Things Never to Say to Woman During an Argument

Things Never to Say to Woman During an Argument

We will all agree that women are special humans. They are of course wired differently from men and this is why they react to things differently. As much as they are beautiful, they are also full of drama. For this reason, do not engage in an argument with a woman. If you must, you have to be careful because there are things to never say to a woman during an argument.  As a man, you have to treat your woman right and refuse to say certain things to her during an argument whether she is at fault or not.

15 Things Never to Say to a Woman During an Argument

1. ‘You are Crazy…

Bro, never calls a woman crazy during an argument. Fight that temptation! Women are very sensitive and we all know how their hormones become extra active during an argument. Things will really go ugly if you call a woman or tell her she is crazy during an argument. The best thing to do is make your point if you must and listen to her’s too. This is for your sanity, man.

2. Don’t Mention Periods…

During an argument, never tell a woman that she is overacting because she is on her period. She will fight you for that. It is insensitive to say a thing like that. Periods and their cramping is something she has no control over then why use it against her during an argument? If you do this be ready for war… a big one.

3. ‘My Ex Does…’

Nobody wants to be compared to an ex, particularly not during an argument. Never tell your woman that your ex will never do this or that! She will fight and resent you with the last drop of her blood.  Statement as this isn’t just sensitive but vile and disrespectful. You made a vow to love her, why use an ex to taunt her?  She fit a break bottle for your head if you make remarks like this during an argument.  If you’re about to say, “My ex” during an argument, quickly change it to, “My head no correct!”

4. Calm Down, Relax!

I laugh in chaos. When a woman is really irked and is having an argument with you, it is safer to let her vent than tell her to relax. You tell her, “Calm down, relax,” she hears, “Shut your mouth. You make little or no sense!” Listen to her make her points and if you don’t have anything important to say, it is best you tactically appease her. 

5. ‘This is Why Your Body is…

Guy, don’t even think it. Make you dead the idea abeg. It isn’t only inhumane to body-shame your woman in an argument but devilish. No matter how vexed you’re, do not body-shame her. It might be just the spur of the moment to you but it will do a lot of damage to her self-confidence. Do not use any of her body defects to insult her during an argument. Simply keep quiet. Well, she might be mad at you for keeping quiet but it is better than opening your mouth ‘waaa’ to spew nonsense.

6. ‘Your Opinion or Suggestion Doesn’t Make Sense…’

When last did anyone break a bottle on your head? No one has ever? Well, if you say this to your woman, you deserve to have a broken skull. Never tell your woman this. There are better ways of playing down suggestions, respectfully. Do it! You won’t die.

7. Don’t Insult Her…

Learn to have a healthy argument without throwing derogatory or profane words at her. It doesn’t make sense. If you do this, you would make your relationship unhealthy.

8. ‘You’re Wasting Money…’

Most responsible women aren’t spendthrifts. It is only normal that they gift themselves things once in a while. Don’t make her feel like she is wasting money because you’re the one giving her money. This will break her and if care isn’t taken, she would resent you and look elsewhere.

9. ‘You’re Too Emotional…’

Don’t say it! Swallow that word. A woman will fight you if you are having an argument and instead of you getting her point, you tell her she is too emotional. Don’t even do it.

10. Man, She is Hot or Sexy…

You really shouldn’t do this. Don’t tell your woman another woman is hot and sexy. You might end up being single.

11. Don’t Embarrass Her…

Don’t yell at her or say anything embarrassing to her when you’re with friends or in public. If you must scold her, do it in private. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

12. ‘Are You Done Talking?’

You must have written your will before saying this to her. I don’t see the reason to say this to her unless you have a death wish. Let her finish talking or making her points. Don’t ever say this to her. It isn’t nice at all.

13. ‘Your family is…’

No, bro. don’t disrespect her family because if she does this to your family, you will have her head on a stick so why do this to her?

14. This Dress Doesn’t Fit You…’

You shouldn’t be too blunt when addressing issues like this. It could shatter her confidence. Learn to be kind. Thank you.

15. I Have a New Co-worker and I Like Her Smile…’

This is statement is the number one way of getting killed. You have a female colleague then fine. Don’t bring her issue to the ears of your girlfriend or wife unless you want trouble.


I am sure you have learned that there are things to never say to a woman during an argument. If you really value your woman, you should always respect her even when it is not convenient for you.

If you find this article helpful, leave a comment on the comments section and tell me what other things not to say to a woman that I missed in the comments section as well. Thank you.

You could also check on the 10 tips for a healthy relationship.

15 Things That Make a Guy Instantly Attractive

15 Things That Make a Guy Instantly Attractive

Don’t believe the rumours that the sole thing women find attractive about guys is abs, a fair face an incredibly white smile. Most qualities women find attractive aren’t even all the way down to physical appearances, so don’t kill yourself in the gym. Attraction isn’t purely physical. Such a large amount of relationships that were based on physical looks then, have crumbled after a while. Now, what what makes a guy attractive?

Because there are so many other ways for men to be attractive. So, buckle up let’s take you through 15 things that make men instantly attractive.

15 Things That Make a Guy Instantly Attractive

1. A Nice Low Deep Voice

You don’t have to be like Morgan Freeman or even Vin Diezel, but a pleasant and rich baritone can make a guy’s less attractive traits vanish in a second. Ladies! You know what I mean. We associate a husky voice with testosterone.

2. When Men Look Into Our Eyes

Maintain that eye contact. Most ladies will look away but in spite of her appearance just went “pow pow pow”.

3. Personal Hygiene

For many girls, I do know, the primary thing they notice about a guy is his hygiene.  I was at the mall with my friend and an extremely attractive guy walked by, like Idris Elba attractive. My friend and I immediately gave each other that look. You know the one that says “Did you see that?”

As we were conveying this message to each other, he happened to walk right past me and… Oh My God!, he smelled! He smelled so bad, it took all my might not to gag right there. Every single little bit of attraction I had flown away. Whoosh. Gone. Nada. Finite.

In other words, being clean and well-kept makes a man instantly hot. Hygiene is superbly important. Keep your clothes clean, don’t forget to take care of your hair, beard (if you have any), nails, and everything else clean. We ladies adore very hygienic people. Even an average-looking person can go far on the attractiveness level just by looking clean!

4. Dressing Nicely

A man that can clean up nice and not look homeless is a major factor. A man who can have a sense of style, you don’t have to be dramatic about your outfit, but just wear some nice jeans, a shirt with a nice shoe or maybe a very beautiful kaftan. The goal is not to look homeless!

5. The Ability to Fix Things

There’s just something about a man who can get his hands dirty. It’s definitely attractive when a man knows his way around a toolbox if I need to have some shelves that require assembling or a malfunction around the house.

It’s not that we don’t want to be self-reliant, but a man which will sort things out for you is incredibly nice, not to mention economical.

6. A Guy With Sense of Purpose

Having a sense of purpose in life is very important. Women find it attractive when men have something to do and dedicate their time and energy to that. It may well be your career, volunteering work you’re very passionate about, and so on.

If you don’t have a purpose, it’s a turn-off because it will seem to be you’re looking to your partner to rely upon for all the answers.

7. Rolled-Up Sleeves

You got forearms? Baby, flaunt them! I’ve got no idea why just seeing it causes such a reaction, but I believe it has something of the sort to do with looking like a man is about to get some work done. Which is simply is attractive.

8. A Guy With Goals and Dreams

There’s nothing more attractive than a man who knows what he wants in life and does everything to get it. Let’s be honest, if you don’t have goals, then what are you looking forward to in this life?

9. A Man With Chivalry

Chivalry is not dead. A man that has class – not swag is totally stunning. Simply because women are being independent now doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate some old-fashioned chivalry.

Feel free to hold the door open for us, compliment us, give up your seat, wear your trouser at the waist and do anything that’s totally gentlemanly,

There’s just something very attractive about a guy who offers to assist women, with a smile on his face and not expecting any favours reciprocally.

10. A Man That Isn’t Afraid to Communicate How He Truly Feels

Women don’t really need the strong, silent type;  No one wants a man who is simply too afraid to open up and share what’s on their mind What women find attractive in a man can tell us exactly what he needs and wants, and the way he is feeling – A man who can be vulnerable and share their feelings with us.

11. A Man With Manners

Knowing a way to address the elderly and children, behave properly around our parents, eat without resembling a troll, saying please and thanks, is usually appealing for a lady.

Women really appreciate a man who knows his manners and remains polite even in frustrating situations. If he’s someone we would want to bring around our friends and family then the rude persona cannot work.

12. A Man That Is Confident, But Not Cocky

Confidence is sexy, but a man with a Kanye-sized ego is not – confidence that some guys possess once they walk into a space, their aura or energy is simply powerful and strong. The type that makes heads turn. The kind of confidence that shows you’re comfortable in your own element and doesn’t feel the need to point that you are better than anyone.

13. A Guy With Intelligence

My sapiosexuals know what I am talking about! A Ph.D. isn’t necessary, but a man that can be confident and eloquent in whatever topic he is passionate about is so attractive. A man that is well versatile in numerous niches, reads books, speaks eloquently. Ahhh! Just kill us.

14. A Man That Can Cook

I’m not going to lie but a man that can cook is just amazing! You don’t have to deliver Chef Gordon Ramsy dishes, but just know how to whoop up a meal or two. Being able to do that gives you higher points.

15. Money

Let’s not pretend here, but money does make a guy attractive. Money provides security and this is why it is closely linked to attraction.


The above-mentioned points are things that we ladies look out for in guys and the things that make a guy instantly attractive. Guys, try and attribute yourselves to these points or tips and you will woo any lady of your choice. All things being equal.

Let me know in the comments section if you think there’s any point that I missed out.

You could also check out 17 Marriage Preparation Tips for Every Intending Couple

10 Things Every Marriage Need

10 Things Every Marriage Need

It is a thing of joy to finally move from singlehood to the married hood. That extraordinary happiness you derive when you find your soulmate, who would make you embark on the “for better for worse, till death do us part” journey, someone who turns “micasa (my home) to sucasa (our home)”. While growing up, we learned that marriage is the union between two individuals in love, who have decided to spend the rest of their lives together, basic mathematics; “1+1= you and I”.

We also learned the conventional things every marriage needs, like commitment, compatibility, love, trust, loyalty, time, communication, endurance, perseverance, and so on. But no one ever taught us to think beyond all these conventional needs. We usually act like there is an imaginary box governing the marriage affairs, but what if we break the box, what if we act like there was no box to even begin with?

You probably stopped to think a bit, not to worry. I have come up with a list of things containing what every marriage needs. Trust me, you can add yours too, depending on how much spice you want to add to your marriage.

10 Things Every Marriage Needs

1. Be Best of Friends With Your Spouse

You might ask how friendship falls under unconventional needs. The truth is, some people skip the friendship stage and jump right into love, without realizing that friendship helps you develop tolerance, helps you build compatibility, trust, loyalty, and so on.

2. Love Notes

What every marriage needs are that little spark you get from love notes from your spouse. Remember back in school when you were trying to woo her or back at a gathering when you were trying to get his attention, remember what you did? Why stop because you are married? It doesn’t end there. You need to constantly woo her, constantly remind him of how much you love him, by sticking tiny letters in his bag or on the mirror. You can also text, whichever works for you.

3. Take Them to That Special Place

Every marriage needs a special place, be it a restaurant, a beach, a gallery, where they first met, that one place that reminds you of why you decided to be with your partner. Take them there once in a while and have fun.

4. Be of Good Manners to Your Spouse

We shouldn’t only teach children good manners. As adults, we also need to learn good manners like, saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, picking up after ourselves, not inviting anyone into our home without asking our spouse first, continuing the act of opening the door that started while you were dating, saying ‘excuse me’, saying ‘I am sorry’ and every other good manner you can think you. This is will increase the bond between you two. Looking for what every marriage needs, try this.

5. Let the Compliments Keep Coming

Compliments are essential in a marriage as it helps a couple to communicate the admiration, gratitude, and appreciation they feel towards each other. Compliments make us feel good, whether we are receiving or giving them. It also makes us want to do more.

6. Show Respect to Each Other

Respect is an essential need in every marriage. Respect means that you acknowledge that your partner is not just a means to get something you want, that your partner has a different perspective and that is ok with you. You don’t always have to agree on things, but you know how to respect his or her opinions without making a fuss about it.

Respect also means that you put aside every societal norm and value and you treat your partner like a whole person.

7. Little Arguments

What every marriage needs are those little arguments. No relationship or marriage is complete without little arguments or quarrels. Arguments spring up to show the different opinions and perspectives that exist between a husband and a wife. Your ability to prevent little arguments from turning into huge ones will show how strong your marriage will turn out to be.

8. Prioritization of Each Other

Every couple needs to learn how to prioritize each other. This can be achieved by spending quality time together, understanding each other’s love language, being affectionate (saying I love you every day), and so on.

9. Understanding the Emotional Needs of Each Other

Finally, a husband and wife need to understand each other’s emotional needs and how unequal they can be. Emotional needs can be in form of sexual fulfilment, intimate conversations, honesty, openness, affection, and so on.

10. Every Marriage Needs Strength

I would like to add STRENGTH to the list. Call it conventional or unconventional, the point is, we never acknowledge the fact that it is important. Every marriage needs strength to make whatever you bring to the table work. And you can only acquire strength by building each other.


The above-mentioned points are what every marriage needs. Do not take them lightly as they help increase the bond between you and your spouse. Furthermore, I bet you will want your marriage to be a successful one. If that’s the case, you will need to focus on every point mentioned in this piece. Good luck with having a happy home.

If you find this article worthwhile, please leave a comment in the comments section. Did I miss any point? Let me know. Thank you.

You could also check: Things You Should Tell Your Daughter Intending to Get Married

12 Things That Could Ruin Your Relationship (Beware of No. 9)

12 Things That Could Ruin Your Relationship (Beware of No. 9)

When it comes to relationships, stages are met – talking, friendship, getting to know each other, and finally dating. Along the stages, there are things that could ruin your relationship with this other person. In this post, we’ll run you through these things. Let’s get right to it.

Things That Could Ruin Your Relationship

1. Having Disrespect towards Each Other

A common reason why most relationships go sour is by being disrespectful towards your partner. Remember, the basis of any relationship is ‘respect’ and to hold your partner in high esteem.

Being disrespectful to them can do more harm than good. This act inevitably leads to a bridge in a relationship you’ve put in time and effort into. Of course, respect is earned and not demanded the same way it is reciprocal. Respect should be given to your partner and in the same way, you get your respect from them.

2. Bridge in Communication

Before I proceed, take the time to read on this:

Not communicating with your partner is a thing that could ruin your relationship.

Communication is key in everything, remember? Communication is not only key in a relationship but also at work, friendship, and family. It is vital to communicate effectively with your other half. This makes the relationship work and of course not only breaks that bridge but also strengthens the foundation of the relationship.

3. Holding Grudges

“Let bygones be bygones,” they say. I’ve always heard this one since my secondary school days whenever my colleagues or are is one way or another involved in a quarrel. This saying is also applicable in relationships too and life in general.

No one is perfect, yes? We all make mistakes and as such, we should learn the habit of letting things go and forgiving too.

When you hold grudges with your partner, you’re not only ruining it but also creating a bridge between you two. This also takes away the peace of mind in your heart.

4. Not Spending Quality Time for Your Partner

Relationships come with giving time, undivided attention, devotion, effective communication, commitment, and of course many others. But the first two: time and undivided attention are the main factors that keep a relationship from going sour.

“The little things matter” we always say. The little things you do, the little time you spend with your other half is vital for the relationship to keep going forward. Just merely taking some minutes off work to call your other or taking the next flight to surprise them is always worth it. This puts a smile in their heart and also reassures them how much you feel and think about them.

This is surely one of the things that could ruin your relationship.

5. Saying Rude Remarks or Sentences to Your Partner

There are always going to be ups and downs in relationships. No relationship is perfect, it gets bumpy but there are things one needs to do to keep them going forward. If these things are not done and taken care of, it leads to bigger problems and arguments.

When arguments come, one tends to say things they actually don’t mean. But when words are said, they can’t be taken back, okay?

If you have this issue in your relationship, treat it with caution and have self-tolerance towards uttering some hurtful words to your partner, most especially during arguments.

[wpdiscuz-feedback id=”cbtgl26mp7″ question=”what are some hurtful words you have said to your partner during an argument?” opened=”0″][/wpdiscuz-feedback]

6. Making Attempts to Change Your Other Half

Relationships are about complete acceptance of flaws and all, maybe more. If you can’t seem to accept each other for who you are, it’s best you accept you aren’t many for each other and move on to the next phase. I mean, thank you, next? Am I right?

“Yes, people change” but this happens on their accord and because they want to out of their own free will. This change shouldn’t be forced onto them with insults, recommendations, and suggestions.

7. Taking Your Partner for Granted

“We’ve been together for years, where can he go to? Who will understand him as I do?”

Sometimes, people begin to feel entitled towards their partner due to the years put into the relationship, the attachment, and the commitment. Inevitably, without even knowing, we begin taking our partners for granted. We begin to feel no one will love and understand them as we do and this is disheartening.

Sometimes, we measure relationships by the years of togetherness and tolerance of some characters and the bumpy rides. When you begin to think this way, you tend to not see the importance, qualities, and personalities you fell in love with at first and this is definitely a thing that could ruin your relationship.

For an effective relationship, you need to keep showing appreciation towards each other and not get tired of each other.

8. Neglecting Sacrifices, Compromises, and Commitments

It takes two to tango, right? A relationship is like a tango, it takes two to make it work. A relationship can never work if the other person is selfish and not ready to sacrifice, commit, and compromise to make the other half happy.

A successful relationship revolves around sacrifice, commitment, and compromise. A partner should always consider the needs and wants of his other half and place them ahead in other to make them happy, cared for, and loved.

9. Cheating on Your Partner

Cheating, infidelity – whatever you call it is a thing to never do to your significant other for any reason at all because it could ruin your relationship. A relationship where you don’t pledge loyalty to your partner is baseless and useless. If you’re having problems with your partner, the most logical thing to do is talk and fix the problem, not finding solace in the arms of another man or woman.

Remember I said relationships get bumpy but that is not reason enough to cheat on your partner, no one can tolerate that.

Cheating leads to bigger problems and as such, it is really important to stay loyal to your partner and with your partner. Do you get what I’m saying? Body, heart, mind, and soul. Complete pledging of loyalty towards them.

10. Not Saying or Showing How Much You Love Your Partner

Different strokes for different folks, yeah? I’m talking about body language here.

People are into words of assurances, others gifts, surprises, etc. Which is your partner’s?

Saying I love you to your partner in any way you can not only send butterflies to their stomach but also strengthen your bond. Most often, people stop showing how much they love their partner once they are in the relationship and this is wrong in every language.

Remind your partner and let them know that you still love them even when you already have them. You can even tell them how you love them, without saying it.

11. Blaming Your Partner

Nobody is perfect, remember everyone is with flaws. As this is true, it’s not reason enough to blame your partner for any tragedy that happens in your relationship. Shit happens, tender an apology, and accept their apology. Forgive and forget it and move on from it.

Remember number 3? Don’t hold grudges. We know sometimes, it tends to be very hard to find ways to get someone to forgive you, but it’s still worth giving it your all.

12. Not Opening Up To Your Significant Other

Avoiding difficult conversations or not opening up to your partner about awkward situations or a problem you’re going through will create problems in your relationship. This act of not opening up will lead to lingering issues and make every communication a mess as you will keep having a hard time getting through to them.

Remember the start of the relationship where you couldn’t go a day without sharing what you ate or what you did? Those hours of good talk and no sleep? Keep that same energy going.

Oops I’ve said too much.


In general, relationships get better when both parties are willing to avoid things that could ruin the relationship. There is always hope, especially when you both recognize the problem and decide on ways to fix and make the relationship grow again.

You can always pick up a relationship where it was left off, only if you’re willing to. It takes two to tango, remember? I must have missed one or two, feel free to let me know in the comment section. Thank you.

My Mom Used This 8 Ways to Manage Rivalry with My Siblings, and They Were Quite Effective

My Mom Used This 8 Ways to Manage Rivalry with My Siblings, and They Were Quite Effective

In a family system, opposition and competition among siblings can’t be avoided. This is due to individual differences and the desire to be the best at the expense of another person’s well-being. Siblings rivalry may be inevitable, however, certain principles make managing sibling rivalry achievable.

Irrespective of the love and unity among siblings, there always comes a point of disagreement, when not curtailed can tear the home apart. Therefore, it’s your responsibility as a parent to be able to understand each child’s perspective when opposition arises. Most importantly, solve the issue without being biased.

Effective Ways to Manage Siblings Rivalry

1. Think Before Acting When Rivalry Surfaces

Whenever there seems to be friction between your kids, your first line of action is to calm yourself down. This prevents you from acting out of anger or siding one child over the other. Most importantly, you’re able to understand what exactly is the root cause of the problem, who is at fault, and what solution is best.

In addition, learn to discipline your kids in love and avoid correcting them through violence. In other words, disciplining in love makes your kids see their faults and make amends or improve their character. However, violence makes their character grow worse, decreases the love bond between you and that child, and causes them to become violent with other siblings and peers. Also, that child begins to develop enmity towards you as a parent. 

2. Treating all Siblings Equally Minimizes Rivalry

Managing sibling rivalry demands that all kids be treated equally—no discrimination. Sincerely, everyone is unique in their way. However, don’t let one child’s weakness or strength influence how you relate with your children. Remember your kids are good observers, once they notice you have a favourite, the rivalry begins to surface as a means of expressing their emotional neglect.

This reminds me of my childhood experience. One faithful day my mom returned home and brought presents for me and my brother. Innocently, she gave me a pair of shoes and gave my brother the same with the addition of a football. I had no need for football but at the same time felt cheated and unloved— immediately, my mood changed. My mom noticed and began questioning, when the cause of my mood change was discovered, without much time wastage it was corrected. 

In other words, as a parent, it’s expected of you to love and relate with all your kids equally. Most importantly, gender should not dictate how you treat your kids. Female children are entitled to all rights and benefits just like male children. Discrimination is one of the parenting mistakes to avoid as a parent. Also, discrimination affects both academic performances, social ability, emotional intelligence, physical and moral behavior of a child.

3. Celebrate Your Kids Uniqueness and Differences

Siblings begin to compete with each other when they think less of themselves— low self-esteem. Hence, managing sibling rivalry requires creating time to acknowledge and celebrate your kid’s uniqueness. This act helps them see the best in themselves and erase the feeling that another is better than them. Also, while doing this don’t exalt one child highly in the midst of another, this often stirs up hatred towards that child from the rest of the siblings. 

Amazingly, the more you celebrate your kids, they begin to embrace each other in love, seeing the need for each other. Gradually, it becomes clear to them that teamwork is the fastest route to arrive at their destination, not rivalry.  

4. Study Your Kids Temperament

To a large extent one’s thinking, behaviour and reactions are influenced by our temperament. Therefore, managing sibling rivalry demands that you should learn about your kid’s temperament. So you can create a conducive atmosphere for each child to avoid feuds that may result from temperament clashing. The major temperament types include sanguine—outspoken, choleric—leadership incline, melancholy—creative innovators, and phlegmatic—easy going.

Studying your kids’ temperament enlightens you the most on how to group your kids to an assignment. For instance, 

the choleric me and my immediate brother who is more of a phlegmatic can’t be on the same team, because a choleric who is activity-driven will be irritated by the nonchalant attitude of a phlegmatic. 

Whereas, the reverse is the case when paired with my other siblings who are more of a melancholy temperament. Likewise, a creative melancholy will be annoyed by the playful, unserious sanguine attitude. 

5. Practice and Emphasis the Act of Love overall

An atmosphere of love reduces rivalry among siblings. Furthermore, boost the attitude of understanding and unity. In essence, siblings can relate friendly with each other and cooperate to achieve a given task. It’s wrong to assume that your kids know and understand how much you care and value them. Therefore, take a step further by professing your love to your kids—say it; I love you!

Also, your actions should portray love, this includes buying them gifts, allowing them to make their own decisions—stop imposing your will on your kids, remember they have a mind of their own. Most importantly, let your reaction show love like being happy when they do something great and disciplining in love among others.

6. Assign Creative Punishment when Necessary

Having understood the reason behind the opposition between siblings and detecting who is at fault. What comes next, is your ability to allocate reasonable punishment to prevent such reoccurrence. However, punishment in this context doesn’t mean violence; using sharp objects to flog a child or withdrawal of certain benefits.

In contrast, employ creative punishment such as letter writing, quantitative reasoning, or assigning household chores for kids. Furthermore, creative punishments are effective tactics to boost your child’s retention ability and enhance academic performance.

7. Rewarding Good Behaviour Reduces Siblings Rivalry

One of the ways to show approval over your kid’s behaviour is by rewarding and commending their good behaviours. In essence, whenever they relate with each other unitedly and show a great deal of understanding, they deserve to be rewarded. Ensure you let them know why they are being rewarded so they can continue on that path.

8. Ensure Your Kids are Occupied with the Needful

Oftentimes, idleness leads to opposition and hatred towards those that seem to be busy chasing their own goals. Hence, managing sibling rivalry requires that you get all your kids occupied with the needful—valuable activities. This includes developing their passion, learning soft skills, or assisting with the home chores. 


To effectively learn the act of managing sibling rivalry, create a time when the family can come together and discuss matters. The more often this is done, everyone gets to express how they feel, understand how their other siblings think, feel, and the drive behind their behaviours. In addition, what’s your best method in managing sibling rivalry?