Beating or Scolding? Which is the Correct Way to Discipline Your Child?

Beating or Scolding? Which is the Correct Way to Discipline Your Child?

The act of spanking children for behaving badly is stored up in the subconscious mind of most parents. Therefore, beating, scolding, spanking and its sorts come like a reflex action. It seems to be the fastest and effective tactic to show disapproval over a child’s wrong deed. However, as a parent, these are negative modes of disciplining your child. These methods are effective for a short period and cause long-term damages to a child.

Discipline is all about guiding, instructing, and training a child about the Dos and Don’ts of behaviour. In essence, teaching them to comply with the right code of conduct. However, when kids go against these rules they are being forced to face the consequences of their actions through punishment.

It’s disastrous to beat your child without stating their wrong, It passes the wrong message of cruelty to them. Besides, this creates more tendency of repeating that same wrong. Therefore, in this post, we shall be evaluating other alternatives to beating your child. 

What are the Effects Of Beating Your Kids?

1. Beating imbibes Fear in Your Child

Violence towards kids ignites fear in their hearts. They begin to view you as a taskmaster instead of a loving parent. Subsequently, your presence starts terrifying them. These sets of kids wouldn’t love to try anything new or explore with their peers. Due to fear of being spanked by their parents if they do something wrong.

2. Poor Cognitive Abilities

Victims of negative discipline lose touch with their minds and brains. They experience difficulty thinking through logical questions or manage their emotions. The danger is this since such a child no longer reason appropriately they indulge in wrong behaviour innocently and get punished. This circle continues and eventually, the child’s mental health becomes deteriorated.

3. Physical Injury

Mostly, beating a child results in physical injury. Due to uncontrollable anger, parents go the extra mile in ensuring that children sustain injuries to serve as a reminder. However, this is the wrong way to discipline your child. The physical scars might heal, although the internal scars last longer. 

Recently, there have been cases whereby in the act of disciplining a child, the object used gets in contact with delicate organs of the body such as the eyes. Resulting in further intense damages. Hence, to avoid regrets, learn to apply the alternative method of disciplining your child.

4. Decreases The Love Bond

All parents desire to be closely connected to their kids and would search out activities that can increase the love bond. However, they fail to realize that beating a child makes their initial desires fruitless. It makes no sense telling your kids how much you love them and the next minute you’re spanking them. In essence, beating detached you from your kids.

5. Low Self-esteem is Often a Result of treating a Child Violently

Beating makes a child think less of themselves, and call themselves failures. They begin to feel it’s because they aren’t good enough that they get punished frequently. Gradually they become antisocial. These kids are prone to negative self-talk and suicidal thoughts since their self-esteem is damaged.

6. Violence/Anger

The more you spank a child, you’re indirectly telling that child that beating is the standard way of showing disapproval when someone does something wrong. Therefore, when offended by their peers, immediately they retaliate by displaying aggressive behaviours.

This is The Correct Way to Discipline Your Child

1.  Give Your Child Proper Training

Don’t expect your kids to do the right thing when you haven’t told them what’s expected of them. As a parent don’t allow your kids to guess their way through. Create time to teach them the Dos and Don’ts of behaviour. They deserve to know! Failure to do this makes your child feel hated when beaten for what they had little or no knowledge about. Furthermore, ensure they are cognizant of the needful skills that help in regulating their behaviours such as effective communication skills and tolerance etiquette.

2. Teach Your Child About Consequences, Instead of Beating

In addition to knowing the right way to behave, your kids still deserve to learn about the consequences of negative and positive behavioural patterns. Let them know what punishments are attached to being disobedient. Likewise, the rewards for being obedient. This will guide them in doing the right thing and save you the stress of beating your child whenever they go wrong.

3. Withdraw Privilege When Your Kids Go Wrong

This method is based on the privilege enjoyed by your kids. Therefore, when disciplining your child, don’t hesitate to withdraw certain privileges enjoyed by your kids when they go astray. This method teaches them that what they had done was wrong.

For instance, if they are caught fighting, instead of beating them, insist they stay away from TV, video games, or outing with friends for a period of time. Oftentimes, you need to take back their pocket money for grown-up kids for some time. In addition, add up to their normal home chores as a way of showing disapproval over their manner. However, don’t go extreme with this method.

4. Reward Good Behavior to Encourage Positive Manners

Kids are motivated to do their best next time when they are being rewarded for behaving right. Rewarding them with gifts gives them a reason to continue on that same behavioural path that earns them those rewards. And shy away from negative behaviours. Let them know which of their behaviours was commended. In addition, you can make disciplining your child a fun activity to do by keeping score sheets and giving stars. Whereby, showcasing a well-mannered behaviour earns them stars and points.

5. Talking Often Resolve the Issues Between You and Your Child Compared to scolding

To succeed at disciplining your kids there will be a time when you need to sit with them and talk. Talk about why he or she misbehaved, while they talk, listen attentively. Whenever kids give genuine reasons for their actions or show remorse, as a parent your anger gets to subside. Besides, No one is above mistakes, therefore, even with the rules and consequences they can still go astray. Hence, when they make mistakes, sit them down and tell them how disappointed you’re about their behaviours. Likewise, how you expected more from them. Applying this alternative shows them how much you love them.

6. Reasoning Techniques is an Advantageous Punishment for Kids

You can discipline your child and at the same time improve their intelligence IQ through reasoning techniques. Instead of beating your kids for doing the wrong thing, give them reasoning punishment. 

For instance, when your kids go wrong, ask them to write a letter stating what they did, why they did it, and a letter of apology with a specific word count. Two copies for you and two copies for themselves. It’s wise to request that they rewrite if the letters are poorly written. 

7. Be A Role Model 

Kids are uniquely designed to watch and learn from their parents. Therefore, almost every behaviour they exhibit is copied from what they see their parents doing. This is another indicator to help you in disciplining your child. First, ensure that those things you beat your kids for are not evident in your life. Perhaps, you behave like that unconsciously. Make amends! Be a good role model for your child to emulate.


Parenting isn’t an easy route to trail on. In essence, patience is a vital ingredient in parenting. This helps you not to go extreme when disciplining your child. However, If as a parent you still struggle to manage your emotions such as anger it would be difficult not to retaliate when your kid’s misbehaviour. Therefore, work on that temperament. Keep them under control.

Finally, ensure to share your views in the comment section.

6 Easy Steps to Learn Photography

6 Easy Steps to Learn Photography

One thing I will always cherish about photography is the way it de-stresses me. It can be used to stabilize emotional and mental health – just like every other art. To follow the steps to learn photography can start from it being a hobby and it is self-taught, however, the passion and creativity for it must come from you.

Being behind the camera teaches one focus, patience and perseverance. But first, are you interested in photography? Do you take great pictures with your phone? Do you love the idea of capturing moments and making people smile?

If your answer is yes!

Then I think you have what it takes to be a good photographer, just keep reading and we’ll show you 6 easy steps on how to learn photography for free online.

1. Enrol yourself in a photography workshop

I facilitated a photography workshop sometime last year, we talked about the basics of photography, did exams and there were a lot of practicals. The workshop was interactive and there were testimonies from people – sharing the things they’ve learnt and how the workshop had helped them.

Check around, there are photography workshops around. Check online, you’ll find them there. Register and join. Sometimes, google gets it done for you, just type “photography workshops near you”.

There is always something around; online or offline.

2. Take Free Online Photography Courses

When I mentioned passion, I meant a strong and energetic will that makes one be in a “doing” state. You are passionate about photography, what then do you do to learn or even advance the skills? 

Surf the net and take online courses. There are many resources online as there are sites that are willing to teach you photography for free.

You can browse through Udemy Free Photography Courses and Tutorials, or start with Photography Beginners: DSLR Photography Camera Settings.

Skillshare and ShawAcademy also have some Photography Course Available Online.

There are sites that you don’t even have to login or actively register for a course, they produce you with relevant articles and “how to” for photography and even post processing.

Other examples include;, PictureCorrect, Tutplus, Creativelive and lots more by searching Google.

Online courses are flexible and self-paced, just think of it as scrolling through social media with attention and notes. This is an effective way on learning photography for free online.

3. Watch YouTube videos 

I was talking to someone last week and I said, “online is the new world”. You can literally find anything, I repeat- anything you are seeking for online. 

Well curated videos draws attention, our brain engage with videos. 

As of 2020, there was an estimate of 2.1 billion YouTube users worldwide. The streaming service is particularly popular with younger internet users.

YouTube is a space where you can learn everything you need to know about photography for free online, just make the search and start watching.

See this video.

4. Master the Camera Settings

It is most likely that you have seen YouTube videos where the onscreen tutor talks about the parts of camera and mastering the art of camera. 

Now, you have gotten the knowledge, put it to use. 

You have a DSLR (Digital single lens reflex), check for the settings online and how to use it. Master the parts and manipulate the controls. 

If you don’t have a DSLR but have a smartphone, maximize the potential of the camera and master the camera settings.

Hands on deck and be practical.

This is another video is a sure bet of you mastering photography with just your mobile phone. But for DSLR it is more professional, watch this video that talks about how the buttons and controls work.

Like a wise person said, “you should understand the parts before you use the whole”. 

5. Take a Picture of Everything and Anything

The practicality you are employing after mastering the camera settings has to do with using what you’ve learnt to create a captivating image. Be random or intentional, just take pictures – everything and anything. There is no mastering without practicals.

Theory is useless without practicals. You can search Instagram for photoshoot inspiration.

6. Challenge Yourself

This is fun once you start. The moment you start beating the standards you set for yourself, the more you want to keep challenging yourself.

Create list of things you want to photograph and how you want to photograph them. Make time to try new photography hacks out. Play around with your shutter speed or exposure to bring an image to life.

In my own case, I created a list that included every kind of photo shoot I want to have when the month ends. 

That was my own spice. Learn, build and find yours.

5 Minutes Snacks to Make for Breakfast

5 Minutes Snacks to Make for Breakfast

Whenever food is mentioned, I know all the food lovers are interested. Are you a lazy food lover or a hardworking food lover? Being lazy is not a crime; you are just conserving energy, right? Not to worry, I have come up with 5 snacks you can make for breakfast

There are moments when you will be running late for work, classes, an interview, or something that needs your attention very early in the morning, and you have no idea what breakfast to make quickly.

There are lots of easy breakfasts you can make, or you can easily grab a granola bar or an apple—your choice. Hold your horses, my Arewa people—in fact, most Nigerians! You were probably ready to say “not so kind” words. Well, you can be at ease because the 5-minute snack to make for breakfast is not a granola bar or an apple.

There are lots of 5-minute snacks you can make for breakfast, and they are sure to make your stomach full and basically not hungry and ready for the day.

5-Minute Snacks to Make for Breakfast

1. Pancakes

This is a divine 5-minute snack to make for breakfast. It is yummy and amazing! I know, I used ‘awe’ and ‘amazing to describe it, and I might not be doing any justice to it. It is easy to make and easy to digest, too.

All you need is flour, baking powder, sugar or not, depending on if you have a sweet tooth, butter, milk, and eggs.

How to Prepare Pancakes

Mix your flour and baking powder in a bowl; keep them separately. In a different bowl, separate your egg white and yolk. Whisk your egg white, or you can use a mixer, until it turns foamy. Keep the mixed egg whites separate. Put your egg yolk in a bowl, add your warm milk, mix thoroughly, and add your melted butter too.

Add your milk, butter, and egg yolk mixture to your flour and baking powder mix before adding your egg white. Mix thoroughly. You can add vanilla extract, chocolate chips, or bananas for a more yummy flavor.

Your non-stick pan should be ready, and you should add a little bit of butter, or a teaspoon, in particular. Put a cup of your pancake mix in the pan and cover it on low heat for a few seconds, and you are done. Just to be sure it’s done, you can insert a toothpick in the pancake, and when it comes out neat, you can definitely get ready to put it in your mouth. You can go ahead and serve it on a plate. It’s your choice if you want syrup over it, honey or fruits with butter on the pancake, or basically anything else. Your life, your rules

2. Grilled Cheese Roll-Ups

This is also one of the snacks to make for breakfast. As the name suggests, they are definitely going to be rolled up, and they are super-duper easy to make. All you need is a loaf of bread, preferably sliced bread, and your sliced cheese.

How to Prepare Grilled Cheese Roll-Ups

Remove the brown parts of your sliced bread and get your rolling pin to roll over the bread. After that, you place your sliced cheese on your sliced bread and roll them together in a rolling-mat way. Place on the pan with already heated butter in it and leave till it starts turning a brown roast color, and you are ready to serve.

It can be eaten with different dips or, rather, a sauce, and will be enjoyed with tea or coffee.

3. Super Fluffy Omelet

The ingredients needed are 3 eggs, butter, salt, and pepper.

How to Prepare Super Fluffy Omelet

Separate the egg white and yolk, whisk separately, then mix together before putting it in a pan already on low heat for a few seconds before adding butter by gently raising the egg mixture. Cover the lid for 5 minutes before sprinkling salt and pepper. You can sprinkle some other stuff too, and your 5-minute snack you can make for breakfast is ready to be devoured.

4. Egg Sandwich

Ingredients needed here are eggs, butter, mayonnaise, and mustard paste. The main ingredient is sliced bread, and without it, you can’t make a sandwich.

How to Prepare Egg Sandwich

Get your sliced bread and cut off the brownish sides (if you love them, then you can leave them) on your pan. Then, add your butter before adding your eggs; there can be 8 eggs. Furthermore, add a little bit of mayonnaise and a teaspoon of mustard paste. The addition of salt to taste and pepper for a little spice is all up to you.

5. Oatmeal

This is an easy, healthy 5-minute snack you can make for breakfast. The ingredients here are also as you desire. You can make different sorts of oatmeal with your oats. Here, all you need is a cup of rolled oats, bananas (mashed), milk (any you prefer), vanilla extract, and honey or sugar.

This is one of the snacks to make for breakfast and is very enjoyable.

How to Prepare Oatmeal

Add everything to your saucepan, excluding the honey or sugar. Leave on medium heat and stir until desired consistency. It is ready to serve, and it’s better to serve it hot. Add honey or sugar, and you can also add blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, kiwi, and a lot more to make your 5-minute snack you can make for breakfast a little bit more fun.


We are at our limit, folks. Though I won’t mind listing all the amazing 5-minute snacks you can make for breakfast, unfortunately, this is my stop. Adios amigos.

How to Improve Productivity in The Workplace

How to Improve Productivity in The Workplace

Are you a boss or a manager? If yes, do you get disturbed about how to improve productivity in the workplace to enhance your business growth? Clearly yes! The goal of every business is to achieve maximum profit and attain progressive growth. However, the success of a business irrespective of the years of establishment is influenced by its level of productivity. 

Nonetheless, productivity is attained by deliberate actions. Being productive in the workplace centres on how employees can carry out their assigned duties effectively. Therefore, in this post, we will discuss 10 practical steps on how to improve productivity in the workplace.

10 Ways to Improve Productivity in the Workplace

1. Build a Healthy Working Relationship

As a boss, the relationship between you and your employees contributes to business productivity. Do you treat your employees harshly? Like nagging, giving disrespectful comments, imposing your will, unnecessary deduction of salary, delay in payments, overburdening them with duties, and more.

If you engage in any of such behaviour you should make amends if truly you seek the progress of your business. In contrast, be open to suggestions, treat them with respect, communicate effectively and be simple.

Remember, the happiness of your employees boosts productivity. 

2. Delegate Duties at Workplace

Division of labour makes works easier and faster. Therefore, duties should be divided among employees without bias. To experience high productivity be conscious of how you delegate duties. No employee should be given fewer duties whereas another is overburdened with duties.

Unbalanced delegation of duties disorganizes a business workflow. In addition, division of labour reduces stress.

3. Inculcate Time Management Attitude

Are you time conscious? If yes, how long does it take your employees to finish a task? Effective time management practice enhances productivity. Whereas, spending too much time on a single task decreases productivity. To achieve this, tedious tasks should be carried out first and assigned to more employees for quick accomplishment.

Similarly, working hours should be scheduled with the needful activities. In addition, unnecessary meetings or activities are to be erased from the schedule. There is no need for a staff meeting when the information can be passed across via emails or text messages. 

4. Assign Duties Based on Specialization

There is beauty in diversity. Likewise, productivity is achieved as employees function in their field of expertise, they input their best at work. As a boss delegate duties based on their skills, capacity, and strength.

For instance, a customer relations officer won’t perform exceptionally in the office of an accountant. These employees will get into lots of trouble miscalculating. Perhaps, reduce working speed to avoid errors. However, excellence will be achieved when he is placed in the area of his strength. 

5. Schedule Time for Seminars and Training

One of the responsibilities of a manager is to ensure that his/her business employees advance in terms of skills and knowledge. Therefore, if you’re curious about how to improve productivity in the workplace you need to work on your employees. Our world is continuously changing, likewise the business world. Hence, the knowledge base used 20 years ago wouldn’t be sufficient to produce maximum productivity in this current age.

In essence, your business needs to grow with the trending skills and knowledge. Therefore, seminars and workshops are useful platforms to achieve this. This provides a medium for your employees to learn profitable skills. Their increased knowledge equals productivity.

6. Provide the Right Tools and Equipment

It’s difficult to achieve a result when there aren’t functioning tools to work with. Similarly, substandard equipment will strain your employees. For instance, an organization computing data manually wouldn’t produce an effective result as a company computing data using an excel spreadsheet application.

Working with the right tools boost speed, reduces stress, and produces maximum output.

7. Reward and Appreciate Your Workers

Employees will always give in their best when appreciated. Therefore, don’t hesitate to commend your staff when you observe their excellent performance and output. It motivates them to do better next time and inspires other staff.

Furthermore, don’t stop at commendation, when staff is due for promotion be quick to give that employee the upgrade. Note that no appreciation decreases productivity.

8. Minimize Distraction at Workplace

Productivity is achieved when there is maximum concentration towards the set goal and assignment. Hence, to see your staff work effectively remove every possible source of distraction.

A low distraction policy should be enacted in your company such as no phone calls during working hours, no excess free time, and no discussion while working. These kinds of policies enhance employees concentration at work

9. Create a Conducive Working Environment

Your company location and environment Influence the input of your employees. A harsh working environment burns out productivity and may affect their health. Therefore, as a manager don’t search far to learn how to improve productivity in the workplace. Simply look within.

Little changes like having a conducive working environment can make a difference and enhance productivity. Your working environment shouldn’t be congested, exposed to any form of pollution, having limited cross-ventilation among others, All these inconveniences hinder the productivity of your staff and your business growth.

10. Set Deadlines

Duties assigned with deadlines are quickly done compared to those without deadlines. This is because the deadline makes employees up and doing. Helps them focus more on the set goals. It’s also an effective time-management principle. A company gets to lose potential clients when they fail to meet up deadlines.

Likewise, a company loses productivity when duties are not done with immediate effect.


The longevity and success of a business are influenced by its productivity. Therefore, how to improve productivity in the workplace will require that you skillfully plan your employees working schedules. However, to experience a smooth workflow one or two goals should be set at a time and achieved before stepping higher to accomplish other goals.

Hence, the application of these methods will enhance your worker’s concentration, make them happy with their job and minimize stress. Furthermore, join the discussion in the comment section by sharing your thoughts.

This Is How You Can Become A Freelancer from the Comfort of Your Home

This Is How You Can Become A Freelancer from the Comfort of Your Home

It’s a beautiful thing to string words into meaningful statements and watch readers feel everyone that you write. It’s only fair that you want to get paid while being awesome at that art and hobby. I am very sure you are reading this because you have questions on how to start freelance writing. You are in the right place and I have tips for you.

How do you get started? Where do you find gigs? What does it mean to be a freelance writer?

Freelance writing is a flexible and interesting side hustle – it is fast becoming a major hustle now though. A freelance writer is a self-employed writer who writes at the comfort of their home.

A Step by Step Guide on How to Become a Freelance Writer

1. Find Your Niche

The fastest way to finding your niche is writing, writing again, and writing. The more you write, the more you find out what kind of things your mind likes to weave into words, and the more you find that space that you own and fully build on it.

For some, it is a trial and error stage and for others, it is a broadway street. Also, your niche doesn’t mean you only write about one thing. You could be a writer with two or more areas of specialization.

Either way, find your niche(s)

2. Create a Portfolio

A portfolio is simply a compilation of your writing(s) all in one space or place. It shows your range as a writer and also points out your organizational skill – which is a skill that every writer should own. Mostly, potential clients want to see samples of your writings so they see how and what you write. It is the access into your writing world. Therefore, it will be a brilliant idea to have it well-arranged.

You can have a portfolio by building a free website like WordPress or Blogspot or check for other ways to do this online.

3. Build Your Social Media Presence

In all honestly, your first job might be from social media. I got mine from social media. It is clearly stated on my social media handles that I am a freelance writer and open to work. Build your social media bio, your employers will find you.

You don’t have to become a social media influencer, but you can engage content online and show your way with words in every post you make. It attracts attention.

4. Create Your Resume

This is what outlines your expertise, experience, and skills as a writer. Prospective clients should see this and want to work with you straight up. Make it as tidy, organized, and professional as it can be.

Learn how to make a world-class CV.

5. Build Your Certification

I got my first writing job without a certificate. Recently, I did online courses and got certified. It boosted my resume and opened up more quality and well-paying opportunities.

After a portfolio, take online courses that will enhance your knowledge of the niche that you’ve chosen for yourself. It shows that you know what you are doing and you are professional about it.

You would want your potential clients to see this.

6. Sign Up on Freelance Sites

You have mastered your art and you have samples to show for it. The next thing to do is to sign up to freelance sites to start getting jobs and offers. Freelance platforms help to connect freelance writers with potential gigs.

Sites like Upwork, Fiverr, Guru, Freelancer, and many others are examples of freelance websites you can sign up with.


Now that you know how to start freelance writing, happy freelancing.

Do tell me in the comments section if you e