Check Out These Foods That Are Good for Asthmatic Patients

Check Out These Foods That Are Good for Asthmatic Patients

Have you ever wondered what could be the best foods for asthma patients? Or how your diet can help you to reduce or control asthma symptoms? If you thought of that I am sure it crossed your mind that there could be the worst foods for asthma patients too. You are not alone in this train of thoughts. Researchers believe eating a healthy balanced diet can help reduce asthma symptoms. It is believed that foods that increase inflammation worsen asthma symptoms while those that reduce inflammation reduce the symptoms. Your weight can also affect your asthma condition, if you are obese you may not respond to asthma dose treatment.

Want to lose weight? Read this.

The best foods for asthma patients are fruits, beans, ginger, turmeric or foods rich in Vitamins A and Vitamin D, magnesium and beta carotene-rich vegetables. Here is why I said so;

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6 Foods That Are Good for Asthmatic Patients

1. Fruits

Fruits reduce inflammation because they contain beta carotene and vitamin C and E. Eating 1 apple a day help to reduce total cholesterol, promote healthy cellular function and proper blood flow and also reduce asthma symptoms while improving lung function due to its antioxidant and potassium content.

Eating fruits, in general, helps in asthma control

2. Ginger and Turmeric

Ginger’s main bioactive compound is Gingerol an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that can reduce oxidative stress and inhibit the growth of bacteria. Gingerol in ginger may also help relieve asthma symptoms due to its anti-inflammatory functions.

Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory compound that fights disease and helps in repairing damage in your body. It can increase the antioxidant capacity of the body by protecting your body from free can also boost brain-derived neurotrophic factors, lower the risk of heart disease, prevent cancer and reduce asthma symptoms as it is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

3. Foods Containing Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential in maintaining healthy bones as it is important in regulating calcium and maintaining the phosphorus levels in your body. It also reduces the risk of flu and can make infants healthy by improving the arterial walls of children. Vitamin D enhances the anti-inflammatory effects of Glucocorticoids thereby reducing asthma symptoms.

Vitamin D also has numerous other benefits. Foods containing Vitamin D include; salmon, sardines, herring, red meat, liver. eggs etc.

4. Foods Containing Vitamin A and Beta Carotene

Vitamin A is important in preserving your eyesight, it can lower the risk of certain cancers as it aids in the growth and development of body cells. It also supports a healthy immune system by maintaining your body’s natural defences. Vitamin A reduces the risk of asthma symptoms as it improves lung function.

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Beta carotene is a pro-vitamin A carotenoid that gives vegetables their vibrant colour. Beta Carotene serves as an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals in your body. Its importance is also found in the reduction of the body’s oxidative stress. Beta carotene helps the lungs work better and reduces the risk of cancer. Hence, reducing the risk of asthma attacks in patients.

5. Beans

Beans contain Amino acids that our body uses to heal or make new tissues. Moreover, beans have many health benefits as it serves as a source of protein. Because it contains folate that is essential in red blood cells formation. It also contains antioxidants that help in the removal of free radicals from the body thereby protecting the body from diseases.

Beans have fibre that can reduce the risk of heart disease. Lastly, it has anti-inflammatory agents which help in reducing the risk of cancer and also asthma symptoms which makes it one of the best foods for asthma patients.

Beans are also part of the foods that improve our metabolism

6. Magnesium Rich Foods

Magnesium helps convert food into energy, helps create new proteins from amino acids. It also helps create and repair DNA and RNA. It is important in muscle movements and in regulating neurotransmitters. Magnesium is known to fight depression, benefits against Type 2 diabetes. It can also lower blood pressure.


The best foods for asthma patients are foods that can increase your immunity, reduce inflammation, boost the overall health of your lungs or lung functions. As it will help you in reducing the number of Asthma attacks you will have as we have seen earlier.

It is important as an asthmatic patient you keep your body healthy, eat balanced foods and afford foods that can trigger your asthma symptoms. What are the bests or worst foods for you as an asthmatic person? Kindly leave your comments below or share with your loved ones let us know what foods that trigger your asthma symptoms.