7 Easy Ways to Get Babies to Sleep at Night

7 Easy Ways to Get Babies to Sleep at Night

The heart of a mother swells with joy to see her baby sleeping peacefully and calmly, likewise the father of the child. Sadly, the joy turns soar when you can’t get your baby to sleep at night, oftentimes, you begin to panic, wondering what could be wrong with your baby and how to get babies to sleep at night?

Sleep is a crucial component in the development of infants and could affect their mental health and general well-being. Moreover, it’s part of your parenting responsibility to ensure your baby gets enough sleep—this is linked to the fact that your baby’s sleep Influences the amount of sleep you get as a parent.

However, Infants within 0-3 months may sleep for 10-18 hours per day, although they also love to eat within this month range and may require feeding almost every 2 hours. Sometimes, they might sleep for 3—4 hours at a stretch. This routine begins to change as they get older and experience developmental changes within 3—6months and 6—9months.

Additionally, one intriguing fact about babies is that they can’t differentiate between night and day. Therefore, babies sleep at all times, unfortunately, your baby’s awake time might be between 12 am and 5 am, which can be stressful. But, you can combat this by learning how to get babies to sleep at night by following the steps outlined in this article.

How to Get Babies to Sleep at Night

1. Set Bedtime Routine

As earlier established infants can’t differentiate between daytime and nighttime. Therefore, you need to create a routine that teaches your baby that daytime is for play and nighttime is for sleep. How? By engaging your baby during the day. You should play with your baby for a few minutes after feeding during the day, instead of laying them down to sleep.

This helps them stay awake more during the day. Similarly, it’s also a way of enhancing the love bond between you and your baby. When your baby is engaged more during the day, they get tired at night and are ready to sleep off easily. 

However, you should begin this routine as early as 6-8weeks old to make your baby adapt to this style. Most importantly, consistency is required to make your baby get used to the entire process. Although, you shouldn’t restrict your baby from taking a nap if they seem uninterested in your play or want to sleep.

2. Maintain a Calm Atmosphere at Night

Infants are very sensitive to their environment. Hence, babies tend to sleep longer when the room is calm—both light and sound should be kept calm.

How to get babies to sleep at night is achieved when you set the right atmosphere for your baby. During the daytime, ensure the room is light and bright, whereas in the evening cover the shade and dim the light.

The dimmed light makes your baby feel calm and ready to sleep. It sends a message that bright light is daytime while dimmed light is nighttime—a time for rest.

Additionally, infants are sensitive. The softest noise may become a disturbance to infants, but white noise provides a consistent soothing sound for them to fall asleep—it drowns out every other noise.

The calm atmosphere should be the same throughout the night even when you wake to feed or change your baby at night.

3. Utilize Relaxation Techniques

Oftentimes, babies don’t sleep at night because they aren’t comfortable and feel stressed. Therefore, utilize relaxation techniques that make your baby fall asleep easily and longer. This technique includes bathing your baby before bedtime, playing lullabies with your baby, or simply reading a story with a soft tone.

Moreover, babies sleep better and cry less at midnight when they are relaxed compared to when they are stressed. Also, avoid over bundling your baby with clothes that may lead to overheating causing discomfort. Similarly, check out for cords, ties, or ribbons that can wrap around your baby’s neck.

4. Apply the Soothing Method

Soothing your baby helps them sleep better at night. This could be done through rocking, bouncing, or using your hand to calm them down. However, you shouldn’t allow your baby to fall asleep in your hands while soothing them, rather lay them on their bed when they feel drowsy —allow them to fall asleep on their own accord.

As much as soothing Is helpful, avoid over rocking your baby until they fall asleep. This could make them addicted and wouldn’t sleep any other time of the day until the cradle or bassinet is rocked. Hence, once they feel drowsy, stop and allow them to fall asleep on their own.

5. Keep Off Hunger Pangs

It’s wrong to feed your baby to sleep just because the majority of babies fall asleep while eating or after eating. At the same time,  you should keep the hunger pangs away from your baby if they must sleep longer. Oftentimes, babies don’t sleep at night because they are hungry as they need to eat to grow. Hence, feed your baby when they are hungry before bedtime.

Furthermore, late-night feeding might prevent your baby from waking up at midnight for food. For Instance, if your baby sleeps after a 7pm meal and wakes by 2am to eat again. Try feeding your baby again by 10—11 pm if they are awake.

Parents usually pat their babies to sleep if they wake up between 7 pm and 11 pm, assuming nothing is wrong. Surprisingly, it might be a sign that they need a refill since their tummies are small and can’t contain much—it reduces the midnight hunger cry.

6. A Pacifier is Just Perfect

It’s safe to insert a pacifier into your baby’s mouth at night as it helps them sleep. How to get babies to sleep at night isn’t a tedious task to accomplish, rather the application of little rules like the use of a pacifier works magic. Moreover, it’s a method of self-soothing, a proven way that makes babies fall asleep quickly. However, don’t force it on your baby if he/she rejects a pacifier. There are also other benefits of using a pacifier in addition to making a baby fall asleep.

7. Set Your Baby in a Healthy Sleeping Position

Sleeping position is a crucial factor in how to get babies to sleep at night. In other words, there are healthy sleeping positions you must place your baby in while they sleep. Anything less or below a comfortable sleeping position causes discomfort to your baby and keeps them awake crying. For a long-lasting sleep lie your baby on his or her back to sleep, not on their stomach or side. Likewise, use a comfortable bed with a firm/flat surface.


How to get babies to sleep at night is a practical process that requires trying possible options depending on which works for your baby. However, if sleepless nights persist in a baby don’t hesitate to consult a doctor as sleepless nights in babies can be a sign of bigger health problems.


Why can’t my baby sleep at night?

Sleepless nights in babies are often a result of an underlying illness, teething, developmental changes, and sudden switch in routine.

How long will my baby sleep?

Infants within 0-3 months may sleep for 10-18 hours per day, but the number of hours reduces as they grow older.

How should babies sleep?

In addition to the healthy sleeping position for babies, other sleep etiquette includes:

  • Don’t put anything else in your baby bassinet—keep toys, pillow, blanket, and others out of your baby’s sleep area.
  • Let your baby sleep in the same room with you but not in the same bed.
  • Keep off sharp objects.
  • Take out anything your baby could touch while sitting or in a standing position.

Does a pacifier make a baby sleep at night?

Yes, it works if your baby agrees to retain it in his/her mouth and suck. Sucking is a normal reflex in a newborn hence it’s completely safe to use it.

Is it okay to feed my baby to sleep?

No. The majority of infants fall asleep all the time while eating, this may seem like a good thing but it isn’t. Feeding your baby to sleep only makes them accustomed to sleeping after eating. In other words, they might not sleep under normal circumstances until they are fed.

Signs That a Child is Being Abused

Signs That a Child is Being Abused

Children who are victims of abuse struggle to cope in life mentally, emotionally, physically, and intellectually. Oftentimes, they have to live with the scars forever. Therefore, due to the increasing rate of child abuse and the stigmas attached, parents, guidance, and teachers must learn about the signs of child abuse. The knowledge of these signs guides you to give proper attention to a child exhibiting such signs.

However, child abuse applies to all gender, although more on the female child compared to the male. Therefore, child abuse is any act or behavior that can harm a child physically, emotionally, and psychologically. In other words, there are various types of child abuse. Oftentimes, done by someone the child knows and trusts, like a parent, caregivers, or family relatives.

Types of Child Abuse

1. Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is an action or behavior that harms a child physically, involving bodily contact. This includes, blows, hits, tie, throw, burns, push, flog and slap. Oftentimes, parents abuse their children physically by using violent methods of disciplining a child. Also, bullying at school is a form of physical abuse. However, the signs of a child abused physically are easily detected. These include;

  • Physical injuries
  • Bruises or burns
  • Avoiding physical contact
  • Several strips of marks on the body
  • High alertness
  • Frightened by the presence of specific individuals
  • Refusal to change clothing in the presence of anyone
  • Inappropriate dressing. Wearing clothes that don’t match the weather, just to cover the injuries.
  • Crying when it’s time to go to a certain location.

2. Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse doesn’t involve bodily contact, although it has some bodily effects. Therefore, actions or behavior that destroy a child’s self-esteem, inner feelings, and well-being are termed emotional abuse. For instance criticizing a child, hindering social interactions, public embarrassment, and the use of insultive languages decrease a child’s emotional well-being. In addition, yelling, or showing less affection to a child is considered emotional abuse. The signs of emotional abuse are;

  • Emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression.
  • Withdrawal from friends
  • Poor academic performance
  • Slow intellectual and emotional development
  • Low self-esteem
  • Speech problems
  • Nonchalant and behaviors.

3. Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is the act of engaging in sexual activities with a child or encouraging inappropriate sexual behavior in a child. In other words, if the activity arouses the other person, even if the child is ignorant of this is deemed sexual abuse. This comprises fondling, masturbation, kissing, sexual intercourse, telling filthy jokes, forcing a child to undress, showing a child pornography or genitals. The signs of sexual abused includes:

  • Torn underwears
  • Bruises or injuries around genitals
  • Blood in child’s underwear.
  • Sexual behavior/knowledge inappropriate for a child.
  • Attempted suicide
  • Avoiding certain persons
  • Difficulty in sitting or walking
  • Running away from home
  • Pregnancy or tested positive for sexually transmitted infections.
  • Having sexual contact with other kids
  • Poor physical coordination

4. Neglect Abuse

Neglect abuse is any act that deprives a child of his/her basic needs. When you abandon your child for a long time is also a form of neglect. Other forms are lack of access to clothing, food, and medical care. In addition, hawking, hard labor, and locking up a child indoors. Its signs are:

  • Dirty appearance
  • The use of hard drugs and alcohol
  • Absence from school
  • Overeating
  • Seen saving good for later
  • Always looking sick
  • Says nobody looks after me
  • Juvenile delinquency
  • Poor academic performance
  • Poor mental coordination

How to Help an Abused Victim

Having learned about the common signs of a child abuse it is best you know what action to take if you come across a victim.

1. Encourage the Child to Speak

The moment you discover the signs of a child abuse in a child’s life, don’t keep silent about it. Call that child and encourage him/her to speak up about what’s happening. Oftentimes, abused children keep what’s going on to themselves for fear that nobody may believe them. Therefore, showing that child you’re ready to help, makes them open up to you.

2. Take the Child to the Hospital

Don’t hesitate to seek medical care for a child who has been abused. Irrespective of what type of child abuse, medical attention is necessary to prevent other severe damages that may affect a child’s health as a result of the abuse.

3. Take the Child for Therapy

Most abused victims suffer from trauma and may never return to their normal way of living or reasoning. However, a therapist makes the healing process happen faster. It helps that child find a reason to live again and stay happy.

4. Don’t Confront the Abuser

It’s dangerous to confront the abuser of a child directly. Irrespective of who that person is. This is because you end up worsening the issue, putting the life of that child in danger. Likewise, your own life. You should play low and apply another method.

5. Call the Police 

Child abuse is a criminal offense and calls for immediate action. So, while you don’t approach the abuser directly, it’s your responsibility to report any case of child abuse to the legal authority who can bring justice for that child. In essence, they ensure that abusers don’t go unpunished by the law.

6. Distance the Child From the Abuser

An abused victim is safer in the absence of the abuser. And get to heal faster from the hurts and pain sustain. It’s dangerous to allow the abuser to come closer to that child as it makes the child vulnerable to more harm.


Child Abuse can be eradicated if parents, teachers, and guidances are willing to be on the watch for the signs of child abuse mentioned in this article. Some signs are common to all the types of abuse, such as suicidal thoughts, withdrawal from friends, frightened at the presence of specific individuals, emotional disorders among others.  However, it’s not compulsory to detect the type of child abuse before seeking help for that child.

In addition, share your own best possible ways to help an abused victim, in the comment section below.

Everything You Need to Know About Igala Weddings

Everything You Need to Know About Igala Weddings

Weddings are one of those events common to all cultures and tribes. It’s a time when a man and a woman are legally joined as one and declared husband and wife amid witnesses. However, wedding procedures and requirements vary from one tribe to another, this is what makes it unique. Perhaps, you’ve heard about the Igala ethnic groups, and you’re curious about how Igala weddings are being conducted, or you may be interested in marrying an Igala lady and need to know what you are signing in for. Sit back and relax as this article will cover everything you need to know about Igala weddings.

Furthermore, people often ask how do I approach an Igala lady, declare my intentions and get to meet her parents? Also, do igala parents collect dowry and how much does it cost? In addition, do I have to speak Igala before her parents accept me? All these questions and many more will be answered in the course of this article.

What You Should Know About Igala Ladies

Igala ladies just as any other tribe are well cultured and mannered having received proper training and advice from their parents— This begins from childhood until the  marriageable stage. Oftentimes, Igala ladies are so attached to their moms and will eventually display whatever traits exhibited by their mothers, either good or bad. But, not to worry as Igala parents never fail at giving valuable advice needed by daughters intending to get married.

Talking to an Igala Lady

The First step common to all igala weddings is the agreement between a man and a woman who desire to get married. However, interested suitors are scared of being rejected so there is a dilemma on what step to take.

Interestingly, it’s easy to approach an Igala lady as long as you’re polite but declaring your intentions at the very first meeting may not be a good idea and is one of those things you should never say on a first date. In contrast, learn about those fun things to do on a first date which in turn establish a mutual friendship. Once this is achieved it’s best you let the cat out of the bag.

Furthermore, you don’t have to be afraid of being rejected as Igala ladies are good at turning down requests politely without being rude. In addition, you can use an intermediary if you feel uncomfortable about going in person, although this is not compulsory. I tell you it shows you’re competent when you go in person and she would appreciate that.

Talking to an Igala Lady’s Parents About Your Intentions

This stage comes in two phases and is also called the introduction phase of igala weddings. So, after the lady agrees to your proposal it’s time to step up the relationship by meeting her parents. However, don’t try pretending to be who you’re not to please her parents. This might turn out bad and you will eventually lose your chances of getting married to her. 

Interestingly, Igala parents excel more at background checks about whoever their child is getting married to. Unknown to the couple in question, both Igala families, that’s if they are both Igala, dig more into the family history of whoever their son or daughter intend to marry. This is because they believe that every unpleasant trait found can be transferred.

Pre Introduction Phase of Igala Weddings

This phase is when the lady takes her man to see her parents alone. In other words, he goes to introduce himself to her parents without anyone accompanying him. This is where his fate is decided as he gets to know if he is accepted or not. It’s advisable he goes with gifts for her parents and also her siblings if she has any. The success of this stage determines the next.

Introduction Phase of Igala Weddings

This is the time when the man comes with his family members to declare his intentions properly to the woman’s family. Also, some members of the woman’s family are invited to witness this event, although it isn’t something elaborate as only few persons get to attend. 

The man is expected to come along with two plates of kola nuts, with a reasonable sum of money placed on each plate, alongside four crates of acceptable drinks that will be presented to the woman’s parents. In addition, he will be asked to bring money that will be used to cook and entertain all those who will attend the introduction including his own family.

Furthermore, the male family is expected to come with a mediator who will introduce them and also declare the reason for their visit. Afterward, the lady is asked if she accepts their proposal, once she gives her consent, prayers are made and the gifts brought are presented to her parents.

Afterward, both couples are expected to introduce their spouse to their family members occupying sensitive positions in the family.

Igala Fixing of Wedding Date and Courtship

This stage is often the easiest to cross so long as both parents are in support of the union. However, once you’ve carried out the two introduction phases and have gotten her parents acceptance, you should tie the knot as soon as possible— Delay might be dangerous except there are still some background checks yet to be carried out. Hence, a favorable date for both families is fixed and invitations are being sent. 

How is Igala Traditional Marriage Done?

This can also be referred to as engagement day. According to Igala weddings tradition, the man will come to collect a bill which contains the amount of money needed to cook and entertain invited guest. Furthermore, he buys two mats and two wrappers that are to be used on the wedding day. In addition, he brings two plates of kola nuts, with a reasonable sum of money on them, 4 crates of drinks as was brought during the introduction phase.

On the day of the traditional wedding, the mats and wrappers bought will be spread on the floor, one for the bride and the other for the groom. Next comes the bride dancing to the music being played with her friends, while this is done money is sprayed on her as she greets both families. She goes back and changes her attire and comes out for the second time with her friends dancing, greets as money is sprayed on them.

The bride goes back again and changes her attire for the third time, this time she comes out with two of her best friends dancing as she goes to sit on the mat, with both friends sitting one to her left and the other to her right. Oftentimes, she may refuse to sit, but in order to make her sit, the groom’s family will continue spraying money until she feels like sitting.

Next, comes in the groom with two of his friends, dancing in once, oftentimes no money is sprayed except his family wants to. They get to sit on the second mat, with the same sitting arrangements as the bride. Most importantly, the groom and the bride are expected to put on the same attire on that day.

Afterward, the groom’s spokesman will speak and present the gifts brought to the parents of the bride and request that they give their son their daughter hand in marriage. The bride is asked if she accepts their proposal, she agrees and the couple is declared husband and wife amidst witnesses.

Subsequently, the groom will be asked to take proper care of their daughter, love her, and fulfill his duty as a man. That’s why it’s important that as a couple intending to get married you learn about those marriage preparation tips for every intending couple.

After this stage of the event, the floor is open to those who want to advise the couple or may want to present gifts to them. Following this comes celebration—dancing and eating and your bride is yours!

Do Igala Parents Collect Bride Price?

No, 95% of Igala parents don’t collect bride price on their daughter and this is one trait that makes igala weddings unique. All that’s required are those gifts to be brought along during introduction and money to cook and entertain the guest on the introduction day and even on the traditional marriage day.

What are Igala Traditional Marriage Requirements?

As we have earlier established only specific gifts will be requested and money to ensure the wedding turns out well. However, items like yam, red oil, meat e.t.c needed for cooking might be brought by the man. This is usually optional as he may decide to bring money for those items to be bought.


Igala weddings are an interesting event to witness and one of the stress-free processes to go through as a couple. Therefore, if you’re a man still unsure about speaking to an Igala lady, brace up and make your intentions known as there is absolutely nothing to worry about. The entire process is doable and trust me igala families are welcoming.

Finally, have you had any experience with igala weddings?

12 Women’s Body Language You Probably Misread

12 Women’s Body Language You Probably Misread

Did you know that understanding women’s body language will help you know if she is interested in you? Also, it helps you grow more empathy towards a woman as you can tell how she is feeling at the moment. This is because women aren’t complicated beings as we often hear, rather they are unique, special, and lovable.

Therefore, as a man, you don’t have to be scared of mingling or developing cold feet when it comes to expressing your emotions to a woman. You will be surprised that she likes you too and has been sending you tons of signs that you probably didn’t notice or might have ignored.

Furthermore, detecting women’s body language may seem difficult for you as a man mainly because you’re using men’s signs for a woman— It doesn’t work that way. Men and women are different and unique in their differences. Surprisingly, according to this research women’s brains are more active when evaluating and decoding body signs when compared to men.

So, sit back and relax as this article will guide you through the women’s body language you might have been misreading all this while. Also, what to do next when you notice those signs. But before that;

What is Body Language?

Body language is nonverbal means of communication. It can be more effective than words. In essence, when you get to a point where your words are failing or insufficient or maybe inappropriate you can improvise by using body language. 

It’s a means of conveying emotions, attitudes, or gestures. The most visible parts of the body can be used as a means of communication like the face, eyes, hair, hands, and legs, although this depends on the gender in question.

Moreover, body language isn’t restricted to when a woman is expressing her feelings for a man secretly as babies, old people and even animals make use of body language as a means of communication. But in this context, we will be looking at those women’s body language that shows a woman might be interested in you.

Women Body Language Signs That You Misread

1. Uncontrollable Blinking When Around You

Men look straight into the eyes of the woman their heartbeats for, however, the reverse is the case when it comes to women. On the contrary, most women can’t look into the eyes of the one they have feelings for without blinking— This is because they are often shy. 

Hence, when you notice a lady blinking continuously each time you engage in a conversation with her, it might just be a sign for you to strike the iron while it’s hot!

2. Accidental Touch

So, while you may be thinking it was just an accident, I bet it was a sign you just ignored. She might not come directly and grab your arms or hug you; that sure sounds awkward. But, she will make sure to sit close to you and pretend to get something right to you, so she can get to touch you using either her arms or fingers— That’s one of the women’s body language men often misread.

However, it might be an accident when it happens once, but you should be on the lookout just in case it becomes a repetitive attempt. Hence, to fast-track your process of finding the right partner you need to become observant of these signs.

3. When Her Knee Will Betray Her

You might be wondering what a woman’s knee has to do with women’s body language. Well, it’s a sign that you could use to know if she is interested in you quickly. Oftentimes, when a woman has feelings for a man she consciously or unconsciously taps her knee as though it’s itchy just to grab your attention. If she doesn’t, you will notice her legs crossed and her knee pointing towards you— Be observant.

4. Check Out Her Lips

The lips of a woman are one of those attention-grabbing parts that just can’t go unnoticed. So, instead of guessing if she likes you or not, simply observe her lips each time you succeed in keeping a conversation going with her. If she likes you, her lips will be slightly parted, most importantly, she will wear glossy or red lipstick to make her lips shining and more pronounced. Also, she might be licking her lips more seductively.

5. Hair Flip Stuff

Women love to maintain their hair and make it look beautiful. Therefore, when she is with the one she desires to be with, she will continually touch her hair as a way of portraying her femininity. In addition, she might keep on flipping her hair countless times when around you.

Furthermore, women’s body language might not be one of those factors to consider before choosing a life partner, but it will aid you in the right direction. In other words, you get to shoot your arrow in the right direction— work made easy.

6. Her Body Looks Relax

You may have done everything that makes a guy instantly attractive, but if you noticed the lady you want to approach is rigid around you, you should have a rethink. If a woman likes you you will notice her body is relaxed and flexible. In other words, her hands aren’t crossed around her torso rather they are open, a means of inviting you in.

In addition, if she just wants to flirt with you, her body might be more exposed, especially her thigh just to get your attention.

7. Slowly Caress Nearby Object

As earlier established, if a woman loves you, she will desire to touch you to exhale the tension she feels inside. However, when she is not opportune probably because you’re sitting opposite her or amid others, she tends to transfer this feeling to nearby objects. Therefore, she can be seen using her fingertips to caress or fondle objects like her phone, keys, or the cup she is drinking from.

8. She Smiles and Nod at Everything You Say

Don’t be puzzled, smiling is one of those women’s body language signs that men get to misread. Oftentimes, they think it’s just normal and she is trying to be more welcoming. However, there may be a longing desire behind her smiles.

In addition, if you go on your first date with her, take note of how she follows the discussions; is she countering your opinion or nodding to every word you say? If the second is true alongside her fixed smiles when you talk, it’s sure time to take the relationship to the next level

9. She’ll Sit Chest Out Towards You

The breast is part of a woman’s sexual organ, especially the nipples, that’s why most women won’t stop searching for how to enlarge their nipples. That aside, you can easily tell from a lady sitting posture if she has feelings for you. Perhaps, she is always sitting chest out, protruding her breast towards you. Don’t just ignore this invitation but check out for other signs which are part of women’s body language to confirm your findings. 

10. When She Refreshes her Makeup

Funny enough, most men don’t take note of a lady’s face when she leaves for the bathroom and returns. The majority thinks everything is just the way it was before she left, especially her face. However, if you look more closely you will notice a refreshing touch when she returns from the bathroom. 

In other words, each time a woman leaves for the bathroom, part of the things she may do in there is refreshing her makeup— Additional powder, lipstick, or blush. Just so they could look beautiful throughout their stay with you.

11. If She Sways Her Hip

Women are beautiful beings and even their hips are part of those women’s body language you should not misinterpret. Indeed, they may appear broader and more curved than the men, but that shouldn’t be viewed as just part of their body— Observe the swaying.

When a woman burns with desire for a man, she will often sway her hips while walking when she notices the man is right behind her. Why? To grab his attention especially if she is endowed in that region!

12. Frequent Glance Through the Mirror

All genders make use of the mirror to ensure they look great before presenting themselves to the world. However, women seem to have a natural connection with the mirror and look at it countless times a day. Interestingly, when around the one they have feelings for, she will unconsciously keep glancing through the mirror either the one in her bag or her phone screen.

Unbeknownst to you, she is making sure she is attractive enough to make you pop the big question out.

What’s Next?

Not every woman is bold enough to approach a man and begin to air out her feelings. This is why most women inculcate the use of body language to send out signals to the man in question. So, as a man what do you do when you notice those women’s body language from a particular woman? If you’re single and searching and you feel she is a perfect match for you, don’t hesitate to pop the big question.

At the same time, you may like a woman but haven’t seen any of those signs from her, it’s advisable you man up and still approach her. This might sound ridiculous but it will help you iron things out and know your stand.

So, what women’s body language signs have you misread up till this moment?


Can body language be gendered?

Yes, it can. Men and women are two different beings and unique in their behavior. Hence, you can’t judge a woman using a man’s body language and vice versa

What to do if you don’t like the woman who is sending you those signals?

You can let her know you’re not available by moving around with your wife, or fiancee as the case may be, also, posting her pictures on your social media handle to warn off others. Besides, don’t hesitate to wear your wedding ring if you’re married.

Is one body language enough signal?

No. Just because she accidentally touched you or smiled at you once does mean you should just approach her. At such a moment exercise patience and see if the signs outlined above become repetitive.

Are women better than men in reading body language?

Yes, they are. Women by nature are good observers compared to men. Hence, don’t be surprised a woman can read your mind through the body language signs you give to her.

40 Adorable Daughter Quotes from Mom to Daughter

40 Adorable Daughter Quotes from Mom to Daughter

The vast majority of moms are their daughters’ first best friends, and this is one of the most profound and enduring friendships on the planet. As a result, letting go of their daughter, regardless of her age, is difficult. In response to this, a few daughter quotes from mom can make it easier for you to communicate your deepest feelings to your daughter on her special day. 

Oftentimes, most mothers struggle with the fact that their daughter is now old enough and will be leaving to start her own home. This is one of the toughest bridges for most mothers to cross, as many of them are at a loss for words and advice to give to their daughter who is getting married. However, learning the right quotes and wishes can make this phase much easier. In addition, help you provide lasting advice to your daughter on her special day beginning from her bridal shower day.

Encouraging Quotes From Mother to Her Daughter

1.  “A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.”

Dave Meurer

As a mother, you’re in the best position to enlighten your daughter about marriage life. And the above is one of those encouraging daughter’s marriage quotes you could begin with.  Let her know that a happy marriage is birthed when both couples are willing to learn and grow together.

2. “The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.”

Nicholas Sparks

Your daughter might feel a bit nervous on her wedding day, in response to this, reassure her that she has found the right partner and this bold step will awaken happiness and joy in her heart.

3. “Motherhood is a choice you make every day, to put someone else’s happiness and well-being ahead of your own, to teach the hard lessons, to do the right thing even when you’re not sure what the right thing is…and to forgive yourself, over and over again, for doing everything wrong”.

Donna Ball

Your selection of daughter quotes from mom may just be incomplete without letting her know that motherhood is a choice and she has stepped into the first stage that leads to motherhood— marriage!

4. “Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.”

Maya Angelou

Beyond having girls talk with your daughter while she was a teen, she still needs to be reminded that love knows no barrier. Most importantly, guide her on how to relate with her partner in understanding.

5. “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”

Lao Tzu

It might be hard for you to let your daughter go, but amidst your tears, be brave to assure her that marriage will endow her with strength and courage if truly she wants to spend her life with that man.

6. “I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.”

Abraham Lincoln

You can use the above daughter quotes from mom to let your daughter know, that you became a good mother because your mother never stopped praying for you. As a result, she should be rest assured that you will continue to pray for her regardless of her beautiful transition phase.

7.  “A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.”

Agatha Christie

At some moment your daughter might begin to feel your love for her will diminish as she ties the knot. However, that isn’t true, so, quickly replace that feeling with the comforting words of the above quote.

8. “There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage.”

Martin Luther

Indeed, a good marriage has lots of benefits attached, hence, feel free to outline a number of them to your daughter, using your life as an example.

9. “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.”

Mignon McLaughlin

Before your daughter’s wedding day, you might have enlightened her on those things that ruin a marriage. However, you could use the above daughter quotes from mom to let her know that being faithful to her husband is a priceless virtue.

10. “A good marriage allows for change and growth in the individuals and in the way they express their love.”

Pearl S. Buck

Encourage your daughter to step into her new home with an open mind, which allows her to grow her relationship into a blissful one.

Thoughtful Daughter Quotes From Mom

11. “The greatest marriages are built on teamwork, mutual respect, a healthy dose of admiration, and a never-ending portion of love and grace.”

Fawn Weaver

Indeed, successful marriages are built when the couple are willing to work unitedly as one, don’t exclude that advice from your list of daughter quotes from mom.

12. “The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they’re right if you love to be with them all the time.”

Julia Child

Don’t be trapped in unstable emotions at your daughter’s wedding that you forget to comfort her with the above daughter quotes from mom— you’re getting married to the right person!

13.  “Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backward.”

E.E. Cummings

Marriage life isn’t all rosy from day one still in the end. In essence, an obstacle might arise to tear the bond, but what matter most is your love for your partner.

14. “It’s so great to find one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.”

Rita Rudner

As funny as the above quote might sound, you could use it as one of your daughter quotes from mom to put a smile on her face.

15.  “Every heart sings a song, incomplete until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.”


It’s often painful to accept the fact that your daughter is leaving you to start her own home. But, show her how happy you’re and glad she had found her better half.

16. “A mother’s treasure is her daughter.”

Catherine Pulsifer

The above daughter quotes from mom will spark up hope in your daughter’s heart. She will leave reassured that she is your treasure and you value her so much.

17. “When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance.”

John Lennon

Love is magical and divine, hence, be bold to celebrate with your daughter who has found true love.

18.  “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”

When Harry Met Sally

Make your daughter feel happy on her special day by letting her know you could relate with the feeling she might be experiencing at the moment.

19. “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever.”

Alfred Tennyson

Your daughter is leaving you, although not for bad but for good. So, while you wish her a happy married life also, encourage her that you’re always there for her, perhaps she needs anything.

20. “Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get–only with what you are expecting to give–which is everything.”

Katharine Hepburn

Every couple who wishes to have a happy home must embrace the attitude of sacrifice.

Best Daughter Quotes from Mom on her Wedding

21. Wishing you all the best for your wedding, my lovely daughter. May this moment bring you all of life’s blessings. Your husband loves you more than I do. Best wishes on your wedding!

22. How quickly time goes – you’re a big girl now! I’m overjoyed that you’ve found the right person to start up a family with! Have a wonderful day, daughter.

23. My sweetheart, I am so proud to be your mother! May God continue to bless you both with eternal love, trust, respect, and happiness! Make the most of this special day.

24. Be patient with one another, love one another, and be honest to one another, and I assure you that no mountain will be too high to climb. Congratulations on your wedding.

25. Finding love means finding your perfect half – the one you’ve always wanted, and that’s exactly what you’ve found in each other. I’m delighted for you both. Daughter, I wish you a happy married life. May God bless you.

26. Enjoy this one-of-a-kind love between you two; many people wish they had what you have. Wishing you a happy married life, daughter.

27. Its been so much fun watching you grow up. As you embark on a new life on this special day, I wish you happiness, love, and a happy home. Keep up the smiles, dear daughter.

28. I’m overjoyed for your wedding, even though you’ll always be my little Princess, my beloved daughter. I wish you a beautiful life with your life partner.

29. Your wedding, my darling Princess, is the most anticipated moment of my life. May you both have a lovely wedding and a long and happy life together.

30. Congratulations to mommy’s Princess! I wish you both a long and happy married life and may you both stay together forever!

Marriage Wishes From Mother to Daughter

31. Congratulations on discovering your real love, sweetie. With each passing day of your married life, may your love grow stronger and stronger. My dear daughter, I wish you a wonderful life together.

32. Seeing you get married is such a wonderful feeling. On this important day, I wish you much joy, happiness, and love. Also, keep in mind that you’ll always be my sweet little girl, and I’ll be watching out for you. Congrats!

33. May you have your small beautiful world in this huge universe of love, joy, and faith! Congratulations on your wedding, both of you!

34. I’m sending you my best wishes for today for the rest of your life. May God bless your marriage with plenty of love, joy, and trust, all of which contribute to a happy married life. My daughter, I congratulate you!

35. Daughter, I wish you a lifetime of happiness together! I’m confident that your love will demonstrate to everyone around you that love is beautiful, compassionate, and long-lasting.

36. My Princess, I wish you a lifetime of pleasure, love, and laughter in your new marriage. Wishing you a long and happy marriage!

37. I had a feeling he’d be the one to love you completely. The man who, with confidence and apprehension, would assume command of your family. My daughter, congratulations on your wedding.

38. You’ve made the transition from my daughter to your husband’s bride. May you find as much joy, love, and support in this new title as you did in the last. Daughter, congratulations on your wedding.

39. Wishing you all the best for your wedding. May this day bring joy and blessings into your life and union. Best wishes for your wedding!

40. You acted well during your waiting period, and as a result, you were able to choose the best of all the available males. May God continue to bless your home.


Witnessing your daughter get married to the man her heart desires is a thing of joy. However, it can be painful to let her go start her own home. But, don’t let your emotions overshadow your happiness for her. You can use daughter quotes from mom as a means of effective communication on your daughter’s great day— it’s best done in person, although in letters is just fine.

what’s your favorite daughter quotes from mom? Let us know in the comment section.