5 Actionable Tips to Developing More Empathy

5 Actionable Tips to Developing More Empathy

We’re greatly influenced by our networks and relationships. In our relationship with others, we come across people with different backgrounds and beliefs and this can affect our behaviour towards them. In this article, I would be showing you 5 ways to develop more empathy for others.

What is Empathy?

Have you ever had a situation where you understand a person’s feelings or emotions as if they were yours?  That is exactly what empathy is.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defined empathy as “The action of understanding or being sensitive to the feelings, experience or thoughts of another person”.

Also, it is the ability to understand how a person feels, their perspective on things, and view their thoughts as though they were yours.

It is easier to understand how you feel than that of others. An empathic person is concerned about the well-being of others. When someone talks to you, your ability to relate with such a person speaks of how empathic you are.

Why is Empathy Important?

Empathy is necessary for developing and maintaining social cooperation. When you understand how others feel and can relate with them, you build a relationship that is conducive to the development of others and yours.

Being empathic also helps build healthy relationships with your friends. A lot of friendships and relationships have ended because one party does not understand how the other feels.

When you can put yourself in another person’s shoes, you’re able to understand their actions and respond accurately to their behaviour. It also makes you a better person to relate to and can improve your relationship with others.

As humans, we all have experiences and emotions that affect or shape our behaviour. Because of these experiences, we are sometimes limited by our own perspective and may not understand others. This can really affect our relationship with people around us.

However, when you use empathy to understand why a person acts or thinks the way they do, you might get a better understanding of how to respond to their actions.

While empathy can be inborn, it can also be learned. Here are 5 ways to develop empathy:

Ways to Develop Empathy

1. Listen to People

To develop empathy, you have to converse with people to recognize what they feel or think and pay attention to their thoughts.

It is no new knowledge that communication increases the bond between individuals. You can only get to know a person better when you talk to them rather than assume from afar.

When talking to a person, they usually give out information about their thought or feelings, and most times, we tend to overlook these subtle hints because we do not listen.

Over time, I’ve learned that people engage in conversation to talk rather than listen. Compare these conversations:

A: Hello B, how’re you doing?

B: I had a stressful day today and my headaches.

A: Omo, it’s not just you o. Work today was stressful and my head, my back ached. (Typical of Nigerians to turn a statement into a battle of tragedy)

X: Hello Y, how are you doing today?

Y: I had a stressful day at work and my headaches.

X: Oh dear. Do you want to talk about what’s stressing you?

[wpdiscuz-feedback id=”fnbnzrfms9″ question=”Now judge between these two conversations, which is more empathic?” opened=”0″][/wpdiscuz-feedback]

Obviously, the second conversation shows X as being more empathic. Rather than compare their tragedies, X was concerned about the welfare of Y.

Cultivate the habit of listening to people before responding. People talk with emotions and sometimes your inability to perceive them can make you seem uncaring.

2. Examine Your Bias

One of the 5 ways to develop empathy is by examining one’s bias. Let’s be honest, we are all biased. It can be hidden or obvious, but we have at one time or the other, treated someone unfairly.

Examining your biasness is a great way to develop empathy. The irony of this is, sometimes we do not realize how bias we are until we have taken action.

The first step to overcoming your biases is by acknowledging them. Understanding that as humans, being biased is a natural part of our lives can help you decide steps to overcome it. Secondly, taking steps to work on your biases can help you develop more empathy towards people. Constantly questioning your character can help you overcome your biases. Judge the actions you take and how you respond to people to put yourself in check.

Listen to the feedback people give you. It can help you work on your character more.

3. Grow Your Curiosity

Honestly, I find it extremely difficult to socialize with people. I used to say “If God gives me basic social interaction skills, I’d be a superhuman”. Ironically, I have never regretted asking questions about people – it has only helped me develop socially.

Grow your curiosity about people, groups, cultures, and religions by asking questions and conversing with people from different cycles of life. It will help you stop judging people from your pre-conceived idea of them and build more empathy for them.

Sometimes, to understand how people feel, you have to understand where they are coming from. Your idea of who a person is can block you from developing a healthy relationship with that person.

Don’t stay in your comfort zone. Spend time with people. Ask questions about their knowledge, cultures, and interests.

Be open to exploring new places. The more you explore, the better your knowledge of people and the more empathic you become.

4. Reading Widely Can Help You Develop More Empathy

Oh! My favourite tip to developing more empathy is through reading – fiction, nonfiction, biographies, history, whatever it is that catches your interests.

Reading gives you a glimpse of the diversity of the different backgrounds and experiences people have. It increases your perspective on human interaction and can help you develop more empathy.

One book that has shaped my perspective is “The Joys of Motherhood” by Buchi Emecheta. It opened my eyes to the pains and sacrifices mothers go through for the sake of raising children. It helped me sympathize with African moms and made me love my mother so much more.

Reading books, journals, newsletters, and online content expands your perspective about people.

5. Associate With Others By Working on Projects Together

Working together on projects with people is one way to develop empathy for others.

When individuals work together on projects, it can help heal the differences and divisions shared between them and foster social cooperation.

This is why I admire the communal relationship among villages before the coming of the Europeans. Some sort of brotherhood existed among kinsmen where everyone worked on each other’s lands to help cultivate crops for the village’s benefit.

Today, there are various community projects you can work on to help develop communities. Most of these projects are sponsored by international organizations, non-governmental organizations and student organizations.

Whatever project you wish to work on, you’re taking a step towards developing empathy for others.


The above 5 ways to develop empathy cannot be overemphasized. Empathy can be developed like any other skill. Developing empathy is necessary for building healthy relationships and promoting cohesion among people.

The conversations you have with people can tell how empathic you are. Paying attention to the feelings of others and putting yourself in their shoes helps you see things from their perspective and gives you a better understanding.

Keep an open mind by working on your biases and reading books to give you a broader point of view of the diverse backgrounds and cultures we have in the world.

By the way, my favourite authors for starters are Chinua Achebe and Chimamanda Adichie. If you have favourites, let me know in the comment section.

12 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Life Partner

12 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Life Partner

Choosing a life partner is not as easy as going to the market to get foodstuffs. It is as hard as it gets. You need to ask yourself if you are ready to look beyond his or her flaws if you are ready to not just think about yourself if you are ready to spend the rest of your life with him or her, when things are smooth or not. Selecting a partner for life is one of the most critical decisions you have to make but it can be easy by following the right steps. Below is a list of factors to consider when choosing a life partner:

12 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Life Partner

1. Family Background

Before deciding to spend the rest of your life with someone, it is imperative to know the persons’ family background and traditions that might exist, the persons’ family language, system, and behaviour. It is also important to know the person’s relationship with his or her family members as knowing this will enable you to know how the person will relate with your family members.

2. Know If They Have Any Health Issue(s)

Before choosing a life partner, you need to know the health background of the person in order to know the health issues the person might have. You need to know the persons’ genotype, blood group, and other health-related issues. This would help you decide whether to continue or let go.

3. Make Sure They Are Hardworking

Nobody wants a lazy partner. We all want someone who is hardworking in all aspects; females should be able to take care of the house and also the children, while the men should be strong enough to be able to fend for the family needs. Therefore, it is important to know if the person is lazy or hardworking.

4. Choose Someone You Can Rely On

You need to choose someone who you can rely on at all times. Someone you can trust to catch you when you fall.

5. They Should Have the Ability to Forgive

Another factor to consider when choosing a life partner is their ability to forgive. Everyone makes mistakes and the ability to look past the mistakes makes your relationship strong. No relationship is without quarrels, because we were not all brought up the same way, which makes us have different opinions. Choosing a partner who knows how to say “I forgive you” and mean it is very important.

Related: How to Get Someone to Forgive You

6. They Should Be of Good Character

In choosing a partner, their character is one of the most important factors to look into. This is because their character is what defines a person. It is the replica or the mirror that reflects the persons’ worth. You automatically know how a person would turn out in the next 10 years, by the character they portray.

7. Check Out Their Level of Maturity

Age is not an indication of maturity. Actually, it is nothing but a number like it is often said. Someone who is mature physically, emotionally, and intellectually must know how to handle issues without bringing a third party into the relationship.

8. Ascertain Whether They Have A Sense of Humour

You need to choose a partner who knows how to make you laugh after a very annoying day at work, someone who knows how to change your sour mood, by bringing up funny conversations.

9. Sexual Attraction

In my own opinion, choosing a partner who doesn’t believe that sex in a marriage is important, means that there would be an unfulfilled desire in the marriage. You must choose a partner you are sexually attracted to and also someone who is sexually attracted to you. Trust me, there must be an absolute desire to satisfy each others’ sexual needs in order not to feel cheated.

10. Choose Someone Who Likes You

Love is not the only factor in a relationship; friendship is also a factor you need to consider. When you are at that point in your life when you have to choose a partner, you need to choose someone who likes you for the imperfect being you are. You also need to choose someone you like and can tolerate.

11. There Should Be Mutual Respect Between You Two

You obviously do not want to spend the rest of your life with someone who doesn’t acknowledge and respect you. You need to choose a partner who would respect you at all times and also acknowledge your decisions, goals, and dreams.

12. God Fearing

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a life partner is, choosing someone who loves God. This is important because only then can the person love you too.


I am sure that at some point we have all said to ourselves “she is the one or he is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with”, but then, we get disappointed along the road. Disappointments spring up because we don’t try to get to know the person we want to be with, we just fall in love and think that is enough to sustain a relationship. Finding that one person, choosing a life partner is a full-time job, it is not a school course you pick and just drop because it is hard. No, it is a decision you make to stay put no matter how hard it gets, a ‘together for worse, for richer or poorer, till death do you part’ decision, and trust me, you don’t want to be wrong.

The list is unending, you don’t just make use of the above factors, which is why I need you to add your factors to consider when choosing a life partner in the comment section below. Thank you.

This is How You Turn Down Someone Nicely and Politely

This is How You Turn Down Someone Nicely and Politely

Perhaps, you have been asked out by someone, proposed to by someone, invited to join a team, or someone is wanting to be friends with you. In life, you can’t escape situations like these. Now, do you wish to know how to turn down someone politely, and probably still be friends? If your answer is positive, then this post is for you.

Let me be your tour guide on how to reject that girl/boy nicely, how to turn down someone politely and how to reject any offer in general, politely.

9 Ways to Turn Down Someone Politely

1. Prepare Yourself to It

As easy as you may see it as do not think of confronting the person in question without actually making a plan on how you want everything to go about. “Failure to plan is planning to fail” phrase cannot be more right.

First, the approach you will use depends on the individual. Therefore, ensure you know the individual well. If you already do, then that’s fine. Now, think of what to say and the gestures you should use while saying it. Please, do not give a long speech, you may begin to sound unserious, childish, or boring if you do.

So, be as brief as possible except in a situation where they keep interrupting, only then should it be long. Even at that, try to break any conversation short – in a nice way the moment you sense it.

2. Be Honest about It

How to turn down someone politely can be achieved successfully if you’re honest about it. There is this special attraction people feel for honest people, even the dishonest ones. Ensure that whatever you say is true and nothing but the truth. Saying things that are false is the wrong way to go about turning down someone. This is because since they already know you, sometimes very well, chances are they will spot a false statement from you.

This will make you look rather unserious. They may even begin to question themselves “What was I even thinking when I decided to profess my love/friendship/marriage proposal to this jerk? He/she doesn’t even worth me”. You wouldn’t what that, would you?

3. Do it Face-to-Face

For me, breaking up or rejecting someone by doing it face to face is the best. It tells or shows them that you have regard for them. This will make it easier for them to accept your rejection.

However, you could send them a sweet text message conveying your intention. A text message like:

“Hello there. Good day and I hope this message meets you in a good mood and sound health. I just texted to let you know I have thought well about your offer for love/marriage/friendship well, and this is the decision I have come up with. There is no better way to say this, but I believe you deserve better – someone way better than me…”

As good as the above message may seem, saying it physically sounds way better than saying it over a text message.

4. Do it Yourself

As tempting as it is to send someone else because you’re not confident, say a member of your family, or friend, do it yourself. Be bold, be confident, and most importantly, be nice while conveying your message.

The benefit of doing it yourself to them is that they see you as a person worth their time and space even though they obviously know you aren’t interested or available. In addition, they will respect you as someone with courtesy and a sense of humour. Moreover, you get to benefit from doing the rejection yourself by them seeing you in whatever nice way they see you.

5. Avoid Giving False Hope

Always put it at the back of your mind that you are doing this because you do not have the time, space, or heart to accommodate them. Stick to that. Therefore, be straightforward.

All your statements and actions should be tailored in that direction and not anything contrary. For instance, they like seeing messages from you, they like to sit close to you always, they like being with you – just the two of you, they like you assisting them in doing some stuff, do not avail them the opportunity of having all of those all the time. Reduce it significantly or do not do it again if you genuinely know you do not want them.

Well, that doesn’t stop you from being nice to them, but not in a way that will send them a wrong signal.

6. Don’t Mention Their Flaws

As you begin to talk, remember, avoid mentioning their flaws. For instance, you are turning down a girl/guy for reason been that they smell terribly bad always, can’t cook, dress badly, are unreligious etcetera. Do not say that to them. Avoid mentioning any attribute about them that is negative. Remember, the aim is to be seen as nice after the show.

However, look for positive attributes and say a little about them. Do not concentrate on that though. For instance, you could say:

“… you are beautiful/handsome, I envy your intellect and I love how honest you are to me by seeing me worthy of being a part of your life…”

This will make you sound nice and good.

7. Be More Focused on Your Needs

We humans have our individual needs as regards whom we want to be friends with, have a relationship with, teamwork with, marry, etc. Here, concentrate more on your needs as a person. For instance, if you are that kind of person who focuses or gives more attention to your carrier and have little or no time for love, you could say:

“I’m grateful and thrilled by your offer and I can’t be happier than I already am by it. However, I’m in a moment where my career is my top priority. I do not mean to sound rude but the truth needs to be told. The time I’m needed most by my carrier is now and I spend a lot of time attending to it. Putting you now in the equation will only worsen my situation because I will be having less time for you, and truly, you deserve better…”

Please, do not mention any of their needs. That could mess up all the things you have said or will say.

8. Don’t Make Them Wait for Long

Sometimes, turning down someone could be scary most especially if you are heavily indebted to that person. The best way to avoid being in that kind of position is by refusing gratitude from anyone except when it becomes highly necessary.

Nevertheless, do not be scared, do not feel ungrateful, and do not hesitate. In other words, do not make them wait for long. Do it the moment you find a suitable opportunity to.

9. Do It at the Right Time

Just because you do not want them and you have prepared for it and gathered the courage to meet them, shouldn’t make you selfish. Endeavour to do it at the appropriate time. For instance, you do not want to turn down someone even if it is politely while they are in a bad mood, or when they are ill, lost a dear one, did badly in an examination or interview, or the likes. I guess no. You will want to reject them while they are somewhere in between being happy and sad.

Timing is very key whenever you want to do something in life, not only turning down someone. So, target the right time.


Nobody wants to be rejected in any way, but because we don’t always get what we want or need, there is bound to be rejection here and there. You may want someone but they may not want you back. That’s life for you. Nonetheless, if you have to turn down someone politely, you could use the above-mentioned ways to accomplish that.

If you find this article helpful, kindly share with us what you think in the comments section. More so, you could also tell us how you got to turn down someone politely as well. Meanwhile, if you tried to get someone to forgive you and they didn’t, try these ways.

9 Things You Should Never Say to Your Partner During An Argument

9 Things You Should Never Say to Your Partner During An Argument

Relationships have their own ups and downs, compromises and sacrifices, arguments and misunderstandings. But this is completely normal and as a result, there are exceptions to what not to say in an argument with your partner.

With all these, love still remains a beautiful thing and as such there are words and statements to never utter to your partner – even at your angriest. Let’s go through some of those words and statements.

What You Should Avoid Saying in An Argument

1. “You’re Such a Failure”, “You Can’t Do Anything Right”, or “Why Are You Such a Failure in Every Aspect?”

Words above when said will be heartbreaking and shocking to your partner. As such, words like that should not be said to the person you claim to love just because of a misunderstanding.

Words sadly can never be taken back once uttered in the peak of anger and rage. As a result, these words will forever be engraved in their hearts and that might cause ruins in your relationship.  

Unless of course, they have a really strong forgiving heart.

2. “I Wish I Never Met You”, “I Wish I Never Knew You”, or “I Wish I Never Gave You a Chance”

When such words are uttered, you tell your partner you regret everything and anything you two must have been through. Consequently, even if you don’t mean it, the deed has already been done.

This is the worst you can do and say to them as it makes them start having doubt if you ever truly loved them. No matter how pissed you are, this is a thing to avoid saying to your partner as you can never take them back once said.

3. “Do Whatever, You’re Such An Idiot”, “You’re Such An Idiot”, “You’re Mad”, or “You Piece of Shit”

Ever heard of “bridges” in a relationship? In other words, a path that disconnects bonds and foundation? This is what leads to bridges in a relationship.

It tells your partner you don’t respect them, their opinions, and their values. Also, you tell them that you see them as worthless, and even if you don’t mean that, well guess what? You can’t eat your words back now, can you?

4. “Your Parents Are So…”, “Your Mother Is So Full of Herself. Who Does She Think She Is?”, or “Your Father Is So Silly, Why Did He Do That?”

Above all things you should never say in an argument, this is everyone’s top priority. It is quite understandable as families should be highly respected not only in relationships but in general. It is very important and as such, should never be tampered with. Never bring their parents into an argument you both are having.

Words like that really pierce through especially when it’s carried with insults or anything, its best you don’t. There is no justification for this, leave them out of your mouth, always. 

5. “You Shouldn’t Feel This Way”, or “You Shouldn’t Be Feeling This Way About This Issue”

It is not right to tell them how they should feel and how not to feel when in the heat of an argument. You should rather try to calm them down and understand but telling them how they should feel and think is wrong.

You should let them feel and do whatever they want as long as they are not breaking things around the house. People are entitled to their feelings. Therefore, you should understand them in situations like this.

6. “I Don’t Have Time for This”, “I Don’t Have Time for This Shit Right Now”, or “I Don’t Have Time for Your Tantrums Right Now”

These, I’ve seen mostly in the movies and the actor always walks out afterwards and every-time, it annoys. So, therefore, I’ll be including this as what not to say in an argument with your partner. This action is quite hurtful and disrespectful as you’re telling them you don’t care or want to listen to what they have to say.

As a result, you pass the message that you don’t respect them or their opinions and this ruins communication and builds bridges.

7.“I Hate You”, or “You Piss Me Off, I’m Starting to Hate You”

This is just unnecessary and it’s my top on the list when it comes to things you should never say in an argument to your partner.

Consequently, this builds doubt even after you both resolve the issues. The words linger and stays and this leads to mistrust in the relationship and that is why it should be avoided.

8. “Shut up!”, “That’s Dumb”, or “That’s a Lie, Just Shut Up”

These particular words sound dismissive – you’re done talking and whatever it is they have to say, you don’t want to listen.

It’s disrespectful and shouldn’t be uttered unless when you’re being playful and not in the heat of an argument.

You should listen to your partner and give them the chance to talk and explain themselves but don’t dismiss them abruptly.

9. “Bitch/Asshole/Slut/Whore, Fuck You”, “Fuck You, Bitch/Asshole”, or “You’re Lying, You Bitch/Slut”

Here is yet another dismissal tone but this carries heavy words, heavyweight like Mohammad Ali. A partner going as far as insulting one and attributing such words to them is a low blow and not ideal at all.

These are all vulgar words and should not be introduced in a heated conversation with your partner.  And as a result, you might not recover from this one once uttered.


Like I said, relationships are bumpy but learn to train your mind to not lose yourself in the heat of the moment.  If you’re having a hard time, you should check out how to improve your communication skills.

Try this – take the moment to calm down, relax, pause the argument, resolve, and communicate with a cool head.

Patience is indeed a virtue in every relationship. So, be patient, understanding, and have the right use of words.

You could tell us more in the comments section below. Thank you.

30 Ways to Enjoy Your Single Life

30 Ways to Enjoy Your Single Life

Single is not a status. It is a word that describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others.


There are two types of single people; the ones who enjoy being single and the ones who do not enjoy being single. In a split second, it could get reversed, those who enjoy singlehood can switch to not enjoying it again because they give in to what the world says and forget the real reason why they are single, and those who do not can switch to start enjoying it because they discovered how to enjoy being single.

Whatever category you are in, this article will help you discover ways on how to enjoy being single, this article will help you find out that being single is not all about munching on chocolate and sipping wine all day, there are different ways to enjoy your single life. Whether you are single due to a breakup or you just love your alone time, this article is your go-to guide on how to enjoy being single.

Let’s get started.

How to Enjoy Being Single

1. To Enjoy Being Single, Define What Being Single Means to You

In order to enjoy your single life, you must first define what being single means to you. Is it just a status to you, a means to stay away from the opposite sex or whatever it means to you, defining it will help you know how to enjoy it?

2. Be Spontaneous

Being single helps you make decisions on your own, without waiting for another person to help you decide what you want to do, where you want to go or how to live your life.

One way to enjoy being single is by being spontaneous. You can decide to do things you have always wanted to try, without thinking about the outcome whether positive or negative. You can live life every day, risks and all.

3. To Enjoy Being Single, Travel to Places You Have Always Wanted To Go To

Being single gives you the opportunity to travel to places you never had time to visit while you were attached to someone. As a single person, you can decide to take a trip and not bother about having to explain why you travelled and where you travelled to.

4. To Enjoy Being Single, Start Reading

Reading is another way to enjoy while being single. If you haven’t read in a while or you are not a fan of reading, you can start little, go to any bookstore around and get lost in its wonders.

Reading also helps to improve your communication and writing skills.

5. To Enjoy Being Single by Starting A Blog

If you are someone who enjoys writing, whether a short story, an article or a journal, whatever type of writing you fancy, you can decide to start a blog as a means to enjoy singlehood.

6. Date Yourself

Being single will help you realize that you can go on a date all by yourself; you do not need the opposite sex to plan a date.

You can enjoy your singlehood by dating yourself.

7. Try Out a New Hobby

Be it dancing, singing, eating, laughing, smiling, making new friends, trying out a new hobby is a great way to enjoy being single.

8. Spend Time With Your Family

Relationships would come and go, that lady or guy you fell in love with could wake up one morning to say goodbye. But guess what, your family will always be there for you, no matter what, they cannot push you aside.

Why not use this opportunity to spend more time with them?

9. You Enjoy Being Single When You Find What You Are Good At

When you find out what you are good at, you will put more effort to make sure you are perfect in it, so take the advantage of being single to find what you are good at.

10. Learn About Yourself

Being single gives you the opportunity to learn new things about yourself, things you didn’t know about yourself. 

11. To Enjoy Being Single, Learn A New Skill

Learning a new skill is a clever way to enjoy your singlehood.

12. Enjoy Your Freedom

Being single comes with a lot of freedom; you decide when to sleep, eat when to return home, how to arrange your house.

You are the sole owner of your life, so embrace the freedom.

13. Explore More, In Order to Enjoy Being Single

You don’t just have to sit on your couch waiting for the fun to come to meet you; you can explore the world more as a single person.

14. Keep a Singlehood Journal

Keeping a journal is important; as it helps you keep track of your life. You can keep a singlehood journal in order to track your life and also write down your experiences.

15. Start Working Out

I am not just putting this out here because I love working out, but because it should be among the list of things to do on how to enjoy being single.

You can decide to hit the gym or work out at home, make that decision to stay fit for all the fun adventures you have ahead of you as a single person.

16. Enjoy Being Single by Staying up All Night and Sleeping All Day

As a single person, you decide when to go to bed and when to be awake, your evening can be your morning and vice versa.

17. Focus on Your Goals

Being single helps you stay focused and you can enjoy it more by highlighting your goals, staying focused on those goals, in order to achieve the best version of yourself.

18. Stay out as late As You Want

No one dictates to you how late you should stay out, except you are a single person still living under your parents. But if you stay alone, you are your own boss and also your own timekeeper.

19. Take Online Courses to Keep You Busy

Taking online courses will not only help you enjoy being single, but it will also broaden your knowledge.

20. In Order to Know How to Enjoy Being Single, Learn to Love Yourself First

The best way to enjoy singlehood is by loving yourself. You need to love yourself before anyone else can love you.

21. Live Life

You want to know how to enjoy being single? Then live life to the fullest.

22. Create A Bucket List

Creating a bucket list is another way to enjoy being single.

23. To Enjoy Being Single, Find Your Passion

Apart from studies and your job, try to find things you have passion for, develop them and bring out the best in the passion you have found.

24. Invest In yourself

Investing in yourself as a single person is the best gift you can give yourself. When you invest in yourself, you invest not only in your present but also in your future.

25. Be Around People Who Supports You

In order to know how to enjoy being single, you need to be around people who understands and supports your decision to be single.

26. Build Your Capacity

Being single is one of the best times to build your capacity to learn about finance, to build and save up for the future. You build capacity by expanding your mind.

27. Enjoy Your Alone Time

Being single is a time to enjoy your alone time, time not shared with anyone else other than yourself. It is ok to be selfish.

28. Create Nonromantic Relationships with Others to Enjoy

You don’t necessarily have to be in a romantic relationship; you can also create a nonromantic relationship and enjoy your singlehood.

29. Spend Quality Time with God

Spending time with God is another way to enjoy being single because you have no side distractions and your relationship with God would strengthen.

30. Focus on Your Own Self-Care

Whatever self-care feels like to you, be it working out, meditating, dancing or anything you do to acquire self-care, make use of your singlehood life to achieve that.

You can focus on your own self-care without concern about balancing it with your partner.

Babita Spinelli L.P


The truth is you will not be single forever, sooner or later you will be in a relationship. But before that happens you need to take advantage of the above things to do on how to enjoy being single.