How To Start a Business While Working Full-Time

How To Start a Business While Working Full-Time

Are you trying to start a business while working full-time but you don’t know how to go about it?

You’ve come to the right place. Let this article serve as your guide and hopefully, your starting point.

Starting a business while working full time is something that may seem quite daunting, maybe even impossible, but the truth is, it is actually feasible.

In all of recorded history, never before has there been such rapid growth in the number of entrepreneurs worldwide. Due to major technological advancements, starting a business while working full time has never been easier.

People want to venture into business for several purposes, but ultimately, it is to make money. Financial independence and buoyancy is something that is sought after by everyone. So, wanting some extra cash on the side while maintaining a full-time job is actually quite normal.

In this article, we shall enlighten you on the most important things you need to know on how to start a business while working full-time.

10 Important Things To Consider on How To Start A Business While Working Full-Time

1. You Have to be Motivated

The very first thing you have to consider when trying to start a business while working full-time is your level of motivation. Business aside, nothing ever works out well without proper motivation. Ask yourself, how badly do you want it? Are you willing to grind out your 9-5 while plotting new business moves? If you want it badly, then the energy to be invested will become insignificant to you.

Make a  list of all the activities and commitments you have in your life with the time you devote to each, during the week. Mark the ones you can afford to lessen your involvement with. Doing this will enable you to devote more time and focus on the new project that means a lot to you.

2. Know Your Skills, Strengths and Weaknesses

Starting out a business isn’t only about buying, selling and making a profit, no. You need a certain amount of skills in order for you to achieve that. Find time and do some critical thinking. What skills do you possess, what are your strengths and where are you lacking? If possible, answer these 50 questions to know yourself better.

This may seem unimportant to you at first, but the truth is, knowing these things will help you not just in the long-run, but immediately. These key factors will help you in figuring out what time of business you would like to venture into.

For example, you cannot start a web designing business if you lack sufficient knowledge about coding and web designing. Do some soul searching first before you make your move.

3. Do Your Research

Before starting up your business while working full-time, you have to do your research. The importance of this step cannot be overemphasized.

You have to carry out extensive research before venturing into any business. Business in itself is high-risk-high-reward. The product and service you wish to sell, find out about the availability of the market for such products, find out the total capital cost, find out ways to market the product. It is foolhardy to venture into any enterprise without proper research, especially when you plan on maintaining your full-time job.

Read up on Why 90% Of Startups Fail and What To Do About It to minimize novice errors.

4. Highlight What Makes You and Your Products Unique

What is your competitive advantage?

A competitive advantage is defined as the unique advantage that allows you to generate greater sales and profit margins, and/or acquire & retain more customers than your business rivals. It’s what makes your business special. It could be your business structure, the kind of products you offer, how you offer them, or simply the ease of product acquisition by the customers. It could be anything.

Find that thing that makes your product stand out. We all want something different, something special. Time to put on that thinking cap.

5. Set Business Goals

Another thing to consider before starting a business while working full-time is your business goals. What do you plan to achieve by starting the business? Map out clear and realistic targets, doing so will mentally prepare you for the road ahead.

The human mind works a lot better when working towards a specified goal. Give yourself deadlines and set about meeting them in order to beat procrastination.

Of course one of your goals should be to secure your desired product. Working towards that enables you to be psyched up and motivated.

6. Launch on a Strategic Date

You’re motivated, you’ve done your research, and you have a clear set of goals. The next thing is to plan your launch date. Keep in mind that while doing all the aforementioned steps, you are still working full-time. So, be careful so as not to mix up your working hours with your personal enterprise. It is quite easy to get carried away when starting a new business.

Ensure that on the day you plan to launch your brand, you have lots of time on your hands and have little to no work-related commitments. Launching your products requires your full, undivided attention for it to be a success.

7. Ask for Feedback

So now you’ve started your business while working full-time. The next thing you should focus on is how to improve on your current success, and one sure-fire way of doing that is by actively asking your customers for feedback.

Through this feedback, you will be able to learn about the pros and cons of your products which will, in turn, help you to develop them further and make them better.

Customers purchase value. The more value you’re able to add to your business, the more sales you will make.

8. Do Not Get Carried Away

As mentioned earlier, it is easy to get carried away by your new business. Do not allow this to happen since you’re looking to maintain your full-time job. There should be a fine line between your personal enterprise and your daily job. You have to be able to find the balance between these two.

The time allotted for your full-time job should not be shared with your business and vice versa.

9. Realize There are Some Advantages to Maintaining your Full-time Job While Starting a Business

It might seem like a lot of work, and it is, but it has some advantages. For example, depending on your salary and the size of the budget, your wages could be used to finance your business. Having another income stream while running a business is very important especially where funding is concerned.

Another advantage is that your target customer might just be an office away. Your colleagues and superiors are potential customers and so, it is relatively easier to sell your products seeing as there is some trust already.

10. Read, Read and Read

This is the 21st century, there are endless business strategies that one could use to ensure success in their business. The more you read, the more information will be available for you to use to your own advantage.

There are so many best-selling books out there for young and fresh entrepreneurs to help them sidestep novice errors and realize success with relative ease.

Check out 10 Books Every Small Business Owner Should Read


Starting a business while working full-time is really not so complicated once you’re able to map out your schedule and plans. The whole essence of starting a business while having a full-time job is to make some extra income on the side and also be your own boss.

It is not impossible, in fact, a lot of full-time workers have some form of business on the side. We live in a time where business has been made easy and all you need is the right mindset and information. It is time you stop procrastinating and cast aside any doubt or fear. It is time to seize control of your financial independence!

Be sure to visit Northpad to read up on exciting business and finance tips to help you generate more wealth.

10 Simple Yet Effective Ways to Promote Your Business on LinkedIn

10 Simple Yet Effective Ways to Promote Your Business on LinkedIn

Have you ever wondered if you could use Linkedin to promote your business? Well, if you have, the answer is a big yes!

If you do not know what Linkedin is, you’ve come to the right place.

Linkedin is a social network that gives strength in professional networking and career development. It is also a place where you can improve your brand awareness as well as sell your products and services.

If you already have a business or you’re thinking of starting one, this article is for you. Here, you will be able to learn the various ways through which you can use Linkedin to promote your business.

The 8 Sure-Fire Ways to Use LinkedIn to Promote Your Business

1. Create a Business Page

Sample of a Linkedin business page
How a business page on LinkedIn looks like

Before anything else, you need to create a page on Linkedin that is all about the kind of products and services you sell. The page is specifically for that reason and nothing more.

Using a company page and connecting it with your personal profile is always advisable.

When you make posts and add information about your products through a business account, it comes off as more authentic than when you do the same through a private account. Customers love authenticity, and one of the many ways to ensure that is by growing your company page on Linkedin.

If you are not on Linkedin already, you can create an account to get started.

2. Share Your LinkedIn Company Page on Your Private Social Media Accounts

Using personal social media accounts is a very powerful way of promoting your business. All you have to do here is post your LinkedIn company page link on your social media bios or pages. The more views you get, the more people are likely to visit your LinkedIn business page and see what you’re all about.

This is an excellent way of generating traffic, especially if you have a dominant social media presence.

3. Post Regularly

This is another way of promoting your business through LinkedIn. Through your business page, you can post news about recent developments in your business. It’s not just about posting regularly, you should be strategic about it in order to keep your customers on their toes. The more attention you get, the better for your business as a whole.

When customers view your page and see there’s a lot of activity going on, it gives the impression that the business is doing okay at the very least as opposed to very little activity.

Relevant updates to consider may include recently completed projects, creative tips, new features on your products and anything that shows your business as an active and serious operation.

4. Have Great Visuals

Great visuals on LinkedIn
Great visuals will make all the difference on LinkedIn

If you’ve been on Linkedin, you know that it is not a social media platform that focuses much on visuals. It is for this reason you should make the best out of the limited visuals afforded to you by the app.

From your profile photo to pictures of your products, ensure they are of the highest possible quality.

A great visual presentation of your page will do you a lot of good in capturing the attention of potential customers. They say “all that glitters isn’t gold”, well your case might just be different. Make your page glitter and sell gold to your customers.

5. Write Like a Pro

Writing on LinkedIn
To promote your business on LinkedIn, you need to learn how to write like a professional

Another tip on how to use Linkedin to promote your business entails writing smartly. The texts added to your company summary section, to product updates and to your own personal profile need to be optimized in order to generate traffic. Two key points here are using keywords that emphasize your area of expertise and writing clever and brief content that shows you’re an expert in your field.

Customers are easily swayed when they get the impression that the seller knows what they’re talking about. Being able to write in such a manner that convinces the customer goes a long way in promoting your business. Word spreads fast!

6. Create a LinkedIn Group

One powerful feature on LinkedIn is the ability to create a group that’s centred on a specific topic.

This is actually quite simple and efficient. Connect your business to a general topic that actively engages people, drive the discussion by promoting your business being the end game. The bigger the group, the better. Do not forget that Linkedin is primarily a professional networking platform. The more the number of people are aware of your page on that platform, the higher the chances of your page being widely spread. There is no such thing as bad publicity. Seize the limelight. 

Read: Best Free Ways to Get Free Publicity for Your Business

7. Be Active in Other Groups

Sample of LinkedIn groups
Sample of LinkedIn groups

In as much as you’ve created your own group, and you’ve generated some decent amount of clout, it may not be enough to take you to the promised land. Another way of promoting your business through LinkedIn is by being active in other groups.

You need to be active in existing communities and interact with other users.

Here’s a pro tip: do not spam these groups with posts about your business, rather engage in actual conversations that are productive, conversations that create real ties between you and other users in the community. This way, when you do actually make posts about your business, users in these groups will most likely be genuinely interested.

8. Ask for Recommendations

Recommendations on LinkedIn
Know how to ask for recommendations from customers, associates and employees

Make the most out of the Recommendations function by frequently asking clients to provide testimonials after they buy a product or service from you. These reviews are listed under your company information on your profile unless you or the client requests their removal.

The more positive reviews and recommendations you get, the better your overall reputation will be. A good reputation in itself promotes a business effortlessly.

9. Answer Questions about Your Niche

This is a very smart way of promoting your business on Linkedin. By accurately answering questions posed on Linkedin Answers, you are sharing your knowledge and expertise, and consequently, promoting your brand. When you present yourself as someone who is knowledgeable about their business, it creates assurance and trust between seller and customer.

The more times you appear on Linkedin Answers solving people’s problems the higher the chances of getting recognized.

10. Grow your Email Marketing List

Last but surely not least on our list of 10 sure-fire ways of promoting your business through LinkedIn is growing email marketing.

Email marketing simply entails sending out a commercial message to a group of people using email.


The truth is that with the advent of social media platforms, promoting one’s business has never been easier than it is today. Although, different social Media apps employ different methods for business promotion. This article was designed to help you understand the smarter ways through which you can promote your brand without spending a dime.

Knowing how to use LinkedIn to promote your business will only further help your brand grow as Linkedin is the leading b2b platform in the market.

Follow the steps above, practice, rinse and repeat, and watch how your business grows naturally!

How to Create a Successful Gig on Fiverr

How to Create a Successful Gig on Fiverr

 Do you want to know how to create a great Fiverr gig to make big bucks? You have come to the right place. 

Fiverr has become the number one place to go to when trying to quickly establish an online presence in the business world. It is a vast community that has a lot to offer to those who are looking to sell their products and those who are looking to buy.

But how does one ensure success when selling their products and services on Fiverr? Well, you will need an awesome Fiverr gig in order to achieve that. 

That is where this article comes in. Here, you will learn how to create a great Fiverr gig in no time. 

10 Easy Ways To Create An Awesome Fiverr Gig 

1. Be Specific About The Gig You’re Offering 

The first step in creating a great Fiverr gig is by knowing exactly what you’re offering clients. 

Being as precise as possible when describing your gig will help you find your niche and increase the chances of showing up higher in the search results because you’ll be using keywords that buyers use often when searching for freelancers.

For example: if you’re a writer, creating a gig called “freelance writer” just won’t cut it at all. 

Rather, create something like “I will write Press releases”, “I will write timely and entertaining Blog posts” and so on. The main idea is to be precise so that the buyers know exactly what it is that you do.

2.  Use Concise and Specific Titles for Gigs

This is the next step to ensure a great Fiverr gig. One of the things that attract clients to your gig page is your title. A well-written title quickly gets the attention of a client looking for the type of gig that you offer.

Note that each title has to start with “I will…”, the rest is up to you to fill in and make it as appealing as possible in order to rope-in clients. 

Pro tips: 

  • Include keywords for your services and put them up front in your title. 
  • When writing a title, avoid using words like “great” or “awesome” as much as you can. Why? Because nearly every one uses those words and what you need is to be unique, also, such qualitative words don’t really tell the buyer much about your skills. 
  • Focus on words that accurately and specifically describe your gig. Example: ” I will proofread mystery novels”. Do not worry about that title seemingly dry, you can always add more in the gig description section. 

3. Be Creative When Writing SEO Gig Description 

This step cannot be overlooked when creating a great Fiverr gig. You need to pay extra attention here. 

SEO-optimized gigs significantly increase your chances of generating traffic on your page. 

In this part, Fiverr offers sellers a maximum of 1200 characters to succinctly describe what your gig is about, and to capture the full attention of clients. 

When buyers look for freelancers on Fiverr, they sort out information in order to weed out the pros from the novices. That is why it is highly important to use effective language to nail them once they stumble upon your gig page. 

4. Induce Introspection 

This comes into play when describing your gig. When introducing your gig, you can creatively chip in a question that’ll make the buyer really think about stuff. 

For example, you can start by saying

 ” Are you tired of late project submissions and undesirable results?”

Asking such a question throws the buyer into a mild state of introspection, and if indeed the buyer is tired of such unprofessionalism, he/she will be willing to read more about what you have to say seeing as how you have highlighted one of the issues the buyer is trying to get rid of. 

5. Describe the Gig  Effectively

The next thing to do is to describe the gig accurately and effectively. Offer proper details about your product and services. 

Remember when you made the reader partake in introspection? This is where you take advantage by explaining how you can solve their problem with ease. On Fiverr, the competition is stiff, so be sure to tell your buyers how your services are unique and better. 

 Be clear about what your buyers should expect. Statements like 

” I will do ABC and deliver within 24- hours”  will inspire some form of confidence in the buyer. 

6. Do Not Forget SEO Keywords

This is another great way to create a Fiverr gig. Buyers generally locate freelancers or sellers through searches, so it makes even more sense to utilize search engine optimization effectively.

Think about the different ways people would search for the type of services you provide and include those search terms in your description.

For example, if you offer English proofreading services, you can include variants such as proofreading in English or Expert English proofreading in your description. 

7. Proofread Everything! 

Once you have your title and SEO-optimized description all set up, go over everything over and over again. You might find a few errors here and there that you can correct. Grammatical errors or ‘typos’ besmirch any well-written piece and makes you seem unprofessional.

Let’s face it, someone that offers expert English proofreading services with grammatical errors on their page will make you raise an eyebrow. 

8. Make Use Of Great Visuals 

One of the sure-fire ways to have a great Fiverr gig is to generate lots of traffic. Fiverr says creating a gig video can increase visibility up to 200%.

Gig videos are normally 1 minute and 15 seconds long, so make every second count. 

Pro tips:

  • Use natural background lighting
  • Look directly at the camera, it shows your boldness 
  • Express yourself freely. your personality to help buyers feel comfortable

Another visual pro tip:

 Add images showing your work to your gig gallery. This is a good way to get attention which can help your Fiverr gig stand out.

9. Share Your Gig On Social Media 

You can never go wrong by marketing your gig. An easy and free method of doing this is by sharing your gig on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and so on. 

The whole essence of doing this is to create as much awareness as possible. Share your Fiverr profile URL on these social media platforms and watch how your popularity steadily increases. 

10. Watch Your Pricing 

If you’re just starting out, monitor your competition and see what they charge for the same services you provide. Do not set your price on the high side. Rather, find a comfortable average range and set it there. When you charge too much, it might reduce the rate at which you get hired.

Setting a high price only works out when you become a Fiverr superstar. In this case, your clout alone is enough for clients to rush you. 

As a beginner on Fiverr, you can charge between $5-10 minimum, depending on the kind of service you offer. However, ake note that Fiver takes 20 % of the total income you receive.


As you can see, creating a great Fiverr gig does take some effort to achieve. Then again, anything that’s worth doing, is worth doing well.

One thing you have to keep in mind is that there are a lot of people on Fiverr providing your type of service, be sure to stay unique and original to the best of your ability.

Once you follow these steps correctly, it will be only a matter of time before you start making good money online.

Here is the list of the 30 most profitable Fiverr gigs 

9 Amazing Sites that Pay You to Write

9 Amazing Sites that Pay You to Write

Are you a freelance writer that is looking to get paid but you don’t know where to begin and how to go about it? Well, look no further because you have come to the right place. Writing is a very versatile profession that could enable you to earn money while working remotely from home. It’s like the best of both worlds. If you’re confident in your writing abilities and are looking forward to getting paid, this article will enlighten you about the top sites that pay you to blog.

The concept of earning money while writing from home is quite appealing, although you must bear in mind that you get paid according to the quality and quantity of work that you put in. Also, wages do heavily depend on the sites you write for.

Here are the top websites that pay you to blog

Top 9 Sites That Pay You to Blog

1. Indeed

Indeed is one of the many amazing sites that pay you to blog

First on our list of top 9 sites that pay you to blog is Indeed. If you haven’t already heard of it, Indeed is one of the world’s most popular joints for writers seeking jobs. The platform boasts over 200 million unique visitors from 60 countries every month.

You can search for numerous writing jobs not just in Nigeria, but around the globe. With those numbers, it should come as no surprise why it came first on the list.

Go to Indeed to open up an account and begin your journey as a freelance writer.

2. Fiverr

Fiver is a perfect place for writers

Have you ever wondered how Fiverr was given its name? It is quite interesting actually.

Fiverr is a global digital marketplace where numerous services are being sold and purchased.

On Fiverr, the opening cost for any job performed is $5, and this is how it got its name!

Currently, Fiverr boasts of more than 3 million freelance jobs which of course includes freelance writing. On Fiverr, there is no shortage of writing jobs available.

Go to Fiverr to open up an account and begin searching the endless sea of writing opportunities.

You might also be interested in How To Make Lots of Money On Fiverr

3. Linkedin

Linkedin can actually pay you to write

Another site that pays you to blog is Linkedin. LinkedIn is a social media app that focuses a lot on professional networking.

Networking is extremely vital in the freelance world, and LinkedIn is a great resource to do some networking that will bring you more writing job opportunities in the future.

In the job section of Linkedin, there is no shortage of available writing jobs that pay well according to the quality and quantity of work done.

If you do not have a Linkedin account, we strongly advise that you do. Opportunities await you.

4. Problogger

Problogger is one of the veterans of the online writing community. It is actually one of the freelance writing job sites that pay you to blog.

Problogger is one of the veterans of the online writing community. It is actually one of the freelance writing job sites that pay you to blog. On ProBlogger, writing jobs are being posted by the site for the clients looking for writers. Writing job adverts are charged $50 and stay on the website for a period of one month.

Anyone that’s willing to splurge $50 for writing job ads is guaranteed to pay well when a job is well done. Go on ProBlogger today.

5. WritersGig

Another top site that pays you to blog is WritersGig. WritersGig is a platform designed to hire freelance writers for both long and short term projects.

Another top site that pays you to blog is WritersGig. WritersGig is a platform designed to hire freelance writers for both long and short term projects. On WritersGig, there are several writing categories ranging from blog writing, UX writing, copywriting, technical writing, artistic writing, scriptwriting to ghostwriting. WritersGig has something any writer seeking to give value in exchange for money. Engage instantly with clients and get paid seamlessly.

Get on WritersGig to join the online writer’s community.

6. Iwriter

Iwriter is a very simple and straightforward website. On Iwriter, clients sign up for free, request the type of content they like written and get instantly connected with a competent writer.

Writers can create pieces that range from articles, blog posts, ebooks to any other form of content. This flexibility and range is what makes Iwriter the safe haven it is for freelance writers.

7. Toptal

Toptal was coined from top-talent. As the name implies, the site only hires top talented writers from around the globe. You have absolute confidence in your skills, then Toptal is the best place for you.

Toptal was coined from top-talent. As the name implies, the site only hires top talented writers from around the globe. You have absolute confidence in your skills, then Toptal is the best place for you.

Be ready for fierce competition. Toptal creates a competitive environment with numerous opportunities to grow as a writer, also the pay is quite nice.

8. Upwork

Upwork is one of the successful freelance sites that pay you to blog. With more than 1.5 million clients, you can rest assured that there is no shortage of writing jobs.

Upwork is one of the successful freelance sites that pay you to blog. With more than 1.5 million clients, you can rest assured that there is no shortage of writing jobs.

The pay and work hours are flexible. You can engage in short-term or long-term projects, get paid on an hourly basis or per project. Upwork definitely has something for you.

Checkout Upwork

9. Northpad

ut definitely not least on the list of 10 sites that pay you to blog is Northpad.

Last but definitely not least on the list of 9 sites that pay you to blog is Northpad. Northpad is a blogging site in the northern part of Nigeria that covers practically everything there is on a top blogging site. Topics from business and finance, health and beauty, personal growth and so much more.

With this wide range of topics, writers are given the freedom to choose their preferred niches and get creative.

Drop your notepad and go on Northpad Nigeria now!


There are a lot more sites that pay you to blog, but these are some of the best the internet has to offer. Being able to write creatively and earn is just too good to resist. I mean, who said you can’t have fun and be paid at the same time?

Now that you have been equipped with the right information, now is as good a time as any to start getting paid for your creativity.

The 10 Best Expense Tracker Apps in 2022

The 10 Best Expense Tracker Apps in 2022

Gone are the days when you sit down to partake in manual bookkeeping. Nearly everything is digital now, and as a result, so many things have been made a lot easier and more convenient. Frankly speaking, nobody wants to sit down and spend so much time keeping track of cash flow when you can easily do so with your mobile phone.

Keep that little booklet aside and allow us to discuss the 10 best expense tracker apps in 2022 that will make money management so much easier for you!

10 Tracker Apps that will Help You Track Your Expenses

1. Ivy Wallet

Made for both android and iPhone smartphones, this is one of the newer money management apps in the market. Ivy Wallet has been getting some excellent reviews from its users worldwide. One thing you’ll quickly notice about this app is its beautiful software design. The developers really pulled out all the stops on this one. It is no wonder that it’s been making a lot of noise since its launch back in May 2021.

Another good thing about this app is that it supports multiple accounts. This helps you can keep track of the transaction history and balance on multiple bank cards. That’s not even the mind-blowing part, Ivy Wallet supports multiple currencies as well as cryptocurrency!

With Ivy Wallet, you can plan your payment of bills and whatnot in advance to have better control over your expenditures. All the expenses can be categorized for better management and reporting.

With this app, your days of tedious bookkeeping are over!

For Android and iPhone users, you can download the app here

2. Mint

This is an all-in-one money planner, bill tracker & budgeting app.

Experience a new way to manage your expenses. Smash your financial goals with personalized insights and custom budgets. See your monthly bills, create budgets, grow savings, and build stronger financial habits.

Mint also offers blog and education tools such as a loan repayment calculator. Mint is definitely one of the heavy hitters of money management apps in 2022.

3. Goodbudget

Goodbudget started as an experiment with Dayspring Technologies in San Francisco back in 2009. Over time, features such as checkbook reconciliation, accounts, and recurring transactions were added and it became more than envelope budgeting software.

It gradually gained clout in the money management apps market and today, Goodbudget has over 3,000,000 users worldwide

One of the standout features of Goodbudget is that it allows users to plan their household’s spending using the ‘envelope method’ where they set a certain amount of their income into categories like groceries, rent, and debt. Users are only supposed to spend what’s in their envelopes and if they go beyond their budget, the envelope will show red to highlight the excess expenditure.

Furthermore, this app goes beyond money management as it helps users with financial discipline. It is no surprise that it made our list of the 10 best expense tracker apps in 2022.

To download Goodbudget here for both android and apple platforms:

4. iSaveMoney

As the name implies, iSaveMoney is a beautifully designed app that helps you keep track of your expenses and is also quite user-friendly.

It has a well-detailed budget planner as well as a feature that allows you to set up your recurring payments to make your bill payments quite effortless.

Another wonderful feature is that it is capable of ‘learning’. The budget forecast feature analyzes past expenditures and predicts cash flow for the next six months. Again, this is a great app for saving money and sticking to a budget.

Unfortunately, ISaveMoney is currently only available for android devices.

5. Acorns

Another powerhouse in our list of 10 best expense tracker apps is Acorns. Released back in 2014 for both IOS and Android devices, it quickly climbed the ranks, and it’s easy to see why. As of 2020, Acorns boasted 8.2 million customers worldwide and $3 billion in assets under management.

Acorns offers multiple investment channels. Once you create your account, you can select multiple portfolios to invest in. Also, when you connect your debit or credit card to Acorns, every purchase made will be rounded up to the nearest whole currency. The remainder is then invested in the portfolios you selected initially. Investment has never been easier with Acorns.

For IOS and android users, get the app here.

6. Mvelopes

A lot of folks find it hard to stick to their budget plans due to improper financial discipline. What if there’s an app out there that’ll do it all for you? Well, it seems you’re in luck!

Mvelopes, which is a fancy way of spelling ‘envelope’, employs the Envelope System. Mvelopes sets out a plan for you and manages your income in a resourceful manner that will benefit you in multiple financial situations. Before long, you will realize that your savings have gone up and you are not behind on your bill payments. Mvelopes does it all for you.

The application is available on both IOS and Android devices.

7. Qapital

Another gem in our list of 10 best expense tracker apps is this award-winning app, Qapital. It does it all from saving to investing to helping users reach financial goals.

Qapital takes your savings to a whole new level by letting you set your own savings parameters within its checking account and savings accounts.

Visit Qapital to download the app and start saving effortlessly!

8. Unsplurge

Unsplurge, is an iOS-only app that helps you track your savings goals. Unlike its counterparts, Unsplurge does not require banking, credit, or loan information. You simply set a goal and start logging your savings progress. Think of it as a money management diary seeing it also sends notifications from time to time to remind you to save.

9. Monefy

The 10 best expense tracker lists wouldn’t be complete without Monefy. This expense tracker is one of the easiest and fastest money management apps out there.

This user-friendly app helps you to keep tabs on your spending, and detailed information from the transactions list. It supports multiple currencies which makes it extra convenient, and it supports multiple accounts as well!

Monefy is available on both IOS and Android devices. Download here.

10. Expense Manager

Last, but certainly not the least on our list of 10 best expense tracker apps in 2022 is the Expense Manager. As the name implies, this brilliant app does everything the very best expense tracker app in the market does. What’s more, it is effortless to use, and it comes with an inbuilt currency converter, loan calculator, and interest calculator.

For iOS devices, click here to install

For Android devices, click here to install 


Keeping track of expenses has never been made easier than it is with these apps. You no longer have to keep with the tedious act of manually recording your expenditure and forcing yourself to save in order to stick to your budget. There is an expense tracker app for everyone out there seeking to have financial ease and discipline.

Some apps automatically sync with bank accounts which saves you time instead of having to manually gather different credit card statements. Other apps help you categorize your spending, so you can better understand where your money usually goes. Again, some of the best apps out there go a step further to offer educational tools like blogs and courses to help you learn more about saving and investments.

Visit our Business and Finance Category to learn more about some financial and business tips guaranteed to improve your decision-making where money is involved. Also, don’t forget to drop a comment in the comments section about what you think of this write-up. Thank you.