5 Common Reading Mistakes You And I Are Guilty Of

5 Common Reading Mistakes You And I Are Guilty Of

Do you know you can travel around the world within the four painted walls of your room? I know you would ask that question, okay, the answer to that  ‘how’   is through reading. Oh yes!  To anywhere of your choice, Asia, Europe, America, you name it. But why the saturnine face? Or are you still blue because you think you are not a proficient reader? Worry no more, Brai has got you covered in tackling your common reading mistakes and how to fix them.

So, fasten your seatbelt, while I take you on a ride to places you can fix the problems robing you to see the world. 

As you and I both know Reading to be the act of ascribing meanings from printed words. So it is through it, students expand their vocabulary and learn about the world. 

But today, the majority of readers are confronted with reading errors or mistakes, which have become an obstacle in their comprehension and understanding. 

Furthermore, the common reading mistakes have turned a great number of adults indolent when it comes to reading.

Common Reading Mistakes You Should Put an End to

1. Avoid Vocalization

Vocalization entails making sounds with the voice. Hence, this is one of the most common mistakes most readers make while reading. The mistakes of vocalization may as well be seen as the mistake of reading out loud. It entails too much oral reading, which slows down the reader’s reading pace. In so doing, it takes away understanding and comprehension of what has been read.

However, this happens on most occasions as a result of the complexity of the reading material or the reader lacks vocabulary comprehension. You can overcome this challenge by discipline yourself to always read silently or within yourself.  

Also, you should try as much as possible to study more vocabulary in your leisure time, as this will familiarize you with new words.  

2. Repetition is Another Common Mistake Most Readers Do

Repeating sentences after reading is another most common mistake made while reading. Among the reasons for this is when you vocalize while reading. 

Hence,  you probably tend to forget most phrases and sentences as a result, which will automatically trigger repetition.

Furthermore, repetition may be a result of the complexity of the material or because of the reader’s poor comprehension of vocabulary as the case may be with vocalization. 

As the Same case with vocalization, you can tackle this issue by taking your time in developing your vocabulary skills. 

3. Word Guessing Is Bad for You

This particular scenario once happened to me. An SMS message from a sister of mine named Tayo came in through my dad’s phone and my junior brother was the first person who saw the message and said, “Dad, you have a message from Taye”. But when I got to realize it was “Tayo” not “Taye”, then I smiled because I understood he had word guessed. 

I myself am not left out of one of the common reading mistakes. 

In most cases, I only look at the first letter, then guess the word. This same mistake has now become major error readers do make while reading.

Example of such is:  taking:  (Never as Nurse), (Shell as shoe), (Canoe as Canon), (Taking as Talking), etc.  This happens as a result of reading the word phonetically. And simply because those words share several of the same letters in common. 

This same action can also be in form of word substitution wherein no doubt the reader is not reading the print, instead of guessing his/her own word from the context. Examples include taking:  (Home as House), (Class as School), (Angry as mad), etc. 

To fix the problem of word guessing, you just need to learn to read phonetically. Furthermore, you also need to get yourself acquainted with words that look similar but are different in both sound and meanings.

Patience is the way to achieving this. 

4. Use of Unknown Vocabulary Is One of The Common Reading Mistakes You Should Avoid 

Most readers get trapped in unknown vocabulary, hence this is one of the majority of the mistakes we make while reading. It’s a problem because it’s capable of consuming ur precious time in the process of wanting to know all the meanings of every word used in the passage.

It is somehow funny some people go the extra mile in having a dictionary with them while reading, so as to check any vocabulary they come across. But in an instance like this, you forget most things you might have read easily because you have divided your attention into two (for the book you re-reading and the dictionary you are consulting). 

However, in most cases, the meaning provided by the dictionary may not be in line with the context meaning, therefore causing problems in understanding and comprehension.  Most articles and books need to be viewed, but not closely analyzed.  While reading, you should be clear if the meaning of a particular word (vocabulary) is really important worth wasting time on searching for the meaning. If not, just move on. 

It may interest you to know that even most of the writers of the content don’t understand every word written by them. 

But to get rid of this problem, you should be perfect in English vocabulary. You can achieve that by learning at least 5 words with their meanings in a day. By doing so, you will be surprised the number of words you will capture just within a span of a week.

Mind you, the more words you know, the easier it will be to recognize them in reading, thereby making it easy for easy understanding and comprehension. 

5. Blending Difficult Is Another Common Mistake

This happens when words that are meant to be pronounced together as one is segmented, or split separately, then pronounced as different entities.

In most cases what is being pronounced might be correct but may lack meaning because you have segmented that, which is not meant to be segmented.

How you can get rid of this is by learning to smoothly blend sounds. Check out how to develop on smooth blending


You must remember that it is only by reading you can expand your vocabulary and learn a lot of things about the world. The more you read, the more you know. However, the only way you can understand what you have read is by avoiding these common reading mistakes. 

If you enjoyed this, you should read how to motivate yourself to study even when you are tired.

So, where do you like to journey to first now that you are good to travel? 

12 Things to Do During Sickle Cell Awareness Month in Nigeria

12 Things to Do During Sickle Cell Awareness Month in Nigeria

Dear September… this is a month dedicated to raising awareness of sickle cell disease, celebrating the achievements of survivors living with sickle cell and it entails things to do in sickle cell awareness month in Nigeria. 

What is Sickle Cell Disease?

Sickle cell disease is a genetic illness that affects the red blood cells due to an abnormality in an oxygen-carrying protein called haemoglobin. It is genetic because it is inherited, passed on from parents to their offspring (children).

This causes pain, discomfort, and complications to the carriers which is termed “sickle cell crisis”. It is followed up with strong painkillers to alleviate and control the pain.

When is Sickle Cell Awareness Month in Nigeria?

Following sickle cell day which is on the 19th of June, September is a month dedicated to the nation.

September is National Sickle Cell Awareness Month which is aimed at focusing attention on the dying need for more research and treatment for the disease. 

What Is the Importance of Sickle Cell Awareness Month?

This was founded to increase knowledge and understanding of the disease. In addition, to comprehend the challenges, and impacts faced by the carriers, and of course their families. It also helps in telling us things to do in sickle cell awareness month in Nigeria.

The importance of this month is to educate and inform individuals about the struggles and complications patients go through. Alongside, their accomplishments and how they go about their daily lives.

What are the Things to Do in Sickle Cell Awareness Month in Nigeria?

Humanity should live. And as such, if you want to be involved, these are things to do in sickle cell awareness month in Nigeria:

1. Donate Blood to Support Warriors

“It’s rewarding and refreshing to know you have helped save a life”

“Give Blood. Spread Love.”

This here tells you how much your act of kindness will be making a huge impact and difference in someone’s life. 

Donating blood takes at most an hour and with this hour, you’re helping someone control pain, discomfort, and complications. 

Besides, donating blood has so many benefits.

2. Educate Others on the Disease and Its Impact on Lives of the Patients and Families

People live in the unknown when it comes to sickle cell disease. It must be that they heard about it but never truly know what it entails. I was one.

As a result, organize conferences and seminars to help educate and inform others about the disease and its impacts on their lives.

These programs can also be held among sickle cell patients as a way of uplifting them and recognizing each other. 

3. Get Tested and Know Your Status Are Things to Do in Sickle Cell Awareness Month in Nigeria 

As the month implies, a month of “awareness”, now would be the right time for you and your partner to get informed about your statuses.

Remember, knowing your status early leaves no room for “I wish I had known” or “I wish we didn’t”. We’ve seen that sickle cell disease is genetic and is passed on from parents to their children. As a result, please do not marry a carrier of sickle cell disease.

Know what condition you’re in with your future partner, be informed.

4. Support a Foundation with Finance by Donating If You Can

There are a lot of sickle cell foundations founded by sickle cell patients and others. All these foundations are aimed at improving the lives of carriers and as such, equipped laboratories and research centres are highly needed.

Bone marrow transplant/stem transplant is the only known cure for sickle cell disease. Nigeria as we all know is under-developed and as such, donations are highly needed to meet up with the goal. 

Remember, your kind donations go a long way in life and in the hereafter. 

Foundations like Safiyya Sickle Cell Foundation are some of the organizations you can support.

5. Advocate for Better Treatments, More Research, Clinical System and Well Equipped Laboratories

There are advocacy foundations in Nigeria solely focused on educating and helping people with sickle cell disease. Moreover, it focuses on letting them know that they are not alone and promises a productive life for them. 

6. Organizing a Walkathon 

Patients are advised to limit strenuous activities but we all know how exercising is very vital in our day-to-day lives. A walk-a-thon is an event where patients and participants exercise either by walking or running to show support to sickle cell patients.

As a result, there should be enough supply of water at the event and if possible, a medical team. The bottom line is there shouldn’t be strenuous activities for the patients. 

7. Shaving or Dying the Hair Are Things to Do in Sickle Cell Awareness Month in Nigeria 

This is a bold choice but it goes a long way in showing your support to sickle cell patients. You could either shave or dye the hair.

People like to go viral with this support and as such, it spreads awareness and prompts people to also show support. 

8. Run an Event to Raise Funds in Your Community

This can be done by passionate individuals who want to show support. A network of families and friends can put up an event to help raise funds in their community. After the event, the funds are given back as donations to the foundations.

Can you be that network of friends and families?

9. Simply Wearing Red to Show Support Are Things to Do in Sickle Cell Awareness Month in Nigeria 

This is one of the simplest things to do in sickle cell awareness month in Nigeria as this doesn’t involve donating. 

This simple act of kindness could be wearing red socks or a red shirt to show support to the carriers.

10. Encourage and Talk to Others to Show Support and Raise Awareness Too

Tell a friend to tell a friend! That’s how it works here. Tell your friends what you know about this disease and encourage them to talk to others about it. 

You can never know where this news will reach and whose life you’ll be saving just by talking. 

11. Use Social Media as a Means of Support and Raise Awareness 

Social media has indeed taken over the world and for that sole reason, this is a means of showing support to carriers. Sending and commenting on posts to convey a heartfelt message of how you see and recognize their struggle. 

12. Send a Basket of Love to Friends with This Disease or visiting Them Are Things to Do in Sickle Cell Awareness Month in Nigeria 

Sending a basket of love is definitely a thing to do in sickle cell awareness month in Nigeria. This kind of activity will be immensely appreciated as sickle cell patients have a different pattern of self-care.

Read: Ultimate Tips to Living with Sickle Cell Anemia

As a concerned friend, you should encourage them to eat healthily, watch out for warning signs like fever. If you can’t be around them often, send a basket of love with essential treatments and diets. 


To all the sickle cell patients out there, I see you and I know the pain and discomfort you feel. I see you as warriors and survivors at the same time. 

As a result, I take my hat off for every struggling time you’ve encountered and for every time you rise back up. 

If you’re reading this, I pray and hope you now know the things to do in sickle cell awareness month in Nigeria. In addition, if you’re doing humanity differently, let me know in the comment section. 

Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls

Kahli Gibran


7 Ways You Can Discover Your Kid’s Passion

7 Ways You Can Discover Your Kid’s Passion

There is a connection between your happiness and your passion. Therefore, passion is an unquenchable longing and determination for something, either positive or negative. Discovering one’s interest at an earlier stage enhances a successful future profession. In addition, bring the feeling of joy and satisfaction to the soul. However, it’s the responsibility of every parent to discover their kid’s passion. Similarly, it’s beneficial to learn about how to find your child’s interest.

This serves as a guide to secure your kid’s future.

How to Discover Your Kid’s Passion

1. Observe Your Kids Critically

There is an inborn strength and abilities in everyone. These abilities are natural and performed with fewer struggles. Therefore, through observation, you can denote the natural strength of your kids. Ensure you keep a close watch on their behaviours, their shopping choice, and how they relate with their peers.

In addition, the things that make them happy and are easy for them to carry out. Perhaps, your child finds it fun to assist in preparing the meal. This attitude is a pointer to your child’s interest in catering.

2. Get Closer to Your Kids

Certain kinds of interest are not visible to detect easily. However, as a parent, you can find your child’s hidden interests by drawing closer to your kids. In other words, a healthy relationship with your kids aids you to discover their passion effortlessly. You must have a conducive atmosphere for communication with your child. 

Through effective communication with your kids, you can find out their interest from their words and from the things they love to talk about the most. Therefore, you need to learn about the activities that increase the love bond between you and your kids.

3. Ignite Their Creativity

Oftentimes, a spark of creativity in your kids reveals their hidden interests. That’s why you shouldn’t wait until they are much older to find out about their interest. Instead, engage them with activities that enhance their creativity.

When your kids have a high emotional and intellectual quotient they become equipped to go for the things that make them happy and fulfilled. 

4. Explore With Your Kids

Are you a parent, who is Keen on how to find your child’s interest? If yes, then you must be ready to go on adventures with your children. Locking them up within the four walls of your house wouldn’t reveal their interest. Rather, it restricts their passion. Our world is vast and filled with lots of exciting places. Therefore, allow your kids to view the beauty of the world they live in and feel the joy it brings.

During the adventure, your kids are exposed to a variety of things that can make them happy. In their happiness lies their passion. This activity includes camping, swimming, visiting wildlife parks, festivals, fishing among others.

5. Get Involved in Their Academic Activities

Furthermore, your kid’s academic performance influences their interest. This is because, beyond the scope of learning to read and write, they are exposed to various perspectives of life through the different topics taught. They learn about the lifestyle and cultural practices of others. Gradually, they start to develop an interest in the things they read about. 

As a parent, how to find your child’s interest wouldn’t be stressful for you if you cherish your child’s academic performance. Ensure you select the right school for your child and assist in doing their homework. Furthermore, read informative books together with your kids. In addition, employ the help of a private tutor if need be to enhance their academic performance. 

6. Random Selection

While you wait to discover your child’s natural interest. You should get them engaged with activities that may later turn out to be their interest or activities that the majority of children find fun doing. Your kids get to try lots of options and develop interest for any. This activity includes


Sporting activities enhance the immune system and keep the brain alert. Therefore, it’s not compulsory for your child to have an interest in the sport before you enrol him/her in sporting activities. However, go for a sport that is suitable for their age and keep a close watch on them not to go extreme.

Music/Musical Instruments

Music is food to the soul. Music goes beyond the production of sound. Rather, it awakens a dormant passion in one’s life. Similarly, you can employ this method to discover your child’s interest. Although music may not be their passion it will guide them into their passion by inspiring them. 

Vocational Skills

Academic knowledge may not be sufficient to discover your kid’s passion if it’s not visible. However, when they learn certain vocational skills it begins to surface gradually, as they pick interest in a certain skill such as tailoring, art, and craft, interior design, hairdressing, and its sort.

7. Allow Your Kid to Mingle With Their Peers

Most parents are scared of their kids being influenced negatively by their peers. However, peer group relationships also have their advantages and benefits, such as inspiring your child to become creative. As your child sees their peers excelling at a particular thing. They are inspired to try.

In addition, kids are free among their peers to express their real selves. Hence, among their peers, they begin to showcase their strength. 


Having learned about how to find your child’s interest. What matters most is the amount of support you give to their interest. Your support enhances the growth of their interest. Whereas, little support kills their interest. Always, ignore your child’s weaknesses and give more attention to their strengths. Therefore, if your kid’s happiness matters to you, then don’t hesitate to find their interest.

Finally, share with us how you’ve been able to discover your kid’s passion.

How to Stay Happy and Motivated at Work

How to Stay Happy and Motivated at Work

Work can be stressful, but that doesn’t mean happiness can’t be achieved.

Zach Holmquist

I was always glued to this statement made whenever I was off to where I worked as a fashion stylist in a fashion house before my admission into the university. Though the work required much time and attention so as to meet up the deadline, but because I was so compassionate about it, I always try to create an environment of happiness for myself.

With that, I would know I am not robbed of two benefits, which are fat income and happiness. So, therefore, I took some measures which I will be sharing with you today, that have really helped keep me in staying happy at work. 

Before I start with my happiness tips, I will like you to know what it means to be happy

To be happy means allowing yourself not to be unhappy. Being happy also means showing or causing feelings of pleasure and enjoyment, which literally means that you are totally far from being hapless. 

Helpful Tips That Will Help You Stay Happy and Motivated at Work

1. Learn Self Compensation

This is mostly what I  do when I started to feel less motivated on the work at hand. By trying to bribe me with the posit that “if I am able to finish this work effectively and efficiently from this time to this time”, then I would be compensated with a menu. So with this, it kept me happy throughout the work because I know something is waiting for me as a reward. 

You don’t have to wait for compensation from anyone to motivate and make you happy at your workplace, if you know you meet up with your expectation and that of your employer on the job given, then it will be nice to give yourself some incentive. Doing so,  will not only make you happy but also boost your productivity because you have tasks yourself and you know there is something as a reward. In short, promise yourself some reward after work.

This will help in keeping you happy for the rest of the day. 

2. Learn How to Work Out

Early morning exercise at least 30 minutes makes the body energetic, active and fulfilled at work. Because it has been concluded by health practitioners that it helps release the toxins which always leads to weariness and tiredness.

Thus, engaging in early-day exercises like jogging, press up, walking, rope skipping, swimming, and the likes will make you satisfied that your body is all set to combat the work ahead. And therefore, it will leave this sign of happiness on your face even before you get to your place of work. 

3. Smile More Often

When you smile, it leads to the release of dopamine to the brain which gives happiness a chance. A smile does not only have a positive effect on your body but also has more to do in-term of your productivity because a customer who knows you to be the smiling type will never trade that smile with your competitor that has a frown or glower face on.

Always have a reason to wear a smile, whether fake or original. Unless if not smiling, makes you happy. 

4. keep the Pictures of Your Loved Ones on Your Table 

One of the ways to remain happy and excited at work is having the portrait of your loved ones; mostly the one there is a chemistry between you both on your desk. This particular picture will stand in place of her at work. And because you won’t want to disappoint her, you will try as much as possible to work not only effectively, but with a sense of happiness in you. 

But maybe there is no room for a portrait on the desk, try to picture her in your head. This will go a long way. Because, when you see your love you’ll feel happy and excited. Same as when you think about them, your brain will react the same way. 

5. Listen to Your Best Music

This reminds me of when the day is getting boring at my place of work and will want to slow down my pace,  What I usually do is turn on my music. And before I know, the vibe is back. Though at first, I didn’t know how that works for me, until when I went on a visit to my uncle’s office who is a therapist. Coincidently, he was speaking about music as a tool for getting rid of your sad and boring moments. 

However, It was there I was made to know that music helps in the release of dopamine to the brain also as does smile which therefore makes you happy. 

6. Give Yourself Enough Rest 

Be sure to get enough sleep, at least 8 hours on a stretch. This will help in relieving you from weariness, tiredness and help recharge the body’s batteries. So, therefore, making you well recharged and happy the following day.

According to the American Psychological Association, Americans who get more sleep on average tend to be healthier, happier and safer. A lot of people work throughout the day and night. But it will be an advantage for you to know that there is happiness and relief in that sleep you did not count as anything. 


A company with happy employees could increase their sales by 37%, productivity by 31%, which directly contribute toward building a high-performance work environment and improves the quality of life for all people involved with the work.

Shawn Achor, The Happiness Advantage

In conclusion, happiness altogether is a highly subjective experience. But I will live you with the above quote to ponder. Do tell me what you think in the comments box. If you enjoyed this, you should check out these hacks that will make you very likeable at work.

12 Factors You Should Consider Before Choosing a School for Your Kids

12 Factors You Should Consider Before Choosing a School for Your Kids

The aim of education is beyond the scope of learning to read and write. Therefore, as a parent who is still contemplating on how to choose the right school for your kids in Northern Nigeria, you would need to realize that education helps in cultivating the mind. To gain abilities, skills, knowledge that leads to physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, moral, and social development. 

Presently, the population within Northern Nigeria states is increasing rapidly. This growth has paved the way for more educational institutions. Similarly, this change has thrown lots of parents into confusion about which school is best for their kids. However, a standard school isn’t measured by expensive fees, online presence, or the population of pupils, although there are factors to evaluate but shouldn’t be the basis. Hence, to make the right choice, consider the below factors.

How to Choose the Right School For Your Kids

1.  Consider the Learning Environment

A conducive learning environment influences your child’s academic performance. Irrespective of how talented their teachers are, the learning environment matters. Subsequently, the health of your kids becomes liable to harmful Illnesses such as cholera, typhoid, asthma, and lots more as they learn in a congested and dirty environment.

Therefore, check out the interior and exterior outlook of the school before you register your kids. This should also include having a comfortable learning table and chair for their pupils. 

2. Ensure the School has an Updated Curriculum

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world

Nelson Mandela

In essence, we only get to see our world change when the teachings our kids receive in school are competent in combating our current world’s perplexing issues. Perhaps, what is taught is still similar to the curriculum used in the 90s. I advise you to retrace your steps from such school premises. In our twenty-first century, a standard school curriculum must have Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) inculcated into their syllabus.

This approach builds your kids to be creative thinkers and problem solvers.

3. Search for Schools With Quality Teachers

Furthermore, the learning process becomes fruitless when there are no teachers to transfer the knowledge. Similarly, an incompetent teacher will impact little knowledge on your kids. This kind of teacher would always skip topics that they don’t understand, which are important to the students. In other words, skilled teachers are needed to teach your kids. 

Even as you ponder on how to choose the right school for your kids in Northern Nigeria, be reminded that your kids only excel in whatever topics they have been taught. In addition, inquire how often the school management organizes seminars and workshops to brace up the performance of their teachers.

4. Adequate Equipment must Be Available

Effective learning is achievable as the student can practise what is taught. However, beyond the theoretical aspect of education, a standard school should make provisions for workshops and scientific laboratories. This medium makes certain courses real to the students and improves their memory retention abilities.

In addition, it must have an updated library where teachers and students can research for more information.

5.  Get the Testimonies of Others

What others are saying about a particular school tells a lot about the school. Their testimonies either positive or negative is an indicator for you to either proceed in registering your kids or reconsider your decisions. Therefore, ask questions that are centred on the relationship that exists between the school management, their teachers, pupils, and parents.

In a school where there is little or no regard for parents, the aftermath is often reflected in the way the pupils are treated—harshly. 

6. Consider Their School Fees

It’s believed that all fingers aren’t equal. This same principle applies to humans. It makes no sense to go bankrupt to send your kids to school and compete with your friends and neighbours. We’ve earlier established the fact that expensive fees don’t equate to a standard educational system.

Therefore, there are standard schools with affordable fees out there. Besides, there are other family needs to solve. Thus, balance your financial chequebook and learn to cut your coat according to your size.

7. Extracurricular Activities

A standard school always creates room to develop their pupils beyond academic knowledge. Especially vocational skills. In recent times, those who excel at vocational skills have aided the eradication of poverty and brought about national development.

Therefore, as you consider how to choose the right school for your kids in Northern Nigeria, inquire about a school that teaches vocational skills such as art and craft, catering, textile and design, interior design, painting, tailoring, among others. In addition, teaches soft skills like time management, stress management, communication, and listening skills. 

8. Consider the Proximity

How close is the school to your home? To select the right school for your kids, you should ensure that the school location is accessible, and its transportation fees cost less. You don’t have to go over long distances to get the right school for your kids simply look within. 

Movement over long distances can cause stress on your kids, which in turn affects their academic performance.

9. Discipline is Another Factor to Consider

The school is a medium where kids are trained on the code of conduct that is acceptable within society. This could be achieved through regular orientation for their students. Therefore, a school with no discipline is a bait to lure your kids into waywardness. Furthermore, ensure that there are set rules and regulations against violence in the school such as bullying

In essence, as you reconsider your decision on how to choose the right school for your kids in Northern Nigeria, consider a school with effective guidance and counselling units where the majority of wrong behaviours among kids are addressed.

10. Schools With High Security Should be Chosen Over Others

The safety of your kids in the twenty-first century can’t be overemphasized. Therefore, avoid schools that don’t have strict monitoring and checkup policies by qualified security personnel. This is because there have been cases where strangers disguise themselves as parents to kidnap kids from school.

In essence, go for schools where there is a legit identification before any child can be released. Also, beware of isolated schools, the kids in such schools are vulnerable to attacks.

11. Ratio of Teachers to Pupils

Students learn faster when they can relate with their teachers and ask questions on things they aren’t sure about. For instance, a class of 50 pupils handled by a single teacher won’t produce excellent students compared to a class of 20 handled by a teacher.

Therefore, to avert sabotaging your resources while your kids profit less from your efforts, avoid the school with a congested class population to a single teacher.

12. Consider Their Parent Teachers Association(PTA)

The educational system is not for students and teachers only. Parents also play an important factor in the growth of schools. That’s the essence of PTA in a school. This creates a medium for parents and teachers to discuss challenging issues, likewise, solutions.

In addition, as a parent, you get to air your view about things you aren’t comfortable with within a school during PTA meetings. 


Education remains the fastest route to develop a child’s intellectual abilities, which leads to national advancement. That’s why it’s your responsibility as a parent or guidance to ensure they get educated in the right school. In addition, even as you reconsider the available options on how to choose the right school for your kids in Northern Nigeria, ensure the service rendered is worth your payment. 

In addition, tell us what other factors did you consider before selecting a school for your child in the comments.