5 Effective Ways to Improve Your Body Posture

5 Effective Ways to Improve Your Body Posture

Knowing your body posture and how to increase body posture in general is very essential for the human body. Posture is the position in which you hold your body while standing, sitting or lying down.

A good body posture involves training your body to stand walk, sit and lie so as to place the least strain on muscles and ligaments while you are moving or performing weight-bearing activities.

Knowing how to increase body posture is very important for your long-term health. Here are some ways on knowing how to increase your body posture…

5 Ways to Improve Body Posture

Before I dive deep into ways on how to increase body posture, it should be cleared that there are 2 main types of body posture

  • Dynamic posture: This is associated with postures like walking, running, or bending to pick something.
  • Static posture: This is associated with postures like sitting standing and sleeping.

Now that the knowledge on categories of posture has been cleared, you can now get to understand ways on how to improve body posture. Some ways include…

1. Participate in Yoga

This point has helped me a great deal in my posture, if I do say so myself.

Yoga helps an individual’s bones and muscles get flexible, not only does it do this, but it also increases the circulation of blood and gives an individual peace of mind. Just reading these benefits, it is obvious that yoga is a yes when it comes to having a good posture.

Yoga can be beneficial to the body posture because all its poses are centered on building core strength which helps in spinal alignment. These core strengths are used to help maintain muscles and bones which help support the body. Yoga is really good for the body and it helps improve the body posture of an individual and also helps the individual on how to increase body posture for his or her body.

2. Exercise Regularly

Exercise to most is stress. As a matter of fact it is, but did you know that it helps with good body posture?

Exercising has been proven to improve body posture of any individual. You do not need to do a straneous exercise to get fit and have the right posture, all you need is to get comfy in a workout attire and get right into working out. Working out does not necessarily have to be at the gym, you can workout from home.

Exercises strengthen your core and buttock muscles, and back extensions, will help correct a slouching posture, for instance. The bottom line is that exercises help you to improve your body posture and flex your muscles.

3. Eating Healthy of Foods

Most if not all of us love food, but did you know that you can eat what you love moderately and not slouch while doing so? Yes, you definitely can.

You should know that when you gain more weight than your muscles and bones can carry, you begin to affect the flexibility of your spine, the strength of your joints, and your posture. Fresh vegetables and fruits tend to have a very low energy density, meaning they contain very little calories per every gram you consume of them. Adding these vegetables to your diet can help you avoid gaining weight that can lead to health problems.

Changing what you eat for weight loss will surely improve your body posture and also help you in ways on how to increase body posture because less but nutritious meals will lead to large stomach which most times lead to slouching which in turn makes you tired on time.

4. Good Self-Confidence

You may ask how self-confidence relates to body posture, well it actually does relate. Have you ever stopped to observe people with charisma walking? How they carry their heads high and keep their shoulders broad whenever they walk or stand? Or how they walk into a room and everyone’s eyes are on them irrespective of their height? Yeah, that’s the power of self-confidence.

Richard Petty, co-author of the study and professor of psychology at Ohio State University said:

“Most of us were taught that sitting up straight gives a good impression to other people. But it turns out that our posture can also affect how we think about ourselves. If you sit up straight, you end up convincing yourself by the posture you are in.

Self-confidence gives you a high morale and happiness about yourself that it controls the way you walk, talk, sleep, sit or even stand, it really has a lot to do with posture. Take for instance, most people who slouch, they are usually the go-with-the-crowd people; they don’t like talking much because they do not want to attract attention to themselves. These type of people find it tedious to acknowledge the fact that self-confidence helps improve your body posture.”

5. Try Weightlifting

Don’t think weightlifting is for those heavy duties you see in the gym that all those big men lift in the gym. There are different equipment for weightlifting which range in sizes and all.

There are some that are 1-40kg; it all depends on what works for you. Weightlifting has a very huge effect on your spine and arms. The spine has a natural curve and so, the weightlifting helps to keep that curve in shape and not to allow it curve the more by slouching or straighten too much as a result of too much pressure on weightlifting. That is why it is advised to have a dumbbell that is efficient for you, it can be 1, 2, 3, 4, or even 40kg dumbbell you have, it all depends on your body weight and body capabilities.

Weightlifting in its light has a lot of benefits, and improving your body posture is sure one of them.

Now that we are familiar with bad postures and ways of tackling these postures lets go to…

Correct Body Postures

The correct postures do not need much, to take to be correct, all you need to do is…

  • Keep your back straight at all times.
  • Always raise your neck higher than your shoulders.
  • Don’t slouch.
  • Keep your shoulders firm and leveled.
  • When sitting, keep your legs closed and back up and straight.

Now that you know the correct body postures, it’s also relevant to know exercises for these body posture and some of them include…

  • Sit ups
  • Jumping Jack’s
  • Child’s pose
  • Plank
  • Crunches
  • Press ups
  • Jogging

Does posture corrector really work?


Having a good posture entails a lot of things and learning to motivate yourself to workout is also a good way to good posture.

When you have good posture, you fall in love with your body more and you look healthy. Knowing how to improve your body posture is a necessity and should be treated as such.


What is responsible for body posture?

Several muscles including the large back muscles and the hamstrings are critically responsible for body posture, especially good posture.

What happens if your body posture is not correct?

You will be exposed to back pain, spinal dysfunction, joint degeneration, rounded shoulders and pot belly.

What causes bad posture?

Bad posture can come about as a result of illness, injury, genetics, lack of exercise, eating too much, day to day effects of gravity on the body.

How can I maintain a good posture?

You can maintain a good posture by standing up straight, keeping your shoulders back, put your belly in and also put your weight mostly on the balls of your feet.

Why is it important to have a good posture?

Proper posture improves spine health, and you should know that the spine is one of the most important organ In the body. Without the spine you can’t walk, talk and even sleep well. Sitting and standing with proper alignment improves blood flow, helps keep your nerves and blood vessels healthy, and supports your muscles, ligaments and tendons.

Differences between Business and Entrepreneurship

Differences between Business and Entrepreneurship

There will always be a debate on the differences between business and entrepreneurship, except we research and grasp knowledge on these 2 concepts. Business in its light is broad and so is Entrepreneurship.

I’ve written articles on business and entrepreneurship simultaneously and I like most have used these concepts interchangeably failing to acknowledge that they have their differences and similarities. But most of us have only been able to acknowledge these similarities and not the differences between business and entrepreneurship.

Let’s now take a look at the differences between business and entrepreneurship, but before that let us answer these 2 relevant questions…

What Is Business?

To most, a business is defined as an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities. Businesses can be for-profit entities or non-profit organizations. Business types range from limited liability companies, sole proprietorships, corporations, and partnerships… says a website called oblerg.

What Is Entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is all about building a life on your terms without any bosses. It is the act of creating a business or business while building and scaling it to generate a profit. It is what people do to take their careers and dreams into their hands and lead them in the direction they want.

Now that you must have gotten a glimpse of knowledge through the definition of business and entrepreneurship you will see that while there are similarities, there are differences, and more of these differences between business and entrepreneurship can be…

Differences between Business and Entrepreneurship

It can be quite difficult to put out the differences between business and entrepreneurship but as I said, these are concepts that I’ve used interchangeably without acknowledging their differences. Now that I do know some of the differences, I would like to share my opinion with you…

1. Business Is Analytical, While Entrepreneurship Is All About Possibilities

Business is more of an ‘analytical thinker’ while entrepreneurship is more of a ‘possibility thinker’. This means that a businessman’s main focus is on making a profit while an entrepreneur’s main focus is on generating new value.

Let me break it down with an example, a businessman is different from an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are people like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Oprah Winfrey, Dangote, etc, these are entrepreneurs who look for the possibility of anarchy. They are trying to solve issues by generating value for what they do. Take for instance Oprah Winfrey, she has her studio and she uses this studio to interview celebrities and get their ideas on issues around the world and also on issues where these celebrities have been misunderstood. What she does creates value because most people would never have thought of this idea which she is using to her benefit. That’s why I said entrepreneurs generate value in what they do.

Then, businessmen are those people who invest in things like the stock exchange market, cryptocurrency, and already existing successful businesses. their main aim is to invest in businesses that will give them maximum profit. These people never look at the losses, their goal is to make money and more money, and more money. That’s why they are more analytical because they believe more in the laws of economics than that of the human mind.

2. A Business Is an Existing Model While Entrepreneurship Is Not

Businessmen invest energy, resources, and time to run the business because it is existing. On the other hand, an entrepreneur is someone who invests energy, resources, and time to build a model that is original and has been founded from scratch.

Entrepreneurs find it hard to be accepted in society because there is the notion that they are all out to be Ponzi schemes and lies. Most times entrepreneurship is all about breaking barriers to be original and unique. If you notice, most entrepreneurs are unique and are different, even though they are all operating in the same industry.

On the other hand, businesses are existing and are known by the masses so it makes it easier to operate because it is existing and doesn’t need much to be valid because it is well known in society.

3. Entrepreneurship Is Centered On Risk-Taking, While Business Is Not

If there is any individual that loves to take risks when it comes to profit, it’s entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs love to find out new things, new ways to get things done. They love breaking barriers and reaching new heights. But that can’t be said of a business individual.

Businessmen and women prefer to play it safe, they don’t want to see their pockets go lower than it already is, so they will keep doing the same thing as long as it keeps giving them the same positive results.

4. Business Works On Profit, While Entrepreneurship Works On Passion

I know I’ve written on business making profit its driving force numerous times but it is a fact and it is also a difference between business and entrepreneurship. Businesses and investments like stock exchanges, Cryptocurrency, Casinos, Betting sites are all established for profit-making, if you check out these businesses don’t satisfy or solve a problem, instead they reach the innermost desires of a man, to make money. But entrepreneurship has a different approach.

Entrepreneurship is built on passion; it makes a business and stands by it even when things are not going well. Nicole Faith, founder of 10 Carat Creations breaks entrepreneurship down by saying

“Being an entrepreneur means having a plan and vision but still succeeding or trying to succeed when the plan falls apart and you are left with only your vision. It also means knowing when to give up, especially if your idea isn’t working due to forces outside of yourself”

With this beautiful quote, you get to see that entrepreneurship deals with passion, but it also deals with fortitude, persevering when things are tough. Great entrepreneurs today started with passion, but perseverance kept them going.

5. Entrepreneurship Solves Problems, While Business Creates Problems

Im sure you will be wondering why I wrote what I wrote, but if you check out the statistics, you will see that what im saying is not entirely wrong. I will always emphasize the fact that business is aimed at profit and when a business is aimed at making money and more money, it loses out on the bigger picture, and what is the bigger picture? Giving value to what you are doing. A lot of businesspeople can explain what they do analytically but its never from the heart and they also do not know what happens to their products when things are going wrong, because all they think about is making profits and looking at the better days.

Founder and CEO of NeuroFlow, Christopher Molaro says,

“Entrepreneurship means being the one that is willing to take a leap, work hard enough to sacrifice everything else around you, all in the name of solving problems because no one else is capable or possesses the desire”

Reading this quote, you will see that entrepreneurship also aims to solve problems and do things most human beings will never think possible. For instance, take a look at Michael Jordan, he owns a footwear company called Jordans, when he started this business in the 1980s, a lot of comments were passed around that how will a black man own footwear, it just wasn’t possible, but he did it and today his footwear company is worth billions and he also owns his basketball team. He started the footwear company solely for basketballers, for these basketballers to have shoes that fit their ability to run and jump on the basketball court.


Reading this literature, you may be thinking that entrepreneurship isn’t all that bad after all, but you should know that entrepreneurship is also hard, very hard. You will also see that business in its light can be very beautiful.

There will always be arguments on business and entrepreneurship, which is better, their similarities, differences, and so on. You may not agree with most or maybe all the points listed above, and it’s fine. You can use this literature to find out more differences between business and entrepreneurship for your understanding.


Can entrepreneurs be businessmen?

Yes, entrepreneurs can be businessmen, some if not most entrepreneurs are also businessmen. They invest in other businesses to make extra profit.

What is the difference between entrepreneurs and business tycoons?

A business tycoon is an entrepreneur, a serial entrepreneur, and an investor. An entrepreneur is in a lot of cases the boss of himself or leading a person in a company.

What is an example of an entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is a person who starts a new business and usually risks his own money to start the venture. Examples are Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Pierre Omidyar.

What is the meaning of a business tycoon?

A business person is someone with exceptional wealth, power, and influence.

7 Easy Guides to Stop Being Disorganized

7 Easy Guides to Stop Being Disorganized

Everyone wants to achieve their goals, live their dreams, and be perfect in every way, forgetting that you can’t accomplish all these things if you aren’t organized and have a plan. Knowing how to stop being disorganized should be on everybody’s bucket list. You should know what causes one to be disorganized which are, perfectionism, lack of skills, our beliefs about things and indecision, and mental health and health-related conditions amongst others. If you fall into any of these reasons for being disorganized, then it means this article is for you.

Some people who don’t grapple with mental illness or perfectionism grapple with ADHD and the only way out of this mess is to look for ways how to stop being disorganized. Here are some tips on how to stop being disorganized…

7 Easy Guides to Stop Being Disorganized

1. Start Small

This means that you don’t necessarily have to do things all at once, you can start by taking baby steps. Knowing how to stop being disorganized has to do with prioritizing and scheduling.

You don’t always have to do everything all at once, doing that just makes your work feel all jumbled up and causes a mess, which leads to procrastination and disorderliness. As I’ve said before, starting small helps you stay on track, both on your time and in your life. Starting small also helps you prioritize your activities and also do well in everything worth doing. Looking, for a way how to stop being disorganized? Start small, it helps.

2. A Good Way to Stop Being Disorganized Is By Starting Smart

Starting small has to also do with being tactful, strategic, and smart. That’s why you have to be very skeptical and scrutinize what you prioritize to be organized.

Don’t waste time or stress out over random acts of tidiness. Instead, pick an area that will greatly impact your daily life. By doing this, you can start by getting a planner, like a book, calendar, or an app planner, whichever one works for you. List out all your routines and plans for the month or the week or for the day, whichever you want to do. To be honest, we all struggle with staying on top of our game by being organized and all, but starting small and smart will surely help you tackle a multitude of work that has been piled up for some time. By doing this, you are not only organizing your life you are also investing in yourself.

3.  Calculate How You Spend Your Time

We all have 24 hours in a day. It may be because your lifestyle is preventing you from properly managing your time. By lifestyle I mean, what you eat, how long you stay on social media, how long you sleep, how long you watch TV amongst others, if you are looking for ways how to stop being disorganized, you should be able to know some of your routines and see if there are habits you are holding on to that need to be let go.

Just by doing this, you are staying afloat in your game, and you’re trying to stay organized. Once you must have figured out what exactly is making you stay disorganized, you will know that your lifestyle could be preventing you from properly managing your time.

4. Organize Your Time Wisely

Time management is hard. To be successful at time management, start using a planner. I know I’ve spoken about using a planner and speaking about it now should let you know that writing down your plan and goals, helps you stay on track and also stops you from being disorganized, and helps you stay focused.

Knowing how to stop being disorganized should be a top priority for everyone and organizing and managing your time is a way to help you stay organized. In your planner, list every activity that involves scheduling. This includes appointments, project deadlines, exercise, and social events. Don’t schedule activities every hour of every day which leads to frustration. You also need to plan for the unexpected too, because anything can happen.

5. Plan, Prioritize, and Follow Through On Tasks

Chris Bailey, the author of the book “The Productivity Project,  writes that “having just three items to focus on throughout the day and week will help you stay centered and accomplish more, even on days when everything hits the fan’’.

Many people, including myself, fail at time management because we haven’t planned, prioritized, and followed through on tasks. The best way to correct this is by creating a routine.

You can do this by creating a weekly schedule inculcating essential tasks, such as writing articles, cooking, finishing assignments, or doing laundry. Next, you need to establish set blocks of time for these essential tasks. Because you know your essential tasks and also the times for them, now it’s time you evaluate the time spent on each task. Be consistent and keep these tasks and times up to date, try not to slack, and try doing this for 3 weeks.

For larger tasks, break them into smaller tasks and try working on them in chunks, that way you will be alright and by doing this, you are learning how to stop being disorganized!

6. Drop Your Bad Habits

You should know that multitasking is also a bad habit, that’s biting more than you can chew. One of the reasons you may be disorganized is because you must have developed bad habits that are preventing you from being organized.  If you want to get better at being organized and at time management, is by eliminating these bad habits. By eliminating bad habits, you can start by understanding your limits and knowing how to say no.

Another bad habit is relying on your memory. No matter how ‘sharp’ you claim to say your memory is, you have to know that you will always forget and you can’t always rely on your memory, whether it is on notes or anything else.

7. Decide What You Want To Achieve!

To stay organized, you should know what you want, your result, and how you want to achieve that.

Most people don’t know how to set and achieve their goals which is why they do whatever they like whenever they want to thereby making them disorganized.

Knowing how to stop being disorganized has to also do with deciding what you want to achieve, how you want to achieve it, and when you want to achieve it. For instance, you want an assignment is done which is due in the next 2 weeks that has to be printed. Now you have a goal of doing an assignment and finishing it up within a week and a half, all you have to do, is write at least one page of what you researched on as the assignment for the next 1 week and a half after you must have done all these, you will find out that you have ample time to correct your mistakes and put your assignment in check before the deadline.

By doing this task and accomplishing it, you haven’t also achieved a goal, you have mastered a principle which is time management.


Knowing how to stop being disorganized should be a task that everyone should know because, you can accomplish a lot with just being organized, I mean a whole lot! So why not dive into the concept of being organized in your life.

Try and develop the habit of writing down everything you want to accomplish in a day, and try meeting up to most of the deadlines on that day, you can achieve a whole lot, only if you want to be organized.


Why is it important to be organized?

It helps you to prioritize activities, set and achieve goals and reduce stress.

What makes you well organized?

Some of the things that make you well organized are, specific tools and technologies, general strategies, task management software, teamwork/communication, and more.

Can staying organized reduce stress?

Staying organized can reduce your stress levels because it can end the last-minute scrambling in various situations.

Can I stay organized without planning?

Without planning and organizing, there would be chaos. Nothing would be done.

Why is staying organized important to work?

Organizing and planning help you get your work done accurately, avoiding costly mistakes.

10 Valuable Tips on Starting a Successful Business

10 Valuable Tips on Starting a Successful Business

The feeling that the challenge of starting a successful business is too big is a primary obstacle many entrepreneurs see blocking their road to financial independence. Part of the reason why businesses fail these days is that most entrepreneurs do not know the tips for growing a successful business.

I don’t have my business to my name, but I have learned new skills, generated networks, and other essential things that accompanied my growth in business. These lessons made me affiliate to some businesses and I can say that I have worked with entrepreneurs who saw it fit to help give tips on growing a successful business and most are successful, so why not take their advice?

Starting a business feels more manageable to entrepreneurs when you follow a straightforward, step-by-step process. Here are valuable tips on growing a successful business.

Valuable Tips on Starting a Successful Business

1. Don’t Make Money Your Main Goal

Don’t get me wrong, money is a goal in every business, but it should not be the golden goal in a business because if it is, you stand to lose everything, even your startup capital.

There are a lot of Ponzi schemes on the internet that most people have fallen and still fall into, including me. Before I started writing and selling cars, I got scammed through this invest little and get a million naira within 2 days. I mean, anyone reading this would know it is not possible, but because I put money first, I lost all my money. The sad part is that young entrepreneurs fall into scams like this. All the content that claims to help you make money is just another deep hole dug by a creator who is looking to use you as bait.

After I got scammed, the first lesson I learned was that to make money, you need to provide value to a business or person. You can use YouTube to learn new skills instead of watching quick money cash.

The point here is, to grow a successful business, you should not make money the main goal, all businesses lose money every time, just brace yourself for the loss and also the profits.

2. Make a Plan and Set Goals

Goals are the fuel that keeps your ambitions running. Without goals and plans, it is like you are on a journey to an unknown destination without a map. Goals and plans are maps especially when it comes to business, for good guidance and direction.

If there is one thing most successful entrepreneurs have mastered in growing a successful business, it is how to set goals and then follow through on achieving those goals until they have reached their destination. A business plan is a road map every entrepreneur needs, to get the desired goal.

 If you are looking for a way to grow a successful business, then have a plan, work towards achieving it, and set goals towards your success.

3. Get Your First Customer

The mistakes most young entrepreneurs do is that they target hard customers and also offer free services. I mean, you can’t offer free services when you don’t even have anything to back it up with. I for one have tried targeting hard customers, especially celebrities on social media to buy cars and I will tell you, they will NEVER answer you. Go for customers who are on your level and want to buy your product.

Your first customer should be businesses or individuals who intensively have the problem you are solving. They are ready to pay and work with startups. You can start your journey by creating a social media account on Instagram for instance, that way you would be pitching your business to investors, and customers by posting about solving your problem. By doing this, you can also get your target audience.

4. Fuel Your Vision with Perseverance

A scene in the famous series, Game Of Throne, where Stannis Baratheon was being advised about the lack of wisdom in starting a battle in the snow. He responded…

“We march to victory or we march to defeat, but we go forward, only forward”.

Sometimes, when things get tough on your path as an entrepreneur, you have to commit yourself to move forward, regardless of the discomfort and fear surrounding the next steps. By doing this as an entrepreneur, you are also growing your business!

5. Understand the Rewards and Risks

Most young entrepreneurs just start up their businesses with the sole aim of getting rich on time and living their best life without taking into account risks and rewards. I mean nothing comes easy without making sacrifices to get the desired goal. These are small business tips entrepreneurs looking to grow a successful business should follow.

The key to being successful is taking calculated risks, to help your business grow.

6. Be Dedicated

I have this friend of mine who has a business in the automobile industry, he sells and buys most brands of cars and also imports and exports cars. He is a car guy and he is doing exceptionally well if I do say so myself. He told me, on his journey as an entrepreneur, what helped him were 4 main virtues which are: Dedication, Discipline, Applicable Wisdom, and a Strong Mindset knowing that whatever you put your mind to will yield positive results.

Just knowing about this, you get to see that motivation alone does not always get you where you want to be as an entrepreneur, most times its dedication, discipline, applicable wisdom, and a strong mindset that gets you far as an entrepreneur and also helps you grow a successful business.

7. Be Consistent

Consistency is a key component to making money in business. You have to keep doing what is necessary to be successful day in and day out. This creates long-term positive habits.

Consistency is a very strong virtue and value that every entrepreneur needs to grow a successful business. If you want to get good at something, you have to keep doing the best thing to yield good results. I mean, no successful entrepreneur will tell you they had it easy on their journey to success. You have to be consistent, make new habits and just keep going no matter what for you to grow a successful business.

8. By Creating Your Brand Personality

Most of my friends usually tell me that they can’t compete with large-scale businesses that have gone far or even successful businesses. I just go ahead to tell them that they can compete with large-scale enterprises by just being themselves.

What I have learned with customers is that they want people and businesses they can connect with on all levels in business. Your values, authenticity, and vision are what separate you from other businesses. Build your brand name by putting more “you” into your business. Just be yourself!

9. Put Your Employees First

A lot of young entrepreneurs don’t know how to work as a team and this causes their business to crash on time. If you can’t handle your teammates, then how do you expect to treat your customers? If you treat your employees with disrespect then be rest assured they will run your business to the ground.

You have to learn to work with the people under you, to gain their trust, you have to learn to take criticisms as a lesson to learn and areas to amend rather than insults. Also, you have to be flexible with your employees and your business, that is being humble and calculated. Doing this will help your business grow successfully.

10. Be Good at What You Do

As we grow up in life, we have to know what we are good at and where we fit in, if you don’t fit in, then you have to find your path.

The same thing applies to growing a successful business. A tip for growing a successful business is finding your path, by looking for your niche, you will be solving problems and growing a successful business. Looking at successful entrepreneurs, you will find that there are all doing what they are good at and are excelling in it, for instance, Elon Musk in the automobile industry, Bill Gates in the technology industry, Michael Jordan in the footwear industry, amongst others. These were people who found their niche and used it to solve problems.


Entrepreneurship is not easy in its light, but there are ways to grow a successful business. You have to be consistent in whatever you are doing to be on top.

Entrepreneurs need to know that starting and maintaining a business is not as easy as most people paint it to be, you have to be strong both mentally and emotionally to handle whatever is thrown at you during your journey to being a successful entrepreneur.

But the best thing to know is that once you have gotten an understanding of tips for growing a business, everything else becomes easy to handle.


What are the tips to grow a successful business?

Some tips on growing a successful business are, getting organized, being creative, staying focused, and providing great service.

What skills do you need to be successful in business?

Some entrepreneurial skills are, good leadership, financial management, networking, problem-solving, and time management.

Why is growth relevant to the success of a business?

It is crucial for the long-term survival of a business because it helps to acquire assets, attract new talent, and fund investments. It also drives business performance and profit.

How can I make my business grow?

You can make your business grow by knowing your competitors, identifying new opportunities, managing time, and solving problems.

How can i promote my business?

You can promote your business by, using social media, paying for advertisement, creating engaging content, getting involved in an online community.

How You Can Read Peoples’ Minds through Their Eyes

How You Can Read Peoples’ Minds through Their Eyes

The saying “the eyes are the window of the soul” really says a lot in this article. A lot of people have asked questions on how to read people’s minds through their eyes, the question on this has been so rampant that even doctors and medical degree holders have taken it upon themselves to find ways how to read people’s minds through their eyes, thereby writing books that will make you smarter in this aspect.

It has been noted that knowing how to read people’s minds through their eyes deals with psychology and it entails understanding the human mind. Now the question is… How do we get this special access to the most private of domains – the human minds?

In this article, you will be gaining knowledge on how to learn to read people’s minds through their eyes, some ways include…

Related: 20 Books That Will Help You Read Minds Like a Pro

Ways to Learn to Read People’s Mind through Their Eyes

Even if people don’t want you to know how they feel, they can’t change how their eyes behave. Each movement of the eyeballs and the pupils has a meaning.

They move when you are thinking about something, reminiscing a moment from the past. But the question now is, how do you know which movement means what? So here is a list of ways how you can read someone’s eye movements to know what is on their mind.

1. What Upper Left Eye Movement Means

This occurs when someone is trying to visualize what another person is saying during a conversation. When this eye movement is done, it means that the person is trying to imagine what the other person is saying.

2. What Upper Right Eye Movement Means

This occurs when people are trying to visualize a certain memory they are digging into.

3. What the Left Eye in the Centre Means

This is also known as an auditory construction. This is done when an individual is trying to identify sounds that are not familiar.

4. What the Right Eye in the Centre Means

Also referred to as auditory digging; this occurs when an individual is trying to remember sounds they have heard in the past.

5. What Lowering Of Eyes towards the Left Means

Most at times, this eye movement occurs during an interrogation. This happens when an interrogator asks an individual to remember a certain taste, smell, feeling, event, or even a specific time of an incident.

6. What Lowering Of Eyes towards the Right Side Means

This eye movement to most is termed a happy eye movement. It signifies recalling the past and reliving memorable moments with a smile. Most of us do this without even knowing.

7. What Looking Straight Means

This is the most famous eye movement which everyone is familiar with. You have got to watch the pupils. If dilated, they tend to not be present with you. They are busy thinking, accessing the information on something else. More like what happened in the past. Most people just give this eye movement the catchphrase “staring into oblivion”. The bottom line is that the person’s mind is not on your present conversation or activity.

Furthermore, a professor of psychology at Georgia Gwinnett College whose name is David Ludden, Ph.D. says, and I quote

“We tend to look directly at an object we are attending to since doing so casts its image into the center of our visual field, where we see things most clearly. Psychologists call this overt attention because when we look at an object, others around us know what we are paying attention to. Yet we also can pay attention to objects outside the center of our visual field. Psychologists call this covert attention because it appears that we are looking at one thing while paying attention to something else…”

I believe what he is saying here is that “attention” plays a very central role in mind reading through the eyes. What you center your attention on, whether an image or whatever, your eyes will always tell what is on your mind.

Other Eye Gestures to know what is on a Person’s Mind

Of course, there are other eye gestures and cues to know what is on a person’s mind. There are even baselines to knowing when a person is lying and they include:

1. Watch Their Blink Rate

If they start to blink fast or are slower in blinking, it raises an alarm.

2. Eyebrow Movement

This entails a question, are they eyebrow expressive? Or did they just start at that particular moment of interrogation?

3. Watch Their Eye Direction

As I have written earlier about the 7 eye directions, a person may be looking, left, right, center, up, or down. Any change in this will tell you the person is thinking otherwise or thinking of something else.

Use of Eye Gestures to Know what’s on a Person’s Mind

Once you have established a person’s baseline, then you can move on to the eye gestures and cues of a human being. Some of these eye gestures include:

1. The Eyebrow Flash

This eye gesture signifies happiness or pleasure. Babies who are a few months old do this whenever they see their mothers. When we flash or raise both eyebrows for a split second, it means we are pleased about something. This eye gesture is also seen as a greeting which everyone does especially black men abroad.

Cool kids also use this when they are trying to greet their friends or someone they are familiar with.

2. Winking

This is seen as a way of easing tension during a conversation. Sometimes this is done as a signal for something depending on the situation.

Everyone has been winked at and it is alright to wink at someone, especially if you are comfortable with that person.

3. Single Eyebrow Raise

This eye gesture means surprise or even a questioning look, like being skeptical.

But when you throw in a lovely welcoming smile, it means you are interested.

4. Raising Eyebrows

If both eyebrows are suddenly raised, this can mean someone is surprised, such as when receiving good news. However, it can also mean that someone is worried. This is different because here, the eyebrows stay longer.

Most of the time there are questions like “why do people raise their eyebrows while talking?” The answer to that question is that when people are trying to make a point or argue they often try to raise their eyebrows. This is also a way of saying you are listening.

5. Prolonged Eye Contact

When people see that they are being starred at for a long period they tend to believe they are being liked. The truth is that making eye contact, even if it is just 30% of the time, shows that it increases people’s remembrance capabilities.


There are a lot of eye gestures and books on mind reading which depict what is going on in their minds. Eye gestures help signify a lot that is going on in the human mind.

Knowing how to read people’s minds through their eyes, depends on if you know that person and their eye movement, but if you don’t, I believe this article, I am sure has been of great help.

Reading people’s minds through their eyes is not a talent but a skill that can be learned and it entails knowing when someone is lying, likes you, or knowing their self-confidence level. Understand the human mind and emotions and you are on your way to knowing how to read people’s minds through their eyes.


How can you read people’s eyes through their mind?

Whenever there is a movement in someone’s eyes then that raises some questions. Movements like eyes moving to the left, right, center, or whatever can help you read a person’s mind.

Can you tell what someone is thinking by their eyes?

The eyes can reveal much more complex phenomena: they can convey whether we are lying or telling the truth. So yes, you can tell what someone is thinking from their eyes.

Can the eyes communicate?

Eye contact is nonverbal communication that humans use to communicate many forms of emotions. So yes, the eyes do communicate, fear, anger amongst other things.

Do eyes speak?

The eyes tell us everything. It tells us a lot about a person’s thoughts, emotions, and even their level of interest in us as a romantic partner.

What can you tell from a person’s eyes?

The shape of a person’s eyes conveys clues to personality traits. Most times, people refer to this as the reflection of the mind.