12 Things That Could Ruin Your Relationship (Beware of No. 9)

12 Things That Could Ruin Your Relationship (Beware of No. 9)

When it comes to relationships, stages are met – talking, friendship, getting to know each other, and finally dating. Along the stages, there are things that could ruin your relationship with this other person. In this post, we’ll run you through these things. Let’s get right to it.

Things That Could Ruin Your Relationship

1. Having Disrespect towards Each Other

A common reason why most relationships go sour is by being disrespectful towards your partner. Remember, the basis of any relationship is ‘respect’ and to hold your partner in high esteem.

Being disrespectful to them can do more harm than good. This act inevitably leads to a bridge in a relationship you’ve put in time and effort into. Of course, respect is earned and not demanded the same way it is reciprocal. Respect should be given to your partner and in the same way, you get your respect from them.

2. Bridge in Communication

Before I proceed, take the time to read on this:

Not communicating with your partner is a thing that could ruin your relationship.

Communication is key in everything, remember? Communication is not only key in a relationship but also at work, friendship, and family. It is vital to communicate effectively with your other half. This makes the relationship work and of course not only breaks that bridge but also strengthens the foundation of the relationship.

3. Holding Grudges

“Let bygones be bygones,” they say. I’ve always heard this one since my secondary school days whenever my colleagues or are is one way or another involved in a quarrel. This saying is also applicable in relationships too and life in general.

No one is perfect, yes? We all make mistakes and as such, we should learn the habit of letting things go and forgiving too.

When you hold grudges with your partner, you’re not only ruining it but also creating a bridge between you two. This also takes away the peace of mind in your heart.

4. Not Spending Quality Time for Your Partner

Relationships come with giving time, undivided attention, devotion, effective communication, commitment, and of course many others. But the first two: time and undivided attention are the main factors that keep a relationship from going sour.

“The little things matter” we always say. The little things you do, the little time you spend with your other half is vital for the relationship to keep going forward. Just merely taking some minutes off work to call your other or taking the next flight to surprise them is always worth it. This puts a smile in their heart and also reassures them how much you feel and think about them.

This is surely one of the things that could ruin your relationship.

5. Saying Rude Remarks or Sentences to Your Partner

There are always going to be ups and downs in relationships. No relationship is perfect, it gets bumpy but there are things one needs to do to keep them going forward. If these things are not done and taken care of, it leads to bigger problems and arguments.

When arguments come, one tends to say things they actually don’t mean. But when words are said, they can’t be taken back, okay?

If you have this issue in your relationship, treat it with caution and have self-tolerance towards uttering some hurtful words to your partner, most especially during arguments.

[wpdiscuz-feedback id=”cbtgl26mp7″ question=”what are some hurtful words you have said to your partner during an argument?” opened=”0″][/wpdiscuz-feedback]

6. Making Attempts to Change Your Other Half

Relationships are about complete acceptance of flaws and all, maybe more. If you can’t seem to accept each other for who you are, it’s best you accept you aren’t many for each other and move on to the next phase. I mean, thank you, next? Am I right?

“Yes, people change” but this happens on their accord and because they want to out of their own free will. This change shouldn’t be forced onto them with insults, recommendations, and suggestions.

7. Taking Your Partner for Granted

“We’ve been together for years, where can he go to? Who will understand him as I do?”

Sometimes, people begin to feel entitled towards their partner due to the years put into the relationship, the attachment, and the commitment. Inevitably, without even knowing, we begin taking our partners for granted. We begin to feel no one will love and understand them as we do and this is disheartening.

Sometimes, we measure relationships by the years of togetherness and tolerance of some characters and the bumpy rides. When you begin to think this way, you tend to not see the importance, qualities, and personalities you fell in love with at first and this is definitely a thing that could ruin your relationship.

For an effective relationship, you need to keep showing appreciation towards each other and not get tired of each other.

8. Neglecting Sacrifices, Compromises, and Commitments

It takes two to tango, right? A relationship is like a tango, it takes two to make it work. A relationship can never work if the other person is selfish and not ready to sacrifice, commit, and compromise to make the other half happy.

A successful relationship revolves around sacrifice, commitment, and compromise. A partner should always consider the needs and wants of his other half and place them ahead in other to make them happy, cared for, and loved.

9. Cheating on Your Partner

Cheating, infidelity – whatever you call it is a thing to never do to your significant other for any reason at all because it could ruin your relationship. A relationship where you don’t pledge loyalty to your partner is baseless and useless. If you’re having problems with your partner, the most logical thing to do is talk and fix the problem, not finding solace in the arms of another man or woman.

Remember I said relationships get bumpy but that is not reason enough to cheat on your partner, no one can tolerate that.

Cheating leads to bigger problems and as such, it is really important to stay loyal to your partner and with your partner. Do you get what I’m saying? Body, heart, mind, and soul. Complete pledging of loyalty towards them.

10. Not Saying or Showing How Much You Love Your Partner

Different strokes for different folks, yeah? I’m talking about body language here.

People are into words of assurances, others gifts, surprises, etc. Which is your partner’s?

Saying I love you to your partner in any way you can not only send butterflies to their stomach but also strengthen your bond. Most often, people stop showing how much they love their partner once they are in the relationship and this is wrong in every language.

Remind your partner and let them know that you still love them even when you already have them. You can even tell them how you love them, without saying it.

11. Blaming Your Partner

Nobody is perfect, remember everyone is with flaws. As this is true, it’s not reason enough to blame your partner for any tragedy that happens in your relationship. Shit happens, tender an apology, and accept their apology. Forgive and forget it and move on from it.

Remember number 3? Don’t hold grudges. We know sometimes, it tends to be very hard to find ways to get someone to forgive you, but it’s still worth giving it your all.

12. Not Opening Up To Your Significant Other

Avoiding difficult conversations or not opening up to your partner about awkward situations or a problem you’re going through will create problems in your relationship. This act of not opening up will lead to lingering issues and make every communication a mess as you will keep having a hard time getting through to them.

Remember the start of the relationship where you couldn’t go a day without sharing what you ate or what you did? Those hours of good talk and no sleep? Keep that same energy going.

Oops I’ve said too much.


In general, relationships get better when both parties are willing to avoid things that could ruin the relationship. There is always hope, especially when you both recognize the problem and decide on ways to fix and make the relationship grow again.

You can always pick up a relationship where it was left off, only if you’re willing to. It takes two to tango, remember? I must have missed one or two, feel free to let me know in the comment section. Thank you.

How to Improve Communication Skills for Your Significant Other

How to Improve Communication Skills for Your Significant Other

“Communication is Key.”

We’ve all heard this saying before, it’s not only relating to relationships but also friendship, family, work, and business. Communication is key to any successful relationship. May I add even to any healthy relationship? Yes!

Communication is expressing, sharing, showing, and voicing ideas, feelings, emotions, and even signals from the eyes to body language and even hands. It is about expressing yourself, paying attention to your significant other. In addition, with communication comes listening and understanding, with both – an effective relationship.

You could be a great talker in a relationship but not a listener or be a listener and not a talker, it doesn’t work that way. You have to be both giving and receiving the same energy you want from your partner. It’s essential in a relationship to communicate. It may sound simple and easy, but remember, it’s always the little things that matter and makes a vast difference.

Yes, couples quarrel and disagree but they try to do so in a compassionate and effective way to save their relationship and do little things to reach out to each other to avoid getting things out of control. Be observant about the little things. Here are ways to improve communication in a relationship;

10 Ways to Improve Communication in Your Relationships

1. Ask Questions Like: How was your day?

This question can be answered by just anyone with “I’m fine” but coming from your partner is different, completely different.

Be extra. This question should be answered in detail, talk about how your day went, what you ate, how you got to work, how your boss looked so funny, or what you did all day.

With this question, you’re in touch and in sync with your partner. It also helps you both communicate as you both don’t run out of what to say and even if you do, tomorrow is another day to keep it going. Check in with your partner every day!

This is a way to improve communication in a relationship, invest in it.

2. Avoid Overthinking It

Did he do this? Did he do that?

Hey! Stop that! It takes two to work in a relationship. Stop overthinking about what they are doing. It’s always never worth it. You end up getting worked up over nothing. Instead, reach out to your partner and talk to about ways to improve communication in the relationship.

Assuming, expecting, and overthinking lead to disappointment and your feelings getting hurt.

3. Be a Good Listener

You could be a great talker but are you a listener?

A listener in a relationship is someone who instead of walking out of a relationship actually stays back to understand where their partner’s point of view is coming from. Listen and understand why they got upset over something you think is trivial or listen to what they have to say overcoming late to a romantic date. When you talk, listen, and understand. That is the effort, a way to improve communication in the relationship.

A partner should have this quality to make a relationship peaceful.  A partner should listen, understand, and always try to forgive. Relationships can be bumpy, trust me, I have been there but I still believe it takes two to work, always. Furthermore, you have to understand and try to make amends wherever you both might be wrong.

4. Encourage Communication Between You Two

Communicating gives you an effective edge to solving problems and gives you an effective relationship and a happy attitude. Problems can be solved by communicating, understanding where you went wrong, and of course, forgiving, and letting go.

To be in a relationship is to forgive because you will be with a whole different person who has to know and understand you. They are not you and you are not them. What pisses you off might not piss them off but when you do piss them off, acknowledge it and tender an apology. It inevitably grows the relationship as you get to know and understand them in the process.

Every moment is an opportunity to connect with your significant other – always respond when they try to communicate. If your partner is trying to reach out, be there for them – this is a way to improve communication in a relationship and they are showing you they want to try with you.

Talk about future plans together, your sex life, where and how you both can improve in the relationship, and how to be each other’s support system. Make efforts to meet up with your partner’s emotional needs.

5. Avoid Caviling

Avoiding finding fault or criticizing your partner is one of the ways to improve communication in a relationship. Cavilling is criticizing, blaming or finding fault in your partner over unimportant and frivolous reasons.

“Arrrgh, you did this the last time”

“This is all your fault”

These are two different scenarios, I’ll explain.

The first talks about “the last time”. This tells you this partner held on to something he/she did the last time and a repeat of it ticked them off. This is a NO when you’re in a relationship.

You should address an issue and tell your partner how that made you feel, how it affected you. Shit happens, we all know that. Your partner could do something or you could do something wrong, immediately talk it out. Don’t hold grudges. Don’t build their wrongs up. Such piling leads to bigger misunderstandings and quarrels, and that is not healthy for a relationship.

The second focuses on “your fault”. You should not nitpick or point blames to your partner over unnecessary issues that could be addressed. Resolve issues calmly. Listen first and then respond.

Remember, you don’t always have to be right and that’s why “I’m sorry” exists. Be sincere about the apology and pick the right time to discuss the issue.

6. Talk about Planned Schedules

“Hey babe, remember the meeting/deal I told you about? It’s happening today. I’ll talk to you later tonight, say 11 pm. Do take care and I love you”

Little things matter as I said. This is a “major little thing”. Here, this partner is telling and wanting his significant other to know how stressful his day will be and what time he’ll talk to her so she doesn’t worry about him. Thoughtful, right?

It means they are communicating and also reassuring their partner that they have them in their heart and will definitely reach out when they have themselves back.

This little thing is communication all in one because they know their partner will worry about them and of course, they are saying the love word – and improving communication in the relationship.

7. Always Show Appreciation

“Thank you for letting me know this beforehand. I wish you the very best of luck, babe. Of course, you’re that luck in my life. You’ve got this. I love you”

This is another effort this lover is putting to reply to his/her significant other’s message. He/she is appreciating and expressing gratitude that their partner took out the time to let them know about their schedule for the day. They are also showing support and believing in their partner and of course, telling them they are lucky in their life to boost their confidence.

You see, relationships are about effort and energy.  This message might just be words but it tells a lot about their efforts and energy. More so, the way to improve communication in a relationship is by showing appreciation and gratitude for something thoughtful your partner does. It’s quite simple, you know.

Thank you

8. Compliment Each Other

“You’re beautiful”

“You’re smart, my wonderful man”

“You make me feel better”

“I love your eyes, your big eyes”

“I love your butt”

Always keep telling your partner what you love and appreciate about them even in the relationship. Don’t stop when you’re in a relationship. Everyone loves reassurances in a relationship, I know I do.

Getting too comfortable with each other should be a good thing as it gives you chances to communicate effectively and express yourself however you want and of course, say naughty words.

9. Discuss Your Sex Life

“I like this better”

“I like it more when you moan directly to my ear”

“I like it when you twirl your tongue”

These are ways to improve communication in a relationship – it involves a comfortable conversation around your sex life and it is effective as it makes you both better and connected.

 You should discuss your sexual fantasies with your significant other, that’s why it’s essential to be comfortable around each other. It enhances your connection, trust, excitement, and leads to better sex and a rewarding relationship.

10. Don’t Forget to Flirt!

Keep up with the flirting and the complimenting. There are a lot of nasty words and gestures that get your partner riled up, blushing, and all giddy. You need that, it is healthy.

As a lady, you could just take off your clothes in a sexual manner while your partner stares at you, get all nasty and naughty as you bite down your lip. Keep up with eye contact. It matters.

Don’t lose this, it’s exciting. You necessarily don’t need to get dirty, do it for fun. Laugh about it, enjoy it. Enjoy every flirty feeling, it helps in building the relationship.


The reality is really, little things matter. A partner who loves and is observant about you will know what ways to improve communication in a relationship and fix upon where they might be wrong. So, build that relationship with communication.

Furthermore, having a strong base, a strong foundation goes a long way in making communication easy for you. Relationships get bumpy along the way but trust me, it is beautiful with the right person. Communicate, Understand. Love like it’s your first!

This is How You Find The Right Partner

This is How You Find The Right Partner

One thing we shouldn’t joke with is our mental health and this is why it is important to date right. Dating for all the wrong reasons would bring heartaches and premium tears. So many who have gone down this route have either died or disliked the idea of being in love. It is, therefore, important that we date the right person. This article seeks to help you know how to find the right partner.

10 Ways of Choosing the Right Partner

1. Don’t Rush

We shouldn’t want to date just for fun or to catch the cruise. This isn’t healthy or morally right at all. For this reason, one isn’t supposed to rush into a relationship. I understand that there is an adrenaline rush when we meet someone new and seem to connect and we just wanna dive into a relationship with that person. No! Fight the temptation.

It might not be easy but it is important to observe and use one’s head before dating someone. If you do this, there is a 100 and 1 % chance that you will end up with the right partner.

2. To Find the Right Person, Don’t Let Lust Lead You

The fact that you have chemistry with this person and perhaps, you’re compatible sexually doesn’t make that person the right partner. Don’t allow sexual fantasies or lust to lead you.

If you allow lust to lead you, it is obvious that you will end up with the wrong person.

3. Find Someone You Can Be Free With

One way you would know if someone is right is if you find someone you can be yourself with. Anyone who wants you to pretend or live a fake life isn’t for you. You need to be free around your partner.

You don’t need a partner that always makes you feel bad about yourself. Nah! This is surely one of the ways to find the right partner.

4. To Find the Right Person, Avoid Materialistic People

If you are into materialistic people, this point is not for you. Materialistic people tend to be very entitled. These traits are that of toxic folks. Don’t go after people who are like this. They might ruin you big time. All they care about is buying the latest shoes, bags, shirts, and always looking at competing with others.

Flee from them!

5. Build True Friendship

Looking for how to find the right partner? Build true friendship and be intentional about this. I know a couple who have been married for close to ten years and they are happy. Guess what? They started this way – by building true friendship.

If you ask them what the secret to their happy home is, they will point to this fact. They are very good friends before being lovers.

6. Learn to Love Yourself

For you to find the right partner you can love or be with, you need to love yourself. This is very paramount. It is easier to love someone when you love yourself. Please, learn to love yourself.

7. To Find the Right Partner, Be Intentional About It

Being intentional about finding the right partner will help you put a lot of factors into consideration. For instance, the qualities you want in a person, the person’s interest, the type of family, etc.

Be intentional about these things. This will help you to settle for the right person.

8. Find Someone You Can Communicate Effectively With

This is very vital. The success of a relationship is dependent on communication. I want to share a story with you:

This couple were married, let’s say two months and the wife will cook and expect the husband to come dish for himself. She didn’t see serving him as a big deal. Don’t call her names yet, perhaps, in her home, everyone was expected to go dish food themselves. It happens. Hubby didn’t like this and it kept happening for weeks. It was beginning to affect their marriage until he realized that there was a need to talk to her about it. They did and it was then he realized that she didn’t even see not serving him as a big deal. After then, she changed and the problem was solved.

Do you see how powerful communication can be? If you’re wanna end up with the right person, let it be someone you have good communication with.

9. You Must Be the Right Person Too

Looking for how to find the right partner? Be the right person first. So many people want to date the right partner and on the other hand, they aren’t the right people themselves.

For you to be the right person, you will have to curb those excesses, work on bad habits, and be humane. If you do this, then you’re worthy to look for the right person to be with.

10. Avoid Negative-Minded Folks

You see people that are full-blown pessimists, avoid them. All they do is complain and always look for negatives in situations to talk about. You will be unfair to yourself if you end up with them.

They would drain the positivity out of you and you would end up miserable. As time goes on, they might start making you feel less of yourself.


Going through these points and how to find the right partner wouldn’t be a puzzle to you anymore. I hope you enjoyed your read. If you do, kindly leave a comment in the comments section. Thank you.

Always visit this blog for engaging reads. Ciao!!

You could also read on: 10 Things You Must Do at the Start of Every Relationship

15 Number of Ways You Can Tell They Like You

15 Number of Ways You Can Tell They Like You

There are different ways to tell if someone likes you or not, but you have to be very careful not to misinterpret peoples’ gestures. Any mistake could be very embarrassing and in some cases, disastrous.

Knowing if someone likes you or not can be easy, difficult, or tricky depending on your intellect and observation skills. Nevertheless, if you want to know whether or not someone likes you, in general, here are some signs to look out for:

Ways You Can Tell They Like You

1. They like to Be Wherever You Are

It is normal for one to like to be close to their crush. There is this feeling of satisfaction they get when they are close to you. They mustn’t necessarily be beside you to feel that, but your presence in the environment they are in suffices.

2. They Make Eye Contact

One of the ways to tell if someone likes you is by making eye contact with you frequently. Making eye contact with someone could either be mistakenly or intentionally. In this case, it’s intentional; you know it is when your eyes meet and they tend to take it off you immediately and put them back on when you look away.

3. They Feel Secure

This is only applicable to ladies. There is this sense of security a lady feels when she is with the man she loves. She can go as far as been disrespectful to someone in your presence knowing that you will be there to defend her.

4. They Always Want to Hear from You

You can tell they like you when they talk to you too often physically, or send you messages or call you on your cellphone regularly. When you meet, they tell you how happy they are when they communicate with you, or you get to hear that from their close friends or family.

5. They Like Whatever You Like

If he/she is an acquaintance, they tend to like whatever you show interest in and dislike whatever you dislike that they initially do not care about. And if he/she isn’t an acquaintance, they like or dislike what you are interested in, naturally.

6. They Always Start a Conversation

Since they want to spend more time with you, they will want to converse with you more often, thus, initiating a conversation almost always at the slightest opportunity they get. They can start with any question that pops up in their head even if the aura isn’t right.

It happened to me when I was chatting with a lady some time ago, she said “Hi” and I responded, then we started conversing and there was a pause because we ended the conversation we were having. We were both online and the next thing, she sent another “Hi”. It’s obvious she wanted a piece of my time but didn’t even know how to initiate a new conversation.

It might interest you to read on 16 Tips on How to Keep a Conversation Going With Someone You Like

7. Wanting to Know More about You

Your crush will always want to gather sufficient information about you (for those who are interested in a committed relationship) to know if you two are compatible or not.

They tend to ask questions like “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”, “What are your likes and dislikes?”, “What is your ideal kind of wife?” etc. The questions may be even personal as they get to know you more.

8. Not Acting Normal

One of the ways to tell if someone likes you is when they start acting weird around you. In the case of ladies, they begin to play with their hair and/or smile and laugh at anything you say or do, and for guys, they begin to overdo things around you – things to impress you like trying so hard to be funny. 

9. They Find Everything You Say Hilarious

This is most common among ladies. Whatever you say is funny even if it is not. You know, there is the weird sound a fake laughter sounds. You can easily detect it without even trying.

10. They Keep Track of Everything You Do

You can tell they like you when they can remember every little detail about you – things that you may have forgotten you told them. Sometimes, they even remember

They remember the relationship between you and every friend of yours that you have introduced them to and/or told them about, so also, your close relatives and anyone around you. In addition, they can even remind you of your monthly cycle or your college lecture schedule!

They can do all of that and more without stress whatsoever.

11. If They Smile Unnecessarily

Furthermore, one of the ways you can tell if someone likes you is when they smile unnecessarily.

By just staring at you, you find them smiling, sometimes, uncontrollably. I believe you must have experienced that with someone you were or are into.

In a conversation, they smile not because what you are saying is interesting or you are that attractive or funny, but they just find themselves doing so subconsciously – you can tell by obvious signs of them not paying attention to you.

12. They Have Told Their Friend(s) about You

When a guy or girl likes you, they wouldn’t mind telling the world about you, most especially their friends and family. When that gets to your hearing, know that they are into you. This is one of the ways to tell if someone likes you.

13. They Tell You Personal Details about Themselves

Personal details about one are shared with someone you are very close to like a trusted friend or family relation, usually. Because they are into you and want you to be a part of their world, they share with you. Personal details like their family problems or their sexuality are very personal stuff in the Northern part of Nigeria, notwithstanding, they tell you.

14. They Find Excuses to Touch You

You can tell they like you when they try to touch you at every slightest opportunity they have got, though not common in the North compared to other regions in the country, some people do that. They always try to sit close to you or ask you to play a game that requires you to be close to them like Ludo or Whot. Your company is what they never stop craving for.

15. They Communicate Freely

Normally, you find yourself communicating freely without someone you ordinarily like not to talk of someone you are crushing on. They are not too mindful or choosy of what they say or discuss with you.


Personally, I tend to find women easier to read than men. Both sexes are driven by different things. Ladies are mostly emotionally unstable compared to men, thus, leaving them more vulnerable to be noticed by men. Regardless, just know that you have to be very careful in your judgement.

If you find this article interesting, kindly leave a comment below, and also share with us if you think there is/are point(s) I omitted. Thank you.

Related: This is How You Make Your Crush Like You and 10 Signs that Show You Are in a One-Sided Relationship

10 Steps to Becoming a Social media Influencer

10 Steps to Becoming a Social media Influencer

Social media has grown from simply a collection of websites to an online community that builds relationships with users interacting with each other from all over the world education, growing businesses and expanding, and even selective advertisements. Becoming a social media influencer is now a thing

Becoming the new age celebrity, or rather, social media influencer involves growing, creating credibility in a specific industry, and being able to affect purchasing or involvement decisions of people that follow you. Below are ten steps to put you through on how to become a social media influencer.

1. Pick Your Platform

Picking the social media application is the basic step on how to become a social media influencer as are different ways of engagement for each platform with its own target audience. Think carefully, survey every platform, decide your target audience and create an account.

2. Find Your Place

Every social media influencer has an area of specialization or a business niche where they fall under. Having an area of specialization where you are passionate about and work well with, will help you build yourself.

3. Post Engaging and Interactive Content

There is a lot of diversity on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, different things to explore and new things to discover. People will only engage with your content if it’s something they can relate too or something that invites them to interact with it.

Twitter: The first step to attracting people to you on Twitter is making your bio eye-catching. Following and staying up to date with trending issues, using the right hashtags when dropping your opinions, using viral content and words with a bit of smartness and humor is a nearly fail safe way to attract people and build up your stage. It is also important to post consistently and respond to followers and replies to your posts.

Facebook: This has the largest audience on all social media platforms and includes audiences from all age ranges. An easy way of drawing attention to your page or account is writing captions that not only reflect your area of specialization but are also controversial enough to engage people. Post your views and opinions on important matters and use the right hashtags.

Instagram:  A very important skill in attracting an audience and becoming an influencer on Instagram is being active and posting true and engaging contents. Whether it is writing or comedy skits, it is important to be consistent with your posts and engaging with other people’s posts too, following and engaging on posts by other influencers.  An attractive profile with original contents will earn you a follow faster than you think and using the right hashtags is important as well.

4. Consistency and Patience

One thing that puts everyone, especially people on social media, off is inconsistency. If you won’t be able to create content every day, the best thing to do is create a lot when you have the time, then schedule post time and dates. Posting engaging content only to disappear and reappear after a few days will only make people disinterested in you. Note that while consistency is great, you still have to take care not to overdo it as that could lead to easy disinterest. Posting your content at the same time after the same period of days or a day would be a good way to go.

Be patient, nothing happens in a day. Your followers might start as small and might not be encouraging at first but as long as you stick to being consistent, you’ll slowly build more followers.

5. Only Post Original Contents or Give Credits to Original Owners

You cannot become an influencer by copying other people’s work or claiming them as your own. There are different things you can do to attract people to your page, it could be singing, dancing, or anything at all. All you need to do is sit and note what you are good at, then utilise it. Social media is a wide, open place and the chances that you will be discovered is nearly a hundred percent. You could even try to teach people how to become social media influencers yourself!

6. Grow Your Network

Being an influencer isn’t something you can do alone, it isn’t a one-man island. Communicating with, and even doing a collaboration with other influencers will boost your audience and influence.

7. Engage with Followers

A mistake some influencers make is ignoring their followers and only interacting with fellow influencers. This might anger your followers and diminishing your audience, thus putting a roadblock on your influencer journey. 

8. Avoid Any Sort of Negativity to Any Race, Tribe, or People

Whatever your personal opinion might be, remember that you’re posting on social media, where hundreds of thousands of people will be able to view it. Do not make posts that may imply hatred or dislike to a particular group. People’s opinion on your content matters where brands and sponsors are concerned and one thing is certain, the internet never forgets.

9. Stay Updated

New things are happening every minute, new trends, discoveries are being made, dramas happening, etc. Be sure you are on the know, become a go-to for your audience, somewhere they can be sure to always get the latest updates.

10. Enjoy What You Do

Building up followers, content creation, becoming an influencer, all of these are things that take time and happen slowly. Be sure that whatever it is you are doing, it is something that you, yourself enjoy and find joy in doing. If not, you’re likely to get exhausted after a period of time.


In conclusion, if you follow and stick to the steps above, especially the last one, you’ll be sure to build a base of decent followers that will continue expanding. From there, brands will notice you, start sponsoring you and then, you can become an influencer. Remember that all of this takes time so don’t give up midway.