How You Can Read Peoples’ Minds through Their Eyes

Updated: Mar 21, 2022
By Michelle Anama Abari
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The saying “the eyes are the window of the soul” really says a lot in this article. A lot of people have asked questions on how to read people’s minds through their eyes, the question on this has been so rampant that even doctors and medical degree holders have taken it upon themselves to find ways how to read people’s minds through their eyes, thereby writing books that will make you smarter in this aspect.

It has been noted that knowing how to read people’s minds through their eyes deals with psychology and it entails understanding the human mind. Now the question is… How do we get this special access to the most private of domains – the human minds?

In this article, you will be gaining knowledge on how to learn to read people’s minds through their eyes, some ways include…

Related: 20 Books That Will Help You Read Minds Like a Pro

Ways to Learn to Read People’s Mind through Their Eyes

Even if people don’t want you to know how they feel, they can’t change how their eyes behave. Each movement of the eyeballs and the pupils has a meaning.

They move when you are thinking about something, reminiscing a moment from the past. But the question now is, how do you know which movement means what? So here is a list of ways how you can read someone’s eye movements to know what is on their mind.

1. What Upper Left Eye Movement Means

This occurs when someone is trying to visualize what another person is saying during a conversation. When this eye movement is done, it means that the person is trying to imagine what the other person is saying.

2. What Upper Right Eye Movement Means

This occurs when people are trying to visualize a certain memory they are digging into.

3. What the Left Eye in the Centre Means

This is also known as an auditory construction. This is done when an individual is trying to identify sounds that are not familiar.

4. What the Right Eye in the Centre Means

Also referred to as auditory digging; this occurs when an individual is trying to remember sounds they have heard in the past.

5. What Lowering Of Eyes towards the Left Means

Most at times, this eye movement occurs during an interrogation. This happens when an interrogator asks an individual to remember a certain taste, smell, feeling, event, or even a specific time of an incident.

6. What Lowering Of Eyes towards the Right Side Means

This eye movement to most is termed a happy eye movement. It signifies recalling the past and reliving memorable moments with a smile. Most of us do this without even knowing.

7. What Looking Straight Means

This is the most famous eye movement which everyone is familiar with. You have got to watch the pupils. If dilated, they tend to not be present with you. They are busy thinking, accessing the information on something else. More like what happened in the past. Most people just give this eye movement the catchphrase “staring into oblivion”. The bottom line is that the person’s mind is not on your present conversation or activity.

Furthermore, a professor of psychology at Georgia Gwinnett College whose name is David Ludden, Ph.D. says, and I quote

“We tend to look directly at an object we are attending to since doing so casts its image into the center of our visual field, where we see things most clearly. Psychologists call this overt attention because when we look at an object, others around us know what we are paying attention to. Yet we also can pay attention to objects outside the center of our visual field. Psychologists call this covert attention because it appears that we are looking at one thing while paying attention to something else…”

I believe what he is saying here is that “attention” plays a very central role in mind reading through the eyes. What you center your attention on, whether an image or whatever, your eyes will always tell what is on your mind.

Other Eye Gestures to know what is on a Person’s Mind

Of course, there are other eye gestures and cues to know what is on a person’s mind. There are even baselines to knowing when a person is lying and they include:

1. Watch Their Blink Rate

If they start to blink fast or are slower in blinking, it raises an alarm.

2. Eyebrow Movement

This entails a question, are they eyebrow expressive? Or did they just start at that particular moment of interrogation?

3. Watch Their Eye Direction

As I have written earlier about the 7 eye directions, a person may be looking, left, right, center, up, or down. Any change in this will tell you the person is thinking otherwise or thinking of something else.

Use of Eye Gestures to Know what’s on a Person’s Mind

Once you have established a person’s baseline, then you can move on to the eye gestures and cues of a human being. Some of these eye gestures include:

1. The Eyebrow Flash

This eye gesture signifies happiness or pleasure. Babies who are a few months old do this whenever they see their mothers. When we flash or raise both eyebrows for a split second, it means we are pleased about something. This eye gesture is also seen as a greeting which everyone does especially black men abroad.

Cool kids also use this when they are trying to greet their friends or someone they are familiar with.

2. Winking

This is seen as a way of easing tension during a conversation. Sometimes this is done as a signal for something depending on the situation.

Everyone has been winked at and it is alright to wink at someone, especially if you are comfortable with that person.

3. Single Eyebrow Raise

This eye gesture means surprise or even a questioning look, like being skeptical.

But when you throw in a lovely welcoming smile, it means you are interested.

4. Raising Eyebrows

If both eyebrows are suddenly raised, this can mean someone is surprised, such as when receiving good news. However, it can also mean that someone is worried. This is different because here, the eyebrows stay longer.

Most of the time there are questions like “why do people raise their eyebrows while talking?” The answer to that question is that when people are trying to make a point or argue they often try to raise their eyebrows. This is also a way of saying you are listening.

5. Prolonged Eye Contact

When people see that they are being starred at for a long period they tend to believe they are being liked. The truth is that making eye contact, even if it is just 30% of the time, shows that it increases people’s remembrance capabilities.


There are a lot of eye gestures and books on mind reading which depict what is going on in their minds. Eye gestures help signify a lot that is going on in the human mind.

Knowing how to read people’s minds through their eyes, depends on if you know that person and their eye movement, but if you don’t, I believe this article, I am sure has been of great help.

Reading people’s minds through their eyes is not a talent but a skill that can be learned and it entails knowing when someone is lying, likes you, or knowing their self-confidence level. Understand the human mind and emotions and you are on your way to knowing how to read people’s minds through their eyes.


How can you read people’s eyes through their mind?

Whenever there is a movement in someone’s eyes then that raises some questions. Movements like eyes moving to the left, right, center, or whatever can help you read a person’s mind.

Can you tell what someone is thinking by their eyes?

The eyes can reveal much more complex phenomena: they can convey whether we are lying or telling the truth. So yes, you can tell what someone is thinking from their eyes.

Can the eyes communicate?

Eye contact is nonverbal communication that humans use to communicate many forms of emotions. So yes, the eyes do communicate, fear, anger amongst other things.

Do eyes speak?

The eyes tell us everything. It tells us a lot about a person’s thoughts, emotions, and even their level of interest in us as a romantic partner.

What can you tell from a person’s eyes?

The shape of a person’s eyes conveys clues to personality traits. Most times, people refer to this as the reflection of the mind.

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