re special and instead of reminding them about their limitations, we should help them discover their abilities.

Was this article helpful? Please let us know in the comments section. We love to hear from you!

Thanks for reading!


What day is National Down Syndrome Day?

National Down Syndrome Day, as acknowledged by the World Health Organization and recognized by the United Nations, is celebrated on the 21st of March every year.

Why is Down Syndrome Day on March 21?

It is celebrated to create public awareness on the congenital anomaly by signifying the uniqueness of chromosome 21 triplication (Trisomy 21). The day is for raising awareness, encouraging advocacy for people living with down syndrome and supporting their well-being. This year’s celebration will focus more on promoting inclusivity.

What is the theme for World Down Syndrome Day 2021?

To provide a particular area of focus on the day, each year comes with a different theme. The theme for 2022 is the #InclusionMeans. You can promote it by adding the hashtag to all your social media posts related to down syndrome.

How do you celebrate World Down Syndrome Day?

To celebrate this day, you can raise public awareness yourself or support those already doing that. Donations to associations that support people living with down syndrome is also a good way of celebrating the day.

What Causes Down Syndrome?

Down syndrome is caused by having three copies of the genes on chromosome 21 instead of two. Women who get pregnant at a late age and those who have been delivered of a child with down syndrome are at a higher risk of giving birth to children with chromosomal anomalies.

Can Down Syndrome Be Treated?

As with a lot of other genetic abnormalities, down syndrome cannot be permanently treated, nevertheless, it can be effectively managed by early detection, early childhood interventions, screening for common problems and treating them appropriately, as well as providing a safe and comfortable environment for them. Applying special teaching techniques at an early age can help to build up their intelligence.

6 Easy Ways of Getting Rid of Pimples without Popping it

6 Easy Ways of Getting Rid of Pimples without Popping it

It’s the eve of your job interview, your first meeting with your in-laws, or that important event that you have been looking forward to, then you feel some mild pain on your forehead or the tip of your nose, and on checking the mirror, a huge red pimple is staring right at you! Now, it’s too late to visit a dermatologist, and you wouldn’t want people staring at the blemish on your face. If this is you, worry less, because in this article, I will be sharing with you tips on how to get rid of pimples fast. But first, what is a pimple?

Pimple is among the symptoms of acne, so it is sometimes wrongly used to refer to it. It is an inflamed area of the skin with hair pores clogged with sebum (oil from sebaceous glands) and dead cells due to blockage of the pores. It is a very common skin condition, so it is expected that there will be several claims of DIY (Do it yourself) treatments that can be used to treat it.

While research is still ongoing on the treatment options currently available, several have proven to be helpful in taking out these unwanted bumps out of your face. Get ready, as I share these methods with you.

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6 Ways to Get Rid of Pimples Fast

Before you go ahead and read on several ways on how to get rid of pimples fast that I’ll be sharing with you, it is important to know that there are different treatments for different skin types, so once you notice unwanted side effects, it is advisable that you discontinue use of that method.

Now, let’s look at the methods!

1. Apply Some Ice to the Pimple

This is useful, especially when the pimple is painful, red and swollen, these are signs of inflammation. By wrapping some ice in a clean cloth and applying it on the inflamed pimple(s), for a few minutes, the inflammation is reduced. However, this is usually a temporary measure of alleviating the discomfort. For better results, ice is used alongside other treatment methods.

2. A Paste of Crushed Aspirin Can Remove Excess Oil from Pimples

The active ingredient in aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid. It is similar to salicylic acid, which is an anti-inflammatory ingredient used in making many skin care products. While this removes excess oil and dries the skin around the pimple, there’s yet to be strong evidence of how it actually treats acne.

To do this, form a thick paste by crushing a tablet or two of aspirin then mix with water. Apply the paste on the pimple, leave it to stay for some minutes, and then wash with lukewarm water.

3. Cortisone Injection Gives Quick Results

Some home remedies might not give you the quick results you need, especially when the pimples are very painful and large. Injection into the pimples with cortisone helps to reduce the inflammation and also the size of the pimples. Cortisone is a steroid, and thus inappropriate use can result in unwanted side effects. Therefore, your dermatologist is in the best position to do this for you.

4. Use an Over-the-Counter Pimple Treatment

There are many over-the-counter pimple treatments available as gels, ointments, creams and even soaps. It is not unexpected that there will be fake products too, so to get the best out of it, it is wise to buy only the ones prescribed by your dermatologist.

Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are the active anti-pimple ingredients in those products so you might want to check whether the product you want to buy contains them.

The result obtained from the usage of such products is usually a reduction of excess skin oil and dead skin removal. A mixture containing benzoyl peroxide can also kill the bacteria responsible for causing acne.

A common side effect of over-the-counter treatment for acne is skin irritation, and sometimes, skin dryness. If you notice any, please discontinue usage of the product and consult your dermatologist.

5. Apply Some Toothpaste on the Pimple Overnight

While toothpaste was not made for treating pimples, its use for this purpose isn’t new to most of us. Apply some toothpaste on your pimples and allow it to stay overnight. Continue as necessary, but discontinue use if it causes skin irritation. However, toothpaste that contain gel, are not recommended to be applied to the face

6. Spot-Treat with Tea Tree Oil

An advantage of tea tree oil is that it does not cause unwanted side effects like skin irritation and drying, as seen with most over-the-counter pimple removers containing salicylic acid and/or benzoyl peroxide. It reduces inflammation as well as fights pimple-causing bacteria.

Mix tree oil with water, and apply directly on the pimples, using a cotton swab. Repeat it as necessary.

Other Fast ways to Get Rid of Pimples

  1. Use non-comedogenic makeup with salicylic acid to conceal pimples
  2. Apply exfoliating and antiinflammatory face mask for acne
  3. Use aloe vera gel etc.

When to See a Dermatologist

Sudden eruptions of a few pimples can be treated at home with the basic tips provided in this article, but when the pimples are recurring or not responding to treatment, it is best to see a dermatologist for proper evaluation and treatment.

How Not to Get Rid of Pimples?

Knowing how to get rid of pimples fast is important, but knowing how not to do it is relevant as well.

I know how tempting it is to pop a pimple, I have been there before. You should always resist the urge to do that, because it can worsen the condition by making the pimples redder and bigger. Not just that, it can also leave ugly scars on your face.


Now that you know how to get rid of pimples fast, you should also be mindful of the several causes of pimples, so that you will be able to maintain a smooth face.

Have you tried any of these methods or others not mentioned here? We would love to hear about your experience in the comments section below.

Thanks for reading.


How to get rid of pimples overnight?

Applying tea tree oil, over-the-counter anti pimple creams, toothpaste or benzoyl peroxide at night, can improve the condition of your face by morning, but there is no guarantee that the pimple will completely disappear by morning.

Can ice remove pimples?

Ice is a good option when trying to get rid of pimples fast. It helps to soothe the skin and lessen the inflammation that resulted from the pimple. Do this by wrapping some ice in a cloth and gently press it on the pimple.

How to remove pimples naturally and permanently in one day?

One-day appropriate pimple treatment is enough to see significant results, but not necessarily permanently. To get lasting results, you need to take extra precautions like changing your pillowcases, avoiding unnecessary contact between your hand and face etc.